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1、教师课堂用语集锦By Dexin Primary School 1 三年级 1. Follow me! 跟我! 2. Please open your books, turn to page 请打开书第几页。 3. In pairs /groups. 同桌活动或小组活动。 4. Lets check in pairs. 同桌检查。 5. Go back to your seat, please. 请回到你的座位上。 6. Stand up, please. 请起立。 7. Sit down, please. 请坐下。 8. Listen to me, please. 请听我说。 9. Toge

2、ther, please. 请一起。 10. Eyes on me, please. 请看着我。 11. Look at me, please. 请看着我。 12. Now you, please. 现在到你了。 13. Sit straight, please. 请坐正! 2 14. Raise your hands. 请举手。 15. Hands down. 请放下手。 3 四年级 1. Read after me! 跟我读 2. Look at the blackboard./the picture . 看黑板/图画 3. Read it in pairs /groups. 同桌读或小组

3、读。 4. Act the dialogue. 表演对话。 5. Be quiet, please. 请保持安静。 6. Loud, please. 请大声读。 7. Sit straight, please. 请坐直。 8. Say it in English/Chinese, please. 请用英语、汉语说。 9. Take out your book/exercise book. 拿出书/练习本。 10. Write it on the exercise books. 把它写到练习本上。 11. Read and write. 边读边写。 12. Read it in silence.

4、 默读。 13. Watch carefully. 仔细观看。 14. Put up your hands. 请举手。 15. Put down your hands. 请放下手。 16. Quickly, please. 请快点。 五年级 4 1. Lets get ready for class. 准备上课。 2. Class begins. 上课。 3. Once more ,please. 请再说一遍。 4. Open your books, please. 请翻开书。 5. Please turn to Page 12. 请翻开书到12页。 6Please take out your

5、 notebooks/exercise books.请拿出笔记本/练习本。 7. No more talking, please. 请安静。 8. Attention, please. 请注意。 9. Were going to have a new lesson today.今天我们要上新课。 10. First lets have a revision. 首先我们复习一下。 11. Raise your hands, please. 请举手。 12. Hands down. 把手放下。 5 六年级 1. Lets check the answers together .让我们一起来对答案。

6、 2. Make a dialogue in groups / pairs .小组 / 同桌做对话。 3. Come to the front. 请出来。 4. Go back to your seat. 请回到座位上。 5. Look at the blackboard 请看黑板。 6. Close your eyes. 请闭上眼睛。 7. Please be quiet 请安静。 8. Lets check the attendance. 我们来点名。 9. One more time. 再来次。 10. Lets read it all together. 大家一起读。 11. Writ

7、e it on your notebook. 请记到笔记本上。 12. Come and write it on the blackboard.请到黑板上写一下。 13. Underline it.请在下面划横线。 14. Do the exercise.请做练习。 15. Practice with your partners.请于伙伴一起做练习。 16. Talk with your partners.请与伙伴交流。 17. Lets review last lesson.我们来复习上节课的内容。 18.Dont forget to do your homework.不要忘了做作业 6 三

8、年级 1. Good morning. 早上好。 2. Good afternoon. 下午好。 3. Are you ready? 准备好了吗? 4. Are you clear? 明白了吗? 5. Have you finished? 完成了吗? 6. Who can? 谁会? 7. Can you try, please? 您能试一下嘛? 8. Whose turn? 到谁了? 9. Any questions? 有疑问吗? 10. Which group want to show? 哪一组想展示? 11. What have you got today? 今天你有什么收获? 7 四年级

9、 1. Who can read/answer? 谁会读/回答? 2. What can you find? 你发现了什么? 3. Who is right? 谁对了? 4. Think it over and try again. 想一想再试试。 5. Can you help him/her? 你能帮助他/她吗? 6. Is it right? 对了吗? 7. Right or wrong? 对还是错? 8. Whose turn is it? 到谁了? 9. Read and find your questions? 读找出你的问题。 10. Which group wants to s

10、how? 哪一组想展示? 11. What have you learned today? 今天你学会了什么? 12. Who can make an assessment? 谁来进行评价? 8 五年级 1.Who wants to be A? 谁想当A? 2. Practice the dialogue ,please. 请练习这个对话。 3. Who can answer this question? 谁能回答这个问题? 4. Do you have any questions? 你们有问题吗? 5. Let me see. 让我看看/想想。 6. Put up your hands if

11、 you have any questions. 如果有问题请举手。 7. Wait your turn, please.请等待你的次序。 8. Whose turn is it? 轮到谁了? 9. Is everyone here? 都到齐了吗? 10. Whos absent today? 今天谁没来? 11. What day is today? 今天是星期几? 12. Whats the date today? 今天是几号? 9 六年级 1. How are you all today 今天怎么样啊? 2. Could you clean the blackboard please?

12、你能擦黑板吗? 3Can you help me? 你能帮助我吗? 4. Do you mean this way? 你的意思是这样吗? 5. Lets see which team is NO.1.我们来看看哪个队是第一名。 6. Does anyone know where Mary is? 哪个人知道marry在哪? 7. Could you please sit in groups of 4 . Facing each other? 面对面做成四人一组讨论。 8.Lets start reading page 3.让我们从第三页开始读。 9. You just need your En

13、glish books out. 你只需要拿出你的英语课本。 10.Lets go over our last lesson .让我们复习上节课内容。 11. After that we shall do some written work.。 然后我们要做一些书面练习。 12. When weve finished well go on to learn something new.我们完成了这项练习之后我们将继续学习新的内容 13. Remember not to use any Chinese.记住不能用汉语讨论。 14. Could you tell me what it means?

14、 你能告诉我他表达什么意思吗? 10 15. Did you have a nice/good weekend? 你有一个好的周末吗/周末过的好么? 16. Take your time , I think you can.别着急,我认为你能 11 三年级 1. Good job. 做的好。 2. Good. 好。 3. Great. 棒。 4. Good boy/girl. 好男孩、女孩。 5. Thats Ok. 好的。 6. Thank you. 谢谢。 12 四年级 1. Good done. 做的好。 2. You did very well. 你做得很好。 3. I like yo

15、ur voice. 我喜欢你的发音。 4. You act very lovely. 你表演得很生动。 5. You have good memory. 你的记忆很好。 6. Good listening. 你的听力很厉害。 7. You have sharp eyes. 眼光很锐利。 8. You read very well. 你读得很好。 9. A good answer. 好答案。 13 五年级 1. You did a very good job. 做得不错。 2 .Very good./Good try./ Well done! 完成得不错。 3. Terrific!/ Wonde

16、rful! / Excellent! 很棒! 1. Pretty good很好 4. You did a great job! 你做得很好! 5. Your answer is perfect! 你的答案是棒极了! 6. Youve made a lot of progress. 你取得了很大的进展 7. Come on try it again .再试一次。 8.You are correct / right about that你是对的 9. Yeah , youre got it是啊,你掌握它了。 10. Your answer is terrific! 你的答案是棒极了! 11.You

17、 answered correctly. 你回答的是 12. That is wonderful / great / fantastic. 这非常漂亮/好/好极了。 13. Thats the way to do it. 这样做就对了 14. Keep on working hard. 继续努力。 14 六年级 1. Pretty good很好 2. You did a great job! 你做得很好! 3. Your answer is perfect! 你的答案是棒极了! 4. Youve made a lot of progress. 你取得了很大的进展 5. Come on try

18、it again .再试一次。 6. You are correct / right about that你是对的 7. Yeah , youre got it是啊,你掌握它了。 8. Your answer is terrific! 你的答案是棒极了! 9. You answered correctly. 你回答的是 10. That is wonderful / great / fantastic. 这非常漂亮/好/好极了。 11. Thats the way to do it. 这样做就对了 12. Keep on working hard. 继续努力。 15 三年级 1. Listen

19、 and answer. 听录音,回答问题。 2. Watch and answer. 看视频,回答问题。 3. Listen and mark. 听录音,做标记。 4. Listen and imitate. 听录音,模仿。 5. Help the sentences find their home. 帮句子找家。 6. Read in roles. 分角色朗读。 7. Listen carefully, and make an assessment. 仔细听,做出评价。 16 四年级 1. What are they talking about? 他们在谈论什么? 2. Where are

20、 they? 他们在哪里? 3. What are they doing? 他们在干什么? 4. Listen and imitate. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 听录音,模仿。注意语音和语调。 5. Listen and answer the question. 听录音回答问题。 6. Read it in roles. 分角色朗读。 17 五年级 1. Can you solve this problem? 能做出这道题吗? 2. Are you through? 做完了吗? 3. Lets have a dict

21、ation. 让我们来听写。 4.Listen carefully and make an assessment. 仔细听,做出评价。 5.How do you know? 你怎么知道的? 6. Look at the blackboard/screen, please. 请看黑板/屏幕。 18 六年级 1. Repeat the sentences together .跟读句子。 2. Perform the dialogue in groups / pairs .小组 / 同桌表演对话。 3. Who wants to show your dialogue? 谁想表演对话? 4.Pay a

22、ttention to your pronunciation and tone .注意你的语音语调。 5.Role play the dialogue .分角色表演对话。 6.Listen to them carefully and make an assessment .仔细听他们说 并做 19 三年级 1. Listen and number. 听录音,排序。 2. Look, listen, point and say. 看,听,指 和说。 3. Group work. 小组活动。 20 四年级 1. Listen and repeat. 听录音跟读。 2. Can you read?

23、你会读吗? 3. Discuss in Group. 小组谈论。 4. Who can read? 谁会读? 5. Remember these words. 记住这些单词。 6. Read the word aloud. 大声读单词。 21 五年级 1. Repeat after me/Follow me. 跟我读。 2. Listen to me, please. 请听我说。 3. All eyes on me, please. 请都看着我。 4. Lets read together. 让我们一起读。 5. Write it in English. 请用英语写。 22 六年级 1. Wh

24、ats the Chinese meaning of this word? 这个单词的中文意思是什么? 2. Pay attention to the pronunciation of 注意.的发音。 3. It means . 它意思是 4.Write the new words with your fingers .用手指这些新单词。 6. Read the words loudly. 大声读单词。 7. Please read the word one by one. 请一个接一个的读单词。 8. Lets have a dictation .让我们听写一下。 9. Read them

25、together. 一起读。 23 三年级 1. A says A发音。 2. A is for A发音。 3. Listen and circle. 听录音,圈出答案。 4. Listen, repeat and chant. 听录音,有节奏的跟读。 5. Read, listen and number. 读图,听录音和排序。 6. Listen and write. 听录音,写出单词。 7. Lets spell together. 让我们一起拼写。 24 四年级 1. What can you hear? 你听到了什么? 2. Whats the sound of.? .的发音是什么?

26、3. Read and spell the word. 读并且拼读单词。 4. Read the word loud. 大声读单词。 5. Read, listen and number. 读图、听音并标序号。 6. Listen and write. 听、写单词。 7. Sounding out and blending. 拆音朗读。 25 五年级 1. Lets read it together. Ready, go! 大家齐声朗读,预备,起。 2. Who wants to try? 谁想试一试? 3.Isolate and blend the sound. 拆音和和音。 4.Whats

27、 the sound of ? 的音是什么? 26 六年级 1. Listen ,clap and repeat .听,拍手并跟读。 2. Listen ,look and say .听,看,说。 3. Read loudly and slowly , please . 请大声缓慢的朗读。 4. A pronounces . A 发的音 。 5. Lets read together .让我们一起读。 6. Listen to tape carefully .认真听录音。 27 四年级 1. Read and write. 读并写。 2. Read and circle. 读并圈。 3. Re

28、ad and match. 读并连线。 4. Read and tick or cross. 读,判断对错。 5. Look, choose and write. 看,选择并写。 28 五年级 1. Have you finished? 做完了吗? 2. Read slowly and clearly. 读慢一点,清楚一点。 3. Who wants to do it on the blackboard? 谁愿意到黑板上来做? 29 六年级 1. What is the passage about? 这篇文章是有关于什么的? 2. Discuss the meaning of this passage in groups. 小组讨论文章的意思。 3. Read the dialogue carefully and find out the answers .仔细读对话并找出问题答案。 4. Underline the main sentences .把重点句划线。 5. Work in groups and do the exercises.小组合作做练习。 30


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