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1、企业视觉识别系统设计目录第一部分:基本设计系统(一般用A代替) 01、公司中英文标准字 02、连续图饰辅助图形03、企业标志释意说明 04、营业厅中英文标准字 05、中文专用字体06、企业标志墨稿、反白效果稿 07、企业理念用语中英文标准字 08、英文专用字体09、企业标志方格制图 10、企业标准色 11、标志和中英文简称组合12、企业标志标准化制图 13、企业辅助色 14、标志和英文简称组合15、企业标志最小使用规范 16、标志明度规范 17、标志和中英文全称组合18、企业标准字中文简称 19、企业标准色阶 20、标志和营业厅中英文组合21、企业标准字中文全称 22、色彩搭配专用表 23、标

2、志和理念用语中英文组合24、企业标准字英文简称 25、线饰辅助图形色彩搭配专用表 26、标志整体和辅助图形组合横式27、企业标准字英文全称 28、线饰辅助图形 29、标志整体和辅助图形组合竖式30、中英文标准字制图 31、图饰辅助图形 32、图形错误范例33、色彩错误范例第二部分:(一)应用设计系统一(一般用B代替)01、公司内部办公系统应用规范02、名片、信封、信纸、便笺纸03、对外专用传真纸、文件夹04、出入证、土号牌05、培训证书06、职位牌、员工手册封面、封底07、企业徽章08、聘用证书09、PPT演示文稿标识规范10、来宾卡、车辆出入证、接站牌11、名片座、名片夹12、工作笔、公文包



5、05、业务及促销广告规范(样本)06、公交车体广告规范07、内部报刊刊头设计规范08、广告吊旗规范09、悬挂式POP、桌面式POP10、立式POP、手提袋11、贺年卡、请柬、邀请函12、公告栏规范、授权证书13、宣传礼品、包装纸14、业务宣传单、霓虹灯规范(四)应用设计系统四01公司公关形象系统应用规范02面巾纸、手帕标识装饰规范03专用茶具标识装饰规范04专用烟具标识装饰规范05工作人员制服06应急通讯车符号规范07应急通讯车标识规范08运输货车标识规范09施工车标识规范10轿车标识规范11客车标识规范第三部分: 再生资源01企业标准色、企业辅助色02标志、标准字的组合规范03标志、标准字、

6、线饰辅助图形的04组合规范05标志、标准字的比例变化VI手册应用元素制作常用尺寸一、企业专用名片 1、标准尺寸横版:90mm X 55mm(方角) 85mm X 54mm(圆角) 2、标准尺寸竖版:50mm X 90mm(方角) 54mm X 85mm(圆角) 3、标准尺寸方版:90mm X 90mm 90mm X 95mm二、企业专用信封 1、国家标准五号封:110mm X 220mm 2、国家标准七号封:160mm x 230mm 3、国家标准九号封230mm X 325mm 4、国家标准七号封:160mm x 230mm三、企业专用信纸 标准尺寸:210mm X 297mm 210mm

7、X 285mm四、企业专用便笺纸 1、标准尺寸大:176mm X 125mm 2、标准尺寸小:125mm X 95mm五、企业专用传真纸 标准尺寸:210mm X 297mm六、企业专用文件封套 标准尺寸:220mm X 305mm七、企业专用员工胸卡 1、标准尺寸:110mm X 65mm 2、标准尺寸:60mm X 98mm八、企业专用员工工作证 标准尺寸:54mm X 86mm九、企业专用来宾卡: 标准尺寸:70mm X 100mm十、企业专用来宾车辆出入证: 标准尺寸:200mm X 140mm十一、企业专用桌牌: 标准尺寸:280mm X 130mm十二、企业专用IC卡 标准尺寸:8

8、5mm X 54mm十三、企业专用IC卡 1、企业专用名称牌: 2、标准尺寸:800mm X 600mm十四、企业专用悬挂式POP 标准尺寸:210mm X 285mm十五、企业专用手提袋 1、标准尺寸l:400mm X 285mm X 80mm 2、标准尺寸2:400mm X 200mm X 80mm十六、企业专用邀请函 标准尺寸:(A4)210mm X 285mm十七、企业专用促销报纸广告 1、四分之一横版标准尺寸:85mm x 225mm 2、四分之一竖版标准尺寸:170mm X 100mm 3、通栏标准尺寸:70 mm X 225mm 4、半版标准尺寸:170mm x 225mm 5、

9、整版标准尺寸:345mm X 100mm十八、企业专用三折页广告 标准尺寸:(A4)210mm x 285mm十九、企业专用普通宣传册 标准尺寸:(A4)210mm X 285mm二十、企业专用广告招贴 标准尺寸:540mm X 380mm二十一、企业专用挂旗 1、标准尺寸1:376mm X 265mm 2、标准尺寸2:540mm X 380mmAcknowledgements My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor aaa , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement

10、 and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not havereached its present form. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor aaa, who led me into the world of transl

11、ation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor dddd, Professor ssss, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all th

12、rough these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis. My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor aaa , my supervisor, f

13、or her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not havereached its present form. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor aaa, who le

14、d me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor dddd, Professor ssss, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.


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