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1、形容词的作用Unit6 Im more outgoing than my sister我比我的姐姐更开朗。 taller, shorter, thinner, longer, heavier, calmer, wilder, quieter, funnier, more athletic, more popular, more serious, more outgoing 等词汇, 以及“S + be + adj.比较级+than+被比较对象”这个重要的句子结构。Section A部分重在要求听说读三个方面比较不同双胞胎之间外表和性格的区别, 附带着在3a也提出了as.as 结构the sam

2、e as结构表达两人的相同之处。 1) 形容词的作用 形容词在句子中一般充当表语、定语和宾语补足语,如: Our school looks very beautiful. (表语) There are fifty students in our class, so we need a big classroom. (定语) Doing morning exercises can make us healthy. (宾语补足语) 2) 形容词的级别 形容词有三种级别,即原级、比较级和最高级。当讨论的对象是一个时应使用原级,当讨论的对象是两个时应使用比较级,当讨论的对象在三个或更多时应使用最高级。

3、 1. 在形容词原级后面加上er就成为比较级,在原级后加上est就成为最高级。 一般的单音节形容词直接加er或est,词尾是不发音字母e的只加r或st,重读闭音节应双写词尾辅音字母再加er或est,如: longlongerlongest, nicenicernicest, bigbiggerbiggest。 2. 以辅音字母加y为结尾的双音节形容词应将y改为i再加上er或est,如: earlyearlierearliest, dirtydirtierdirtiest, busybusierbusiest。 3. 多音节的形容词比较级应在前面加上more,最高级应在前面加上most, 如:

4、importantmore importantmost important, difficultmore difficultmost difficult。 4. 有些特殊的形容词有自己的变化规律, 如: good/wellbetterbest, bad/badlyworseworst,many/muchmoremost, littlelessleast, farfarther/furtherfarthest/furthest。 5. 形容词的比较级句型应使用连词than或or,如: The weather in Shanghai is hotter than that in Beijing.上

5、海的天气比北京的天气热. Which subject is more important, English or math? 英语和数学, 哪个学科更重要? 6. 形容词的最高级前应加上定冠词the,句型中应给出比较范围,如: The Changjiang River is the longest river in China.长江是中国最长的河流. The third truck carries the most books of all.第三辆卡车在所有的卡车中载书最多. 7. 两个人或物比较时,如果只说明两者相同或不同,则可使用as.as.句型,否定句为not as (so).as.句型

6、,这里形容词仍使用原级,如: Mr. Green is as old as Mr. Brown. 格林先生和布朗先生年龄一样大. Mr. Green is not as (so) old as Mr. Brown.格林先生和布朗先生的年龄不一样大. 1. funny是以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词,该词属形容词比较级的规则变化,其变化形式是把y变成i,再加-er。类似的词有:heavy-heavier,early-earlier,busy-busier。 Hollys best friend is funnier than she is。霍莉最好的朋友比她更滑稽可笑。 fun表示“乐趣,有趣的人事

7、,玩笑,娱乐”是不可数名词。例如: It is great fun to walk in the morning. 早晨散步是件有趣的事。 We have lots of fun at the picnic. 我们在野餐中玩得很痛快。 have fun表示“作乐,玩乐”是固定的动词短语,fun是不可数名词。后加动词-ing意为“开开心心做某事,快快乐乐做某事,有做某事的乐趣”。 What fun it is to swim in the sea! 在大海里游泳是多么有趣啊! I have fun listening to English stories. 我听英语故事很有乐趣。 We are

8、going to have fun speaking English this term.这学期我们讲英语将很有乐趣。 若have fun之后跟名词,要与介词with连用。 The children had a lot of fun with the building blocks. 孩子们玩积木玩得很开心。 Did you have fun with camp? 你野营玩得快乐吗? 2. both的用法 1)both作代词,意为“两者,双方,二人”。 Both are new. 两个都是新的。 Both of the flowers are very beautiful. =The flow

9、ers are both very beautiful. 那两朵花都很漂亮。 You are both too young. 你们两个都太年轻了。 I invited both of them. = I invited them both. 他们两个我都邀请了。 2)both作形容词,意为“两者的;双方的”。 I want both (the) books. 两本书我都想要。 3)当both用于否定句时,表示“并非两者”,为部分否定;全部否定时用not either或neither表示。 I dont need both (the) dictionaries. 这两本字典我并不是都需要。 I

10、need neither of the dictionaries. 这两本字典我都不需要。 4)both . and . “和都”“既又”。 Both you and I were wrong. 你和我都错了。 He can speak both English and French. 他会说英语和法语。 需要注意的是,both . and . 的否定为neither . nor或not either . or .。 He can speak neither English nor French. = He cant speak either English or French. 他既不会讲英

11、语也不会讲法语。 3. however 可是,然而 Id like to go with you; however, Im busy. 我想和你一起走,可是我很忙。 This book is good; however, I have no money with me. 这本书很好,可是我没带钱。 They are tired; however, they are still working. 他们很疲劳,可是他们仍然在工作着。 4. be good at 擅长,在方面做得好。at是介词,后面常跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语。 Im good at Chinese. 我语文学得好。 Are you

12、 good at sports? 你擅长运动吗? Im better at math than Li Lei. 我数学比李磊好。 Tina is good at swimming. 蒂娜擅长游泳。 They are good at playing chess. 他们都擅长下象棋。 5. “not assoas”这种结构表示“不如;不及”这类概念。例如: LiuYing is not as good at sports as her sister. 刘英没有她姐姐擅长体育运动。 Im not as tall as you. 我不如你高。 Our room is not asso large as

13、 theirs. 我们的房间不及他们的大。 This question is not asso easy as that one. 这个问题不及那个容易。 在肯定句中,表示程度相同的比较用“asas”,第一个as不能用so替换。as.as中间要用形容词或副词原级。例如: This book is as new as that one. 这本书和那本书一样新。 Lily is as careful as Mary. 丽丽和玛丽一样仔细。 Im as tall as you. 我和你一样高。 6. the same as . 和一样 He was about the same age as you

14、. 他大约和你年龄一样。 same 同样的;相同的。通常无比较级和最高级。the same thing 同样的事情 at the same time 同时 Thank you all the same.仍然谢谢你。 Happy New Year. 新年快乐。 The same to you. 也祝你快乐。 7. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 I enjoy reading books. 我喜欢读书。 Do you enjoy playing sports? 你喜欢运动吗? He enjoys living here. 他喜欢住在这儿。 We enjoy having Engli

15、sh lessons. 我们喜欢上英语课。 另外,enjoy oneself = have fun = have a good time 过得愉快,玩得开心 Did you enjoy yourself yesterday? 你昨天过得愉快吗? We enjoyed ourselves over the weekend. 周末我们玩得很开心。 8. “more than one+单数名词” “不止一个”。作主语,尽管从意义上看是复数,但谓语动词仍用单数形式。例如: More than one book is on the desk. 书桌上不止有一本书。 There is more than

16、one answer to your question. 你这个问题的答案不止一个。 More than one person has finished the homework. 不止一个人做完了作业。 More than one boy knows how to play the computer game. 不止一个男孩知道怎样玩这个电脑游戏。 He can speak more than one language. 他不止会说一种语言。 9. make me laugh 使我笑 make在此意为“使”,称为“使役动词”。其结构特点是: 1)make +人+动词原形。 I cant ma

17、ke the horse go. 我无法使这匹马走动。 They made us forget past. 他们使我们忘记了过去。 2)make + 宾语+形容词 He often makes me tired. 他经常使我感到劳累。 His words make us happy. 他的话使我们很高兴。 10. in some ways 在一些方面 由way构成的词组还有: in a way 在某种程度上,从某方面来说 by the way 顺便说一下,顺便问一下 go the wrong way 走错路lose ones way 迷路on ones way to . 在某人去往某地的路上。

18、 11. for sb. 意为“就某人而言;对某人来说”。如: for me 对于我来说 This is a good chance for him. 这对他来说是个好机会。 Its important for us to protect wild animals. 对我们来说保护野生动物是很重要的。 1. Im more outgoing than my sister我比我的姐姐更开朗。 两者进行比较,用比较级:比较级+than。例如: Youre two years older than I你比我大两岁。 His younger brother is stronger than he. 他

19、弟弟比他强壮。 The face of her father looks older than that of her uncle. 她父亲的面貌看起来比她伯父还老一些。 2. Here are photos of me and my twin sister Liu Ying这是我和我的孪生姐姐刘英的照片。 这是一个倒装句,here作表语,photos是该句的主语中心词。副词here开头的句子往往倒装。主语是代词用部分倒装,主语是名词用全部倒装。例如: Here it is给你。 Here is a letter for you这是你的来信。 Here comes the bus公共汽车来了。

20、 Here are some examples这儿是几个例子。 3. Im quieter than most of the kids in my class,and so is my best friend Loretta我比班里的大多数小伙子文静,我的最好的朋友Loretta也是这样。 1)这是一个并列复合句,前一个分句是含有省略的比较状语从句的主从复合句;后一个分句是一个倒装句,主语为my best friend Loretta。把so放在句首,表示前面所说的情况也适用于另一个人,须用倒装语序,其句型结构是“So+be(have,助动词或情态动词)+主语”。例如: He can swim

21、. So can I. 他会游泳,我也会。 Im willing to do it and so are the other girls in the class. 我很愿意做这件工作,班上别的姑娘们也愿意。 Mr Smith has been to China. So has his wife. 史密斯先生到过中国,他妻子也去过。 I read The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer. So did my classmates. 我读过汤姆索亚历险记,我的同学们也读过。 2)most of . 多数 Most of the boys like playing computer games. 多数男孩喜欢玩电脑游戏。 Most of us passed the examination. 我们大多数人考试及格了。 注意: most of + n. 作主语,动词的数由名词的数来决定。 Most of the apples are red. 多数的苹果是红色的。 Most of the apple is rotten. 那个苹果的大部分烂了。


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