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1、小学英语复习课模式一热身活动:听说玩演唱画TPR活动 二梳理再现:1.单词训练2.词句链接3.归类点拨 三交际应用:1.整合话题2.分层训练3.自主展示 四评价检测:1.知识积累 2.整合训练3.话题应用 五家庭作业:1.总结评价 2.作业布置3.课外延伸 一操作思路: 1.以单元为单位进行,以词汇的积累为基础,以主句型的训练为抓手,围绕话题进行。 2.充分发挥学生的自主合作学习,教师把握时机解难答疑,让学生通过复习自主生成知识体系。 3.根据课标的要求,分层设计检测题,查漏补缺,分层达标。 4.注重学生学习习惯的培养,渗透学法指导。 5.听说领先,读写跟上;连词成句,连句成篇;循序渐进,整合

2、应用,发展语言, 二操作要求 1、能够根据复习的需要进行课前有效的预习,选择和收集相关的资料,为即将要复习的主题做好准备 2、积极参与课内外的各种英语活动,抓住机会,运用所学知识尽可能与他人进行交流 3、 能够学习他人的经验,与老师和同学交流学习体会,改进和探索适合自己的学习方法 4、在交际中,能够力求语音、语调的正确;能将重点放在语言的意思表达上,而不是语法上;能够借助非语言表达手段进行交流,如手势、表情等,遇到困难能够学会寻求帮助,克服障碍. 5、在复习过程中,能”温故知新”,优化所学知识,建构知识体系,达到”学以致用”. 三.操作要点 例如: 五年级下册 Unit 5 Look at t

3、he monkeys 为例 一热身活动:听说玩演唱画TPR活动 设计丰富多彩,形式各异,趣味性较浓的活动,紧扣单元内容开展热身活动,创设英语氛围, 激发学习兴趣,形式有:songs, chant, TPR, games, Lets play and do等;可以集体参与,生生对话,师生对话,小组合作,个人展示等方式进行。 Step 1 热身活动 (3分钟) 1. Free talk 2.A song 3.Lets do. Walking walking . Im walking . Running running , Im running.(通过chant复习句型和单词,活跃气氛). 4.A

4、game: Teacher do an action . Students guess .Two students do the actions . (ask and answer) . 二梳理再现:(10分钟) 1.单词训练: 低高年级分层要求,分层进行,设计不同层次的训练,由易到难,由简单到综合,可操作为主。例如:listen and number, match, circle, spell, guess, complete the words, pass the words等. 2.词句链接: 在复习单词的基础上,套用单元主句型,做到词不离句,句不离词。可以师生问答,连续提问,小组合作,

5、学生组句,学生提问,口头翻译等形式。强化重点句型的训练,达到熟练替换使用。 3.归类点拨: a. 语音归纳b. 语法精点c. 疑难分解 在上个环节的大量训练的基础上,教师对单元的重难点进行归类,对比,总结等,让学生体验感知,培养学生分析问题,处理信息的能力,生成知识网络体系;如果学生个人做不到的,由学生互助解决,实在做不到的,由教师给予正确答案,起到画龙点睛的作用;重点是语音,语法和疑难点的化解等。 Step 2 梳理再现 (10分钟) 1.a chant:Fly,fly, flying,Im flying. Walk,walk,walking,shes walking. Run,run,ru

6、nning,hes running. Cook,cook,cooking,mom is cooking dinner. 2. game:Teacher does an action . Students guess .Two students do the actions . (ask and answer) . A.What are you doing B.Im swimming. A.Can you spell “swim”? B. A.Can you write “swimming”? B. (go to the blackboard,write the phrase,while the

7、 others go on doing. ) 3.check the blackblard,sum-up cooking dinner jumping writing an e-mail swimming running sleeping climbing fighting T: 这些动词都有什么共同点,有什么不同的地方?有什么作用. 呈现句型:What are you doing? Im writing an e-mail. Ask and answer in pairs. 老师在词组前面增加板书Im/youre/shes/hes/its/they re变成 What are/is/am y

8、ou/she/he/it/they doing? climbing trees. Im drinking water. Shes writing an e-mail. Hes answering the phone. Moms listening to music. Its cleaning the room. Theyre fighting. 教师示范,学生操练,展示.最后让学生观察归纳Im=? Shes=? 类似得还有哪些? 使用了哪些主语?教师归纳代词和动词be (在本环节中,呈现本单元出现的动词,动词的现在分词形式以及人称代词的第三人称的应用,中间可以穿插单词的拼写,词组的重现或词句的

9、整合等形式。) 六册第六单 重点学习现在进行时的一般疑问句式的用法 ? Step3: 梳理再现T: What are you doing? ? S1: Im taking pictures. T: ask next s ? Is she picking up leaves? S2: No. She isnt. Shes taking pictures. ? T: Can you write “taking pictures.”S2: Yes. ? 教师板书: Is she ? Yes, she is. No, she isnt. ? (2)S1: do (write a report) ? T

10、: Are you counting insects? S1: No, Im not . Im writing a report. ? T: Can you write? S1: Yes.I can. ? (3)S2: do (have a picnic) ? T: Are you having a picnic? ? S2: Yes, Im. ? T: Can you write? ? S2: Yes. ? 教师板书: Are you ? Yes, Im. No, Im not. ? (3)T ask two Ss to do (play chess) ? T: Are they colle

11、cting leaves? Ss: No, they arent. ? T: What are they doing?Ss: They are playing chess. ? T: Can you write? Ss: Yes. ? 教师板书: ? Yes, they are. ? Are they ? No, they arent. 归纳总结 ? Is she ? Yes, she is. No, she isnt ? Are you ? Yes, I am. No, Im not. ? Are they ? Yes, they are. No, they arent ? 思考: ? 一般

12、疑问句开头的动词有哪几个? ? 现在进行时的一般疑问句式: ? Be + 主语 doing.? ? Be = ? ? 主语和系动词be之间的关系 ? 举例说明: 1.整合话题: 围绕单元话题,设计综合性的对话,让学生整体感知语言,整体输出语言,训练学生综合运用语言的能力,完成交际应用的最高任务。 2.分层训练: 针对不同年级,不同学情,进行不同形式的交际训练;a. 教师创设语境,呈现对话(形式多样)。b. 合作学习(practise形式多样)。c. 学生展示(check形式多样)。d. 替换练习(以单元的主句型和单词进行替换应用,密切联系生活实际。) Step 3 交际应用 (10分钟) A.

13、Hello. B.Hi,Liu Ling.Its Chen Ying. A.Hi,Chen Ying.What are you doing? B.Im reading a book.What are you doing? A.Im drawing pictures. 1.教师创设打电话的情景,询问同学,家人或朋友正在做什么。根据学情,分层训练,逐步增加到三人或小组对话,注意打电话用语的使用和人称代词的变换,运用前面所学的动词词组进行大量的替换。 A.Hello. B.Hi,Yingying.This is Dingding.What are you doing? A.Im talking to

14、 you . B.Come on,Yingying.What are you doing? A.Im doing the dishes.What are you doing? B.Im washing clothes.Can I speak to your mom? A.Shes cleaning the room.Hold on ,please.Mom,there is a call for you. C.Im coming.Whos that? . 2. 教师创设a nature park or in a zoo的情景, 运用前面所学的动词词组进行大量的替换。 A.Look at the

15、monkeys. A.what is it doing? (根据时间和学情,可以选择应用.) 四评价检测: 针对易混易错的题目,查漏补缺,,设计诊断性补偿练习,重点是考查语音的归类和发音,语法的点拨和应用,,强化记忆,达到熟能生巧,自由运用的程度。 1.知识积累:重点是单词和重点句型的单项练习(形式多样,分层要求);例如:单词认读:match,number,circle,listen,draw,complete,spell,translate,make up a sentence ,choose the best answer 等.达到认知的目的. 2.整合训练:重点是句子和短文; 例如: 根

16、据上下文填空, 根据上下文选择, 阅读理解,阅读判断正误,阅读选择, 听短文填空,听短文判断,听短文选择等(story-time,dialogue,text) 3.话题应用: 重点是对优等生和高年级学生。 根据单元话题,联系生活,口头描述;围绕单元话题,联系生活体验,写短文。 Step 4 评价检测 (分值:100分 时间15分钟) 1.根据例子完成单词(20分) 例:do-doing 1.wash- 2.cook- 3.write- 4.answer- 5.speak- 6.climb- 7.swim- 8.run- 9.swing- 10.fly- 2.Listen and tick. (

17、20分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) What is/are it/they doing? Its?Theyre -. 3.根据上图完成句子(30分) (1)Look at the monkeys,what are they doing? They are . (2)I see panadas. ? They are climbing. (3)What do you see? I see two elephants. ? . (4) Look at the lions. . 4.读短文,判断正(T)误(F) (30分) We are in the nature park.The p

18、ark is so big.Look at the boys .What are they doing?They are watching the animals.What are they?They are kangaroos.They are jumping so fast.Look there!The elephant is drinking water with its trunk.Here come two tigers.They are swimming.Thats cute. ( )1.The boys are watching animals. ( )2.The kangaro

19、os are jumping very fast. ( )3.The elephant is drinking with its mouth. ( )4.The tigers cant swim. ( )5.We are in a nature park. 五家庭作业:1.总结评价 2.作业布置3.课外延伸 (2分钟) 回顾话题,体现主体,形成体系;家庭作业的设置应具有针对性,可操作性和实效性;低年级可以设置听读看诵等作业;高年级设置仿抄写编等作业;根据学校实际,开展丰富多彩的课外活动,以祢补英语课时的不足,保证学生每天都有练习英语的时间和机会。 Step 5 Homework 1 A.口头描

20、述图片,写成短文. B.根据图意,编对话. C.口头做对话. 2. 日记:描述家人的活动. 3. 编写英语板报或举行各类比赛活动。 Unit 4 Part A与Part B总复习教案 I.教学目标与要求: 1.能简单地问他人或描述自己及他人正做什么。如:What are you doing? Im What is doing? Hes/Shes 2.能听懂、会说:This is Can I speak toplease? Please hold on. There is a call for you. 等句子并能在实际情景中运用。 3.能掌握A、B部分Lets learn, Read and

21、write中的四会短语和句子。 II.教学重难点分析: 1.重点掌握现在进行时的问答及短语。 2.难点:am, is, are 的运用及ing 的动词形式。 III.课前准备: 1.课件或相关图片。 2.单词卡。 3.Am/ is/ are练习题。 IV.教学设计: Step1 Warm-up 1.将学生分成男女两组,分角色表演唱: “What are you doing?” 2.课件展示兔兔一家的忙碌画面,出现兔兔接电话的声音: Tutu: Hello, This is Tutu. Uncle: Hello, how are you, Tutu? And hows everybody doi

22、ng? Tutu: We are all busy. I am reading a book in my own room. My mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen. My brother is watching TV in the living room. My sister is doing homework in the study. And my father is writing an e-mail. Uncle: Oh, wheres your grandpa? What is he doing? Tutu: Hes cleaning

23、the room. Uncle: Can I speak to him, please? Tutu: Sure, hold on, please. Grandpa, there is a call for you. Grandpa: I am coming. 学生讨论、回答:What is Tutu/ mother/ fatherdoing? 并重现图片及短语。 Step2 Revise the words and phrases 1.闪亮拼读 将学生分成男女两组,进行比赛。利用卡片复习下列两组动词: A: read clean draw listen do B: cook answer wa

24、sh write have 方法:将每个单词亮3分钟,开火车检查学生迅速拼读,拼对的给本组加小标志,每拼完一个重新亮出单词,让全班齐读,检查正误,并将词卡贴在黑板上。 2.动词大变身 提醒学生在用到这些词来动作时,他们就会变身响应我们。返回课件,点兔兔图片:Im reading a book. 点击ing 出声音/iN/, 我们要让这些动词也活动起来响应我们。 比赛给两组动词加上ing. 方法:男女生各叫一名,分别完成两组动词,并要求其余学生在本组同学完成每一个词后都要大声读一遍,完成出色的一组加小标志。 引导学生自己总结本单元中现在分词变化的两种不同形式,一种直接加ing, 另一种以不发音的

25、e结尾的,去掉e加ing. 3.找朋友,练短语 组短语接力赛,将以上两组动词进行词语搭配赛。 方法:男女两队分别组词并需同时交替进行,最后造不出新词的一组为败。 师拿出准备好的一组词,先让全班一一认读后,打乱次序贴在两组动词右边。再次进行比赛。男女各一名同学,连线搭配,其余同学在本组连完每一组词的同时大声配合读出,配合完成出色的组为胜。 Step3 Guessing game 1.默切搭档 方法:两生到台前,师指短语,一生照短语做动作,另一生背对黑板,根据动作猜短语,并回答其余生的提问“What is he/she doing?” 回答时提醒该生要用此句型“He is/She is”,可男女各

26、选三对,胜者加标志。 2. a:教学You are 师做动作。T: What am I doing? Ss: You are.(板书You are) b:教学I am 一生做动作。 T: What are you doing? S: I am(板书I am) c:教学We are 全班做动作。 T: What are you doing? S: We are(板书We are) d:教学They are 课件呈现多者动作图片。T: What are they doing? Ss: They are. (板书They are) Step4 轻松运用am/ is/ are 不同的人称后面所跟的系动

27、词不同。 让学生根据板书自己总结am/is/are的用法,他们分别用在什么人称的后面。 教学顺口溜 教师重复总结整理,并教学顺口溜: 系词am/is/are,必须学会使用它, 我用am,你用are,is跟着他她它, 我们,你们和他们,两者以上全用are. 选一选,练一练 练习:用am/is/are填空. Step5 Talk and write 课件展示Mike 一家的动作图片。 描述此图片。 写句子:师问“What is Mike/mother/father/grandpa/ /grandma brotherdoing?”生写答语,完成后先小组相互检查,推出优胜者,再在全班展示。 Step6

28、 Chant 课件展示: Tutu: I am reading, I am reading, reading a book. What are you doing? What are you doing? Mike: I am cleaning, I am cleaning, cleaning the window. Zoom: What is she doing? What is she doing? Zip: Shes reading, shes reading, reading a book. What is he doing? What is he doing? Zoom: Hes c

29、leaning, hes cleaning, cleaning the window. Cleaning the window! Homework: 制作家庭相册,并与同伴用所学英语讨论。 教后反思 本课是一堂复习课,我在复习时共分了三个阶段: 第一阶段是整体梳理。 第二阶段归纳语言点,讲透语言点。重点在单词、词组和句型的过关。 第三阶段侧重能力训练,巩固拓展,整体达标。 思路分析 本课我采用了总分总的复习思路,并首尾插入了歌曲与歌谣,营造了轻松活跃的氛围。整节课采用比赛的形式,男组与女组的比赛从歌曲开始,贯穿了整节课堂,即激发了学生的积极性,又增强了他们的竞争意识,达到了自主学习的目的。 内

30、容分析 本单元重点在于掌握10个短语,四个句型:What are you doing? I am He isShe is 通过课件兔兔来整体呈现本单元的语言点,有利于学生对现在进行时的理解,在学生大脑中已形成固定的模式之后,再按单词短语句型的线路分解难点,层层递进,各个突破,最后有加以整合,以整体语言形式呈现Mike一家活动图片,并完全交给学生自己,充分发挥他们的自主学习与创造思维,同时练习与检测书写,即句子默写,拓展与巩固所学知识。 难点突破 因为自本单元开始引入现在进行时态,在Lets learn中出现的短语虽然都是以前所学的内容,但在这儿出现却是一种特殊的形式,全部都加了ing,想让学生

31、明白这种结构必须把他们放在句子中来理解,而进行时结构离不开系动词,所以我在练习了单词之后,紧接着引入句子的练习,让学生通过体会到正在干什么事情时的完整结构,通过歌谣总结联系动词的用法规律,并让学生形成固定结构:系动词+动词ing表示现在进行时的动作。将语法知识用顺口溜的方法传授给他们,使复杂的语法知识变成趣味的顺口溜,先让学生感兴趣能记住,后运用,本课的难点也就化解了。 重点突破 利用Mike 一家的动作图画检测学生的说和写的能力,毕竟本单元的重点是:我正在干什么和某人正在干什么及问句。学生能说,并能写下来,我们的目标也就达到了。 最后课外活动制作家庭相册,再次对本单元语言点进行拓展练习。 总

32、之,本课容量大,知识点多,又加入了语法知识,所以要很好的驾驭课堂,把握好每一还节的目标完成。 Unit3 Whats your favourite food? 总复习教案 一 准备活动 a. lets sing a song: What do you have for lunch? b. T: Class begins. Greeting to each other. Good morning, boys & girl. c. Hello, Im Mr Sun. nice to meet you. What day is it today? What do you have for lunch

33、?(板书内容) Whats your favourite food? (板书内容) Make a model and let the students to work in pairs, then check. 二 梳理再现 Look, our school has a new canteen, lets go and make a menu for it, OK? (呈现本课的总体目标) There are some food in it, lets go & have a look! Look, which food? Read together. a. 依次出现cabbage , por

34、k, mutton, green beans, eggplant的食物图片。 Look at the food, T: What would you like ? Ss: Id like some T-Ss, T-S1,make a model, then let the students to work in pairs and check. b. Look carefully, which food can you see? 依次在多媒体屏幕上快速闪现:fish、 tofu、 potatoes、 tomatoes。每出现一个单词,让学生快速记忆并以书空的形式拼写单词。 T: Look at

35、 the food, whats your favourite food? Work in pairs c. Look, I have some words here. Can you find them? 学生找到单词:healthy salty sour fresh tasty. 以表格的形式出现字母,让学生找出单词。 a e t a s t y a i e d. Look, I have some food here .Can you help them to find home? eg: pork is meat, apple is fruit,cabbage is vegetable

36、,. 表Food pork 2 cabbage 3 milk 4 apple 5 mutton 6 eggplant 7 tomato 8 banana 9 beef 10 potato 11 juice 12 grapes 13 fish 14 cucumber 15 coffee 16 pear 17 chicken 18 carrot 19 Coke 20 peach Food Meat Vegetable Drink Fruit Traditional Chinese food i o u z x c f s k d s h j k l y r d l f a q s o u r e

37、f m v l q m e s y s g g b t w n r d h h h h h y e b t f n q j b u e t h e a l t h y i w y v y g m w k v o q U c u h k e l c p Traditional Chinese food zongzi dumplings mooncake.make the students into five groups and let them to do it in groups. group1,meat group2,vegetable group3, drink group4 ,frui

38、t ok, do it quickly check T asks :whats your favourite meat/fuit/vagetable/drink? look here ,there are some Traitional Chinese food, lets read T: You know ,Traditional Chinese food for good wishes. 三,整合运用 e. T: There are so many food. Lets talk about them ,ok? 指一学生问:What would you like for lunch? Wh

39、ats your favourite food? Pair wok Ok, now lets finish the menu. like this: What would you like for lunch on Mondays?(师问,生答,师填写答案) 表 My school menu Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. pork 2 cabbage 3 milk 4 apple 5 mutton 6 eggplant 7 tomato 8 banana 9 beef 10 potato 11 juice 12 grapes 13 fish 14 cucumber 15 c

40、offee 16 pear 17 chicken 18 carrot 19 Coke 20 peach Let the students work in groups: group1 Tue. group2 Wed. group3 Thu. Group 4Fri g. Yes ,you have a good job. Now present your menu to your classmates like this: Model: Hello, Today we have pork . Its fresh. We have some tomatoes.They are tasty. We

41、have some grapes. They are sour but very healthy. Do you like them? You may let the students leave their seats. 学生活动时,老师把话筒给某个学生,说出此过程 Ok. You make a good ad for your menu. Good job. 点拨:T: Look at the B.b. ,pay attention to here : What do you have for lunch? What do you have for lunch? T:Lets do the

42、 exercises. 四,评价检测 一. Listen & choose ( )1、A window B yellow C snow D wow ( )2、A coat B boat C goat D coarse ( )3、A floor B flower C flag D five ( )4、A fruit B from C fridge D funny 二、Listen & circle 内容:Unit 3 Lets check(图) 三、Fill in the blanks 1. I _ a book, me too. 2. We_English & Chinese on Fri.

43、3. We_eggplant、potatoes & tomatoes on Fri. 4. May I a look? Sure ,here you are. 此处点拨归纳单词have的用法。 四、Read & tick or cross. Mike: What day is it today? Sarah: Its Friday. Mike: What do you have on Fri.? Sarah: We have English、Chinese、computer & P.E. Mike: Oh, Im hungry. What do you have (for lunch) on

44、Fri.? Sarah: We have tomatoes、tofu & fish. Heres our school menu. What would you like for lunch? Mike: Id like some potatoes & green beans. Sarah: Lets go to the canteen. Mike: Great! 1、Today is Thu. ( ) 2、Sarah has computer & P.E. on Fri. ( ) 3、Sarah has tomatoes、tofu & fish on Fri. ( ) 4、Mike likes tomatoes & green beans. ( ) 此处点拨归纳:What do y


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