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1、工业设计英文论文DESIGN and ENVIRONMENT Product design is the principal part and kernel of industrial design. Product design gives uses pleasure. A good design can bring hope and create new lifestyle to human. In spscificity,products are only outcomes of factory such as mechanical and electrical products,cos

2、tume and so on.In generality,anything,whatever it is tangibile or intangible,that can be provided for a market,can be weighed with value by customers, and can satisfy a need or desire,can be entiled as products. Innovative design has come into human life. It makes product looking brand-new and bring

3、s new aesthetic feeling and attraction that are different from traditional products. Enterprose tend to renovate idea of product design because of change of consumers lifestyle , emphasis on individuation and self-expression,market competition and requirement of individuation of product. Product des

4、ign includes factors of society ,economy, techology and leterae humaniores. Tasks of product design includes styling, color, face processing and selection of material and optimization of human-machine interface. Design is a kind of thinking of lifestyle.Product and design conception can guide human

5、lifestyle . In reverse , lifestyle also manipulates orientation and development of product from thinking layer. With the development of science and technology ,more and more attention is paid to austerity of environmental promblems ,such as polluting of atmosphere,destroy of forest, soilerosion,land

6、 desertification, water resource polluting, a great deal of species becaming extinct,exhansting of petroleum , natural gas and coal and so on . A designer should have a strong consciousness of protecting environment and to make hisher design to be based on avoiding destroying environment and saving

7、natural recourse. Nowadays ,greenhouse effects,destroyed ozone layers and acid rain are three global environmental questions. Greenhouse effect is phenomena of the atmosphere becoming warmer . The forming principle of greenhouse effect is that the Sun short wave radiation can penetrate into ground t

8、hrough atmosphere ,long wave radiation emitted from ground after ground is warmed ,is absorbed by carbon dioxide of atmosphere , and then atmosphere gets warmer.The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere changes the earth to a large greenhouse like a thick layer of glass . Methane ,ozone,chlorine,Fluorine

9、, hydrocarbon and aqueous vapor also make some contribution to greenhouse effects. With rapid increase of population and rapid development of industry ,more and more carbon dioxide of atmosphere enters into atmosphere. Because forest is cun down in a large amount also ,carbon dioxide increases grada

10、lly ,and the greenhouse effects are strengthened constantly .The results of the greenhouse effects are very serious. The great changes will take place in the natural ecology ,such as desert expanding ,land corroding aggravating, forest retreating to the polarregion, calamity of drought and waterlog

11、serious and rainfall increasing. The temperate zone will be wetter in water and will be droughtier in summer . Tropical zone will become wetter and subtropical zone will become more arid . All of these above will forces the existing irrigation works to be adjusted. Coastal regions will be threatened

12、 seriously .Because the temperature is rising , ice-cubes will be melted at the two poles so to the sea level will be rising and a lot of cities and ports will be submerged. The ozone layer destroyed shocked academia and the whole international aommunity .American scientists,Monila and Rowland , poi

13、nted out that it is human activities bring ozone hole of today . arch-criminal that we now well know is freon and Kazakhstan dragon. Acid rain has already become a kind of air pollution phenomenon in extensive range,crossing over national boundaries at present. Acid rain destroys soil, makes lake ac

14、id and endangers growing of abimals and plants. It also stimulates peoples skin, brings out the skin disease, causes lung hydronces, lung harden ,and corrodes the metal product,paint ,leather, fabrics and building with carbonate . In a word , the environment of human life has already worsened day by

15、 day. The reasons of the worsening mostly come from the human own bad life style, disrespecting the objective law, eager for quick success,use of the earth resource without scientific plan ,and lack of consciousness pratecting the environment in design . So they destroy home by themselves,which not

16、only harm human on contemporary, but also seriously influence existence of descendants. The environmental question is caused by peoples bad design and life style to a great extent , which puts forward a serious question for a designer that designers should undertake the historical important task of

17、environment protection. Industry has brought the disaster to world while creates a large amount of wealth for mankind . Industry design has accelerated the consumpition of the resource and energy resource and has caused enormous destruction to the ecological balance of the earth while creating moder

18、n life style and living environment for mankind. So as industry designers, setting up environmental awareness incarnates their morals and social sense of responsibility. Designers must be responsible for their own designs, and must take human health and blessedness , and harmonically coexisting of n

19、ature with the human as the rules necessarily obeyed in their own design. Designers must also master the necessary knowledege in material, craft, chemical industry, manufacturing,ect.,in order to be possible for avoiding to danger to environment causing by his design. The concept of Sustainable deve

20、lopment designhas epoch-maling meanings of humanity and real development of the world .It reflects the designers morals and responsibility , and has already become the trend of designing development in the 21st century .Hence ,mankinds development made of traditional industrial civilization was turn

21、ed to one of the modern ecological civilization. It is the coordination of social progress,economic growth and environmental protestion. Sustainable development is a kind concept of brand-new ethics,morals and values that people should follow. Its essence lies in fully utilizing the modern science a

22、nd technongy ,exploiting green resources ,development constantly, impelling harmonious development between human and nature and pramoting inter-harmony of population ,resource and environment . Solving the problem of sustainable development is a change of technological innovation and behavior made.

23、Sustainable development strategy is to solve the problem of meeting contemporary peoples demands in maximum under the precondition of un-hurting several generations demands of the future . It will realize the unity of the present interests and long-term interest and leave the development space for d

24、escendants. The question of the strategic consideration of sustainable development should include circulation, green energy and ecological efficiency. Green design comes from introspection on environmental and ecological disruption caused by design of modern technology and culture. Green design focu

25、ses on the balance relation of persons and natural ecology . Designers should consider the environmental benefits at every decision of the disign process, and try their best to reduce the destruction to environment. For industry design, the core of green design is 3R,namely Reduce,Recycle and Reuse.

26、It is necessary not only to reduce consunption of substance and energy sources,and reduce letting of harmful substance,but also to classified reclaim, recycle and reuse products and parts conveniently.Green design is not only technical ,but also an innovative idea. It requires designer to give up so

27、me rat-fuck method excessively emphasizing at the style of products, and to focus on the real innovative. He or she would design the form of the products with more responsible method and make the products lengthen their wervice life as much as possible through succinct and permanent modeling. For ma

28、terials,stock and regeneration of raw materials, consumption and pollution of environmental energy during obtaining materials,machining performance in follow-up manufacturing,low consumption and low pollution of energy ,and reclaimable during discarded should be considered. Problems of manufacturing

29、 are that pollution should be reduced or died out during beginning of manufacturing. Consideration on packing, transporting , sale, ect. is meant the environmental performance of packaging, green packing ,good performance of transportation ,decreasing self weight , reducing energy consumption , loca

30、lized production and reducing consimption of work flow. Consideration on the use of product concerns with waste of energy and resources while produces are used , the modularization of environmental performance , recombined ability , and the mades of using product while products are renewed , as well

31、 as other factors. Easy disassembled feature , convenient decomposition and classification , reclaaimable and reusable features of materials, and recombined feature of parts or removes for other use should all be considered during the period while products are renewed , as well as other factors. Eas

32、y disassembled feature, convenient decomposition and classification , reclaimable and reusable features of materials, and recombined feature of parts or removed for other use should all be considered during the period while products are discarded . Clean energy souces should be Considered , such as

33、solar ernergy , water, electricity and wind power .Clean materials concern with low pollution , innocuity, disaggregation and reclaimable . Clean manufacturing process is meant production with energy saving and environment protection while used, and reclaimable while discarded. Regeneration and reus

34、e of parts are powerful measure of sustainable strategy. The fact has proved that through disassembly and analysis the proportion of reusable material would be higher after improving design and retread. For example , in a scrap car , metal meterial accounts for 80%.Among them , nonferrous metal acco

35、unts for 3%4.7%. 45%of output of steel comes from scrap steeel in world and 25% output of steel comes from scrap steel in our country. Product Lifecycle Management is meant all life course of product from peoples demand for product to be washed out , including the main stages of demand analysis, pra

36、duct planning , conceptual design , produce design , digitized simulation, proceess preparation , process planning,production testing and quaality control , sell and distribution, use maintaining and maintain, as well as scrap and reclaiming . Advanced management idea and first-class information tec

37、hnology are taken into industrial and commercial operation in modern enterprises , which makes enterprises be able to adjust management means and management ways effectively in digital economic era , inoder to exert enterprises unprecedented competition advantage . Helping enterprise to carry on products innovation , to win the market , and to obtain additional profit would improve the value of the enterprise products.


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