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1、老师寄语,英语课堂上,勇于张口,充分发挥想象力,敢于亮出观点,勇于挑战自我,全力投入会使你与众不同你是最棒的,你是最优秀的,你一定能做的更好!,赖祖亮小木虫,赖祖亮小木虫,学习目标:,知识目标:掌握相关单词、短语,知识点。能力目标:能听懂对话内容并掌握听力技巧;能够谈论自己的度假经历。情感态度:能够分享自己的快乐与苦恼。,I like English.I believe myself.I am the best.,Unit 1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi.,Module 1,Travel,We have talked about the ways

2、 of transportation in Grade 8.Can you list some of them now?,transportation,by train,by bus,by plane,by ship,by bike,听力训练,Listen and complete the notes.,10,London,Beijing,11:30,5:30,CA938,1.Listen and answer answer.,What are Lingling,Betty and Daming talking about?,They are talking about their winte

3、r holidays.,1.Travel is very difficult in winter because.A.its too cold to travel B.the Spring Festival makes winter the busiest season C.People are too busy2.Tony is coming back by today.A.ship B.plane C.train3.Daming and Betty are looking forward to at the end of the term.A.a big exam B.the school

4、-leavers party C.visiting the Summer Palace,Listen and choose the best answer.,浏览问题,猜测对话内容,带着问题有目的地听,捕捉关键词。,Lingling:Welcome back,everyone!Betty:Hi,Lingling!How was your_?Lingling:Not bad!I went to see my grandparents in Henan Province.The train was _ of people,and I had to stand for over three_.Bet

5、ty:Bad luck.Wheres Tony?Daming:He went to stay with his family in the UK.Hes_ back today.But the flight was late.Betty:Why was travel so difficult in winter?Lingling:Well,its the _season in China because of the Spring Festival.Where did you go,Daming?Daming:We flew _to Hong Kong-and the plane left a

6、 bit late too!It was great fun!,听前:提前浏览句子,预测所填词汇;听中:学会速记用汉语或几个字母代替单词短语;听后:认真检查拼写、词性、单复数等细节。,holiday,full,busiest,Listen and fill in the blanks.,hours,flying,1,2,3,4,5,direct,6,Read and complete the table.-(导学案听后读),Tips:,Reading time,我阅读 我进步,浏览题干,抓住关键信息,锁定依据,确定答案!,计时钟,Henan Province,went to see her g

7、randparents,train,UK,went to stay with his family,plane,Hong Kong,took a boat to Lantau Island and went to Disneyland,plane;boat,Beijing,take a tour by coach to the Summer Palace and went for a long walk around the lake,bus;taxi;coach,Now complete the table.,Say some sentences with the help of the t

8、able.Lingling went to see her grandparents in Henan Province by train.,(如果你能说出转盘中人物的假期经历,就能得到相应星星,快快加油呦!),读后学,我思考 我进步,要求:1.独立完成学案中的知识点练习。2.在组长的带领下集中讨论,完善答案。3.质疑课本,找出其它重难点。4.时间:4分钟。,合作探究:团结协作显智慧,计时钟,Language points,1._:“充满;装满”。同义短语be filled with。翻译:火车上全是人,我不得不站了三个多小时!The train was full of people,and

9、I had to stand for over three hours!2._“因为;由于”,后可接名词、代词或V-ing形式。because意为“因为;由于”,是连词,后接句子。1)Shebroketheglass_hercarelessness.2)Shebroketheglass_shewascareless.3._表示“成功地做”。But the pilot succeeded in _(land)on time.4._:表示“只要”翻译:只要你努力,没什么好担心的。Theres nothing to worry about as long as you work hard.,be f

10、ull of,becauseof,succeed in doing,because of,because,landing,我思考 我进步,as long as,规则:再次读课文,在组长带领下,每个小组根据课文提出问题,其它小组成员抢答,提问题的小组得一颗星,回答对的也得一颗星,最后由提问题的小组确定对错并解释。,我当老师 我做主,Group work and speak aloud,要求:1.在组长带领下分角色朗读课文。2.给动画配音。3.时间:3分钟。,我来配音!,Lets see which group does the best.,R=reporter S=studentR:Hello,

11、名字,can I ask you some questions?S:Yes,please.R:What did you do during the winter holiday?S:I went to.R:How did you get there?S:I went there.R:How was your travel?S:R:Ok,thank you.S:Youre welcome.,我采访 我受益,采访一下你朋友的假期经历!,Whos the best reporter?,谁是最佳小记者?,课堂小测验,1.Theboxis_(full)ofbooks.2.He succeeded in

12、_(work)out the maths problem.3.Im late for schoolbecauseof_(get)therain.4.You can invite your friends as_(longer)as you tell me two days before the party.,静心思考,用单词适当形式填空,full,working,getting,long,回首反思话收获,老师永远欣赏你们!,1.What we have learned a.New words and phrases:b.Important points:c.Skills or methods(听力速记法等)d.Talk your holiday!2.The excellent groups and members,


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