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1、广东省深圳观澜中学届中考英语级词汇专项复习精 词汇专项训练 .从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 ( ) 1.-Do you know that tall beautiful lady? -No. I was very surprised when I realized she was talking to me. A. refused B. hated C. understood ( ) 2.-Does that new dress fit you? -Not very well. Perhaps I should try another one. A. Us

2、ually B. Maybe C. Always ( ) 3.-Do you think he is a wise student? -Right. To be honest, he can answer some difficult questions correctly. A. stupid B. clever C. handsome ( ) 4.What do you often do in class? -I have a habit of copying down the words on the blackboard. A. putting down B. putting off

3、C. taking off ( ) 5. -Its amazing that the robots beat the human beings. -The robot plays an important role in our daily life. A. persons B. animals C. machines ( ) 6.Cant you see your battery on the desk? -Sorry, it is so tiny that I cant see it at all. A. cheap B. big C. small ( ) 7.Why dont you b

4、uy that pair of trousers? -It is very expensive, and I cant afford it. A. ugly B. dear C. dry ( ) 8.What suggestions will you give me? -You need hard work, in addition, money is also quite important. A. because B. however C. besides ( ) 9.Who can operate the new machine, please? -Wed better ask the

5、engineer for help. A. make the new machine stop B. make the new machine sing C. make the new machine work ( ) 10. Why are those people crossing the road when the traffic light is red? -They are unaware of the danger they are in. A. dont know B. dont tell C. dont stop .根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语

6、完成句子。 ( ) 11.To _something means to have something as a part. A. include B. invent C. miss ( ) 12. You should _ your results much more carefully. -OK, I will. A. change B. check C. break ( ) 13. Shall we go for a picnic next week? -Actually, it _ on the weather. A. turns B. gets C. depends ( ) 14. A

7、/An _ is someone who has studied science and whose job is to teach 1 or do research in science. A. invention B. musician C. scientist ( ) 15. Your _ to do something is the fact that you can do it. . A. ability B. amount C. brain ( ) 16. Why did the lady shout loudly just now? -She was scared that a

8、tiger appeared in front of her _. A. correctly B. suddenly C. carefully ( ) 17. If you _ someone, you invite them to fight or compete with you in some way. A. praise B. challenge C. control ( ) 18. Would you please keep the secret for me forever? -Sure, I _ I will let nobody know that. A. doubt B. b

9、elieve C. promise ( ) 19. A _ room is a room for two people, usually a couple, to stay or live in. A. single B. comfortable C. double ( ) 20. Can you tell me the _ of this hair product? -It is $50 per bottle. A. price B. height C. length .从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 ( ) 21. -What do the touris

10、ts think of the place? -This place has something special in tourists eyes. A. unusual B. interesting C. wonderful ( ) 22. -Have you been to the modern city? -Yes, but it was only a small village a hundred years ago. A. At first B. century C. forever ( ) 23. -Why did Mary look happy? -She passed her

11、exam with success. A. good results B. Bad results C. no results ( ) 24. -Where are the passengers from? -They are from America, Canada and England. A. workers B. people on bus C. visitors ( ) 25. -How beautiful your shoes are! -Thanks. At the same time, they are nice and soft. A. big B. practical C.

12、 comfortable ( ) 26. -How do you like some young people ? - They always need help from their parents. A. study from B. support C. depend on ( ) 27. -How soon will we see one another? -Very soon. Because theyll visit our city next week. A .some others B. each other C. others ( ) 28. -Why are you so a

13、ngry? -It is stupid of you to make such a decision. A. clever B. interesting C. silly 2 ( ) 29. -Sorry, I forgot to knock at the door before entering your room. -It doesnt matter A. breaking into B. going into C. going out of ( ) 30. -How could the Greeks capture the city? -They succeeded in capturi

14、ng it through a clever trick. A. was not able to B. achieved C. tried to .根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。 ( ) 31. -Can we meet on Monday morning? -Sorry, I must have classed from Monday to Friday, so we cant meet on _. A. weekend B. weekday C. Friday ( ) 32. - Would you like to taste a piece of

15、 cake? -Yes, it looks really excellent, at the same time, it tastes _, too. A. sweet B. tasty C. fantastic ( ) 33. -How poor the beggar is! -We mustnt _ him. A. make jokes about B. look at C. stare at ( ) 34. -May I visit you tomorrow? -I am free. You can visit _. A. any one B. any time C. anytime (

16、 ) 35. -I hear your brother has gone to Paris. Do you known when he will _? -Next week. A. return B. travel C. plan ( ) 36. -Why has Li Na made so many friends? -Because she is _. A. careful B. clever C. friendly ( ) 37. -What can you see in the box? -Nothing. Its _. A. dirty B. full C. empty ( ) 38

17、. -Can you answer the last question? -No, but I can answer all the questions _the last one. A. besides B. except for C. beside ( ) 39. -Tom has passed his exam. -Thats good news. We should go out to_ A. celebrate B. congratulations C. sing ( ) 40. -Will you give a speech? -Sorry. When I speak in fro

18、nt of others, I always feel _. A. pleased B. nervous C. angry .从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 ( ) 41.- Could you help me improve my English? - Sure. You should read more and talk more everyday. A. show around B. make better C. leave alone ( ) 42. - Dont be silly. Its a waste of time to do that. 3

19、 - I dont think so. A. smart B. wise C. foolish ( ) 43.- What the trouble with you? - I hurt my finger and it is hard for me to have lunch now. A. difficulty B. matter C. thought ( ) 44.- You have won the Writing Competition. Congratulations! - Thanks a lot. A. Contest B, Test C. Final ( ) 45. -I ha

20、ve lost my heart in math. -What happened? Shall I give me some advise? A. opinions B. suggestions C. views ( ) 46.- Communicating with others is a good way to learn English well. - You can say that again. A. Talking to B. Laughing at C. Hearing from ( ) 47. - There is a terrible earthquake and many

21、people suffer from illness. - I am sorry to hear that. A. happiness B. loneness C. diseases ( ) 48. - Above all, it is time to finish the work for now. - Im afraid that we cant do it. A. Especially B. All in all C. In total ( ) 49.- How can I deal with these books ? - Put them in the letter order in

22、 order to find the books in the library quickly, please. A. except for B. instead of C. so as to ( ) 50. -Look out! Someone fell over on the icy street. - Yes. It is hard to walk. A. Put out B. Find out C. Be careful .根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。 ( ) 51. - Why do you often _ the headline in

23、the newspaper? - I try to make people pay more attention to it. A. advise B. mention C. mind ( ) 52. - How to finish shopping quickly in the supermarket? - First, you should make a _ of the things you want to buy. A. letter B. picture C. list ( ) 53. - So whos the _ of the 200-metre race? - Its Lucy

24、. She was in the first place among the players. A. contestant B. winner C. manager ( ) 54. - Dont try to _ behind the door. I can see you. - Mum, I am sorry to break the vase. A. jump B. cycle C. hide ( ) 55. - Mr. Black will give make a _ to us next Wednesday. - Wow. He is famous for his method of

25、improving writing. A. film B. meeting C. speech ( ) 56.- The iPhone 6S is so popular with the _ that they always ask their 4 parents for it. - Yes. But I think it cost so much. A. adults B. grown-ups C. teenagers ( ) 57. - She has _ in reading the passage. - Is there something wrong with her eyes? A

26、. difficulty B. strength C. advantage ( ) 58.- We have to _ the money for the people who injured in the earthquake. - It is the most important thing for now. A. rise B. make C. raise ( ) 59. - How can I remember a large number of the English words quickly? - Drawing the pictures is a good way to imp

27、rove your _. A. heart B. opinion C. memory ( ) 60. - There are so many kinds of mouses for us to _ . What should I do? - It is decided by the styles what you like. A. buy B. choose C. make .从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 ( )61. What the matter? - I feel bored with my study, because we always have

28、 too much homework. A. dont like B. am interested in C. feel happy with ( )62. Why did your sister come to see you? - She came here to remind me of my mothers birthday. A. mind B. recommend C. help me to remember ( )63. I heard he sighed just now. - Yes, he failed in the PE test again. A. signed B.

29、laughed C. breathed deeply and heavily ( )64. Can you describe the thief? - He is thin and tall with a tail. A. require B. draw C. say some features about ( )65. Why did you look unhappy? - He said my idea sounded great. But in fact, He didnt accept my suggestion. A. liked B. didnt follow C. felt ha

30、ppy with ( )66. How should we do it? - The first stage is to find a piece of paper. A. step B. time C. plan ( )67. What do you think of your new friend? - She is very pleasant. She gets along well with us. A. crazy B. terrible C. friendly ( )68. What did you find? - Her eyes popped out. It means tha

31、t the news was surprising to her. A. saw nothig B. changed suddenly C. opened widely ( )69. Why does she get up so early every day? - She tries to keep fit by running every day. A. healthy B. successful C. friendly ( )70. When are you going to set off tomorrow? 5 - At 6 oclock in the morning. A. cel

32、ebrate B. come over C. leave .根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。 ( )71. - Whats the _, Sally? You look angry. - My wallet was missing. A. matter B. wrong C. happened ( )72. When did the accident happen? -It_ at 6:30 p.m. yesterday when I was on my way home. A. held B. took place C. saved ( )73. -D

33、o you like you new teacher? - Yes, she made a good _ on us. A. impression B. expression C. example ( )74. What makes you so happy? -Their arrival. They _ Beijing last night. A. left B. arrived C. reached ( )75. What did Sally ask for?. - He _ another two days to finish the project. A. required B. re

34、paired C. need ( )76. What is the meaning of “_”? -It means you put something in a high position. A. hang B. hold C. post ( )77. _ its raining heavily, he doesnt stop running. A. Because B. So C. Although ( )78. Did she succeed in the competition? -Yes, she _ it. She won the first prize. A. tried B.

35、 made C. lost ( )79. Nobody can _ her in English - Yes, she began to learn English at three. Beside, she is hard-working. A. match B. appear C. face ( )80. -It is very dangerous here. We should set a _ sign. - I agree with you. We will do it at once. A. warning B. storm C. symbol .从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选

36、出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 81. -Look at the giant panda! It was only 100 grams at birth, but it weighs at least 100 kilograms now. -I couldnt image how tiny it was! A. when it was born B. when it was dead C. when it was young 82. - I want to introduce Jerry to you. He is very independent. - Oh, its so great. T

37、hen I can do everything on my own. A. by myself B. one by one C. ahead of time 83. -What kind of animals do you like? -I prefer some cute animals, such as cats and dogs. A. lively and cruel B. pretty and lovely C. wild and strange 84. -How many times do you feed your pet dog? 6 -Three times a day. A

38、nd they usually have meat for breakfast. A. give presents to B. give birth to C. give food to 85. -Youd better keep quiet when youre in public places. -I know. Its important to be polite. A. make good impressions B. make no noise C. make friends 86. -Last night, my sister dreamt of a terrible tiger.

39、 -Thats why she walked in fear all day. A. feeling afraid B. feeling tired C. feeling hungry 87. -How about your summer holiday? -I spent most of the holiday playing with an unknown creature. A. wild animal B. special object C. living thing 88. -What would I say if I want to refuse an invitation? -Y

40、ou can say, “Sorry. Id love to, but Im so busy.” A. say yes to B. say no to C. say sorry to 89. -What have you prepared for the coming football match? -Do exercise every day, have balanced diet and sleep well. A. got ready for B. cared for C. set off for 90. -Its said that there will be Forever Gree

41、n Houses in 2050. -I wonder what itll be like. A. try to guess B. want to know C. cant imagine .根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。 91. -Dont walk _ the river. -Its very dangerous to fall into the river. A. close to B. away from C. carefully along 92. -Whats wrong with you? -Im having trouble remem

42、bering things _ . A. in the past B. recently C. in the future 93. -Have you heard of the Hotel Whale? -Yes. Its _ a whale and there are 50 bedrooms in it. A. in the shape of B. in a line of C. in the weight of 94. -What happened to your hometown? -It was _ by an earthquake. A. flooded B. hurt C. damage


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