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1、幼儿园英语课堂游戏幼儿园英语课堂游戏 1.闪卡游戏 2.拍卡游戏(将字母或名词做成卡片,每个小朋友都拍打卡片,并读出所拍打卡片的名字) 3.示范性游戏(故事性的英文游戏,可以让小朋友实际 演练,各自扮演不同的角色,这样可以加深小朋友对故事的印象性) 4.队课堂表现好的小朋友,可给予STICKER的奖励,具有一定的刺激性作用 5.自己做动作,让小朋友猜你表演的什么, 6.大小声游戏,你读时大声,小朋友就读小声点,你小声,小朋友就大声的读出来 幼儿园课堂小游戏 1、背靠背传单词 2、抽鬼牌-每个同学有一张牌 老师的手里有一套牌,老师一边说数字一边抽一张牌 当抽到的牌和字母的序号一样的时候这个牌就是

2、鬼牌,所有同学就要将自己手里的牌放到手背上 ,放的最慢的同学就要将鬼牌取走 作为惩罚的证据。 3、乌龟翘 -甲乙两名同学相对而立,甲同学读单词五遍之后 甲乙两名同学同时身手指 如果乙伸的手指和甲相同则甲获胜,如不是 则乙开始念单词,如此继续。 4、组对练习-两大组同学分为若干小组,每个小组是两个人每两个同学读课文并相互交换完成后算通过,但只有全组通过才是最终的通过。 5、念字卡 抽分数-可以利用剪刀石头布 6、纸牌记忆游戏-洗牌后 将牌正面朝下放在桌子上,每个同学轮流翻牌,当翻到老师指定的单词之后 停止 翻到纸牌的同学得分。 7、空中画字-全般同学分为若干组 ,指定一个同学在前面写单词,前提是

3、要在空中书写,由其他同学来猜,猜对就加一分。 8、吊死鬼都可以。 9、交换座位-所有同学围成圈,老师当鬼,同学问where are you from?教师回答:m from . 持有老师所说的国家名字的同学要站起来,当有五六名同学的时候 老师会说口令go abroad,这样,所有站着的同学要抢一个位子坐,没有位子的同学就要当鬼了。 幼儿园英语课堂主要组织用语 开始 1. (Good) Morning/Afternoon, everyone/boys and girls/ children/ kids! 2. Hello, children! How are you today? 3. What

4、 day is it today/ 4. Whats the weather like today? 5. One two three, eyes on me. Four five six, hands on knees. 6. Hands up, hands down. Stand up, sit down. 7. Sit still, please!/ Keep quiet. 8. T: Attention! C: One, two. 9. T: Are you ready to play? C: Yeah! 10. T: Ready? C: Ready! 11. Im waiting f

5、or you. To be quiet. 12. Class begins. / Time for class. 呈现 1. First, lets have a revision. 2. Today Ill show you something new. 3. A little guest is coming here. Guess, who is it? 4. Ok,look here, read again carefully. 5. Listen, I will say it again. 6. Listen again. 7. Follow me. 8. Do it just lik

6、e this. 练习 1. Repeat after me. All together. 2. Listen first, and then repeat. 3. Everybody! Again! 4. Listen and repeat. 5. Softer, please. 6. Not bad. Do it again. 7. That was much better. 8. Can you say it by yourself? Try. 9. Speak loudly. 10. Come on, Lily. 11. Who would like/ wants to try? Han

7、ds up, please. 12. Very good!/ Terrific!/ Wonderful!/ Excellent!/ Great!/ Well done! 13. Now, look. Its different. Listen! 14. What is different? 15. Right. Listen again, and then you have a try. 16. Who can do it? 17. What else (do you know)? 18. Whats the meaning/ 19. Whats the English for? 20. Wh

8、ats the Chinese for? 21. Now look at the picture. What do you see? 22. Lets see if you can guess. 23. Lets play a guessing / counting / miming game. 24. Would you like to play a game now? 25. A good guess. 26. I will divide you into two teams Apple team and Banana team. 27. This team starts from * t

9、o *. 28. The first one to answer gets a point. 29. One point for group A. 30. The two teams are even. 31. Who is the winner? 32. Congratulations! 音乐 1. Lets sing a song, ok? 2. Say the words after me. 3. Once again, all together. 4. Lets sing the song to the music. Ready? Sing. 5. Do you like this s

10、ong? 6. Lets try again, ok? 7. Next, who would like to try/ 8. One two three go! 9. Beautiful song, isnt it? 10. Would you like to try? 11. Ill teach you sentence by sentence. 12. Ok. Ill add some action. 舞蹈 1. Lets go to dance. 2. Follow me, just like this. 3. Turn right/ left / around. 4. Clap you

11、r hands. 5. Nod your head. 6. Step your feet. 7. Wave your arms. 8. Lets dance to the music. 结束 1. T: Look! Is it funny? C: Funny. T: Well learn it next time. 2. Kids, are you happy today? See you next time. 3. Its time for us to stop now. 4. Time is up. Lets stop here. 5. Oh! Im tired, and how abou

12、t you? 6. Well, its snack time and maybe you are hungry. So, lets go and have a snack! Everybody follow me. Lets go! 7. Little Monkey has a new house. Lets go to visit with Little Bear. 幼儿园英语课堂用语 Warm-up time! 做热身啦! Is everyone ready to begin? 都准备好了吗? Everybody together! All together! 大家一起来。 Lets do

13、 finger plays. 一起来做手指游戏! Lets do actions. 一起做动作! Story time! 讲故事啦! Im going to tell you a story. 我将讲个故事给你们听。 Shh,. Please listen carefully. 嘘,仔细听。 Lets learn. 一起来学。 No playing during the circle time. 在圆圈时间不能玩。 Circle time is quiet time. 圆圈时间是一个安静的时间。 Please raise your hand. 请举手。 Please speak loudly.

14、 请大声说。 Please stand up. 请起立。 Lets talk in English. 一起来说英语。 By turns. One by one. 按顺序,一个一个来。 Lets chant. 一起做律动。 Please stand up. 请站起来。 Please look at me. 请看着我。 Come on. Please come here. 来吧,请到这边来。 Behave yourself. 表现好一点。 Please come here. 请到这儿来。 Quickly. 快点。 Slowly. 慢点。 Be careful. 小心点。 Please sit do

15、wn. 请坐下。 Please go back. 请回去。 Lets play (a game). 一起来玩游戏。 Lets play Simon Says! 我们一起玩“西蒙说”的游戏吧。 Ready, set, go! 准备,开始! Lets watch cartoon. 一起来看动画。 Lets watch and say! 一起来看图说话。 Lets work. 一起来做手工。 Open your books, please. 请把你的书打开。 Please turn to page 5. 请把书翻到第五页。 Close your books, please. 请把书合起来。 Lets count. 一起来数数。


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