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1、广州五年级下册英语期中测试广州版五年级下册英语期中测试 Class_ Name_ Assessment_ 一. 听读句子,选出句子中所含的信息。 ( )1.Toms father does some reading at_in the evening. A.8:30 B.6:30 C.7:45 ( )2.I often _ after class every day . A.climb the hill B.take exercise C.ran very fast ( )3 Chinese Year is on_this year. A.January 18th B.February 19t

2、h C.December 18th ( )The_can jump very high. A.monkey B.elephant C.kangaroo ( )5.The robot can speak both_. A. Russian B.Chinese C.English and Japanese ( )6.The little gril can _in english A. write a letter B.do some reading C.drink coffee ( )7.XiaoLing is sitting on the grass under the big_. A.bany

3、an tree B.bluebell C.oak tree ( )8.We _pick the flowers. A. can B.need not C.must not ( )9.Can I _of monkeys? A. take photos B.take exercise C.take rest ( )10.Childrens Day is on the_of_. A. July 6 B.September 10 C. June 1 B. 二听读句子,写出句子所缺的单词。 1._ are the biggest animals in the world. 2.I dont_ well,

4、I have a _ . 3.My grandpa looks very _. 4.A _ can run 95 _ an hour. ththst5.What _ do you usually speak at home? 6.You _ take the _ three times a day. 7.An _ can eat_ 350 kilos of food each day. 笔试部分 三、找出每组单词中,与其他两个单词不同类的一个,把它的字母编号写在括号内。 ( )1. A. kangaroo B. slowly C. turtle ( )2. A. Begin B. spring

5、 C. autumn ( )3. A. large B. big C. nearer ( )4. A. flower B. fever C. cold ( )5. A. whale B. fish C. pian ( )6. A. Monday B. weekday C. Thursday ( )7. A. kilo B. metre C. ride ( )8. A. shark B. cheetah C. eagle ( )9. A. tooth B. headache C. toothache ( )10. A. summer B. term C. winter 四、根据实际情况回答问题。

6、 1、Which is bigger, your bedroom or your kitchen ? _ 2 、What is the biggest animals on land ? _ 3、How fast can a cheetah run ? _ 4 、How many seasons are there in a year ? _ 5 、What animals can fly very high ? _ 五、根据中文,补全句子。 1.A tiger _ _ (看起来像) a cat. 2. Of _ _ ,cheetah run fastest. 3.The blue whale

7、 _ _ eat small fish and plants in water. 4.Whale live _ _ _. 5.We _ _ (不得不) hand in our homework on time. 6.Ben often _ _ at home. 7.A blue whale can eat _ _ _ _ (四吨食物)each day 8.The playground is _ _ _(90 米长) 六、写出下列词的比较级和最高级形式。(10分) 1.fast _ _ 2.tall_ _ 3.strong_ _ 4.big _ _ 5.easy _ _ 6.large _ _

8、7.good _ _ 8.many _ _ 9.thin _ _ 9.heavy _ _ 10.long _ _ 七、选择适当的词填空,并把答案的字母编号写在括号内。 1. _ are the biggest animals on land . A.elephant B.dinosaurs C. Whales 2. ( ) Im the _ boy in my class. A.tall B. taller C. Tallest 3.( )Mike is _ now than before. A.thin B.thiner C.thinner 4.( ) This school is _new

9、er than that one. A.much B. many C.more 5.( ) My sister neednt _her homework at home. A.do B.does C.doing 6.( ) It is time _ go to school. A,to B.at C.for 7.( ) It is time _ bed now. A.to B.on C.for 8.( ) Take the medicine three _ a day. A.time B .times C. a time 9.( ) The boy _ up early. A.get B. g

10、ets C.getting 10.( ) Whats the matter _ you ? A.with B.on C.in 八、阅读短文,判断句子是否符合短文内容,如符合请写“T”,不符合写“F”。 My name is Jim .Im a fireman,I go to work at six every morning, I dont have breakfast at home .My wife prepares (准备) eggs and bread for me.When you telephone 119 ,I will help you put out the fire .I like to help people and they like me .I m very busy .I go home at about half past nine. ( )1.Jim is a fireman. ( )2.Jim eats breakfast at home . ( )3.when someone is in fire,please telephone 119 ( )4.The fireman can put out the fire . ( )5.Jim goes home at six. 九用约35个单词描述你喜欢的动物。(10分) _ _ _ _ _


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