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1、小学英语阅读教学案例小学英语阅读教学案例 Topic: My family Teaching aims: 1、Learn these new words and phrases: university, nature, Beijing Opera, be fond of , be strict with,How happy we are! 2、Can understand and read this passage by themselves. 3、Can talk about their own families with these words and phrases. Teaching

2、Steps: 1、Sing a song: If youre happy(Ss sing the song and do some actions) 2、Free talk: Hello, whats your name? How old are you? What can you do? What do you like? (I like) I see , you are fond of Teach: be fond of ( onfond-be fond of ) What are you fond of ?(Im fond of) 3、Presentation: 介绍father .Lo

3、ok , this is my father. Guess, whats he fond of? Hes fond of cars. .Every week he drives his car to Shanghai, because he works in a university in Shanghai. Teach : university(unit-university),read the sentence. .Hes a teacher. He teaches English. (Ss read after the T) .I was his student. He was very

4、 strict with me. Now hes also very strict with me. Teach: strict(street-strict), read the sentence: Hes also very strict with me. 分段教学 Paragraph 1 .Now you know sth. about me and my father. Do you want to know the other people in my family? (Yes) Look, this is a photo of my family (show Family) Qs:

5、How many people are there in my family? (Seven) Who are they? (They are.) .I have a happy family. Its (T make a model, Ss try to retell this paragraph) Paragraph 2 . You all have the picture of my family. Look at the passage, read paragraph 2 quickly by yourselves. . Lets play the game: Whos who? Ar

6、e you ready? (生根据每个人的特征提示猜出文中人物) . You know sth. about my family members, but what are they fond of, do you know? Enjoy some video show, then tell me: their jobs and what they are fond of. . Ok, lets finish this form: What are their jobs? What are they fond of? (生说出每个家庭成员的职业爱好,完成列表) Listening and co

7、mprehension: You all did a good job. Now lets listen to the passage, then well make some choices. (生听录音,完成选择) Paragraph 3 (选择题最后一题What do they all like?引出):nature (欣赏大自然风光) nature(picture-nature) The nature is very_. We all like nature, so we often go walking, swimming together. (媒体呈现句子,生跟读第三段内容) We

8、 should protect nature. (渗透思想教育) 4、Reading Read the passage in four.(以小组为单位自读课文) Lets read groups by groups.(小组分段读课文) 5、Consolidation: Heres some information for you. This is GaoYues family. Its a .(T 示范) If youre GaoYue, can you talk about your family? (生上台表演,媒体用表格式提供高月一家的信息) Ok, its time for you.

9、This is Davids family, this is Mikes family. Group 1,2 are David; Group 3,4 are Mike. Try to finish the passage about your family. (生看图或表格中的信息完成写作并展示) 6、Summary: Look at my family photo again. In my family, father and mother love me very much. I want to say: Father and mother I love you.-Family A fa

10、mily is full of love and joy. How happy we are! (生跟读,体会) 7、Homework 阅读教学不同于课文教学。课文教学的特点是少,慢,精,需要字斟句酌,属于精读。而阅读教学是以多,快,广为教学特点,属于泛读。阅读教学不是课外阅读,而是在教师的指导下,有目的有计划的教学活动。在不同的教学阶段,有不同的阅读教学目标和阅读教学内容。本节阅读教学课型体现了以下几个特点: 一、重学生的情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围。 新标准强调教学内容的人文性:要求教师尊重学生,树立平等意识,确立平等的师生关系。现阶段的学生都有着自己的性格和思想见解。这就要求教师

11、应转变观念,重新定位自己的角色。从独裁者的位子走下来,走到学生当中去。正如美国教育学家多尔说的那样:教师在师生关系中的地位是“平等中的首席”。新标准突出的“人文性”特点要求教师尊重学生的人格,尊重学生的个性发展,创造和谐的教学环境。强调教育平等化、民主化、个性化,充分发挥每个学生的特长,张扬每个学生的鲜活个性。 学生只有对自己、对英语、对英语学习以及英语文化有积极的感情,才能保持英语学习的动力并取得成绩。消极的情感不仅会影响到学生学习英语的效果,而且会影响到学生的全面发展和长远发展。 二、以学生为中心,全心全意为学生服务。 新标准强调学习过程的自主性:要求教学要以学生为中心,帮助学生,树立为学

12、生服务的意识。新标准把学生的发展作为英语教学的出发点和归宿,强调从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式,教师角色应从知识的传授者转变为学生学习的组织者、引导者、参与者和促进者。在教师要迅速更新观念,“吃透”新标准的实质内涵,充分发挥教师的主导作用,增强服务意识,努力去唤醒学生沉睡的潜能,激活封存的记忆,开启幽闭的心智,放飞囚禁的情愫。要让学生自我教育、自主发展,使学生学有所得、学有所爱、学有所思、学有所长,真正为学生的个性和创造力的发展创造宽松和谐的环境。 三、加强对学生学习策略的指导,培养其自主学习的能力 新标准强调学习策略的探究性:要求教育教学活动的民主性,相信学生,树立民主意识。教师要通过“引、扶、放、收、评”几个步骤指导教学。书本让学生读,问题让学生提,意见让学生讲,规律让学生找,总结让学生写,错误让学生改。凡是学生看得懂的,要让学生去看;凡是学生讲得出的,要让学生去讲;凡是学生想得出的,要让学生去想;凡是学生写得出的,要让学生去写;凡是学生做得出的,要让学生去做;教师不包办代替。要努力做到教学活动、教学评估的民主性,积极创设多维度、多途径、开放式教学氛围,使我们的课堂“有疑问、有猜想、有惊讶、有笑声、有争议、有沉思、有联想”,师生在民主、和谐的氛围中上下求索,切磋进取,结伴成长


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