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1、Section B 1a-1f,Unit 9 Can you come to my party?,1.掌握本课4个单词:the day before yesterday,the day after tomorrow,weekday,look after2.学会询问星期和日期:Whats today?Its Thursday the 19th.3.掌握如何提出邀请及回答。,Learning goals,1.Write down these phrases.,1)为做准备 _2)得了流感 _3)去见朋友 _4)当然,我愿意去 _5)太多作业 _,prepare for,have the flu,S

2、ure.Id love to.,meet the friends,too much homework,Review,6.对不起,我没空。_7.直到才 _ 8.泡在某处 _ 9.accept反义词 _,Sorry.Im not available.,hang out,not until,refuse,hang out,tonight;study for a math test,1)Can you hang out with us tonight?Sorry.I must study for a math test.,2.Make an invitation to your friends.,pl

3、ay tennis;not free,go to the doctor,2.Can you play tennis with us?Im not free.I must go to the doctor.,3.Can you come to my party today?Sure.Id love to.,come to my party;I love to.,1.the day before yesterday 前天,Ill go fishing the day after tomorrow.我后天打算去钓鱼。,He arrived in New York the day before yes

4、terday.他前天到达了纽约。,2.the day after tomorrow 后天,New words,He is always busy on weekdays.他在工作日总是很忙。,3.weekday n.工作日,She must look after her sister at home.她必须在家里照顾她妹妹。,4.look after v.照顾;照料,look after _ the day before yesterday _ weekday _ the day after tomorrow _ turn down _ invitation _,a.工作日b.前天c.照料,照

5、顾d.后天e.拒绝f.邀请,请柬,c,b,a,e,d,f,Words review,calendar英 klind 美klnd,Tuesday十二月,8,Whats the date today?,What day is today?,Whats today?,Its December 8th.,Its Tuesday.,Its Tuesday,December 8th.,合并,简略 Tuesday the 8th,1.Whats today?今天是几号,星期几?或者今天是什么日子?Its Thursday the 18th.今天是18号,星期四。Whats today?用来询问_,回答时通常

6、用_+_ 回答。也可以用_ 来回答。-今天是什么日子?-今天是教师节。-_ today?-_ Teachers Day.,今天是几号,星期几,星期,日期,节日,Whats,Its,9th,6th,7th,8th,10th,11th,12th,today,yesterday,tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,weekday,weekday,weekday,weekday,weekday,Write the words below the correct dates.,weekend,weekend,1b,the day before tomorrow,A:What

7、was yesterday?B:It was A:Whats tomorrow?B:Its A:Whats the day after tomorrow?B:Its,A:Whats today?B:Its Tuesday,the 8th.,1c,A:Whats today?B:Its _.A:Whats tomorrow?B:Its _.A:Whats the day after tomorrow?B:Its _.A:What was yesterday?B:It was _.A:What was the day before yesterday?B:It was_.,1d,Listen.Ca

8、n Vince play tennis with Andy?Circle Yes or No.,Listening,YES NO,1e,Listen again.Match Vinces activities with the days in 1d.,b,a,a,b,c,Tape script,Andy:Hi,Vince?Vince:Yeah,hi,Andy!Andy:Vince,can you play tennis with me?Vince:Uh,when?Andy:Today.Vince:Uh,no,sorry,I cant.I have to go to the doctor and

9、 study for a test today.Andy:How about tomorrow?,Vince:Sorry,tomorrow I have to play soccer and I have a piano lesson.Andy:Oh.Well,what are you doing the day after tomorrow?Vince:I have to look after my little sister.Andy:Oh,I see.Vince:Im sorry,Andy.Im really busy this week!,2.look after his sister

10、_ look after 意为_,_,其同义短语为_.表示好好照顾时用_ 或_.即:look after用副词_ 修饰;take care of 用adj._ 修饰。,照顾他的妹妹,照顾,照料,take care of,look after well,take good care of,well,good,Vince _ play tennis with Andy.He _ go to the doctor and study for a test today._,he _ soccer.After that,he has a piano _.And he is _ to babysit hi

11、s sister _.,cant,has to,Tomorrow,has to play,lesson,going,the day after tomorrow,He is really _ this week.,busy,Fill in the blanks according to 1d.,Pairwork,Hi,Vince.Can you play tennis with me?,When?,Andy invite Vince to play tennis.,Today.,Sorry,I cant.I,Translate the following sentences and write

12、 them down.,1.-你能和我一起打网球吗?-什么时候?-后天。-对不起,我不能。我有钢琴课。,Can you play tennis with me?When?The day after tomorrow.Sorry,I cant.I have a piano lesson.,2.他能去参加棒球比赛吗?不,他不能。他得学习。3.他们后天能去参加音乐会吗?不,他们不能。他们得去参加晚会。,-Can he go to the baseball game?-No,he cant.He has to study.,-Can they go to the concert the day after tomorrow?-No,they cant.They have to go to a party.,1.today tomorrow yesterday the day after tomorrow weekend the day before yesterday weekday2.-Whats today?-Its Tuesday the 8th.3.-Whats the date today?-Its December the 8th.4.What day is it today?-Its Tuesday.,Sum up,


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