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1、WHAT IS FAMILY CULTURE?Websters defines culture as A particular form of civilization, especially the beliefs, customs, arts, and institutions as a society at a given time. Family culture is the unique way that a family forms itself in terms of rules, roles, habits, activities, beliefs, and other are

2、as. The racial or ethnic culture in which a family lives may strongly influence family culture. Other families are no longer tied to cultural norms of their ethnic or racial group. Every family is different, every family has its own culture. What is Cultural Competence in the area of Family Culture?

3、As helping professionals, we are frequently asked to assist families. Often, because we do not learn the unique culture of a family, our interventions effectively ignore how this family operates. We then are sometimes puzzled why the family does not respond to services, or why their buy-in or cooper

4、ation is low. Culture is about differences legitimate, important differences. Cultural competence in the area of family culture occurs when we not only discover what the individual family culture of a family is, but we appreciate the cultural differences of the family.What are the Primary Areas of F

5、amily Culture?If we are to be family culture competent, we need to find out how a family operates. Among others, we look at the following areas of focus: What parents like most about their children (looking for parent preferences and differences) We ask what their goals are what life would look like

6、 if things were better. We ask parents what their goals for their children are. We find out about what they see as their biggest accomplishments. We find out what makes them happy. We ask what their favorite memories of their families are. We find out how the parent is a parent what they see their b

7、est qualities as. We find out if the family has special rules We discover who their friends are, who they call when they need help or want to talk, and who they consider to be supportive. We find out how the family has fun, what they prefer to do. We ask about traditions or cultural events that they

8、 participate in, and how they do this. We find out about special values or beliefs that they learned from their parents or others We ask about their connections to the faith community or if and how they worship Chinese Family CultureFamily life plays an important role in Chinese culture as they live

9、d in large family units. For the past two decades, it has undergone a tremendous change .The old values being replace by the new ones. However they continue to emphasize the values of family and maintain close family links. A strong bond exists between parents, children and other family members . Th

10、e father and husband have absolute control over the family. The vision of a family life in china is one of a strong family guided by father and husband. Each member plays an important and a clear defining role. It is often been said that china is made up of family. Chinese family can be defined as a

11、 group of kinsfolk consisting of parents and children living together under a single roof. The head of the family varies according to the family. In a large family, the father is usually the head of the family. He is referred as chia-chang which means elder of the family. In small family, the husban

12、d occupies the highest position. The mother takes over the position after the death of her husband. In case both parents die, the eldest becomes the head of the family. The Chinese parents are usually concerned about the discipline of their children. The parent never gets divorce if the relationship

13、 does not work. The father maintains a strict discipline over their children. The mother holds the responsibility to guide their children by teaching them to behave properly and teaching them the difference between the right and the wrong. In short, mother serves as a socializing agent. The father h

14、as the authority to execute punishment including corporal punishment if necessary. Children treat their father with respect and at the same time maintain a distance. They generally follow their fathers family name. The Chinese culture follows a hierarchical system. The head of the family is responsi

15、ble for the proper conduct of all domestic affairs. He is also responsible for the good behavior of every member of the family. Man occupies a dominant position in the family in terms of decision making. Women acquires greater equality by contributing with their income or labour in their family busi

16、ness. Women primarily play the role of raising the children and running the house. The father of the house is responsible for housing and educating the children until the time of their marriage. Parents are really very keen to see that their children are married to suitable families. Married sons co

17、ntinue to live in the same household with their parents. It is considered ideal for men to marry and bring their wives and women to go and live with their husband after marriage. A unique feature of the Chinese family is the one child policy that has been enforced by the law of the country. The firs

18、t son enjoys greatest benefits in terms of education and opportunities. The first daughter takes responsibility in helping to raise her younger siblings. In Chinese family culture, Descendants of several generations from the same ancestors lived together and formed a big family system. The Chinese family in short refers in taking care of every member of the family and to live in peace and harmony.


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