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1、教学设计三年级英module10unit1HeresaredhaModule10 Unit 1 Heres a red hat. 1、识别单词:hat come back clothes open put on funny party brown trousers orange shirt look at shoe Lets cant=can not turn 2、学习句型: Heres what clothes have you got? Ive got a +color +clothes. 描述衣服的颜色及名称,并会运用。 Heres what clothes have you got?

2、Ive got a +color +clothes. 学会用英语来描述一件衣服的颜色和名称。运用对话what clothes have you got? Ive got a +color +clothes. 多媒体课件、投影仪,奖励的小贴图、单词卡片,彩色卡纸,各种颜色的服装, 1: Greetings Ts: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: 2:Warm-up Sing a song: colors song 3: Presentation ,颜色学习 Lets look at the screen and sing the song. At the sa

3、me time, you sure find out what colors do you see? (说两遍,并翻译两遍) 听完音乐后让大家说出刚才看到并且记住的颜色,学生说出颜色时,我同时把相应的颜色贴在黑板上,并带领大家多读几遍单词。对于不会的,或者是忘记的颜色我再次播放视频让大家完全找出,并重点学习white brown orange . 复习巩固之前学过的颜色并且引入学习新颜色。 同时回忆巩固句型What color is it? It is Listen to me! What color is it? Its white white white 单词操练方式:齐读,分组读,男女生

4、读。 指卡片 全部齐读出对应颜色的单词。 单词学习 手中拿着一个盒子,盒子是白色的。问学生Look at me! Whats this? Yes, I have a box. What color is it? What is in it ? Now, lets open the box (说两遍)and find it. Now, who can guess the Chinese meaning? 猜猜open 的意思,同时将单词卡那出来展示,学单词open. 单词操练方式:大小声读。 衣服学习 打开盒子拿出一个帽子的图片。Do you know whats this? Its a hat

5、 . 出示”hat” 的生字卡学习单词。操练单词“hat” What color is it? It is red. So, Its a red hat. 单词操练方式:one by one. 然后让学生从盒子中抽出一件衣服全班同学提问:What clothes have you got? 抽的同学就按照抽出的物品做出回答,以此形式教学生:Heres a brown hat/ green sweater/orange shirt/big shoes等。 ,对话的运用 Now ,today I have a party! And I invite you. So you need to buy

6、a new cloth. Now, lets go to the clothing store and buy some new clothes. Close you eyes and get on a bus. 打开服装的图片。 Open your eyes. Welcome to yangyang clothing store. Heres lots of nice clothes. What cloth do you like? 让学生思考一会。问道:Ts: what clothes have you got? Ss: Ive got a . 单独问5个同学,同时师生角色互换。对学生说的

7、话全班要共同说3遍。我同时将这几个句型出示在黑板上,便于学生记忆。 单独提问后 Say it in your groups. Four people, understand? 小组中一人问what clothes have you got? 其余同学答Ive got a . 讨论结束请一组同学上讲台展示结果。 Listen to me, we have got new clothes, so we should back to school. 课文学习 1,播放Unit 1的动画或者录音,请同学们看图,教师帮助学生理解课文内容。 2、再次播放录音,请学生们完整的听一遍,提醒学生注意讲解的个别重

8、要单词和语句,也可边听边做动作,提醒学生注意语音语调。 3,第三次播放录音,请学生们逐句跟读。请学生全班朗读、小组朗读、分角色朗读课文,要求学生尽可能模仿录音的语音语调。 4: Consolidation 玩闯关游戏:创设喜洋洋与灰太狼对决三关拯救懒洋洋。 第一关:出示话的图片6个,让大家说出颜色。班级找一个同学扮演喜洋洋,一个扮演灰太狼。对话如下: What colors are the flowers? 喜洋洋按顺序回答:Its. 如果回答错误要请班上的一个同学来帮忙喜洋洋,以此方式闯关。 第二个:出示衣服,帽子,裤子的图片,让大家正确读出颜色和衣服的单词。练习句型 Heres a . 对

9、话如下:灰太狼:There are many clothes in the box . What clothes have you got? 喜洋洋:Heres a . 如果回答错误要请班上的一个同学来帮忙喜洋洋,以此方式闯关。 第三关:出示衣服,帽子,裤子,鞋子的图片,让大家正确读出颜色和衣服的单词。练习句型Ive got a .,和单词put on. 灰太狼问:Lets put on the cloth? What clothes have you got? 喜洋洋答:Ive got a . 5: Summary 将黑板上的衣服和问句再读一遍。 You learn a lot of today. All of you are very smart. 6: Homework Module 10 Unit 1 Heres a red hat. 外研版小学三年级下英语Module 8Unit 1 Its on your desk.说课稿


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