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1、幼儿英语课堂程序及用语幼儿英语课堂程序及用语 Step One Warm-up(热身运动) 1. Hands !(稍停) Hands ! Hands ! 1 2 3. Hands ! (稍停) Hands ! Hands ! A B C. Good morning, everyone. Good morning, Miss Li. 2. Stand up,please! I stand up! (生) Attention! One ! Two! Be quiet! (师) Listen! (生) Eyes on me. Eyes on you. Follow me! Follow you! 3

2、.Hands up,up , up! Hands down,down,down. Hands back ,back, back! 5. Good! Very very,good,good,good! Cool! Very very, cool,cool,cool! Super ! Very very super! 5G-o-o-d,good, good, good! N-i-c-e,nice, nice, nice! 6. Sit down ,please! I sit down! 1 Step Two Topic 1. Eyes on me. Eyes on you. Be quiet! (

3、师) Listen! (生) 2. Learn new English words, O K? O K! 3. Look!Whos coming?Whats coming? 小狗 Yes, dog ,dog , a dog , its a dog, dog dog (师) 4. Come here, please. 5. Attention! One two. Eyes on me. Eyes on you. Follow me! Follow you! Hands, dog dog dog (由大声变小声) dogdog dog dog dog (由小声变大声) 6. Good!Very v

4、ery ,goodgoodgood! Cool! Very very,cool,cool,cool! Super !Very very super! 7. Go back to your seat. shhy 8. Eyes on me. Eyes on you. Lets ask and anwser one by one,OK? OK! How to say? Dog Good. /Good boy/ Good girl. 9. Learn another new English words, O K?O K! 2 Step Three Say and read words(新单词机械复习

5、) 1 One more time. OK? OK! Now I say once,you say three times,OK? OK! 2. One more time. OK? OK! Now look ! who says fast, OK? OK! (卡片慢慢地从隐蔽处出现,小朋友连续不断叫说新单词) 3. One more time. OK? OK! Now I do , you say, O K? (师) OK! 4. One more time. OK?OK! Now I say, you do and say, O K? O K! 5. Good!Very very,good

6、,good,good! Step Four Play a game 1. Lets play a game, OK? OK! 2. Who wants to try? Me me,Miss Li! (生) 3. Come here,please. Stop! 4 Are you ready? Yes,ready! 游戏一: I say/do ,you beat cards, OK? OK! 5Good girl!Good boy!You did a good job. Go back to your seat. 6Lets play another game, OK? OK! 游戏二: I s

7、ay/do ,you go to cards, OK? OK! 游戏三:What colour is it? You say, they blow, OK?OK! 游戏四:两个高大的小朋友模拟山洞,动物排队进山洞。 One two three four five What is it? Its a 6Go back to your seat.Game time is over. 3 Step Five Lets sing a song 1. Stand up, please. I stand up! 2. Lets sing a song, OK? OK! What song? Be quie

8、t! Listen! Eyes on me. Eyes on you. Follow me! Follow you! Hands! Music, please! Cool! Very very,cool,cool,cool! 2. Sit down ,please! I sit down! Step Six Follow up 1. Class will be over .Stand up, please.I stand up! 2. Hands! When I go home, listen to the tape and CD. Watch the VCD to be a good lit

9、tle teacher .To teach my Mummy and Daddy English. OK?OK! 3. 一人学英语,全家都欢喜。 4. Lets sing “Goodbye” song, OK? OK! ( 唱 ):Goodbye my teacher. Goodbye my friends. Its time to go home. See you again. 5. Goodbye,everyone. Goodbye,Miss Li. See you again. Bye-bye. 6. Sit down ,please! I sit down! 4 Step Two To

10、pic 1. Eyes on me. Eyes on you. Be quiet! (师) Listen! (生) 2 Learn new English , O K? O K! 3 Lets do and say English, O K? O K! 例一A: How are you ? B: I am fine, thank you! And you? A: I am fine, too. 4. Now I do , you say, O K? O K! 5. Now I say, you do, O K? O K! 6. Good!Very very ,good good good! C

11、ool! Very very, cool cool cool! Super !Very very super! 例二 A: What do you have? B: I have a hot dog. I have a sandwich. I have hamburger. 例三 (1) tissue (2) soap (3) flush the toilet (4) wash my hands 例四 A: what is it ? B: Its a panda . Its a camel. Its a tiger. Its a giraff. 5 幼儿英语课堂(面试教案) Step One

12、Warm-up(热身运动) Hands !(稍停) Hands ! Hands ! 1 2 3. Hands ! (稍停) Hands ! Hands ! A B C. Stand up,please! I stand up! (生) Good morning, everyone. Good morning, Miss Li. Sit down ,please! I sit down! Step Two Topic 1 Learn new English words, O K? O K! 2 Look!Whos coming?Whats coming? Yes, (师) 3 Follow me

13、! Follow you! Hands, (由大声变小声) (由小声变大声) 4 Good!Very very ,goodgoodgood! 5 Lets ask and anwser one by one,OK? OK! How to say? Dog Good. 9. Learn another new English words, O K?O K! 6 Step Three Say and read words(新单词机械复习) 1 Now I say once,you say three times,OK? OK! 2. Now look ! who says fast, OK? OK

14、! 3. Now I do , you say, O K? (师) OK! 4 Good!Very very,good,good,good! Step Four Play a game 1 Lets play a game, OK? OK! 2 Who wants to try? Me me,Miss Li! (生) 3 游戏: I say/do ,you go to cards, OK? OK! 4 Good!Very very,good,good,good! 5 Go back to your seat.Game time is over. Step Six Follow up 1 Hands! Stand up,please! I stand up! (生) Lets sing “Goodbye” song, OK? OK! ( 唱 ):Goodbye my teacher. Goodbye my friends. Its time to go home. See you again. 2 Goodbye,everyone. Goodbye,Miss Li. See you again. Bye-bye. 3 Sit down ,please! I sit down! 7


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