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1、年级下英语作文期末复习八年级下册作文复习资料 一、 有关业余生活 随着人们生活水平的不断提高,人们的业余生活赿来赿丰富,想必你的业余生活也同样五颜六色吧?请你以My free time 为题写一篇短文,写出你自己丰富多彩的业余生活,词数限制在80左右。 My free time I have many spare-time hobbies, such as going fishing, reading, playing computer games and chatting on the net. Among the hobbies, I like chatting on the net be

2、st, because I can make many net friends. When I am in trouble, I ask my friends for help. But it is bad for my health to spend too much time on the Internet. My spare-time life is colorful. I often enjoy myself. 二、 有关介绍人物的 1、 The hero in My heart In my heart, the Chinese astronaut, Yang Liwei is the

3、 real hero. He was the first to get to the moon in our country. And the trip to the moon was successful, though there were quite a few difficulties. Also, he brought us the courage (勇气) as well as the knowledge (知识). As an astronaut, Yang works very hard in order to finish the special trip perfectly

4、 (完美地). So we should learn from him to build our country into a stronger one. We Chinese people are proud of having such a wonderful space hero. Beethoven is a hero in my heart. I had been influenced by him deeply. Beethoven is a German classical musician. He showed his talent in music at a very you

5、ng age. He played the piano and composed so well that he soon became well-known in Europe. But-I see him as my hero not only because he was famous. In his twenties, there was something wrong with his ears. He could hardly talk to others. To make the matters worse, he couldnt even hear his music. Not

6、hing couldnt be sadder than this for a young musician. Many people thought he would give up, but he didnt. While he was suffering from the illness, he continued fighting. He faced the difficulties bravely, and composed more famous piano sonatas like“Moonlight”-They are still very popular now. What a

7、 great man Beethoven is! He wasnt frightened by the cruel fact but fought it instead. I think thats what the“hero” really means. Everyone has a hero, and the hero in my heart is Qian Xuesen, one of the most famous scientists in China. He was the man who gave his whole life to his motherland- China.

8、When he was young, he studied in many famous universities in the world, being very hard-working, Then he won many prizes and had many famous inventions.Now,he is the person who make our country stronger and develop faster. And everyone in China will not forget him. He knew wherever he was, he was a

9、Chinese. I learned a lot from him. So I wont forget him and he is the hero in my mind. 1 My hero is not a person who is known by many people, she is just a person I want to thank most. She is my teacher. My teacher is very experienced and well-trained. She has a sense of humor which makes her classe

10、s lively and keeps our attention to her subject. She teaches us not only much knowledge but also some skills on how to learn English well. She treats us as her own children. When we are in troubles, she always encourages us to face the difficulties bravely and cheers us up. With her help, I have mad

11、e great progress in English. So she is respected by me and becomes the important hero in my heart. My teacher is like a lighthouse in the sea, guiding me to reach the coast of success. He is the real hero in my mind. 2、潍坊市英语教学网开设了“中学生论坛”,请你结合自己的初中生活和真实感受,以“A good teacher in my eyes”为题写一篇短文,发表在论坛上。词数

12、80左右。 A good teacher in my eyes In my eyes, Mr Li is really a good teacher. He teaches us math. At first, I was afraid of math, and thought it was boring. It was Mr Li who changed my mind. In his math class, he helped us try to find out the answers to the questions in different ways. Little by littl

13、ee, I found math was getting interesting. Now Im good at it. Mr Li is not only a teacher but also a good friend of ours. He often chats with us and tells jokes. Well like him and his math class. 3、老师、同学、家人,谁是你最想感谢的人?记下你和他之间的具体事例,向他说声谢谢吧! Person that I Want to Thank Most-my teacher In my life, many p

14、eople have helped me a lot. Miss Chen is one of the important persons in my life, I want to thank her most. Miss Chen was my English teacher. She is very kind and outgoing. She likes to help with others. She has helped me a lot in learning English. She is so energetic that her classes are very inter

15、esting and funny. Sometimes she is strict with us. I cant do well in English before. With her help, I start to take much interest in learning English. Im good at English now. Not only did she helped me with my English, she also taught me how to face the trouble. I love her very much. I want to say t

16、o her, Miss Chen, I wont let you down. I will study harder and harder. Thanks for giving me so much help. I wont forget you forever! 三、 有关假期计划的 1、 暑假就要到了,我好高兴。但是老师会教育我们在愉快度假的同时, 别忘了学习。所以,针对即将到来的假期,以第一人称写一份度假计划,合理安排学习与娱乐。 The summer holidays are coming. How happy I am! I hope to get away from our sch

17、ool life and relax myself. But before the vacation, my teacher will tell us not to forget to study while taking a vacation, so I make a pan for my holidays. First, I would spend several days having a trip with my parents. Well visit some places of interest. Second, I would work hard so that I can ca

18、tch up with my classmates. 2 Ill spend four hours in doing my homework and going over (复习) my lessons, and spend one hour preparing for (准备) the new term every day. Third, Ill spend some time learning basic life skills, such as cooking, tidying up the rooms and washing clothes. Im sure Ill have a pe

19、rfect holiday. 2、暑假将至,同学们就自己暑假生活安排进行了交流。请你用英语向美藉教师Mr Brown介绍有关情况以及自己的暑假计划。内容应包括以下要点: 1)有的同学打算外出旅游,放松一下。 2)有的同学计划在家中多读书,为将来的学习做准备。 3)有的同学准备参加体育锻炼,保持身体健康。 4)谈谈自己的暑假安排。 Summer vacation is coming. We have different plans for it. Some of my classmates are going to visit some places of interest. Some are

20、not going out, instead, they are going to do more reading and prepare for the future studies. Some want to do more sports to keep fit. I plan to take part in a summer camp. Its a good chance to make more friends. I can learn something important to help my study and life. I sure that Ill spend a perf

21、ect summer vacation. 3、你的加拿大朋友Danny, 也是一位中学生。他希望了解你的暑假打算。这此,你把你的想法写成短文,发E-mail给他。暑假生活包括以下内容: 1)坚持锻炼身体; 2)根据个人兴趣和需要安排学习; 3)帮助家人做家务,学做一些简单的菜。 Summer holidays are coming. During the holidays, the thing is that I will do morning exercises every day as I did at school. And in the afternoon, if I am free,

22、 I will go fishing in the park. I like reading, so Id like to spend some time reading books. I will also try to study maths, for I am not good at it. During the holidays, Ill help my parents do housework as much as possible. I also want to visit some of my friends and relatives. Im sure Ill have a p

23、leasant time this summer. 四、 有关烦恼的 1、 倾诉烦恼的 请根据下面的中文提示写一段80词左右的英语短文。 假如你是小明,请你写一封信给你的笔友小强,告诉他你的问题,并向他请求帮助。 1. 着迷于网上聊天,并花很多时间聊天; 2. 经常晚回家,不能准时交作业; 3. 父母和老师不喜欢这样,让你放弃这个爱好; 4. 为此你常感到有压力,也不知怎么办才好,希望给出建议。 Dear Xiao Qiang, How time flies! I havent seen you for a long time. I am in trouble now. Could you h

24、elp me with my problems? I love chatting online. I spend a lot of time talking with others so I go home late every night. Im too tired to do my homework and I cant hand it in on time. Neither my teachers nor my parents like me to do so. They hope I can give it up. I feel stressed and dont know what

25、to do. Could you give me some advice? Please write to 3 me soon. Best wishes! Yours, Xiao Ming 2、提建议的 Henry在学习和生活中遇到了一些问题。请根据下面表格提供的信息,用英文写一篇80词左右的短文。 Henrys problems Advice 1.有时感到孤独,不善于交朋友 1. 学会和别人友好相处 2.经常玩电脑游戏 2. 不要花太多时间玩游戏 3.不擅长英语 3. 认真听课,多向老师请教 要求:1. 短文内容必须包含以上信息要点,可适当发挥。 2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范

26、。 Henry has some problems in his life and study. Sometimes he feels lonely and he isnt good at making friends with others because he is too shy. He doesnt learn English well and he often plays computer games at home. In my opinion, he should learn to get on well with others. If he wants to learn Eng

27、lish well, he should listen to the teacher carefully in class and practice speaking with others. If he has any questions, he can ask his teacher for help. When he is free, he shouldnt spend long time playing computer games. Its bad for his health and wastes lots of time. 五、介绍节日的 根据问题提示,以 “Festivals”

28、为题写一篇不少于八十个词的英语短文,谈谈你最喜爱的节日和对赿来赿多的中国人庆祝外国节日这一社会现象的看法。 1) What is your favourite festival? And when is it? 2) Why do you like it? And how do you celebrate it? 3) What is the most popular Western festival in China? 4) What do you think about more and more people celebrating Western festival in China?

29、The Spring Festival is a very important festival in China. Its on the first day of the first lunar month (阴历一月的第一天). And its also my favorite festival, especially when I was a child. When the day before Spring Festival, every family member will get together, have a big meal. There has firecrackers,

30、dumplings, chicken. On the day of Spring Festival, everybody wearing the new clothes. First of all, they all sitting together for breakfast. After the breakfast, children will get money from their parents, or relatives. The Spring Festival is about 15 days long. During this 15 days, people will go a

31、round and visit relatives and friends. Now, because the Chinese life is better and better, more and more people celebrate western holidays, such as Christmas Day, April Fools Day. No matter which holiday 4 people celebrate, I think the most important thing is the peoples feeling when they celebrate

32、holidays. 六、写旅行/假期 1、请以“My pleasant trip” 为题,根据提示和要求写一次你记忆中愉快的旅行。 提示:请叙述本次旅行的时间、地点、人物以及有哪些活动等;体现出是一次愉快的旅行。 My pleasant trip One day when I was in Grade 7, I went to -park with my friends by bike. First we climbed the hill, then we flew kites. At noon we sat on the grass having a picnic. The weather

33、was pretty fine that day. In the afternoon we met several soldiers who were only a little older than us. SO we could play games together and they also told us interesting stories. We laughed and laughed happily. What a pleasant trip! I will never forget it. 2、根据下面的问题,以“My perfect holiday”为题写一篇作文,不得少

34、于80个单词。 1) Where would you go during the summer holidays? 2)Why would you like to go there? 3) Who would you go with? 4)How and when would you go there? 5) What would you like to do there? My perfect holiday We know Beijing is a beautiful city with long history. There are many places of interest the

35、re, so my parents and I would go to Beijing during the summer holidays. We would go there by air on July 28th. During our stay in Beijing we would go to visit a lot of interest, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum, Tiananmen Square and so on. My parents and I would also take

36、 some photos in order to keep the beautiful impression upon our minds. I hope well enjoy ourselves. 七、其它 1、随着阳光体育运动在全国的开展,“每天锻炼一小时,健康工作XX年,幸福生活一辈子。” 的理念深入人心,校园里出现了可喜的变化:运动时间延长了,运动项目增加了,学生体质增强了,校园生活丰富了。请以Sports in Our School为题给校刊写一篇报道。 内容要点提示:1. time for sports 2. kinds of sports3. change of students

37、 health and study 4. change of school life 要求:180词左右,可适当发挥 2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称等相关信息。 Sports in Our School Sports in our school have changed a lot. Now we have more than three P.E. classes a week, and we have at least one hour to exercise every day. 5 Students get so excited at these changes. More

38、 and more students take an active part in the ball games,running,and jumping on the playground. Our school life is becoming more wonderful. Doing sports is a good way to relax and keep fit. Whats more? A healthy body can help us study better and live a happier life. 2、以“Housework”为题写一篇英语短文。你认为中学生有心要

39、干家务活吗?请表明自己的观点,并说明原因。词数不少于60个。 Housework I think its necessary (必要的) for students to do housework. First, in a family our mothers do the most housework. If you dont want your mother to be tired, do some housework to help her. Second, housework can help us to do everything all by ourselves, and it ca

40、n also help us to take good care of ourselves when we leave home one day. Third, housework can relax ourselves. Every day after school, I usually feel tired after study, so I can relax myself by doing housework. 3、请根据下面的中文提示,写一篇70词左右的短文。 手机变得越来越普及,很多人都拥有手机。手机越来越有用,它对人的帮助很大。 我们可以用手机做很多事情,比如可以打电话、听音乐、

41、可以玩游戏、当闹钟,可以看时间,还可以发送信息和拍照、录像等等。 短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Mobile phones are becoming more and more popular. Many people have them. They are very useful. They help us a lot. We can do many things with our cell phones. First, we can call our friends and talk with them over the phone anytime and anywhere. S

42、econd, we can also write and send messages to our friends. Its cheap and fast. Third, we can use our mobile phone to listen to music or play some games. Fourth, you can use your mobile phone to take photos. Finally, they can also tell us the time and wake us up in the morning. But as students we mus

43、tnt take the mobile phones to school, because it breaks at school rule. 八、 爱好 1、每个人都有自己的爱好,有些人喜欢集邮,有些人喜欢跳舞,这些爱好为我们的生活增添了不少色彩。请以“My Hobbies”为题,写一篇60-80字的短文。 My Hobbies Almost everyone has a hobby. A hobby can provide us with interest, enjoyment, friendship, knowledge. Different people have different

44、hobbies. Some like painting pictures, singing pop songs, dancing or enjoy collecting coins or stamps;others like going fishing, going shopping or spend their time on sports. I like sports very much. Sometimes I play tennis or go swimming. Sometimes I exercise alone and go running in the morning. I t

45、hink if I keep exercising,I will be sure to improve my health. 2、 I like sports very much. We usually take exercise in the early morning. We do eye 6 exercises in the afternoon. After school we play basketball or football. After supper, I often go out for a walk with my parents. My favourite sport i

46、s basketball. I often watch basketball matches on TV on Sundays. I think doing sports is good for our health. Our school holds a sports meeting every spring. It really can relax myself and build my body. 3、 I have many hobbies, such as reading ,painting, running ,looking after animals and so on. My

47、favorite hobby is reading. I began to read at the age of 5. I often read in my spare time. It can make me feel free. I can also get knowledge and new skills from reading. Reading has brought me enjoyment and success. By the way ,whats your favorite hobby? Tell me ,ok? 4、 I like to collect many thing

48、s, such as nice stones, names of movies, books, toys, photos of famous people. But I like collecting stamps best. I have been collecting stamps for five years. When I was very young, my uncle sent me a stamp from Australia. I loved it at once. Since then I tried to collect stamps and fell in love with it. I have more than one hundred stamps. Some were sent by my friends, some were collected by myself; some we


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