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1、川教英语五年级复习重点五年级上册复习重点 Unit 1 Favourite Subjects. Lesson 1 Whose Book Is It? 句型1:Whose book is it? Its my book. Its mine. 单词:textbook notebook Its your book. Its yours. storybook workbook Its her book . Its hers . mine yours his hers Its his book. Its his. one by one 课文:老师: Welcome back to school! 学生男

2、: Come and get your new books. 学生女: Wow, so many new books! 老师: Here you are. 学生男:You are welcome. 学生女:Thank you. 老师:Whose book is it? 学生男: Oh, its mine. Thanks. 老师:Thats ok. Lesson 2 I Have Music On Friday 单词:Chinese English art PE music 句型1:Friday is my favourite day. maths computer science Why? s

3、ubject class social studies Because I have English on Friday. 句型2:I have art on Tuesday. Who is your art teacher? Miss/Mr/Mrs He. Lesson 3 What Subject Do You Like Best? 单词:Chinese music maths computer 句型1:What subject do you like best? easy magic I like PE best. 句型2:Why do you like art best? intere

4、sting useful important Because its magic. Why dont you like maths? useless hard boring difficult Because its hard. 句型3:What class does he /she like? work hard He/She likes English class. Unit2 Interesting Lessons. Lesson 1: Whats the missing word? 单词:swimming singing watching TV a piece of cake 句型1:

5、 What are you doing? Doing my homework sleeping I am catching the mouse. eating listening to music reading 句型2:How mang scores have you got? One hundred.一百 One thousand.一千 Lesson 2: Where Is the Eiffel Tower? 单词:Mount Fuji the Eiffel Tower Big Ben 句型1:Is it Mount Fuji? The White House the Great Wall

6、 Yes, it is. Britain Japan China America Francs Where is it? Its in Japan. Fried chicken chips coke hamburger 句型2:Is this juice? Yes, it is. Bread water coffee Is that juice, too? No, it isn,t. Lesson 3: Whats an Insect? 单词:body a pair of wings insect 句型1: Is it an insect? Yes, it is. soft hard tell

7、 most Is it a hard moth? No, it isnt. Unit3 Happy Family. Lesson 1: Welcome to my House. 单词:clock bed bedroom desk chair 句型1:There is a bed in the bedroom. lamp bookshelf study 句型2:Is this my/ your picture? Yes, it is Is that his/her school? No, it isnt. Lesson 2: My Family Tree 单词:woman man cousin

8、in purple 句型1:Whos the man/woman in purple/pink? father mother grandfather He /She is my/her/his grandmother family 句型2:Who are the children? They are my brother and sister. Lesson 3:Whats Your Fathers job? 单词:cook policeman doctor nurse 句型1:Who is the man/woman? farmer driver worker singer She/He i

9、s my cousin. What is your fathers/mothers job ? He/She is a doctor. 五年级Lesson1-Lesson5的复习 一、 时态:一般将来时态。 1、构成方式:be going to do sth将要去做某事 2、主语跟be动词的搭配:You/ Then/We are going to do sth I am going to do sth She/He is going to do sth 3、句型结构 What are you going to do ? Im/We are going to . What are they go

10、ing to do ? They are going to What is she /he going to do ? She / He is going to . 二、 句型: Spring summer A:What season is it now? Autumn winter B:Its . “There be”句型在方位介词中的运用 eg: There is a house in the picture.(表示单数) There are some flowers next to the house.(表示复数) 这里有一只猫在树的下面。 这里有一些苹果在桌子的上面。 这里有一只河马在

11、河里。 这里有三只鹦鹉在天空中飞翔。 对why提问;用Because回答: A:Why do you love zebras? B:Because they have white and black stripes. 你最喜欢的动物是什么?及回答: A:What animals do you like best? A: What subject do you like best? B:I like dolphins best. B: I like music best. A:What fruit do you like best? A: What vegetables do.? B:I lik

12、e mangoes best. B: I like tomatoes best. A:What food do you like best? B:I like bread best. 某人居住生活在哪里,用where提问及回答方式: A:Where do you live? A:Where do they live? B:IWe live in Yunnan. B:They live in English. A:Where does shehe live? B:SheHe lives in Australia. 在什么季节穿什么衣服的提问及回答方式: A:What do you wear in

13、 spring? A: What does she he wear in summer? B:IWe wear jeans. B: SheHe wears T-shirt. Springwarmshirts and trousers. SummerhotT-shirts and skirts. Autumncoolsweaters and jeans. Wintercoldcoats and gloves. 哪些月份属于哪个季节?动动脑筋: What season is it? When is summer? Its summer Its from June to August. Januar

14、y March May July February April June August September October November December Springplants grow and birds sing.Its time to go for an outing. SummerTrees are green and flowers bloom.Its time to go swimming. Autumnleoves turn yellow and full.Its time to harvest. WinterIt snowsIts time to go skating.

15、 五年级下6-9复习重点 1. 第三人称单数I/You/We/They need/want paints. He/She needs an Easter egg/apple. 2 Let me和lets后跟动词原形。Let me cut the cake. Lets sing a song. 3 句型:what is the date today? It is September 1st Whos the first/last? Can I help you? I want an ice cream, Here you are. Thank you. 4 How much is the skirt? Its twenty yuan.


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