幼儿园 英语手指游戏.docx

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1、幼儿园 英语手指游戏1. The Finger Family This is the father, kind and true. 这是爸爸,善良又真诚 This is the mother who cares for you. 这是照顾你们的妈妈 This is the brother, so big and tall. 这个哥哥,又高又壮 This is the sister who plays with her ball. 这是正在玩球的妹妹 This is the baby, pet of them all. 这是小宝贝,所有人的宠物 See the whole family, big

2、 and small.看看这个家,有大有小。 2. When I Was One When I was one I was so small, 当我一岁的时候我太小, I could not speak a word at all. 小到一个字都不会说 When I was two, I learned to talk. 当我两岁的时候我开始学讲话。 I learned to sing, I learned to walk. 学着唱歌,学着去交谈 When I was three, I grew and grew. 到我三岁的时候,我长呀长 Now I am four and so are y

3、ou! 现在我和你们一样四岁了。 3. Ten Little Fingers I have ten fingers. 我有十个手指 They all belong to me. 他们都属于我 I make them do everything. 我能让她做很多的事情 Do you want to see? 你想看看吗 I can make them point. 我能让他们指 I can make them hold.我能让他们抓 I can make them dance. 我能让他们跳舞 And then I make them fold. 我还能让他们合起来 4. Fingers Sho

4、w Fingers, fingers, I can show. 手指手指,我能show Wave up high. Wave down low. 摇得高高。摇得低低 Left finger, left finger, point to my nose. 左边手指左边手指,指我的鼻子 Right finger, right finger, point to my toes. 右边手指右边手指指我的脚趾 5. The Animals Walk like a cat, on the floor.像猫一样在地板上走路 Run like a dog, out of the door. 像狗一样在门外面跑

5、 Swim like a fish, in the sea. 像小鱼一样在大海里游 Swing like a monkey, in the tree. 像猴子一样在书上荡秋千 6. Shake My Hand Shake my hand and clap clap clap. 甩起我的小手拍拍拍 Shake my foot and tap tap tap. 甩起我的小脚跺跺跺 One, two, three. I take a little hop. 123我来小跳一步 Four, five, six. I take a little jump. 456我来小跳一步 7. Hands on S

6、houlders Hands on shoulders, hands on knees. 手放肩膀,手放膝盖 Hands behind you, if you please. 请你把手放后面 Touch your shoulders, now your nose, 摸你的肩膀,然后你的鼻子 Now your hair and now your toes. 然后你的头发和你的脚趾 Hands up high in the air. 把手举高在空中 Down at your sides, and touch your hair.放在你的身边,然后摸你的头发 Hands up high as bef

7、ore. 把手和之前一样举高 Now clap your hands, one-two-three-four! 然后拍手1234 8. Go Left! Go Right! Raise your left hand. Raise your right hand. 举起你的左手,举起你的右手 Wave your left hand. Wave your right hand. 挥动你的左手,挥动你的右手 Turn around to left. Turn around to right. 向左转。向右转 Left, right, left. Step in time. 左、右、左 一步接一步 L

8、eft, right, left. Stay in line. 左右左排成一排 Left, right, left. Step in time. 左右左一步接一步 Left, right, left. Youre doing fine! 左右左你做的很棒 9. Run Run Run Run, run, run. (Run, run, run.) 跑跑跑 Are you ready to run? (Yeah, were ready to run.) 准备好跑了吗? Run like a rabbit, (Run like a rabbit,) 像兔子一样跑 in the rain or su

9、n. (in the rain or sun.) 在雨中或者太阳下 10. Ride, ride, ride. (Ride, ride, ride.) 骑骑骑 Are you ready to ride? (Yeah, were ready to ride.)准备好去骑了吗? Ride down the road, (Ride down the road,) 骑下坡 on a racing bike. (on a racing bike.) 在赛跑的自行车上 Row, row, row. (Row, row, row.) 划划划 Are you ready to row? (Yeah, wer

10、e ready to row.) 准备好划了吗? Row down the river, (Row down the river,) 划到河里面去 The Finger Family This is the father, kind and true. 这是爸爸,善良又真诚 This is the mother who cares for you. 这是照顾你们的妈妈 This is the brother, so big and tall. 这个哥哥,又高又壮 This is the sister who plays with her ball. 这是正在玩球的妹妹 Thi in a red

11、 rowboat. (in a red rowboat.) 乘着红色的小木舟 11. The Number Dance One! Stick your right foot out. 1,把右脚伸出 Two! Now shake it around. 2、甩一圈 Three! Touch your toes. 3、摸你的脚趾 Four! Blink your eyes and 4、眨你的眼睛 Five! Wave your hands in the air. 5、把手在空中挥动 Six! Now shake your hair. 6、甩甩你的头发 Seven! Shout Yahoo! 7、说

12、yahoo Eight! Touch your fingers 8、摸你的手指 Nine! Take a big bow. Do the number dance! 9、做一个大碗,跳数字舞 Ten! Shake your hips now. Everybody can. 10、摇起你的屁股,每个都会 Eleven! Wiggle your legs. Listen to the leader, 11、弯弯你的退,听从领导 Twelve! Rub your tummy and nothing could be neater. pat your head.12、擦你的肚子没有什么比他干净,拍拍你

13、的头 Thirteen! Clap your hands. 13、拍手 Fourteen! Jump as high as you can. 14、尽最大努力跳高 Fifteen! Put your hands on your knees. 15、把手放膝盖 Sixteen! Spin around and around wiggle your nose. If you please. 16、皱起你的鼻子转圈圈 Seventeen!Put your hands on your head.17把手放头上 Eighteen! Now bend your legs. 18弯弯你的腿 Nineteen

14、! Give yourself a hug. 19给自己一个拥抱 Twenty! Buzz around like a ladybug. to your shoes.20像一只七星瓢虫一样飞向你的鞋子 12. Do the number dance! 跳数字舞 Hickory Dickory Dock Hickory dickory dock 滴答滴答响 The mouse ran up the clock 老鼠爬上闹钟 The clock struck one 闹钟撞一下 The mouse ran down 老鼠赶紧爬下来 Hickory dickory dock 滴答滴答响 13. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Twinkle twinkle little star 一闪一闪亮晶晶 How I wonder what you are 多想变成和你们一样 Up above the world so high 站在高高的天上 Like a diamond in the sky 就像天空里的钻石 Twinkle twinkle little star 一闪一闪亮晶晶 How I wonder what you are 真想变成和你们一样


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