1、情境领导领导风格评估问卷情境领导 - 在线评估 - LEAD 360 - 他人评估 Situational Leadership - Online Instruments - LEAD 360 - Other 领导他人评估 LEAD Other 领导风格/对X XX的认知 Leadership Style/Perception of X XX 目的 PURPOSE: 这个工具是用来评估X XX的领导行为. This instrument is used to evaluate the leadership behaviors of X XX. 这个工具是用来收集您对该领导在试图影响他人时所使用
2、的领导行为的认知。这些信息包括该领导所使用的领导行为以及这些行为与组织中其它人所需要的行为所匹配的程度。 The information gathered with the LEAD Other provides insight into your perception of their attempts to influence. It supplies information about which leadership behaviors they use and the extent to which they match those behaviors to the needs of
3、 others. 说明: INSTRUCTIONS: 假设X XX正面临12个工作中可能出现的情境;每一种情境都有四种该领导可能采取的行动。 Assume X XXis involved in each of the following twelve situations. Each situation has four alternative actions this person might initiate. 请仔细阅读每一个项目。 Read each item carefully. 针对每一种情境,请认真考虑该领导将会采取的行动。 Think about what you believ
4、e this person would do in each circumstance. 针对每一种被描述的情境,请点击该领导最可能采取的解决方案。 Click the radio button adjacent to the alternative action choice you think most closely describes what behavior this person would use in the situation presented. 针对每一种情境,您只能选择一个该领导会采取的行动。 Only one choice will be accepted for
5、each situation and you must make a choice before you can advance to the next situation. 注意: 请选择该领导将会采取的行动而不是应该采取的行动。 Take care to respond with what this person would do, not should do. 情境 12 之 1 Situation 1 of 12 情境领导 - 在线评估 - LEAD 360 - 他人评估 Situational Leadership - Online Instruments - LEAD 360 -
6、Other 请选择最恰当形容X XX在这情境中最有可能采取的行动。 Select the alternative action choice you think most closely describes the behavior X XXwould use in this situation. 1. 情境 SITUATION 最近该领导与下属进行了友好的谈话,但他们对此并没有积极的反应。显然,他们很担心自己的福利待遇。他们的工作绩效正在快速地下滑。 Followers are not responding lately to this leaders friendly conversati
7、on and obvious concern for their welfare. Their performance is declining rapidly. 针对这个情境,该领导将会. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS - This leader would. 强调标准作业流程的作用和完成工作的必要性。 Emphasize the use of uniform procedures and the necessity for task accomplishment. 愿意与下属进行讨论,但不强迫他们接收这样的讨论。 Make himself/herself available fo
8、r discussion but not push his/her involvement. 与下属交谈,然后将他们的目标设定清楚。 Talk with followers and then set goals. 有意识地不作任何干预。 Intentionally not intervene. 2. 情境 SITUATION 观察表明,该领导所带团队的表现越来越好。该领导一直致力于确保每位团队成员清晰地了解自己的责任和绩效指标。 The observable performance of this leaders group is increasing. The leader has been
9、 making sure that all members were aware of their responsibilities and expected standards of performance. 针对这个情境,该领导将会. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS - This leader would. 与他们进行友好的沟通,但仍继续致力于确保每位成员清晰地了解自己的职责和绩效指标。 Engage in friendly interaction, but continue to make sure that all members are aware of their resp
10、onsibilities and expected standards of performance. 不采取任何特定的行动。 Take no definite action. 尽量使团队成员感受到自己的重要性及参与度。 Do what he/she can to make the group feel important and involved. 强调任务本身及按时完成任务的重要性。 Emphasize the importance of deadlines and tasks. 3. 情境 SITUATION 该领导的团队成员无法解决某个问题,通常该领导会让他们独立工作。该团队以往的表现
11、和内部关系一直都很好。 Members of this leaders group are unable to solve a problem. The leader has normally left them alone. Group performance and interpersonal relations have been good. 针对这个情境,该领导将会. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS - This leader would. 跟团队一起工作来解决问题。 Work with the group and together engage in problem solv
12、ing. 让团队自己找到答案。 Let the group work it out. 采取迅速而有力的行动以纠正错误,并指明新的工作方向。 Act quickly and firmly to correct and redirect. 鼓励团队自己解决问题并为他们的努力提供支持。 Encourage the group to work on the problem and be supportive of their efforts. 4. 情境 SITUATION 该领导正在考虑进行一些变革。该领导所带的下属有良好的工作业绩,他们了解并尊重有关变革的需要。 This leader is co
13、nsidering a change. The leaders followers have a fine record of accomplishment. They respect the need for change. 针对这个情境,该领导将会. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS - This leader would. 让团队成员共同参与变革的发展过程,而自己不给出过多的指示。 Allow group involvement in developing the change, but not be too directive. 宣布所要进行的变革,然后以紧密监督的方式执行这个变
14、革。 Announce changes and then implement with close supervision. 允许团队成员决定他们自己的方向。 Allow the group to formulate its own direction. 吸取团队成员的建议,但自己掌握变革的方向。 Incorporate group recommendations, but direct the change yourself. 5. 情境 SITUATION 过去的几个月里,该领导所带团队的工作绩效出现了下滑。团队成员已经不在意能否达到工作目标。过去在遇到这种情况时,通过对他们的工作角色和责
15、任进行明确的重新定义,可使情况得到改善。现在,他们需要不断地被提醒,才能按时完成工作。 The performance of this leaders group has been dropping during the last few months. Members have been unconcerned with meeting objectives. Redefining roles and responsibilities has helped in the past. They have continually needed reminding to have their ta
16、sk done on time. 针对这个情境,该领导将会. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS - This leader would. 允许团队成员决定他们自己的方向。 Allow the group to formulate its own direction. 吸取团队成员的建议,但确认所定目标可以达成。 Incorporate group recommendations, but see that objectives are met. 对工作角色和责任进行明确的重新定义,并细心的监督。 Redefine roles and responsibilities and superv
17、ise carefully. 允许团队成员参与对工作角色和责任进行重新定义的过程,并且不给出过多的指示。 Allow group involvement in determining roles and responsibilities, but not be too directive. 6. 情境 SITUATION 该领导接管了一个高效运转的组织,前任管理者曾经牢牢地控制着局面。该领导希望能保持有效率的工作局面,并且希望让工作环境变得更人性化。 This leader stepped into an efficiently run organization. The previous a
18、dministrator tightly controlled the situation. The leader wants to maintain a productive situation, but would like to begin humanizing the environment. 针对这个情境,该领导将会. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS - This leader would. 尽量使团队成员感受到自己的重要性及参与度。 Do what he/she can to make the group feel important and involved. 强调任务本
19、身和按时完成任务的重要性。 Emphasize the importance of deadlines and tasks. 有意识地不作任何干预。 Intentionally not intervene. 让团队成员参与决策的制定过程,但确认所定目标可以达到。 Get the group involved in decision making, but see the objectives are met. 7. 情境 SITUATION 该领导正在考虑对团队进行全新的组织调整。团队成员已经对调整提出了建议。这个团队有良好的工作绩效而且在运作中表现出了很好的适应性。 This leader
20、is considering changing to a structure that will be new to the leaders group. Members of the group have made suggestions about needed change. The group has been productive and demonstrated flexibility in its operations. 针对这个情境,该领导将会. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS - This leader would. 明确定义这个变革的内容并且细心地监督。 Defin
21、e the change and supervise carefully. 参与到团队对变革方案的讨论,但允许团队成员自己制定行动方案。 Participate with the group in developing the change, but allow members to organize the implementation. 愿意按照团队成员的建议对方案进行修改,但亲自控制执行过程。 Be willing to make changes as recommended, but maintain control of implementation. 为避免冲突,不采取任何行动。
22、Avoid confrontation; leave things alone. 8. 情境 SITUATION 团队表现与内部人际关系良好。该领导却感到自己有些不能掌控这个团队的方向,而感到不安。 Group performance and interpersonal relations are good. This leader feels somewhat insecure about his/her lack of direction of the group. 针对这个情境,该领导将会. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS - This leader would. 不采取任何的行
23、动。 Leave the group along. 与团队一起讨论目前的情况,然后开始进行必要的调整。 Discuss the situation with the group and then initiate necessary changes. 逐步指导下属按照一种被清晰定义好的方式工作。 Take steps to direct followers toward working in a well-defined manner. 在与团队成员讨论目前的情况时表示对他们的支持,但不会给出过多的指示。 Be supportive in discussing the situation wi
24、th the group, but not too directive. 9. 情境 SITUATION 老板任命该领导负责一个项目团队。该团队所负责的项目是向上级推荐变革的措施,然而项目却迟迟没有进展。该团队成员不清楚他们的目标。开会时,到会人少得可怜,工作会议变成了社交聚会。但是,他们还是具备完成任务的潜力的。 This leader has been appointed to head a task force that is far overdue in making requested recommendations for change. The group is not clea
25、r on its goals. Attendance at sessions has been poor. Their meetings have turned into social gatherings. Potentially, they have the talent necessary to help. 针对这个情境,该领导将会. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS - This leader would. 让团队自己解决自己的问题。 Let the group work out its problems. 吸取团队成员的意见,但确认所定目标可以达成。 Incorporate g
26、roup recommendations, but see that objectives are met. 重新对目标进行定位,并细心的监督。 Redefine goals and supervise carefully. 允许团队成员参与制定目标的过程,但不施加压力。 Allow group involvement in setting goals, but not push. 10. 情境 SITUATION 该领导的下属通常能够承担工作责任,但对该领导最近重新制定的标准没有反应。 Followers, usually able to take responsibility, are n
27、ot responding to the leaders recent redefining of standards. 针对这个情境,该领导将会. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS - This leader would. 让大家一起参与重新制定标准的过程,但自己不要完全控制这个过程。 Allow group involvement in redefining standards, but not take control. 重新制定标准并细心监督。 Redefine standards and supervise carefully. 为避免冲突而不施加压力,顺其自然。 Avoid
28、confrontation by not applying pressure; leave the situation alone. 吸取团队的建议,但确认新制定的标准是被遵守的。 Incorporate group recommendations, but see that new standards are met. 11. 情境 SITUATION 该领导被提升到一个新的职位,他的前任对团队的工作与事务不大过问。团队能够恰如其分的把握方向和工作任务,内部关系也很好。 This leader has been promoted to a new position. The previous
29、 supervisor was uninvolved in the affairs of the group. The group has adequately handled its tasks and direction. Group interrelations are good. 针对这个情境,该领导将会. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS - This leader would. 逐步指导下属按照一种被清晰定义好的方式工作。 Take steps to direct followers working in a well-defined manner. 让团队成员参与决策的制定
30、过程,并且鼓励有益的贡献。 Involve followers in decision making and reinforce good contributions. 与团队成员讨论团队过去的绩效表现。对于新的工作方式,向大家确认是否需要帮助。 Discuss past performance with the group and then examine the need for new practices. 继续让团队独立工作。 Continue to leave the group alone. 12. 情境 SITUATION 近期的一些信息表明在该领导的团队中,下属之间有一些内部的
31、问题。团队的业绩非常出色。团队成员有效地维持着对长期目标的追求。过去一年里,他们融洽地在一起工作。每个人都具备完成任务的能力。 Recent information indicates some internal difficulties among followers. The group has a remarkable record of accomplishment. Members have effectively maintained long-range goals. They have worked in harmony for the past year. All are w
32、ell qualified for the task. 针对这个情境,该领导将会. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS - This leader would. 和团队成员一起尝试该领导的解决方案。同时对于新的工作方式,向大家确认是否需要帮助。 Try out the leaders solution with followers and examine the need for new practices. 让团队成员自己解决问题。 Allow group members to work it out themselves. 采取迅速有力的行动来纠正错误,并重新确立方向。 Act quickly and firmly to correct and redirect. 参与问题解决的讨论,并向他们提供必要的支持。 Participate in discussion of problem while providing support for followers.