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1、广东省阳江市阳东广雅中学中考英语语法填空练习人教新目课件语法填空 一、根据题目要求转换所给单词。 1. leaf (复数)_ 2. mouse (复数) _ 3. have (第三人称单数形式) _ 4. plan (V-ing形式) _ 5. bite (过去分词形式)_ 6. come (过去式) _ 7. he (宾格) _ 8. my (名词性物主代词) _ 9. many (比较级) _ 10. badly (最高级) _ 二、根据句意,选择适当的词语填空。 1. Being too anxious to help an event develop often _ (results/

2、resulted) in the opposite to our intention. 2. During the Spring Festival in China, children _ (give) money in a red envelope. 3. I stopped the car _ (to take/ take) a short break as I was feeling tired. 4. Although seriously _ (injured/injuring), he struggled towards home. He made it! Yet on _ (arr

3、ived/arriving), he passed out. 5. Although we came across a lot of _ (difficult/difficulties), we finally make our dream come true. 6. It is a surprise that they are all _ (woman doctors/women doctors). 7. The piano is not _ (her/hers). Its mine. 8. Red is a color that _ (easy/easily) catches a pers

4、ons eye. 9. Jack and Jim are twin brothers. Jack is the _ (younger/youngest) one. 10. Compared with that horse, this one runs _ (slowlier / more slowly). 总结:语法填空“给词题”考查: 1,2题考查_; 3,4题考查_; 5,6题考查_ 7题考查 _; 8.9,10题考查_. 1 英语知识运用第二节 语法填空- “给词题” 给词题的解题技巧 一. 动词 1) Exercise 1: 1. About two oclock every nigh

5、t, Sue will start talking in her dream. It somewhat _ (bother) us. 2. Hurry up, kids! The school bus _ (wait) for us! 3. In the last few years, China _ (make) great achievements in environment protection. 4. - Is Peter coming? - No, he _ (change) his mind at the last minute. 5. Just as I got to the

6、school gate, I realized I _ (leave) my book in the caf. 6. She _ (phone) someone, so I nodded to her and went away. 7. - Did you enjoy the party? - Yes. We _ (treat) well by our hosts. 8. In the near future, more advances in the robot technology _ (make) by scientists. 9. In the last few years thous

7、ands of films _ (produce) all over the world. 总结:如若所给词为动词首先考虑句子是否缺 _, 如果缺,便考虑句子的_和_. 注意: 1. 不及物动词如 happen, take place, occur, appear, break out, rise, belong to, arrive、die、fall、last、exist、fail、succeed, have(有,上课)等是没有被动语态的; 2. 常见的系动词如look, sound, taste, smell, feel, go(变得), become, grow(变得),remain,

8、stay, keep等没有被动语态;3. 某些及物动词如wash、sell、read、write等,常与well、quite、easily、badly等副词连用, 通常用主动语态表示被动意义; 4. need, want, deserve, be worth, require(需要,要求) 后加-ing主动表被动 Exercise 2: Practice makes perfect The old building requires _ (repair). The sweater is perfect for chilly nights, not too heavy for summer we

9、ar. I love the simplicity of the zebra design. It also _ (wash) well! At that time, soda pop was sold in bottles, and they were washed and _(fill) again. In Logan, three people _ (take) to a hospital, while others were treated at a local clinic. When the fire alarm went off last night,Jennifer 1. _

10、(clean) the whiteboard. She knew it was best to leave the building immediately,but she 2. _ (think) she must find out what the problem was. The alarm 3. _ (sound) like the busy signal on a phone,only 1,000 times louder. In the end,she found it a false alarm and thus turned it off. But it was too lat

11、e for her. She 4. _ (listen) to the loud alarm for too long. Even as she drove home,her ears felt strange. 2 Exercise 3: 改错 When I was a child, I hoped to live in the city, and I think I would be happy there. I wasnt able to hide my eagerness when I have asked, “Can I have it?” She apologized and wa

12、s sounded really regretful. 2) Exercise 1: 1. _ (catch) the early flight, we ordered a taxi in advance and got up early. 2. Children, when _ (accompany) by their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium. 3. Last night, there were millions of people _ (watch) the opening ceremony live on TV. 4. Its

13、quite hot today. Do you feel like _ (go) for a swim? 5. _ (understand) your own need is as important as learning to express your emotions. 6. When we saw the road _ (block) with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home. 7. I said I felt ill, so my mother was very _ (worry). 总结:如若所给词为动词,句子又已经有_了

14、,那考虑 _ 注意: 常见的只接不定式作宾语的动词有:want、wait、offer、long、fail、hope、expect、ask、decide、determine、manage、agree、afford、arrange、promise、pretend等; 只接V-ing形式作宾语的动词及词组有:mind、miss、enjoy、excuse、prevent、practice、suggest、keep (on)、avoid、admit、appreciate、risk、resist、finish、forbid、imagine、consider、deny、stand、propose等; 另外,

15、remember、forget、regret、try、mean等动词接不定式和接V-ing形式作宾语表示不同意思,需具体情况具体分析。 另: 在see、hear、notice、observe等感官动词和have、make等使役动词后,用V-ing形式作宾语补足语表示动作正在进行;用不定式 (往往省略to) 表示动作已经发生,动作的全过程已经结束;用V-ed 形式表示被动的动作。 Exercise 2: Its so mean of you _ (say) those words to your mother. _ (collect) stamps is my hobby. Its a pity

16、 that she failed _ (pass) the final English exam. You shall try every means to avoid _ (hurt) by that fierce lion. When I hurried to school,I saw the door 1. _ (lock). I suddenly realized that today was Sunday! When I was ready to go back home,I saw a girl 2. _ (run) towards me. Its Lily. She made t

17、he same mistake as me! He saw the stone,_ (say) to himself,“The night will be very dark.” _ (give) more time, I will be able to finish the task. 3 _ (complete) the project as planned, well have to work two more hours a day . Mary felt _ (please), because there were many empty seats in the room. As I

18、 got off the plane, the first thing I did was 1._ (put) on my thick coat. It was very cold. The highest temperature 2. _ (record) during my stay was about 7 degrees below zero. She seldom 1. _ (sing) in public, so I dont know whether she sings well or not. I got back to school last night 2. _ (get)

19、some important papers. When I walked pass the music room, I heard someone 3. _ (sing) inside. It sounded so beautiful. I lightly opened the door. Surprisingly, it was her! She did sing quite well! Exercise 3: 改错 Ignore the difference between the two research findings will be a mistake. He has worked

20、 all day long, makes his daughter miss him very much. Instant Practice When a baby is in danger, its mother will be crazy and worried. This is something anyone can relate to,even though we are talking about a mother elephant _1._ (separate) from her child. A video recording the reunion between the e

21、lephant and _2._ (she) 8-month-old baby in Kenya was one of the _3._ (impressive) scenes. The baby fell inside a man-made hole and was unable to climb out, according to the video released by the Amboseli Trust for Elephants. Despite the best efforts _4._ (make) by her desperate mother, the baby seem

22、ed helpless until a team of workers rushed to help. They had to drive the overprotective mother away first, so that they could get close enough to rescue the baby with _5._ (rope) and a vehicle. Luckily, the workers managed _6._ (pull) the baby to safety. What followed was a _7._ (touch) scene. As soon as the baby _8._ (free), it ran away across the plain. In the distance, the cries of her mother could be heard as she came _9._ (run) from the opposite direction. The two were reunited, _10._ (hug) each other with their trunks. 4


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