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1、新PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit12复习题 四年级下册Unit 1-2复习题 一、填字母补充单词。 1.汉堡包hamburg_r 2.女孩g_rl 3.水wat r 4.正餐 d_nner 5.小鸟b rd 6. 护士 n_rse 7.姐妹 s_ster 8.计算机 comp_ter 二、根据汉语内容填入恰当的单词。 1.This is my brothers_(晚餐). 2.My _(妹妹)is very beautiful. 3.No_(喝水)near the_(电脑). 4.The _(老虎)likes to eat meat. 5.She is a _(女孩). 6.My mothe

2、r is a _(护士). 7.I like _(汉堡包). 8.The _(鸟)is beautiful. 9. What_is it ? (几点了?). .现在七点了。Its seven . 三、选出不同类的词。 ( )1. A.breakfast B.PE class C.English class ( )2. A.library B.play C.teachersoffice ( )3. A.music room B.art room C.class ( )4. A.library B.playground C.thirty ( )5. A.breakfast B.time C.lun

3、ch ( )6. A.get up B.class C. go home ( )7. A.three B.first C.second ( )8. A.go to school B.go to bed C.forty 四、根据汉语意思选择正确的单词。 ( )1.让我们去操场吧!Lets go to the _ A.library B.playground C.gym ( )2.音乐教室在二楼。The music room is on the_. A.floor B.first floor C.second floor 1 ( )3.到吃早餐的时间了。Its time for _. A.lunc

4、h B.dinner C. breakfast ( )4教师办公室在哪?Where is the _? A.library B.teachersoffice C.gym ( )5.你们有图书馆吗?Do you have a _? A.library B.playground C.computer ( )6.那是微机室吗?Is that the_? A.art room B.computer room C.music room ( )7.该回家了。 Time to _. A.go home B.get up C.go to school ( )8.到上英语课的时间了。Its time for_.

5、 A.PE class B.English class C.music class 五、选择相对应的答应。 ( )1.Is this the teachers office? A. Forty-five students. ( )2.Where is the library? B. Its 9 oclock. ( )3.What time is it? C. Its on the first floor. ( )4.How many students are there in your class ? D.Yes, we do. ( )5.Do you have a library? E. N

6、o,it isnt. 六.抄写下列句子,注意首字母大写、格式及标点符号 1.What time is it? 2.Welcome to our school. 3.This is the library. 4.Do you have a library? 5.Is that the computer room? 6.The teachers office is next to the library. 七、根据每题情景选择合适的句子,将序号填在括号里。 1.( )欢迎来到我们学校时说: 2 A.Welcome to our school. A. This way, please. A.Good

7、 morning. B. This is my classroom. B. Youre funny! 2.( )作为小向导,你怎样向来学校参观的人带路? 3.( )作为天气预报员,播报天气预报说早上好: B. Good afternoon. 4. ( )当你想询问图书馆在哪里时,你应该这样问: A.Its time for PE class. B.Wheres the library? 5. ( )你想知道现在几点了,应该这样问: A.What time is it? B.Its ten oclock. 6.告诉别人该起床了说: A.Its time for lunch. B.Its time

8、 to get up. 八、读短文为每道题选择正确的答案,将序号填在横线上。 Welcome to our school! Look! This is our classroom. There are forty students in our school. That is the teachers office, its very big. We have a music room and an art room, they are on the second floor. And we have a big playground, I like PE class. I like my s

9、chool, do you like it? 1. Welcome to our ! A. class A.thirty A. big B. home B. forty C. school C. fifty C. cheap C. music room C. art 2. There are students in our class. 3. The teachers office is very . B. small 4. The is on the second floor. A. classroom 5. I like class. A. PE 3 B. teachers office

10、B. music 九、综合题1.判断下列说法是否正确。 ( )dinner一词指的是早餐。 ( )art class和music room都属于房间类的短语。 ( )Hurry up!这句话可以用来催促同学快一点。 ( )What time is it?这句话不是用来询问时间的? ( )因某事要打扰别人时可以说Excuse me. (2).根据每题情况选择正确答案,将序号填在括号中。 1. ( )下列单词中哪一个是first的同类词? A. school B. second C. three 2.( )邀请别人一起去操场说; A.Let go to the playground. A. tea

11、chers offfice A. Yes, it is. A. Thanks. B. Lets go home. 3. ( )下面单词哪一个是表示课堂类的? B. homework C. PE class 4. ( )下面哪一个句子是Is this your cat?的否定回答? B. No, it isnt. B. Of course. 5. ( )下面哪一个句子是Thank you的同义句? 6.( )下面哪一个句子可以表示“加油”的意思。 A.Come on B.Hurry up 7.( )“放学了”应该说: A.Class is over. B.School is over. 8.( )早晨准备好了,应该说: A.Breakfast is ready. B.Im ready. 9.( ) 询问音乐室在哪里,应该这样问: A.Wheres the music room? B.Whats the time? 10.( )“稍等一会”应说: A.Just a minute. B.Hurry up. 4


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