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1、广州小学三年级英语下册重难点知识巩固 广州版小学三年级英语下册重难点知识巩固 一.归纳have和has的使用规律: 我有、你有、复数名词有用:_。 你、我之外单数名词有用:_。 否定、疑问句无论谁有都用:_。 过关练习: 1. I _ a turtle and a frog. 2. She _ some pets. 3. Uncle Tim _ a farm. 4. Do you _ any books? 5. They _ some postcards from the USA. 6. My bedroom _ a ceiling and a floor. 7. I dont _ any s

2、tamps. 二、归纳am、is、are的用法规律: 我用_,你用_,_用于它、他、她, 单数名词都用_. 复数名词都用_. 1. I _ from Britain. 2. Who _ Mr Webb? He _ Janets father. 3. Who _ those boys? They _ my brothers. 4. What _ that? It _ my family tree. 5. Who _ the children? They _ my cousins. 6. What is your name? I _ Sally. 7. Mike _ tall and strong

3、. 8. Jack and I _ good friends(朋友)。 9. These _ French stamps. 三. some和any的用法指引。 some和any的中文解释都是:_ 陈述句里的一些是用:_ 否定句和疑问句里的一些是用:_ 过关练习: 1. I have _ American stamps. 2. There are _ sheep under the tree. 3. Are there _ cookies on the table? 4. There arent _ pictures on the wall. 5. Do you have _ postcards

4、 from the UK? 6. I dont have _ horses. 7. They have _ ducks and geese. 四、根据中文提示,写出下列方位词。 在上面 _ 在里面 _ 在下面 _ 在前面 _ 在后面 _ 在旁边 _ 在中间 _ 在附近 _ 在对面 _ 五、用have和has填空。 1. Do you _any pets? 5. The bull _ big horns. 2. Becky _a guinea pig. 6. They _ many Chinese stamps. 3. I _ a cat and a dog. 7. That girl _ a

5、turtle and a frog. 1 综合练习1 4. Uncle Tim_ a farm, 六、用there is 和there are 填空。 1. _some goats beside the house. 2. _ a spider on the ceiling. 3. Is there a computer in your study? Yes, _. 4. Are there any toilets in this building? Yes, _. 5. _ some tissue in the living room. 七、用have、 has、 there is 或the

6、re are填空。 1. I _a brother and a sister. 2. _ two children in the classroom. 3. _ only one sofa in the living room. 4. The goldfish _ a big mouth. 5. _ some cookie in the box. 八、选词填空: 1) (What, Who) is the pretty girl? - Shes my cousin. 2) (Who, Where) are the books? - Theyre on the desk. 3) (How man

7、y, What colour) sheep are there? - There are six. 4) Are there (some, any) chickens on the farm? - Yes, there are. 5) I dont have (some, any) pet cats. 6) My brother has (some, any) pet dogs. 7) Do you (have, has) a big brother? - Yes, I do. 8) They (have, has) some small cars. 9) The old lady (have

8、, has) a cute rabbit. 10) Ben and Lucy (have, has) some goldfish. 九、选词填空(am, are, is, have, has): 1) I from Germany. They from Britain. 2) There a postcard here. There two stamps on it. 3) Who Mr. Green? He Mikes father. 4) Who those ladies? They my aunts. 5) I dont a child. But Mr Brown and Mrs Bro

9、wn three children. 6) The goat two horns, the bull two big horns, too. 7) Do you any cousins? Yes, I do. 8) Do they any brothers? No, they dont. 9) I dont any stamps. But I some postcards. 10) The boy a toy car. His sister a toy rabbit. 十、选词填空:(a, an, some, any) 1) This is toy plane. That is apple.

10、2) This is Chinese stamp. That is American postcard. 3) Are there books on the chair? Yes, there are books. 4) I dont have brothers. But I have sister. Shes Lucy. 十一、选词填空:(have, has) 1) I an Australian toy rabbit. My sister a Canadian toy fish. 2) Do you any stamps? Yes, we many British stamps. 2 综合

11、练习2 3) The big cow a baby cow. Its very lovely. 3 4) This strong boy a toy car. That small boy a toy train. 5) Those men dont any sheep. But they some goats. 十二、选词填空:(am, is, are) 1) What your name, please? I Chen Jiamin. 2) you from England? Yes, we . 3) How many fish there? There only one. 4) Wher

12、e the exercise books? They on the bookshelf. 5) Who your father? His name Huang Dahai. 十三、单项选择: 1. Thats Mr Chen. _ My teacher. A: Hes A: Hes A: a A: some A: Who A: on A: sheep A: Her A: goose A: I A: you A: wheres A: in A: have A: whats A: brothers A: Look at B: Shes B: Shes B: an B: any B: where B

13、: at B: sheeps B: Shes B: geese B: me B: your B: where B: on B: has B: whos B: cousins B: Look 综合练习3 C: theyre C: theyre C: some C: a C: how many C: to C: some sheep C: She C: gooses C: my C: I C: whos C: / C: there are C: wheres C: sisters C: Look in 2 Whos the old lady? _ my grandmother. I have _g

14、eese. Do you have _ postcards? _ is the pretty woman? Look _ the beautiful lady, whos she? Whats that in English? Its a _. This is my mother. _ name is Liu Fang. 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Do you have any _? 10 Sit with _ on the sofa. 11. Heres _ juice. 12 _ the headmaster? She is in the office. Put the bo

15、oks_ the shelf. My living room _ two big windows. _that cute baby? Its my sister Lucy. My aunts daughter and son are my _ 13 14 15 16 17 _that beautiful girl on the bike. 18 This is my brother. _ name is Mike. A: hes A: Japanese A: they A: goose B: His B: Japan B: them B: geese C: He C: Chinese C: t

16、hey are C: gooses 19 Keiko is from _. There are some many books on the floor, put _ on the shelf. How many _ are there on the farm? Thank you. 20 21 22 A: Here it is. B: Here they are. C: Youre welcome. 23 All the _ are upstairs. A: bedroom B: bedrooms C: kitchen 24 These are _. A: desk B: desks C:

17、a desk 25 The old man is _ grandfather. A: I B: my C: Im 26 _ is your sister? A: who B: what C: How many 25 Is there _ apple in the box? A: an B: a C: the 26 There are _children under the tree. A: any B: a C: some 27 She _ some beautiful stamps. A: has B: have C: is 28 _mother is my teacher. A: she

18、B: shes C: Her 29 The school building is _ front of the canteen. A: in B: on C: at 30 There _ any maps in the classroom. A: are B: arent C: isnt 31 Is the dog big? Yes, _. A: there is B: it is C: they are 32 They _ have any American stamps. A: dont B: isnt C: arent 33 The swimming pool is _ the canteen and the library. A: between B: beside C: behind 综合练习4


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