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1、小学四年级英语下册第一模块练习题及答案小学四年级英语下册第一模块练习题(外研版) 一、选出下列不同类的单词: 1、A.nice B.clever C.door 2、A.teacher B.pupil C.shy 3、A.naughty B.curl C. cute 4、A.big B.very C.good 5、A.mother B.friend C.little 6、A.is B. this C.these 7、A.he B.she C.my 8、A.boy B.girl C. cool 9、A.tall B.look C.is 10、A.my B.she C.his 二、翻译下列短语: 1

2、、我的朋友们 2、一点害羞 3、一个聪明的小学生 4、一位友善的老师 5、一只非常淘气的鸟儿 6、我的大兄弟 7、盼盼的小妹妹 8、一个小女孩 9、一小绺鬈发 10、一个非常友善的男孩 三、选择填空: 1、She is . A.a very nice B.very nice 2、She is . A.a bit shy B.a bit nice 3、He is . A.a clever B.clever 4、Parrot is . A.a very naughty B.very naughty 5、 are my friends. A.These B.This 6、 is Maomao. A.

3、 These B.This 7、 is my big brother. A. These B.This 8、He is . A.a cool B.cool 9、This is sister. A.little my B.my little 10、My mother is . A.very tall B.a very tall 四、翻译下列句子: 1、这是毛毛的父亲。 2、这是我的小妹妹。她有点害羞。 3、这是他的大兄弟。他很酷。 4、李莉是一个非常聪明的女孩。 5、杨洋非常淘气吗?不,他很可爱。 五、补全对话:(10分) A:Hello,Tom! This is Mr Smart. B: C:

4、Hello,Tom.Are you shy? B: C:Ha,ha. Whos shy in your class? B: C: Whos naughty? B:Parrot is very naughty. C: A、No, I am not . I am very clever. B、Shes our new teacher. C、Xiaoyong is a bit shy. D、You are very cute. E、Hello,Mr Smart. 小学四年级英语下册第一模块练习题答案 一、CCBBC ACCAB 二、1、my friends 2、a bit shy 3、a cleve

5、r pupil 4、a nice teacher 5、a very naughty bird 6、my big brother 7、Panpans little sister 8、a little girl 9、a little curl 10、a very nice boy 三、BABBA BBBBA 四、1、This is Maomaos father . 2、This is my little sister .Shes a bit shy . 3、This is his big brother . Hes cool. 4、Lili is a very clever girl . 5、Is

6、 Yangyang very naughty? No,he is very cute. 五、BEACD MODULE 2 一、根据汉语选择对应的英语将序号填写在括号内 首都 A beautiful River A 宽的 关于 B London long B 很多 美丽的 C capital wide C 河流 英国 D park many D 长的 伦敦 E about old E 桥 大的 F house famous F 高的 房子 G England beautiful G 古老的 公园 H small park H著名的 小的 I big bridge I 美丽的 二、选择 Whats

7、 this? Its a book _(关于)London A alright B about C all Im _London A from B of C about London is the _(首都)of England. A clothes B camel C capital Its very big and _(美丽) A naughty B beautiful C clever There are many _(许多)on the river. A bikes B boats C bread This is _(大本钟) A Big Ben B Old Ben C Tall Be

8、n This is River Thames. Its long and _(宽的) A nice B tall C wide 三、根据课文判断句子对错 Amys got a book about Bejing The place is beautiful Amys from Hunan Amy lives in palace London is the capital of England Longdon is small There are a big palace in London Amys house is small Amys house is beautiful, too Lon

9、don is in england 四、根据汉语补全句子 This is the River Thames , Its _(长)and _(宽) This is Big Ben. Its very _(古老)and _(高的) This is Hyde Park. Its _(美丽的) And this is Tower Bridge. Its very _(著名) 五、根据句子意思将下列单词写在合适的位置上 long old wide tall beautiful capital boats beautiful famous London is the _ of England. The R

10、iver Thames is _ and _ There are many _ on the river Big Ben is very _and _ Hyde Park is very_ Tower Bridge is very _ and _ 六、把下列单词连成一个句子 1 River Thames is this the 2 on river the are many there boats 3 long wide its and 4 very is desk old the 七、选择合适的汉语将起序号填在括号内 1 Whats this? A 它很好 2 Its a book abou

11、t London B 这是什么? 3 Its very nice C 我是伦敦人 4 Im from London D 它是关于伦敦的书 5 Is that your house? E 它的女王的房子 6 This is my house F 但是它也很漂亮 7 But its very beautiful, too G 那是你的房子吗? 8 Its the Queens house H 这是我的房子 八、小小翻译家 Whats this ? its a book about London London is the capital of England,. Whats this? Its Buckingham Qalace. Its very big and beautiful This is my house! Its small. This is the River Thames. Its long and wide. There are many boats on the river. This is Big Ben. Its very old. This is Hyde Park! Its very beautiful. And this is Tower Bridge. Its very famous. And its very beautiful, too


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