1、托福独立写作范文欣赏+解析小马过河网校 托福独立写作范文欣赏+解析 托福写作,托福写作备考,托福写作范文 小马网校的老师为大家整理了托福独立写作范文欣赏+解析!这是托福备考的重要资料和知识,值得收藏! 托福独立写作范文欣赏+解析!本文小马网校老师为大家带来了经典独立写作范文赏析一篇,都说托福独立写作备考离不开范文,确实是这样,希望以下内容可以帮助大家学习。 A or DA: Governments should focus its budgets more on environmental protection than on economic development. 题型:呼吁题 论点:一
2、边倒(同意) 论证角度:利弊分析 开头:同意*应该把财政预算更多地放在环保上。(话题引入+双方观点呈现+我方观点及过渡句) The past several decades have witnessed that the worlds economy is booming. Modern skyscrapers, convenient communications, fast transportations make it easier and cozier for people to live in this planet. However, people are beginning to
3、realize that the great achievements today seem to be at the price of destroying the nature. They claim that governments should focus its budgets more on environment than on economic development. As for me, I am a big fan of environmental protection and I am wholeheartedly in agreement with this clai
4、m. Here are some reasons and examples to support my view. 中间段1:环境保护关系到每一个人的健康问题。(主题句+解释+细节化展开) First, the environmental protection is closely bound up with the health of every single person in this world. If the environment is polluted, the basic elements people need to survive must be affected, and
5、 thus disastrous results may occur. Recently I have read an appalling fact from newspapers that there is a village in the center of China where the majority of its residents, including kids and seniors, suffer from cancer such as lung cancer, stomach cancer and lymph cancer. The investigator found t
6、hat the villagers drinking water is from a river that is severely contaminated by the industrial discharges of enterprises located at the upstream. 中间段2:经济的可持续发展需要以环境保护为前提,我们不能竭泽而渔。(主题句+解释+细节和展开) 小马过河网校 小马过河网校 In addition, the environmental protection is conducive to the sustainability of economic d
7、evelopment. There are some idioms in China, “killing the hens for the egg”, “draining the pond for the fish”, and “burning the woods for the prey”. These ancient wisdoms warn modern people not to gain profits at present without thinking of the future. In other words, we cannot simply satisfy the nee
8、d of contemporary people regardless of the interest of our next generation. Imagine that if we were in excessive pursuit of economic development by consuming all the natural resources, hunting for precious animals mercilessly and cut down forests, what will become of our descendants? 中间段3:环境保护可以在一定程
9、度上刺激经济的发展,比如可以发展旅游业。(主题句+解释+细节展开) Last but not least, the environmental protection can boost the development of economy at the same time. For instance, a country that emphasizes on its environment must be a country famous for its sightseeing industry. I have been to Singapore in which I am not only
10、amazed by its prosperous economy but also by its garden-like environment. The lawns, the trees, the rivers are beautifully designed to fit into the city. This case well illustrates that the economic development and environmental protection sometimes construct no conflicts between each other. 结尾:重申观点
11、+归纳理由/升化主题。 To put it into nutshell, governments should put its budgets on environmental protection than on economic development. In the process of achieving more prosperous economy, people should sometimes stop to think about whether the world we live could provide fresh air, clean water and healthy food, for these are fundamentally vital to the fate of human beings. 以上就是小马网校老师整理的托福独立写作范文欣赏+解析的内容,希望能够帮助到大家。同时在托福备考过程中遇到疑问可以登录小马网校免费咨询专业的留学老师和托福备考老师。 小马过河网校