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1、年级上册期末复习单项选择题专练八年级上册期末复习单项选择题专练 ( )1.How do you like _ TV play Ren Changxia? Oh, its _ wonderful play. Its one of _ best TV plays. A.a; a; the B.the; the; the C.the; a; / D.the; a; the ( )2.Maria likes singing. Do you often hear her _ after class? ( ( careful ( ( through ( it. ( ( ( ( Yes, I do. A.s

2、ing B.to sing C.sings D.sang )3._ do you have a Music Festival at your school? Once a year. A.How soon B.How often C.How long D.What time )4.Dont worry. She can look after your pet _. A.careful enough B.enough careful C.carefully enough D.enough )5.Would you mind my smoking here? _ Its not allowed h

3、ere. A.Of course not. B.Better not. C.Yes, please. D.OK. )6.After class, I like playing computer games and chatting _ my friends _ the Internet. A.to; by B.with; on C.for; in D.about; )7.She told us a story, and her voice sounded _. Were interested in A.sweet B.small C.clearly D.sadly )8.My sister i

4、s only three years old. She cant take care of _. A.her B.herself C.myself D.yourself )9._ Nothing serious, but a bit tired. Better have a rest now, dear. A.Is that all? B.Is there anything else? C.Whats this? D.Whats the matter with you? )10.Which is _, the sun, the moon or the earth? Of course the

5、sun. A.smaller B.the smallest C.bigger D.the biggest )11.Must we finish the project in a month? be No, you _. A.mustnt B.neednt C.cant D.dont ( )12.What were you doing at this time yesterday? We _ in the classroom. A.read A.much too B.were reading B.too much C.are reading C.too many D.was reading D.

6、many too ( )13.Ride slowly please. There is _ water on the road today. ( )14._ there _ two football matches here tomorrow? Yes, there are. A.Is; / B.Are; / C.Is; going to be D.Are; going to ( )15.Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon? matter ( )16.Miss Chen teaches _ English this term

7、. Youre lucky. _ is a very good teacher. A.our; She B.us; He C.us; She D.ours; He _, but I have a lot of homework to do. A.Id love to B.Yes, lets go C.No, I wont D.It doesnt ( )17.Do you usually wash clothes at home? Yes, although I think its _, I have to help my mother. A.necessary B.boring C.excit

8、ing D.interesting ( )18.Would you mind _ in the classroom? Sorry, I wont do that again. A.not running B.dont run C.not to run D.to not run ( )19.Did Alice sleep well last night? No, she didnt. She didnt go to bed _ 12 oclock last night. A.after B.when C.until D.if ( )20.What happened to Mike? He had

9、 a stomachache. He began to work _ having breakfast A.with A.old enough B.of C.from D.without D.too young this morning. ( )21.The girl is eight years old. She is _ to go to school. B.young enough C.too old ( )22.How does Bob usually go to work? same time. He _ take a bus, but now he is used to(习惯于)

10、walking. A.used B.was used to C.used to D.is used to ( )23.How much did the new watch _ your sister? She _ 350 yuan for it. A.cost; paid B.spend; cost C.pay; cost D.take; paid ( )24.Do you often help your cousin with his English? No. He learns English _. A. by himself B.for himself C.himself D.on hi

11、mself ( )25.He is often late for school, isnt he? _ He always goes to school earlier than others. A.Yes, he is. _ A.Yes, please. C.You are welcome. B.Here you are. D.Not at all. B.No, he isnt. C.Yes, of course. D.No, sometimes. ( )26.Would you please pass me todays newspaper? ( )27.The new road is m

12、uch _ than before. Six cars can pass it at the A.larger B.wider C.farther D.longer ( )28.Suzhou is one of _ most beautiful tourist cities and I believe Ill come for _ second time. 附:解题分析 1.D 考查冠词。第一个空格是特指任长霞这部电视剧, 用the, 第二空格表示“一” 的意思, 第三个空格后, 有best出现, 是最高级,要填the, 故选D。 带to的不定式, 在这个结构中充当宾语补足语。故选A。 2.A

13、 考查非谓语动词。hear sb. do sth. 意为“听见某人做某事”。do sth. 是不A.the; a A.must B.a; a B.mustnt C.the; the C.need D.a; the D.neednt ( )29.We _ play on this road. There is too much traffic. ( )30.Well, lets go to visit the Renai Park this Saturday. That _ great. A.feels B.looks C.sounds D.smells 3.B 考查特殊疑问词。how ofte

14、n意为“每隔多久一次”,它的回答通常是“次数+a+时间名词”。how soon意为“多久”,它的回答通常是“in+一段时间”。how long意为“有多久”,它的回答通常是“for+一段时间”或“since+时间点”。what time提问的是钟点。故选B。 4.C 考查enough的用法。enough修饰名词时,要放在名词的前面,修饰形容词或副词时,要放在形容词或副词的后面,所以应先排除B和D,再根据“副词修饰动词”的语法规则,确定正确答案。故选C。 5.B 考查征求意见的交际语。对Would you mind . ?的回答,先应判断是介意还是不介意。如果介意通常用Sorry; Better

15、 not;如果不介意就用Of course not; Not at all; OK等。根据最后一句的意思:“这儿不允许吸烟”。由此判断应是介意的。故选B。 6.B 考查介词。chat with sb. “和某人聊天”,on the Internet “在网上”,本句的意思是“下课后,我喜欢在网上打游戏以及和朋友聊天” 。 7.A 考查系动词。sound在这里是系动词,意为“听起来”,其后应用形容词,所以排除C和D。声音小应用low,排除B。故选A。 8.B 考查反身代词。题干的意思:“我的妹妹仅三岁,她不能照顾自己。”herself是she的反身代词,表示“她自己”的意思。 9.D 考查询问身

16、体状况的交际功能。根据答语“没什么严重的,只是有点累。”可推测出应问“你怎么了?”故选D。 10.D 考查形容词最高级。根据后句的意思,推测上句的意思是:“哪一个是最大的,太阳、月亮还是地球?”最高级前用定冠词the。故选D。 11.B 考查情态动词。must开头的疑问句的否定回答应用neednt, A、C和D选项不符题意。 12.B 考查时态。was/were+v-ing形式表示过去某个时间正在进行的动作。由于空格前的主语是we,故选B。 13.B 考查易混淆词语的区别。much too和many too后面跟形容词/副词,too much修饰不可数名词,too many修饰可数名词,故选B

17、。 14.D 考查there be句型。根据tomorrow可知用一般将来时,可以排除A和B,由于matches是复数,故选D。 15.A考查回答邀请的交际功能。根据后句的意思:“但是我还有许多作业要做”。表明前面应是同意的,故选A。 16.C 考查人称代词。分析句子结构, teach sb. sth. 意为“教某人什么”, teach后应用人称代词宾格,可排除A和D,由于Miss Chen是女的,故应选C。 17 B 考查词义理解。分析句意“你通常在家里洗衣服吗?”“是的,虽然我认为这是,我不得不帮我妈妈”。boring “乏味的”, necessary “必须的”, exciting “激

18、动的”, interesting “有兴趣的”。根据上下文理解,空格应填“乏味的”。 18 .A 考查非谓语动词。mind后接动词-ing形式。 19 C 考查连词。句子结构是not . until句型, until后跟时间,意为“直到才”。本句意为“直到昨晚12点她才上床睡觉。” 20 D 考查介词。分析句意“迈克怎么啦?” “他肚子痛”可推测空格处的意思是“没有”吃早饭,其他都不符合语境。 21 A 考查句型。根据第一句“这女孩八岁了”,可以推断出下句的意思是“她足够大了,可以上学了。”old这里指年纪大, young这里指年纪小;too . to . “太而不能”, adj. +enou

19、gh to . “足够 可以”,故选A。 22 C 考查词组。used to过去常常,应选C。其意为“他过去常常乘公共汽车,但现在习惯于走路。” 23 A 考查易混淆词区别。cost, pay, spend和take都有“花费”的意思,但pay, spend的主语是人,cost的主语应是物,分析句子,第一句的主语是the new watch(物)可排除B和C,第二句的主语是She(人),根据pay for,意为“为付款”,故选A。 24 A 考查反身代词。learn sth. by oneself “自学”,由于主语是he,其反身代词是himself, 故选A。 25 B 考查反意疑问句的回答

20、。根据第二句“他总是比其他人上学早”,故可判断前面的回答应是否定的。故选B。 26 B 考查回答请求帮助的交际语。Yes, please. 用来回答是否需要某项服务的肯定答语;You are welcome. 和Not at all. 用来回答表示感谢的应答语。Not at all表示“不用谢”或对某事物没兴趣,即“一点也不(喜欢)”,不符合语境,而Here you are表示“给你”。符合题意,故选A。 27 B 考查形容词比较级。句子than暗示空格前应用比较级。根据后句的意思:“六辆小车可以同时通过”。可推出空格处应为宽度,故选B。 28 A 考查冠词。分析第一个空格后为most beautiful,是最高级,空格应为the,第二个空格后为序数词,序数词前应加a表示“又一,再一”,所以选A。 29 B 考查情态动词。mustnt “禁止”, neednt “不必要”, must “必须”, need “需要”。故选B。 30 C 考查系动词。feel “感觉起来”, look “看起来”, sound “听起来”, smell “闻起来”。根据题意,选C。


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