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1、Introduction-Science,ScienceThe observation,identification,description,experimental investigation,and theoretical explanation of phenomena.科学:对现象进行观察、认知、描述、实验性的研究及理论上的解释systematicstudyof anything that can be examined,tested,and verified 科学研究,Brainstorming:Brainstorm some of the scientific and techno

2、logical inventions.,Scientific and technological inventions,E-mail,ComputerLaptop,Mobile phone,cloning,Nuclear power,Genetic engineering,Automobiles,Television,Electricity,In what way do scientific discoveries change our lives for the better or for the worse?Take one invention for example.,changes f

3、or the better?,changes for the worse?,Quick and easy access to information,education,entertainment,etc.,Expose children to violence,Deprive families of quality time,Deprive people of the will to communicate with each other,Television,changes for the better?,changes for the worse?,Clone replacement o

4、rgans for transplant patients,Loss of genetic variation,Clone human being:,Clone may be treated as second class citizens.Hitler or other war criminals or evil people?,Cloning,Animals of endangered species could be prevented from extinction.,Introduction,The same scientific and technological discover

5、y can bring us both good things and bad things.It is up to us to make changes head towards changing our lives for the better.People must understand that science is inherently neither a potential for good nor for evil.It is a potential to be harnessed by man to do his bidding.-Glenn T.Seaborq,Stephen

6、 Hawking(1942):,British theoretical physicist and mathematician,“My goal is simple.It is complete understanding of the universe,why it is as it is and why it exists at all.”,-1958 Entered Oxford University and became especially interested in thermodynamics热力学,relativity theory,and quantum mechanics量

7、子力学-1962 received a bachelors degree in physics and enrolled as a research student in general relativity at the University of Cambridge.-1966 Earned his Ph.D.degree at the University of Cambridge.Stayed at the University of Cambridge to do post-doctoral research.-1977 Became a professor of physics.-

8、1979 Appointed Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge,a post once held by Isaac Newton.,In 1966,he was diagnosed as having Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis(ALS)(肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化),which erodes muscle control.He has to use a wheelchair and speaks through a computer and voice synthesizer.What impress us

9、 most is Hawkings optimism.-“Although there was a cloud hanging over my future,I found,to my great surprise,that I was enjoying life more than before.”,More information about Hawking,Singularity(奇点),(Astrophysics)A point in space-time at which the space-time curvature(曲率)becomes Infinite/at which gr

10、avitational forces cause matter to have infinite density and infinitesimal volume,and space and time to become infinitely distorted.【天体物理学】奇点:时空中的一点,在该点重力使物质的密度无穷大、体积无穷小,空间和时间被极度的扭曲)大星燃烧耗尽会继续坍缩直至达到具有无限密度的奇点,这个奇点,引力场特别强大使得光线不能从围绕它的区域逃逸,而被引力场拉回去。这就叫做黑洞.,Main Achievements,More information about Hawking

11、,black hole(黑洞),(A region of space-time from which nothing,not even light,can escape.Nothing can escape because gravity is so strong.)任何物质一旦进入黑洞之后将会不能逃出而最终消失黑洞不是完全黑的。在宇宙意义的微观尺度上,粒子和辐射可以从黑洞漏出来。这就是著名的霍金辐射。,Main Achievements,A Brief History of Time(时间简史),(One of his books to make his work accessible to

12、 the public.)It guides us to the supreme questions of the nature of physics,time and the universe:Was there a beginning of time?Will there be an end?Is the universe infinite?,Global reading,Reading.The main idea:To ensure the survival of human civilization,measures must be taken to help the public u

13、nderstand science,Global Reading,Text Organization.Page.69Expository WritingPart One:Present a viewParas 1-3To make informed decisions about change,the public needs a basic understanding of science.Part Two:Raises and answers a relevant questionParas 4-6What can be done to educate the public about s

14、cience.(a mini-exposition)Part Three:Para 7 The conclusion,Language Points,attitude:manner or way one thinks about,behaves toward,or feels toward sb.or sth.(usu.followed by to/towards)The boy has a bad attitude towards his schoolwork.他儿子对待工作的态度让他很生气.His sons attitude to work made him angry.,P.1Likel

15、y:describes something that will probably happen or is expected:1)probable(When functioning as an a.,the word is often used in the following patterns:it is likely that.,be likely to do sth.)It is likely that my roommate will win the first-class scholarship.An earthquake is likely to strike the area i

16、n a year or two.Economists say that the quick economic growth is likely to continue throughout the 2010s.2)probably(When used as an ad.,the word is often preceded by most,more than,or very.You dont use it as an ad.on its own.)It is reported that another sandstorm will very likely come in the next 24

17、 hours.We will most likely stay home during the Spring Festival.cf.probably,possible,probable 这个词所表示的可能性比起possible的可能性要大。是本组词中可能性最强的用语。例如:It seems probable that he will arrive before dusk.It is probable that they will come to the meeting.注意:Probable 不能用表示人的名词或代词作主语,其结构为:It is/was probable+that claus

18、e.Possible 是这组词中可能性最弱的用词。与probable都不用表示人的名词或代词做主语。注意:它与probable不同之处是:possible做主语时,后面可以接动词不定式或that从句。如:It is/was possible to do sth.或It is/was possible for sb.to do sth.或It is/was possible+that clause.例如:Its possible for him to get here at 3 oclock.Success is possible but hardly probable,privilege n.

19、a special advantage 特权;特殊待遇;特殊荣幸 As a student of our university,you will enjoy/have certain privileges,such as free use of the library and computer room.当女皇参观我校时,我有幸见到了她。I had the privilege of meeting the Queen when she visited our school.和你在一起工作是我莫大的荣幸。It is a privilege for me to work with you.priv

20、ileged a.有特权的,又荣幸的;特许的;Im privileged to have worked with her so often.They are a privileged group of people in our society.,do without:manage to survive,continue,or succeed although you do not have sth.you need.want,or usu.haveIf we cant afford meat we shall have to do with fish.(以对付过去,以凑合着用)I haven

21、t enough money to buy a car,so Ill just have to do without.(设法对付过去,将就)Youll have to do without your dinner if you dont get back in time.highly:1)veryMr.Smith was a highly successful salesman.It seems highly likely that she will take the job.2)to a high level or standard Most of the people present at

22、 the meeting are highly educated women.The chairman of the department was the most highly paid member of faculty.If you speak highly of him,you praise him.称赞;表扬If you think highly of him,you admire him.敬仰,敬佩;,P.2put/turn the clock back:return to a situation that used to exist,usually because the pre

23、sent situation is unpleasant The employment bill in which women are not allowed to take jobs will put the clock back fifty years.Forget all about it and look to the future;you cant turn the clock back.If I could turn the clock back and do things differently,I would.,nor,neither and no more are place

24、d at the beginning of the sentence,and theyll cause an inversion.Neither could theory do without practice,nor could practice do without theory.He couldnt lift the table,and no more could I.Also see never,seldom,few,little,hardly(when),scarcelywhen,rarely,by no means,under no circumstances,in no way,

25、at no time,in no case,in vain,not until,not only but also,not,etc.Nowhere could the homeless girl go in the cold winter.Under no circumstances shall I change my attitude towards work.Not until Columbus discovered the new land,were bananas brought to Europe.Scarcely had we reached home when it began

26、to rain.,cut off:1)to stop providing something such as electricity,supplies,etc:Water and electricity supplies in the city have been cut off because of the American air attacks.Their phone has been cut off because they havent paid the bill.2)to remove a part of something to make it smaller or shorte

27、r,using a sharp tool such as a knife:Remember to cut off the fat before you fry the steak.3)to cause a person or place to become separate,or cause someone to be or feel alone:When his wife died,he cut himself off from other people.Many villages have been cut off by the heavy snow.,bring about:make s

28、th.happen 因其,导致科学技术给我们的生活方式带来了巨大的变化。Science and technology has brought about great changes in the way of our life.他怎么得病的?What brought about his illness?,inquire:seek information by questioning;ask(also spelled enquire;sometimes followed by about or wh-clause)Is something wrong?he inquired.I rang up

29、to inquire about train times.Shall I inquire(of you)about the price of the ticket?He asked for his key and inquired whether there had been any messages for him.Collocation:inquire after 问候 Robert inquired after his grandfathers health.罗伯特问候他祖父的健康状况。inquire for 要买,要求得到;求见 He wrote to the store to inq

30、uire for a new picture book.The relatives of the student inquired for the school authorities.inquire into 调查 The police is inquiring into the matter.inquiry n.询问;询价;调查,initiative n.解决困难所采取的行动;初步行动;主动权;优先权;主动;进取精神 I wish my son would show a bit more initiative.often used in the phrase take the initia

31、tive:Why dont you take the initiative and arrange a meeting?The United Nations took the initiative in banning nuclear weapons.联合国发起了禁止核武器的运动。We must be careful in the business negotiations to keep the initiative.在商业谈判中我们要小心以维护我们的主动权。Because of a small mistake,we lost the initiative.由于一个小错误,我们失去了主动权。

32、If you act responsibly and show that you have initiative,you will sooner or later get promoted.如果你工作有责任心并表明你有进取心,你迟早会被提升。In the absence of the teacher,most students study on their own initiative.在老师不在的情况下,大多数学生都能主动学习。initial a.最初的;开始的;词首的 n.首字母initiate v.开始;创始;发动;发起initiation n.开始;发起,rate:1)the spee

33、d at which sth.happens over a period of time The rate at which hair grows can be very slow.The worlds forests are disappearing at an even faster rate than experts had thought.2)a certain amount of one thing considered in relation to a unit of another thing Britain held the record of having the highe

34、st divorce rate in Europe.Businesses are closing all over that country at a rate of fifty a week.,p.3ensurevt.make sure or certain;guarantee;secure 确保;保证;担保;保证得到These pills should ensure you a good nights sleep.服下这些药丸可保你睡一宿好觉。夜间请务必将所有的灯关掉。Please ensure that all the lights are switched off at night.同

35、义词辨析 assure ensure guaranteeassure 表示使某人确信;使某人放心,向某人保证,常用的句型有:assure sb.of sth.I assure you of his honesty.我向你保证他忠厚老实。assure sb.that He assured us that the police were doing all that they could.他向我们保证,警察在尽力而为。,ensure 表示“保证”、“确保”,使某行为或某件事的结果得以保证;保证给予,赋予。常用的句型有:ensure sth.We cannot ensure the punctual

36、 arrival of trains in foggy weather.我们无法保证火车在迷雾天能准时到达。ensure that He ensured that all the secret data would be made public.他保证将公开所有的秘密资料。ensure sb.sth.I am sorry I cant ensure you a good post.很抱歉,我不能保证给你一个好职位。guarantee 表示保证某件产品的质量或保证履行某项服务或义务。The company guarantees its products for six month.这家公司的产品

37、保用六个月。They guarantee a debt;they assure the creditor that he will be paid.他们担保一笔债务;他们向债权人保证他会得到偿还的。,informed:having or showing knowledgeScience is now enabling us to make more informed choices about how we use common drugs.According to informed sources,he has been enrolled by Harvard University.info

38、rm:tell(used in the patterns:inform sb.of/about sth.,inform sb.+that-clause,inform sb.)They informed us of their arrival at Pudong Airport.Have you informed the police that theres been an accident?well-informed a.消息灵通的ill-informed a.消息闭塞的information n.信息informative a.提供消息的;信息/资料丰富的,Frankenstein,a no

39、vel(1818)by an English writer Mary Shelly(1797-1851).It is the story of a Swiss scientist,Dr.Frankenstein,who makes a living creature from pieces of dead bodies.The creature is like a man,but stronger,and although it is gentle at first,it later attacks and kills several people close to Frankenstein.

40、There have been many films based on the story and variations of it.,audience:a group of people who watch and listen to sb.speaking or performing in public(used as a collective countable noun)The audience began clapping and cheering as soon as the film star appeared on the stage.The singer called for

41、 a member of the audience to join him on stage.2)the people who read a writers books(used as a collective countable noun,usu.singular)His second book will attract a narrower audience,mainly teachers and college students.His book reached an even wider audience when it was filmed for television.,P.4ba

42、sis:(pl.bases)1)the facts or ideas from which sth.can be developed;foundation(usu.Used as a singular noun,followed by“of”)The research will form the basis of a book.2)the circumstance that provides a reason for some action or opinion(usu.followed by“of”or that-clause)You must stay at home,on the bas

43、is of the medical reports we have received.On the basis that recognizing the problem is halfway to a solution,we should pay much attention to his comments.,in terms of:as regards(sth.);expressed as(sth.)依据;从/在.方面;从.角度;换算;折合;就.来说In terms of salary,the job is terrible.The figures are expressed in term

44、s of a percentage.就人力而言,我们公司是一流的。Our company is first rate in terms of manpower.他从金钱出发考虑任何事。He thought of everything in terms of money.,brief:1)using few words;conciseThe teacher of English told the students to write a brief description of a typical problem they had recently met with.Patrick gave a

45、brief summary of the last nights events.2)lasting or taking a short time This time their visit to Beijing is brief.My brother once made a brief appearance on television.,P.5 in the form of:1)having the shape ofThe lane was in the form of a big S.草坪设计成8字型 The lawn was laid out in the form of the figu

46、re eight.2)existing in a particular form They received a benefit in the form of a tax reduction.水以冰、雪、蒸汽的形式存在。Water appears in the form of ice,snow,and steam.collocation:take the form of 采取.的方式in form 形式上be in form/out of form 处于良好的/不佳的竞技状态,sufficient:as much as is needed,enough(often followed by fo

47、r or to+infinitive)没有足够的证据证明他有罪 There was not sufficient evidence to prove that he was guilty.有足够所有人吃的食物。There is sufficient food for everyone.我们还没有得到足够的资料来做出结论。We havent got sufficient information from which to draw a conclusion.insufficient a.(反义词)不足sufficiency n.足够,充足have a sufficiency(=I have en

48、ough).sufficiently:adv suffice:vi=be sufficient,p.6put across:to express your ideas and opinions clearly so that people understand them easily,cause to be understood:Its an interesting idea and I thought he put it across well.我未把我的意思解释清楚。Im not putting my meaning across very well.The government need

49、s to put across the message that the economy is starting to recover.put yourself across to express your ideas and opinions clearly so that people understand them and realize what you are like as a person:I dont think I managed to put myself across very well in my interview.,proportion n.1)a part of

50、a group or an amount(usu.singular)部分;份儿 A large proportion of the dolphins in that area will eventually die because of the water pollution报告说贫穷家庭要在吃上花他们收入得更大一部分。The report shows that poor families spend a larger proportion of their income on food.2)the relationship between the amounts,numbers,or siz


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