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1、怎样做一个合格的营销总监怎样做一个合格的营销总监 营销总监是公司销售的中流砥柱!要有四个身份(对上.对下.对内.对外)我的老板经常说;你们销售部是我的财神,你总监就是我的财神爷如何做好营销总监?我多年的体会:以事服人.以德服人不是以制度来压人如果做到以下几点我想做一个合格的营销总监应该是没有问题了。 1、有眼光,有谋,有勇气,有魄力,:工作中可以帮老板制定战略,当好参谋,在部门当好服务者,后勤部长.吹响先锋号. 2、大事从小做起,要有磨刀石的精神:磨刀石不只能磨出锋利的刀刃.最重要的是使磨刀的人定下心来,给予他自我反省与稳定情绪的机会,在磨刀时.必须要集中精神才能做好工作!所以营销总监要会磨刀

2、才能带好兵,才能有运筹帷幄的气势!(积沙成山) 3、锻炼下属做个强者(良将带好兵):激发和点燃下属的理想和热情!/燃烧激情.使他们不管在任何情况下,或发生任何事故,都要干底.不达到目标不罢休的韧性!营销总监要有决策者的脑袋(智慧)更要有执行者的身(对待市场该是狼!对待下属该是羊)我团队这次接单我说;如果我们不成功的话!我就从京广中心(北京最高的楼之一)楼顶跳下去.战前激励!我被我的合作兄弟们感动,他们通宵达旦的工作. 4、敢授权并会授权,委以重任:营销总监在战略应该是个指挥家,执行上要会放权!在日常生活要做好管家婆掌管好公司的进财渠道!我的做法是新人来就让他成为独立的人,授权给他并且让他承担责

3、任!如果新招聘的人在公司的所谓的学习磨合二个月他就会失去他找工作的时的斗志. 5、不要为难下属(在他做错时)要承认下属的努力: 6、懂得命令的艺术,懂得激励的技巧,懂得沟通的技巧(说话的艺术) 7、敢于承担责任面对困难要勇往直前!身先士卒! 8、有大舍的精神! 以上是对内,营销总监该做的: 一只眼睛看市场.做好市场的调研,分析,和制定战略并亲自督办. 一只眼睛看竞争对手,决不让竞争对手在自己的区域里来争蛋糕,有种保家卫国坚定意志! 营销总监在营销工作中不是名字要是多面手,哪里有空缺哪里补!营销总监在公司的决策层里要当好市场调研员,市场的信息员市场的分析员 营销总监在公司业务层要会当好兄长,当好

4、排长,当好后勤部长.当好前锋总指挥. 一句话:营销总监要站在高度看问题,要俯下身来做工作。 How to be a qualified marketing director The marketing director is the mainstay company sales! Have four identities ( on. On. On . foreign ) my boss always say; your sales department is my God, you are my God of wealth, how to do a good job of marketing

5、director? My old experience: to convince people . To Germany. People do not come with the system pressure if the person to do the following points I want to be a qualified director of marketing should be no problem. In 1, vision, have a plan, have courage, have courage,: work can help formulate the

6、strategy, a good staff, good service in the Department, logistics minister sounded vanguard . . . In 2, events from the start, to the grindstone grindstone spirit: not only a sharp edge. The most important thing is to make a person calm down to, give him the self-reflection and emotional stability o

7、f opportunity, when the mo. Must concentrate in order to do a good job! So the marketing director to be brothers able to lead soldiers, to map out a strategy momentum! ( sand hill ) 3, exercise done under strong ( will take soldiers ): excitation and light under the ideal and passion! / burning pass

8、ion . Make them in any case, or the occurrence of any accident, should do not reach the goal. This toughness! marketing director to have the decision makers head ( wisdom ) but the performers body ( to market the wolf! treat subordinates the sheep ) our team the orders I said; if we dont succeed! I

9、from the Jing-Guang Center ( one of the tallest buildings in Beijing ) roof jump . Prewar incentive! I cooperation brothers touched, they work all through the night . 4, dare authorization and license, entrusted with the task: Marketing Director in the strategy should be a conductor, execution will

10、power! In daily life to do a good job in charge of a good housekeeper company into the financial channel! my approach is new to let him be a independent person, granted to him and let him take responsibility! If new recruiting person in a company called learning running in two months he will lose hi

11、s job when morale . 5, dont embarrass subordinate ( when he does something wrong ) to recognize the subordinates efforts: 6, understand the art of command, to motivate the skills, understand communication skills ( the art of speaking ) 7, dares to undertake the responsibility to lead the march forwa

12、rd courageously face the difficulties! In 8, large homes spirit! The above is the director of marketing, the do: One eye to see the market. Do a good job in market research, analysis, and develop strategies and personally supervised . . One eye to see competitors, never let competitors in their own

13、area to contend for the cake, a firm will protect our homes and defend our country! Marketing director work in marketing is not a name if generalist, where there is a gap where s! Marketing director in the decision-making layer of the company to be market research, market information market analyst Director of marketing in the business layer to be my brother, as a platoon leader, as a minister of logistics. As a forward headquarters . In a word: marketing director must stand in the height of view, to bend down to do the work.


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