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1、幼儿英语课前热身小游戏幼儿英语课前热身小游戏 孩子玩得正高兴,站在一旁的老师却喊着“要上英语课了”,孩子们带着满脸的不情愿回到了教室,有的还嘟囔着“又要上课”,丝毫没有上课的情绪,这时,不妨和孩子们玩个幼儿英语课前热身游戏,让孩子们良好状态下步入英语课堂。 幼儿集中注意的时间短,英语又是他们的第二门语言,要让他们积极投入到幼儿园英语活动中,难度是比较大的。幼儿爱玩游戏,若能在英语课前来点小热身,能让幼儿带着高涨的情绪步入英语的“殿堂”,使他们更主动参与英语课堂的学习。为此,幼儿园园长联盟小编整理了41个幼儿英语课前热身游戏,供大家参考。 1、Clap stomp snap bump clap

2、clap clap Stomp stomp stomp Snap snap snap Bump bump bump(打击膝盖) 2、Shake your body shake your shoulders,shua shua shua(上下抖动肩膀) Shake your hands,clap clap clap Shake your hip,pia pia pia Shake your feet,dong dong dong 3、Shake your body Shake shake up(胳膊和手全部向上摇摆)Shake shake down Shake shake shake shake

3、Lets turn around Shake shake up(胳膊和手全部向上摇摆)Shake shake down Shake shake shake shakeLets sing a song 4、One two three four one two three four,clap your hands(1 2 3 4,拍拍手) two two three four,stomp your feet three two three four,nod your head, four two three four,hands on knees. 5、Lets count one two,tie

4、 your shoe Three four,touch the floor Five six,stir and mix Nine ten,count again One two three four five six seven eight nine ten(一只手指,一只手指的再数一遍) 6、Finger play one finger,one finger,turn turn turn,turn to a toothbrush,shua shua shua Two finger,two finger,turn turn turn,turn to a rabbit,jump jump jum

5、p Three finger,three finger,turn turn turn,turn to a fork,cha cha cha Four finger,four finger,turn turn turn,turn to a cat,meow meow meow Five finger,five finger,turn turn turn,turn to a tiger,aw aw aw 7、Hello Hello,hello,how are you(左摆手,右摆手,双手头上打开) Fine,fine,thank thank you Hello,hello,how are you(

6、左摆手,右摆手,双手头上打开) No no,just so so 8、Oh rabbit Oh rabbit,oh rabbit red red eyes Oh shua,oh shua,oh shua shua shua(双手向前开合五次) Oh rabbit,oh rabbit long long ears Oh wu,oh wu,oh wu wu wu Oh rabbit,oh rabbit Short short tail Oh pia,oh pia,oh pia pia pia 9、Wolf Knock konck knock Who is it Its mummy Open the

7、 door Come in please Oh,no Big bad wolf Go out Big bad wolf(打狼) 10、daddy mummy(曲调同对面的女还看过来) Daddy mummy,look at me Daddy mummy look at me Clap your hands,follow me 11、follow me Follow follow follow me(双手从左往右拍手四下)Hands up,hands down Follow follow follow me(双手从左往右拍手四下)Stand up sit down Follow follow f

8、ollow me(双手从左往右拍手四下)Lets turn around Follow follow follow me(双手从左往右拍手四下)Lets sing a song Oh lei,oh lei,oh leiGo go go 12、one two three four five Point up point down(双手食指上指,下指)Show me one Jump up jump downShow me two Look up look downShow me three Stand up sit downShow me four Hands up hands downShow

9、 me five One two three four five 13、up and down Up up touch your head Down down touch your toes Up and down Touch your hips Turn around Touch the ground Yeah! 14、come on Come on,come on Join me join me Lets play a ball Lets play a ball Ok?ok? Yeah!yeah!yeah! 15、Nod your head Nod your head,yes yes ye

10、s Shake your head,no no no Raise youe hand,one two three Put down your hand,one two three Look at me,look at him,chua chua chua Look at her,chua chua chua Clap your hands pia pia pia Very good,ha ha ha Two big eyes chua chua chua Two big ears wu wu wu,wu wu wu One small nose,eng eng eng One little m

11、outh,bo bo bo(指嘴,啵三下) 16、Five fingers One finger,one finger,point,point,point.一根手指点点点。 Two fingers,two fingers,cut,cut,cut.两根手指剪剪剪。 Three fingers,three fingers,miaow,miaow.miaow.三根手指喵喵喵。 Four fingers four fingers,touch,touch,touch.四根手指摸摸摸。 Five fingers,five fingers,clap,clap,clap.五根手指拍拍拍。 17、come on

12、 Come on,come on Join me join me Lets play a ball Lets play a ball Ok?ok? Yeah!yeah!yeah! 18、Happy angry cry shy Happy happy,ha ha ha.两手食指在嘴角往外划,然后两手往两侧打开,张开五指笑 angry angry,heng heng heng.卷袖子,跺脚 cry cry,wu wu wu.两手食指擦眼泪 shy shy,mm mm mm.两手抱胳膊作害羞状 19、Wiggle Wiggle wiggle wiggle(伸出双手,十指快速弯曲伸直地跳动) Shak

13、e shake shake(甩甩双手) Roll roll roll roll9(双拳在胸前绕动) Fingers run away(抖动手指,然后双手藏到背后身体坐直) 20、Little Fox Little fox little fox,(双手做成狐狸爪子的样子放在腮下,眼神做出贼头贼脑的样子) laying fier,(双手做出火苗的样子) Fire fire fire,(双手做出火苗升高的样子) Oh!my tail!(迅速捂住屁股,从小椅子上弹跳起来) 全意:小狐狸玩火,烧到尾巴 21、Two Little Blackbirds Two little blackbird(竖起大食指

14、) Sitting on a hill, One named Jack And one named Jill. Fly away,Jack. Fly away,Jill. Come back,Jack. Come back,Jill. 全意:两只小八哥,住在山顶上,一只叫杰克,一只叫吉尔,杰克飞走了,吉尔飞走了,杰克,回来!吉尔,回来 22、Knock,Knock Knock,knock, Peek in, Open the latch, And walk right in. How do you do Mr.Chin,Chin,Chin. 全意:敲一敲,瞧一瞧,拉开门,走进去,你好吗,下巴先

15、生? 23、Bumblebee Bumblebee was in the barn, Carrying his di er under his arm. Bzzzzzzzzz 大蜜蜂在谷仓里飞,带着晚餐味道美,嗡嗡嗡 24、Round the garden Round and round the garden, Goes the little mouse. Up,up,up he cree, Up into his house. 全意:花园来了小客人,原来是只小老鼠,悄悄爬悄悄爬,爬进了家。 25、If yourre happy If yourre happy and you know it,

16、clap your hands If yourre happy and you know it,clap your hands If yourre happy and you know it, And your face will surely show it If yourre happy and you know it,clap your hands 注:将clap your hands改成stomp your feet成一段,改成shout“hurray”,再改成do all three。 26、one little finger One little finger,one litter

17、 finger(依次伸出左右两个食指) One little finger,tap tap tap Point to the ceiling,point to the floor Put it on your head. 最后一个head改成nose,mouth,ear等其它身体部位,甚至可以改成chair、table等等地方,呵呵,可以灵活运用哦。 27、One little flower One little flower One little bee One little blue bird,high in the tree. One little brown deer,smiling

18、at me. 28、Ten little fingers Ten little fingers(伸出十个手指) And ten little toes Two little arms,and one little nose One little mouth,and two little ears Two little eyes for smiles and tears. 29、Finger family Daddy finger,daddy finger,where are you? Here I am,here I am,how do you do? Daddy finger指的是大拇指,同

19、样Mommy finger、brother finger,sister finger,baby finger分别是指食指、中指、无名指和小指。在各个手指上画上眼睛嘴巴,建议把每个手指的特点都画出来,增加趣味性:比如daddy finger上画一个特别的大大的鼻子,不用画头发。Mommy finger夸张地画上红嘴唇,长头发;brother finger的脖子处就画一个领结;sister finger头上画一个发结;至于baby finger,画一个大笑的嘴巴好了。你的宝宝一定喜欢这个充满趣味的游戏,而且很快,他就可以用how do you do来问候你了。 30、Knock,Knock Kno

20、ck,knock, Peek in, Open the latch, And walk right in. How do you do Mr.Chin,Chin,Chin. 全意:敲一敲,瞧一瞧,拉开门,走进去,你好吗,下巴先生? 31、The Elephant Goes The elephant goes like this,like that. Hes terribly big, And hes terribly fat. He has no fingers,(握拳,藏起手指) He has no toes,(摇动脚趾) But goodness gracious, What a nose

21、!(指鼻子) 32、表情歌 Im laughing.哈哈 Im smiling.嘻嘻 Im crying.呜呜 Im angry.哼哼 33、Walking,Walking Walking,walking,walking,walking, Hop,hop,hop,hop,hop,hop, Running,running,running, Running,running,running, Now,lets stop, Up and down. 33、伦敦大桥垮下来 London Bridge falling downfalling downfalling down. London Bridge

22、falling downMy fat lady! 34、当我们同在一起 The more we get togethertogethertogether. The more we get togetherthe happier will be. Cause your song is my song. And my song is your song. The more we get togetherthe happier will be. 35、划船歌 RowRowRow your boat,Generally down the stream,MerelyMerelyMerely Life b

23、ut a dream. 36、手指歌 One littleTwo littleThree little fingers Four littleFive littleSix little fingers Seven littleEight littleNine little fingers Ten fingers on my hand! Ten littleNine littleEight little fingers Seven littleSix littleFive little fingers Four littleThree littleTwo little fingers One f

24、inger on my hand! 37、Head shoulder knees and toes Head and shoulder and knees and toes knees and toes, (双手按次序指头、肩膀、膝盖、脚趾、膝盖、脚趾) Head and shoulder and knees and toes knees and toes, Eyes and ears and mouth and noses (双手指眼睛、耳朵、嘴巴和鼻子) Head and shoulder and knees and toes knees and toes 38、Twinkle littl

25、e star Twinkle twinkle little star,(两个手的手指一张一合,示意星星在眨眼睛) How I wonder what you are, Up above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle twinkle little star,How I wonder what you are. 39、Let everyone clap hands Let everyone clap hands like me,(拍两下手) Let everyone clap hands like me, Come on

26、and join into the game Youll find that its always the same. 这里clap hands可改成laugh、cry、sneeze。这首歌跟If youre happy有异曲同工之妙,也是训练孩子的音乐节奏感,除了第一、二句的动作以外,其它的都可以省掉了。 40、Five little monkeys Five little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called the doctor and the doctor said: No mor

27、e little monkeys jumping on that bed. 其中的five依次改成four、three、two、one。这也是一首节奏轻快的歌谣,既幽默又有趣,很好了锻炼了孩子的幽默感。整首儿歌用调侃俏皮的语气来念,念到最后一句的时候就故作严肃。 41、Johnny,Johnny Johnny,Johnny,Johnny,Johnny(依次从孩子的小手指,点到食指) Whoops,Johnny(whoops时,从食指顺着手滑到大拇指的指尖) Whoops,Johnny(whoops时,从林拇指指尖顺着手滑到食指的指尖) Johnny,Johnny,Johnny! 结语: 在英语课堂教学里,老师可根据热身的需要,和幼儿进行互动,如走到幼儿处咯吱做得端正的幼儿进行表扬;也可相互击掌,以此调动幼儿参与活动的积极性,使课堂尽可能发挥出最好的效果。不过,老师们也要尽可能去创编更多的英语游戏,让幼儿感受到每次玩游戏都有新异,他们会更乐意玩的。


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