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1、小学六年级人称代词专题练习人称代词和物主代词专项训练 表示“我”、“你”、“他”、“她”、“它”、“我们”、“你们”、“他们”的词,叫做人称代词。人称代词有人称、数和格的变化,见下表: 单复数、 单 数 复 数 人称 第一 第二第一 第二 第三 名 称 第三人称 人称 人称 人称 人称 人称 人称代词 物主代词 主 格 宾 格 形容词性 名词性 I me my mine you you your he she it it we us you you your they them their him her his her hers its our its ours yours his your

2、s theirs 1、人称代词主格和宾格的区别:主格通常位于句中第一个动词之前,宾格一般位于动词或介词之后。 2、物主代词形容词性与名词性的区别:形容词性用时后面一般要带上名词,名词性则单独使用,后面不带名词。 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词,故其后不必加名词。 Is this your book? No,,it isnt, its hers(her book) This pen is mine. 口诀:形容词性物主代词能力差,自己不能来当家,后面需把名词加。名词性物主代词能力强,自己独来又独往。 练习题: 一、用所给代词的正确形式填空。 1. These are _ ( he ) b

3、rothers. 2. That is _( she ) sister. 3. Lily is _ ( he) sister. 4. Tom, this is _ ( me ) cousin, Mary. 5. Now _(she) parent are in America. 6. Those children are _ ( I ) fathers students. 7. Mike and Tom are _ ( I ) friends. 8. Thanks for helping _( I ). 9. Her mother is _(we) teacher. 二, 填上正确的人称代词和

4、物主代词 1. _ is my friend. 他是我的朋友。 2. My dog likes _. 我的狗喜欢她。 1 3. Who is there? Its _. 是谁啊?是我。 4. Come with _. 跟我来。 5. _ classroom is bigger than _. 你们的教室比我们的要大。 6. _ are Chinese. 我们是中国人。 7. I want to buy some balloons for _. 我想买些气球送给他。 8. These are _ photos. 这些是我们的照片。 9. _ likes _ very much. 他们非常喜欢它。

5、 10. Let _ give _ a book. 让我给你一本书。 11.This is _ father. 这是我的爸爸。 12. Is that bike _? Yes, its _. 那辆自行车是你的吗?是,它是我的。 13. _ like _ car. 我喜欢他们的小汽车。 14. Whose bike is this? Its _ (= _ _). 这是谁的自行车?是她的。 15. Is that car _? Yes, its _. 那辆车是你的吗?是的,它是我的。 三,改错。 1. My am his classmate. 2. They all like I. 3. This

6、 is not she pen. 4. Our are the twins. 5. These are they desks. 6. listen, her is singing a pop song. 7. Who is he?-His my cousin. 8. Who is he father? 9. His pen is red ,but my is blue. 四,用物主代词填空。 My bag is yellow,_(her bag) is red,_(his bag) is blue and _(your) bag is pink. Whats _ (you) name? _ (I ) name is Sally. Is this _ (you) book? No,,it isnt, its _.(her book) This is _ (we) classroom. _ (They) classroom is over there. This is not _ (he) book. _ (his book) is over there. This is not _( I ) book. _ (my book) is in the bag. 2


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