1、敦煌网分享外贸新人对新客人询盘的回复敦煌网分享外贸新人对新客人询盘的标准回复 目录 (一) (二) (三) (四) (五) (六) (七) (八) (九) (十) 回盘前-不能马上提供信息时 . 2 回盘前-无法达到客户要求 . 3 回盘的起承转合 . 3 回盘的起 承 转合 . 4 回盘的起承 转 合 . 4 回盘的起承转 合 . 5 回盘-讨论与对谈 . 6 回盘-其它可用的询盘报法 . 7 回盘-报价后,初次的问题回答 . 9 回盘-结束与初步的询盘对话 . 11 (十一) 回盘-Follow, Follow, Follow . 11 (十二) 前-MOQ, 必须要求时的回法 . 12
2、(十三) 前-Sample, 样品处理的说法. . 15 (十四) 前-说明产品功能规格 . 18 (十五) 前-说明产品价格讲法 . 20 (十六) 前-说明产品生产交运时程 . 23 (十七) 前-客人要求赶工 . 25 (十八) 前-议价时常用的英文 . 26 (十九) 前-要求客人付款 . 26 (二十) 前-客人要目录的回盘方式 . 31 (二十一) Artwork 处理 . 31 (二十二) 案子有点状况 . 32 (二十三) 中-给客人看样品相片 . 34 (二十四) 后-收款催款的英文 . 35 (二十五) 后-客户服务及追加follow . 35 (二十六) 后- 把握报价后
3、Follow 客人的好时机 . 36 (二十七) 后-不要让你的客户躺在邮箱里睡着了 . 36 (二十八) 后- 续单的处理 . 36 (二十九) 后- 后续服务说明 . 37 (三十) 拒绝客人 . 38 (三十一) 状况-如果客人收不到邮件 . 38 (三十二) 业务员测试 Shadow Test . 39 (一) 回盘前-不能马上提供信息时 很多情况下,你都无法立即的回覆客人,比如客人的问题你不够专业,无法立即回答,人不在电脑前,资料取不到。但你必须有礼貎的先回一封邮件给客人,告诉他你收到了,有在处理,约什么时候会有消息. 有礼貎,我们觉得才是业务员最重要的习惯。其它还有及时反应个性等等
4、。 想要接单,那先创造与客人的对话性,所以尽量创造与客人的对话往来:五次往来是你的目标。 无法一时的回答最新价钱时. I will send this to our estimator and he will get back to you with the pricing and availability. Do you want them with a logo? Also, I need to know the shipping to address so I can include shipping. 搞不清楚客人问的是什么产品? Do you have an item number?
5、 I am having a hard time locating these products. 人不在,不能回信时的用法 Thank you for your message. I will be out of the office today Friday, July 13th until Tuesday July 24th. I will have limited access to email, but would be happy to contact you upon my return. If it is an emergency, please call me on my m
6、obile phone at xxxxx. (二) 回盘前-无法达到客户要求 不必硬去做案子,做不到就做不到,不要先把案子强接下来后反而未来让客人对你感冒。但拒绝也要说的好听一些,清楚一点,让客人感觉舒服。 回信的目标一直应该是:让客人记得好印象的你。 I am really sorry we cant do this project for you. The material includes a battery and when items with batteries are shipped to the US there is likely a 2 day review period
7、by Customs and Homeland Security. I think we could make it but it may be to risky to make the 15th. (三) 回盘的起承转合 回邮件时注意对方怎么发询盘给你的,他一次发给了几个人? 你要有针对性的回邮件,必要时要记得reply all。 如果邮件里列有多个名单,那你的客户名单又多了,以后follow时就好用多了,记得。 Hi xxx, 称谓是一定要的,但千万不要连名带姓的叫,我猜全世界对会觉得那样叫人是很没有礼貎的. 对老美这个民族来说hi or hihi, 都没关系,反而大家都这样子了而亲切。
8、对强调绅士风的英国人就要正规一点,叫Mr. Mrs, 这跟你学校学的商务英语比较像,只是英式英文代表了十九世纪的时代,不知道你活在第几世纪。 对于非洲那些国家来说,叫Sir就让他高兴一点了。 这个例子是客人不小心叫到姓,后来了解名字时的礼貎修正邮件 Thank you. I just realized I called you Roman instead of Brian. Sorry about that. (四) 回盘的起 承 转合 前面先要有礼貎一点. 接着这里可以加一些你想跟客人说明他询盘的特别情况,也就是导读以后邮件的意思. Thanks for opportunity. The p
9、rice is little higher due to your request amount is less than our MOQ. (五) 回盘的起承 转 合 先把你报价数字所代表的交货地点, 含不含税都要提示清楚都要讲清楚,不然数字就没有意义了,怕客人不清楚还特别把include shipping都讲出来了。 Net in hand price and include shipping to the USA. For project: 6 1/8 Opener Model: XXXX60 (报价时把model #都讲清楚,未来才可以追踪,因为一个项目约需要谈个一二个月,你又天天在处
10、理各式的邮件,那你怎么能很快的记得过去的报价呢?靠的就是model number,不然再一次的给价数字,那你就很难去自圆其说了,难道你能不负责的随便改口吗?) $40 setup charge for/within sample fee. 这里还可以放更多的费用说明, 如 $150 setup charge for/within 3/C Silkscreen 4 locations (peaks & Valances), $200 setup charge for unto 3/C Silkscreen on the wall Ground shipping $70 each. QTY: 30
11、00 Packing: 17 * 12 * 12cubic cm, 24#/ctn, 9KG/Carton and total: 1 CBM $3.758 ea. via AIR EXPRESS, Total Lead Time: 10 Days(calendar) after artwork confirmed. Total: $11314 US dollar. $1.285 ea. via AIR CARGO, Total Lead Time: 13 Days(calendar) after artwork confirmed. Total: $3895 US dollar. 以上该有的信
12、息一次用最短的方式讲清楚。日历天?工作天? 讲完都不会有争议.这样客人读你的信,心里可以想想自己该如何的完成这一笔单子. (六) 回盘的起承转 合 我给的是信息而不是报价,我提供的是服务,我不是老想着钱。如果还有什么能提供客人辅助的信息都可以在这个段落里安排,比如尺寸太小,内外部件不同的图片,或者不同的选项参考等等。 这些信息都算是非主要信息,不要放在前面,之前放的都是客人需求里最关心的东西,而这些能起附加说明的信息就放这里了。 Hope this information helpful! Thanks again. 再一次的有礼貎一点,反正礼多人不怪。 有附加的参考资料或美美的图片或你实做的
13、相片可以放在这里去补充一下 接下来是你很正式而且完整的签名,千万不要好像怕让人家知道你的底细似的,不能让人知根知底,这是很重要的。 回邮前面提到的顺序不要任意的变换,除非客人往后的回邮里问到特定的问题. (七) 回盘-讨论与对谈 在这之前说的学问是报价的简单学问。第一封的回盘是大家很容易都会的部份。也能简单化和范本化。 当客人接到你的信,对你有兴趣时,会问信开始追加一些问题,于是大家就进入到对谈讨论模式了. 对谈里不但要解决掉客人的各种疑问,还要能进而做到销售。 在我的经验里,平时看了么多的员工后,我觉得这对谈反而是很难的事情,因为平时大家都不太会与人对谈,特别是只能用文字对话的情况下,更难。
14、大家比较会的是回答而且是标准回答。 被客人问问题时答不出来,就反应了你对产品很普通不了解。于是对于回答不出来的问题,你该怎么回答,也就很重要了,千万不要装懂,会就是会,不会就是不会。也不要用中国结回答方法去绕。实问虚答,这都是很不好的。 对于有经验的生意来说:就是在看你回不出问题时的反应与态度,也想看你处理问题的能力与态度。劝大家要秉持真诚会好一点。 后面提到的一些例子就是协助大家先准备话题,且用英文的方式. (八) 回盘-其它可用的询盘报法 简单而完整的报价方式,整理在后 Hi xxx, Thanks for opportunity. Per your request.(把要承接的话先讲清楚
15、了). See our price info below. Thanks. Net in hand price and include shipping to the USA. For project: 6 1/8 Opener $40 setup charge for/within sample fee. QTY: 3000 Packing: 17 * 12 * 12cubic cm, 24#/ctn, 9KG/Carton and total: 1 CBM $3.758 ea. via air express, Total Lead Time: 10 Days(calendar) afte
16、r artwork confirmed. Total: $11314 US dollar. $1.285 ea. via air cargo, Total Lead Time: 13 Days(calendar) after artwork confirmed. 正规签名区 接着报价. 如果客人一次想要你的目录或问的很不清楚的询盘时,可以这样回应 Thanks for sending this over to us. If you have specific items you would like us to review and quote we would be happy to do
17、so. Since you are in a desperate situation. Below you will find your quotes. These ONLY come in White and Cream color. The prices below include shipping (one location in the US - West Coast) and a 1 color imprint. I need a few questions answered. How are you looking to invoice your client - monthly,
18、 quarterly? Are they willing to buy an annual amount and take delivery monthly? Or do they want these produced on a monthly basis only? Give me a call when you have a moment. At this time we can not meet your goal of $21 delivered. I am still working on the pricing a bit to see if I can find some mo
19、re room but so far this is the best we can offer .下接报价信息. 最简单的报价方式 Dann, All prices net $.23 each Set-up $50 1/color 1 location Silver color 20 days production 35 days shipping - included 7 days shipping (RUSH) add an additional .04 each. Any questions give me a call. 另一个简单的报价 Suzanne, Set-up is $50
20、/side of the banner No printing on barrel - the inside banner shows through. You can set-up the banner to have that information show through the barrel. Production time is for under 30,000 - 20 days, over 30,000 add an additional 15 days. Shipping for 10,000 pieces or below - 7 days to MD Shipping f
21、or 20,000 or above 45 days by SEA to MD Express is available for the higher quantities but will need to be estimated (Monday/Tuesday I can have that to you). Spec Sample $250 and 15 days (proof, production and shipping included) If you end up doing the project the $250 will be absorbed into the proj
22、ect cost. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, (九) 回盘-报价后,初次的问题回答 报价后,初次的回答问题是最常用的邮件,那整理出常常会用到的英文 要时间给好价钱 These are done overseas so we can fly in or if you have time boat in. Let me know and I can work up a price for you. 约时间回电 Would that be a good time to give you a call? Better yet, giv
23、e me a call when you have a chance I will return it as soon as I can or leave me a time to give you a call. Would that be a good time to give you a call? Better yet, give me a call when you have a chance I will return it as soon as I can or leave me a time to give you a call. Do you have any current
24、 specials running on metal ballpoint pen with LED light? Please notice that we can ship these by AIR (if you need them quick or a portion of them quick) or by SEA and BOTH quotes are below. NET PRICING - Net in hand price and include shipping to the TX 78045. 不要因为太想接单了而不告诉客人时程来不及了.Hi, We have missed
25、 the production time and the soonest we can deliver these to you is the 30th of November. Please advise. 提问要有效,这是个有效的提问的例子 Thanks Rich. Can you please confirm that your pricing below is a DELIVERED price? Also, my client has an event in a couple weeks. I know its probably unrealistic to get branded
26、lanterns by then but is there any chance that you have some blank items in stock that we would be able to get by then? Hi Ian, yes that is the delivered price. Are you asking for a sample or two. or a partial delivery of a larger order? Or 200 blank lanterns? Not sure what youre asking? (十) 回盘-结束与初步
27、的询盘对话 回盘后,客人有问题会往返的澄清,一直到初步都清楚时,你可以用以下的话做结束。 Let me know if you need anything further or if you have any questions. Thanks again for the opportunity. Do you have all the information you need? Let me know! Thanks for inform me this. You are very friendly. Dont worry about that and contact me any time
28、 and any product. (十一) 回盘-Follow, Follow, Follow 不follow的业务员我觉得就好像:天边的彩霞虽美,但没有脚边的玫瑰来得香. I did not forget about you. I know the quote has already passed but I thought I might as well send this off to you for your future needs. I can suggest a really cost effective way to enable international purchasi
29、ng for your business like I have done for my other clients. Just following up on the quote I sent, did you have any questions or need anything further? I am missing.好一个跟进说法. Now I know I am missing the tea cups and tea bags. Is there anything I have not answered for you. Follow订单的好句子, Push客人的好方法。 We
30、 are really close to the deadline. We need either an approval or extended deadline. You are welcome. Let me know any other promo items I can help with. 每年的年前都可以用一次 Please let us know the status of this project. The holiday season is fast approaching and the factories will be shutting down within a f
31、ew weeks. I know there is no urgent timeline with the project but if it is dead that would help us to close the job in our books. 简单的follow Have a great day. Is there any movement on this project? Have a great day. If you need anything let me know. Where is the project go? Need anything from me? Hav
32、e a good day and wish us luck. How is your business go? Need anything from me? Have a good day. Any update here? I hope all is well. Do you have any questions on this item/quote or other promotional product sourcing? Let me know I am happy to help. Is there any movement on this project? If you need
33、anything let me know. 针对性的follow Where is the project go? Need anything from me? Our full color printing slap bracelet is good for school also. Have a good day and wish us luck. (十二) 前-MOQ, 必须要求时的回法 Have a great day. We had a team here. Can sourcing China promotional products for you. Let me know on
34、ce you have tough request. Thank you and not a problem for this project. I am just want to see if I can get more other promotional sourcing and quote. Have a good day. If you have any questions please call my office. Your deadline is quickly approaching. Thanks, 前-MOQ, 必须要求时的回法 在生产上有特定的考量,对数量或规格会有特定
35、的要求,所以不能符合客户的需求时,这时你要是回的不好的话,一不小心就会显得傲了,所以要小心的用正确的英文. FOB网站来的客人数量太小 Sorry, Our items show FOB China price on website. They send direct from China with a minimum quantity. Please note. 数量太小无法做 Sorry our MOQ is pretty firm. How many were you looking to do? If under 350 I do not think we can help you.
36、I am sorry our MOQ is 3000. We can not do under minimums on this product. Thanks for the opportunity though. How many xxxx? If under 1000 I do not think we can help you with this project. Thank you however for the opportunity. HI, I am sorry the MOQ is 5000 and the under minimum is 2500. 100 pieces
37、is a bit too low for us. Thanks for the opportunity! I am sorry but the quantity you want is to much below our minimum order quantity. Thanks for the opportunity. 找不到客人的货或数量太小无法做 Sorry this is not something we can do for you at this time. 有些报价需要先确定客人是否为目标客户 Q: I need 1000 of you sun glasses with pri
38、nting on lens A: Id be happy to provide the quote. Please send your contact info, including company name and ASI number. Thanks 如果你想办法调低数量,想办法去达到客人的需求时,可以用这一句. Sorry for the delay, just got slammed. Our Minimum is 600, so we can do 300 white and 300 red to get to the minimum. 无法满足客人的美工时的说法 To do the art as you have sent it we would need to do the pin hole glasses or sticker glasses. The print on glasses, we can only do solid colors no gradients. Maybe there is another version of the art? 看看客人要做的产品有没有侵权 You can send the sample to us. As far as the patent is concerned