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1、成人英语三级考试词汇练习题及答案成人英语三级考试词汇练习题及答案 1.He did not _ staying at home as he had to do his assignment. A.object B. mind C.matter D. care Best Answer:B 详解:答案B。四个选项中,要求后接动名词的谓语动词应在A,B中选择。object只有加上to后能接动名词;mind后可直接接动名词;matter意为“有关系,要紧”,care意为“在乎,喜欢”,它们一般接句子或由about,for等引起的短语,不接动名词。综上所述,只有B项符合题意。 2. A _ of shi

2、ps sailed into the harbour and moored at it. A.flock B. swarm C.crew D. fleet Best Answer:D 详解:答案D。在英语中,有些名词起量词的作用,而且有其固定的搭配,如:a flock of (birds), a swarm of (ants), a crew of (sailors), a fleet of (ships), a herd of (cattle), a school of (fish), a pair of (shoes/gloves)等。 3.Education is _ for all s

3、chool-age children in many a country. A.voluntary B. sophisticated C.compulsory D. extensive Best Answer:C 详解:答案C。compulsory意为“强迫的,必修的”;voluntary意为“自愿的”sophisticated意为“老于世故的,老练的”;extensive意为“广泛的,广博的”。根据句意,C项最适合。 4.If I take this medicine twice a day, it should _ my cold. A.heal B. cure C.treat D. re

4、store Best Answer:B 详解:答案B。restore意为“恢复”,与题意不合,可首先排除。A、B、C三项均有“治疗”之意,但在用法上又略有区别:heal指伤口治愈、痊愈,通常外伤作主语,如His wound healed slowly.他的伤口愈合得慢。cure多指用药物治疗、治愈,其宾语多是疾病,如:The herbs can cure a wide range of diseases.这种草药可治疗多种疾病。treat指一般的治疗,不强调治愈,常与for连用,如:treat sb. for a disease给某人治病。综上所述,B项为正确答案。 5._ the windo

5、w, I saw a beautiful car in front of the building. A.Looking through B. Looking at C. Looking into D. Looking after Best Answer:A 第1页 详解:答案A。 A项动词原形look through意为“穿过看去”;B项动词原形look at意为“看;朝看”;C项动词原形look into意为“调查”;D项动词原形look after意为“照看,照料”。因此A项正确。 6. Our journey was slow because the train stopped _ a

6、t different villages. A.continually B. continuously C.gradually D. unceasingly Best Answer:A 详解:答案A。本句句意为:我们走得很慢,因为火车不断在各村庄停车continually意为“不断地,连续地”,指在长时间内重复发生或持续,但中间有短暂的间断。A项符合句意。continuously意为“连续地,持续不停地”,强调在时间和空间上没有间断;gradually意为“逐渐地”;unceasingly意为“始终不停地,不断地”。 7.They have done everything _ to help

7、us. A.considerable B. preferable C.available D. possible Best Answer:D 详解:答案D。本句句意为:为了带助我们,他们已经做了一切可能做的事情。possible意为“可能的,做得到的”;A项considerable意为“相当的,相当大(长、重)的”;B项preferable意为“更可取的,更好的”;C项available意为“可得到的,可取得的”。 8.As a journalist you must spend a great deal of money on _. A.stationary B. stationery C.

8、material D. paper Best Answer:B 详解:答案B。stationery意为“文具”;A项stationary意为“不动的;固定的”;C项material意为“材料”;D项paper意为“纸张”;stationery也含有D项的意义。所以B项最合题意。 9. The once beautiful flowers in the vase had _. A.withered B. wandered C.wavered D. wrinkled Best Answer:A 详解:答案A。wither意为“枯萎;凋谢”;B项wander意为“徘徊;流浪;漫游”;C项waver意

9、为“摇摆;动摇;犹豫”;D项wrinkle意为“起皱纹”。 10. No regulation was going to _ him of his civil rights. A.protect B. prevent C.warn D. deprive Best Answer:D 第2页 详解:答案D。deprive意为“剥夺,使丧失”,常用于deprive sb. of sth.结构;protect常用于protect sb. /sth.(against/from sth.)结构,其意思是“防御,保护”;prevent常用于prevent sb./sth.(from)doing sth.结构,其意思是“阻止,防止”;warn常用于三个句型:warm sb.(of sth.),其意为“警告;提醒”;warn sb. aginst sb. /sth.其意“告诫,提醒;warn sb. not to do sth.其意为“劝告不做”。 第3页


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