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1、教案Unit7TheJoyofTravelUnit 7 TheJoy of Travel (Book 3) Unit 7 The Joy of Travel In-Class Reading Passage After-Class Reading Passage I After-Class Reading Passage II Transformative Travel The Romance of Train Travel Aruba Part 1 Introduction to the Theme Men have traveled ever since they first appear

2、ed on the earth. In primitive times they did not travel for pleasure but to find new places where their herds could feed, or to escape from hostile neighbors, or to find more favorable climate. They traveled on foot. Their journeys were long, tiring and often dangerous. They protected themselves wit

3、h simple weapons, such as wooden sticks or stone clubs, and by lighting fires at night and, above all, by keeping together. Being intelligent and creative, they soon discovered easier ways of traveling. They rode on the backs of their domesticated animals; the hollowed out tree trunks and, by using

4、bits of wood as paddles, were able to travel on water. Later they traveled, not for necessity, but for the joy and excitement of seeing and experiencing new things. This is still the main reason why we travel today. Traveling, of course, has now become a highly organized business. There are cars and

5、 splendid roads, express trains, huge ships and jet airliners, all of which provide us with comfort and security. This sounds wonderful. But there are difficulties. If you want to go abroad, you need a passport and a visa, tickets, luggage, and a hundred and one other things. If you lose any of them

6、, your journey may be ruined. Part 2 Lead-in People traveling long distances frequently have to decide whether they would prefer to go by land, sea, or air. Hardly anyone can positively enjoy sitting in a train for more than a few hours. Train compartments soon get crowded and stuffy. During the day

7、, sleep comes in snatches. At night, when you really wish to go to sleep, you rarely manage to do so. Inevitably, you arrive at your destination almost exhausted. Long car journeys are even less pleasant. On motor ways you can, at least, travel fairly safely at high speeds, but more often than not,

8、the greater part of the journey is spent on narrow, bumpy roads which are crowded with traffic. By comparison, trips by sea offer a great variety of civilized comforts. You can stretch your legs on the spacious decks, play games, swim, meet interesting people and enjoy good food always assuming, of

9、course, that the sea is calm. If it is not, you are likely to get seasick no form of transport could be worse. Even if you travel in ideal weather, sea journeys take a long time. Airplanes have the reputation of being dangerous. They also have the grave disadvantages of being the most expensive form

10、 of transport. But nothing can match them for speed and comfort. You dont have to devise ways of taking your mind off the journey, for an airplane gets you to your destination rapidly. For a few hours, you settle back in a deep armchair to enjoy the flight. You can watch a free film show and sip cha

11、mpagne on some services. You can also enjoy an unusual and breathtaking view of the world. However you decide to spend your time, one thing is certain: you will arrive at your destination fresh and energetic. 1 Unit 7 TheJoy of Travel (Book 3) Part 3 In-Class Reading Passage Transformative Travel I

12、Structural Information Para. 13 The authors predicament at that time. There were two things he was dissatisfied with: his job and his engagement. Para. 46 Purpose of the trip: to transform himself from one person to another. Para. 714 Process for change. 1). Paragraph Seven is a topic paragraph for

13、this part. (Para. 7) 2). I created a mindset that made me ready for change. (Para. 8) 3) I insulated myself from the usual influences in my life and the people whose approval was most important. (Para. 9) 4) I structured my time in order to produce change and growth. (Para. 10) 5) I pushed myself to

14、 experiment with new ways of being. (Para. 11) 6) I made public commitments of what I intended to do so it would be harder to back down. (Para. 12) 7) I processed my experiences systematically. (Para. 13) 8) I made changes when I returned that continued the transformation that started while I was in

15、 Aruba. (Para. 14) Para. 15 (Conclusion) I would continue going on transformative trips to keep my growth in the future. II Content Information 1. What was the author dissatisfied with before he went on a trip to Aruba? How did he feel? (Para. 12) - He was stuck in a job he hated and trapped in an e

16、ngagement with a woman he didnt love. He felt hopeless and lost. 2. The author decided to take a class only for the entertainment. What was the topic of the course? In a moment of impulsiveness, the author made an important decision. What did he decide to do? (Para. 3) - The course happened to be an

17、 introductory counseling course, which involved personal sharing in the group. Since the students were challenged to make commitments publicly about things they would like to change in their life, the author decided to quit his job and end his engagement 3. How did the author feel after he quit his

18、job and ended his engagement? Why did he have such a kind of mixed feeling? (Para. 4) - The author was mixed with both excitement and terror. He felt excited because he got the freedom but terrified because he was at a loss about what to do next. 4. To realize the transition from the old life to a n

19、ew one, from one person to another, the author made his second important decision. What was it? (Para. 4) - He booked a trip for a week in Aruba. 5. Did the author want to run away from the reality? If no, what did he want? (Para. 5) - No. He was not escaping something but rather pursuing something

20、new. He needed a new environment to think clearly about his future. 6. How did the author spend his trip on the island of Aruba? (Para. 6) 2 Unit 7 TheJoy of Travel (Book 3) - The author began his processes of self-change. He made a careful schedule of his daily activities. He spent the mornings goi

21、ng for long walks on the beach, the afternoon sitting under the tree, reading books and listening to tapes. He also forced himself to go out and go to communicate with people. 7. From the passage, we know that the author spent one week in Aruba, but it took him almost a year to pay off that trip. Di

22、d the author think it worthwhile? Why? (Para. 7) - Yes. The author said, “I am convinced that my single week in Aruba was worth three years in therapy.” And that trip started a number of processes that helped him to transform himself, which was the real purpose of the trip to Aruba. The trip made th

23、e author a new and promising self. In this sense, his efforts paid off. 8. How many stages of processes for change did the author go through? What are they? (Para. 814) - Seven stages. (Make reference to the topic sentences, that is, the first sentences, from Para. 8 to 14.) 9. What inspiration did

24、the author get from the trip to Aruba? (Para.15) - The trip to Aruba made the author realize that travel is a good way of transforming oneself. So he decided that he would make other trips from time to time and much of his future traveling would have some transformative dimension to it so that he co

25、uld continue to grow. 10. How do you understand the title of the passage “Transformative Travel”? - It means traveling has some transformative characteristics. Through his own traveling experiences, the author found the trip to Aruba partly changed his life and himself. It made him shake off the old

26、 life and lead a whole new one. For himself, he has transformed to be a new and promising self. III Key Sentences for Explanation and Translation 1. I was stuck in a job I hated and trapped in an engagement with a woman I didnt love. At the time, both commitments seemed like a good idea, but I suppo

27、se it was the fantasy of being a successful, married businessman that appealed to me far more than reality. (L. 47) 我为我所憎恶的工作所束缚并陷入了与一个我并不爱的女人的婚约之中。那时,两个承诺都像是不错的主意,但是我想吸引我的只是一种成为一个成功的已婚商人的虚幻,而远非现实。 2. We were challenged to make commitments publicly about things we would like to change in our lives,

28、and in a moment of pure impulsiveness, I declared that by the next class meeting I was going to quit my job and end my engagement. (L. 1012) 我们被要求对生活中所要作的改变作出公开的承诺。出于一时冲动,我宣布在下次上课之前,我将辞去工作并解除婚约。 3. A few days later I found myself unemployed and unattached, excited by the freedom, yet terrified about

29、 what to do next. (L. 1314) 几天后,我失业了,没有婚约在身,为获得的自由而兴奋,但又因为不知道下一步做什么而惶惶然。 4. In spite of what others might have thought, I was not running away from something but to something. I wanted a clean break, and I knew I needed to get away from my usual environment and influences so as to think clearly abou

30、t where I was headed. (L. 1821) 3 Unit 7 TheJoy of Travel (Book 3) 不管别人会有什么样的想法,我并没有逃避过去,而是在追求未来。我想要一个彻底的决裂。我知道我需要远离我熟悉的环境和过去的影响,以便考虑清楚我将何去何从。 5. One of the reasons that therapy often takes so long is that, once you leave the safety and support of a session, you reenter the world where familiar peop

31、le elicit the familiar reactions. (L. 4345) 治疗之所以往往需要很长的时间,原因之一是一旦你结束了一个给予你安全保护和帮助的疗程,你重新又回到了原来的世界,那儿的熟人会诱使你重蹈覆辙。 IV Words in Context Ask students to find the following expressions of a in the passage according to the Chinese given. Then ask them to use the key words to make the sentences b and c. 1

32、. a. 回顾往事 look back to the past (L. 3) b. 当你回顾过去时,似乎总觉得过去比现在好。 The past always seems better than the present when you look back on it. c. 人们常能回顾并玩味美好的孩提时代。 People can often look back and reflect on happy childhood memories. 2. a. 帮助我从一个人转变到另一个人 help me to transform myself from one person into anothe

33、r (L. 1516) b. 新父母用他们的爱把那个可怜的被领养的婴儿变成了一个幸福健壮的孩子。 Through their love, the new parents transformed the sad, adopted baby into a happy, strong child. c. 这条水渠的建成使这一地区从沙漠变成了良田。 The building of the canal has transformed the area from desert into fertile farmland. 3. a. 完全能和我想要交谈的人攀谈起来 be perfectly capable

34、 of having a conversation with anyone I choose (L. 3233) b. 公司目前还没有能力应付这样大批的订货。 The company is not capable of handling such a large order at present. c. 这毒药可在几分钟内致人死命。 The poison is capable of causing death within a few minutes. 4. a. 付清那趟旅行的费用 pay off that trip (L. 35) b. 他曾期盼能很快还清所有债务,但事实上这花费了他四年的

35、时间。 He had expected to pay off all his debts shortly but as a matter of fact it took him four years. c. 他的工作非常差劲,因此我们在周末给他算清工资后就把他解雇了。 His work was most unsatisfactory, so we paid him off at the end of the week and fired him. 5. a. 理清头绪 sort things out (L. 40) b. 把要扔掉的文件挑出来,其余的放回原处。 Sort out the pap

36、ers to be thrown away, and put the rest back. c. 他的财务帐混乱不清,但我们会理顺的。 His financial records are in a mess, but well sort them out. 4 Unit 7 TheJoy of Travel (Book 3) 6. a. 尝试新的思考和行为方式 experiment with new ways of thinking and acting (L. 41) b. 他正在用染料进行试验以得到他要的颜色。 He is experimenting with dyes to get th

37、e color he wants. c. 通过用新材料做实验,那位科学家希望找到这个问题的答案。 The scientist hoped to find the answer to the problem by experimenting with the new material. 7. a. 做出公开承诺 make public commitments (L. 60) b. 他承诺在今年年底前还清所有债务。 He has made a commitment to pay off all his debts by the end of this year. c. 将军承诺尽快进行选举。 Th

38、e general made his commitment to hold elections as soon as possible. 8. a. 打退堂鼓 back down (L. 6061) b. 他最终在座位问题上放弃了原来的主张。 Eventually he backed down on the question of seating. c. 他证明了他是正确的,因而那些非难他的人不得不有所收敛。 He proved that he was right and his critics had to back down. 9. a. 把这种经历融入我生活中去 incorporate

39、the experience into my life (L. 6869) b. 通过调查得到的建议已被纳入最后的设计方案。 Suggestions from the survey have been incorporated in the final design. c. 未经他本人同意,他的照片已被用在一种新牌子肥皂的广告中。 His picture had been incorporated into an advertisement for a new brand of soap without his permission. 10. a. 回到老一套中去 slip back into

40、 old patterns (L. 7273) b. 当心不要不知不觉地又重蹈你的恶习。 Take care not to slip back into your bad habits. c. 酗酒者很容易在工作之余又不自觉地去喝几杯。 It is very easy for alcoholics to slip back into having a few drinks after work. V Summary At the age of 23, the author was in despair. He wanted to have some kind of transition fro

41、m his old life to a new style, so he decided to go traveling in Aruba to transform himself. To avoid his backing down, he made public commitments. In Aruba, he arranged his time and pushed himself to experiment with new ways of being, and systematically processed his experience. His trip to Aruba su

42、ccessfully helped him realize his transformation. 5 Unit 7 TheJoy of Travel (Book 3) Part 4 After-Class Reading Passage I The Romance of Train Travel I Structural Information Para. 1 Speed of the modern travel. Para. 2 Nostalgia for slower speed. Para. 3 Nostalgia for train travel. Para. 49 Six type

43、s of unique and wonderful train travel. II Content Information 1. Whats one main characteristic of the modern world? (Para. 1) - Fast speed. 2. Why will people have a strong sense of nostalgia each time they hear the sound of a train whistle? (Para. 23) - Because the train whistle can bring them bac

44、k to those good old days, when life was slower, and also there is a sense of romance about a train that doesnt exist on a modern jet plane. 3. What do some railroad companies do when they realize peoples nostalgia for slower speed? (Para. 4) - They offer unique train travel for travelers who arent i

45、n a hurry and who enjoy the romance of the past. 4. Read the passage carefully and fill in the missing information about romantic train travel on six special and famous trains. (Para. 49) Names of Countries Kinds of people Route the trains to which the train tours the trains are for belong Great Ind

46、ian Rover India Time Features For people From Calcutta 6 days Visiting the place where interested in to a town in tour Buddha was born and the religion Napel place where Prince Gautama sat under the bodhi tree and became Buddha For people with From London to Twice a Being luxurious: rich dark money

47、Venice week wood, fresh flowers, champagne, very special food, and a live entertainment in a bar car with a piano For people From New York looking for fun to Montreal, and adventure Canada Offering the opportunity to solve a challenging murder mystery Orient Express Britain Mystery Express America T

48、oy Train India For people Through rich, 7 hours Flowers, trees, birds, looking for luxurious forest one taking photos and having variety and way picnics beauty 6 Unit 7 TheJoy of Travel (Book 3) Trans-Siberian Special From Mongolia 3 trips Toasting with vodka, to Moscow each sightseeing, daily lectures summer about Russian history and culture 6 days Taking cars belonging to tour an Indian princ


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