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1、新世纪少儿英语第2册课文和翻译Lesson 1 Wash your hands. 洗洗你的手。 Hurry up,Dan and katie.Its eight oclock. 快点,丹和凯蒂。八点了。 Wash your hands and brush your teeth. 洗手和刷牙。 Put on your clothes. 穿上你的衣服 Eat your breakfast. 吃早餐 Sorry,Dan.Vacations over. 对不起,丹。假期结束了。 Oh,Mom.噢,妈妈 Goodbye! 再见 Bye,Mom. 再见,妈妈 Wash your hands/face. 洗

2、你的手/脸。 Put on your sirt/cap. 穿上你的衬衫/帽 Look at that bird/bike. 看那只鸟/自行车 Listen to that truck/plane. 听那车/飞机 wash your hands. 洗手 Lesson 2 Show them to me. 拿给我。 Hi,Pete!Hi,Tim! 嗨皮特,嗨蒂姆 Hello! 哈罗 How are you? 你好吗? Fine,thanks.好,谢谢 Look at these photos of our vacation. 看看这些照片,关于我们的假期的 Pass them to Pete,Ka

3、tie. 传递给皮特,凯蒂。 Show them to me,Pete. 拿给我,皮特 Look at Dan! 看丹 Look at that newspaper. Pass it to me. 看那份报纸。把它传给我 Look at those spoons.Pass them to me. 看看那些勺子。传递给我 newspaper kite Pass it to me. 报纸,风筝,把它传给我 spoons forks pass them to me. 勺子,叉子,传递给我 letter package Show it to me. 信,包,拿给我 stamps photos Show

4、 them to me. 邮票,照片,拿给我看看 Lesson 3 Bring me that ball. 给我那个球。 Bring me that ball,please.请把那球给我 OK,Lets play soccer. 好吧,让我们踢足球。 Pass it to Pete,Dan. 将它传递给皮特,丹 Here you are,Pete. 给你,皮特 Go on ,Pete! 继续,皮特 Very good,Pete! 很好,皮特 Show me that shirt/Jacket. 给我那件衬衫/外套 Show me those pants/socks给我这条裤子/袜子 Bring

5、 me that plate/spoon给我那板/匙 Bring me those plates/spoons给我那些盘子/汤匙 Pass us that knife /fork给我们,刀/叉 pass us those knives/forks. 给我们这些刀/叉子 show me that shirt. 给我那件衬衫 Show me those pants. 给我这条裤子 Lesson 4 Show Dan and Katie. 给丹和凯蒂看 Theres something in the chimney. 有什么东西在烟囱那 Ill go and take a look. 我要去看一看

6、Its a birds nest. 这是一个鸟巢 Show Dan and Katie. 给丹和凯蒂看 Dan!Katie!Come here! 丹!凯蒂!来这里 Look at this birds nest. 看看这个鸟巢。 Show her that shirt. 显示她的那件衬衫 Show her those pants. 给她看那些裤子 Show her that shirt/coat Show her those pants/socks 给她那件衬衫/外套,给她那些裤子/袜子 Bring him that plate/spoon Bring him those plates/spo

7、ons 给他那板/匙,给他那些盘子/汤匙 Pass them that knife/fork Pass them those knives/forks. 给他们,刀/叉,给他们这些刀/叉子。 Lesson 5 Look at my boat. 看看我的船 Look at my boat,Katie. 看看我的船,凯蒂 Lets put it in the water. 让我们把它放在水中。 Turn on the faucet. 打开水龙头。 I want to make at boat,too.Show me,Dan. 我也想要船。教我,丹。 Take a piece of paper.Fo

8、ld it. 拿一张纸。折叠它 Dan!Katie!Turn off the faucet! 丹!凯蒂!关掉水龙头! Look at my coat. 看我的外套。 Look at my coat/shirt Lisen to those birds/planes 看我的外套/衬衫,听那些鸟/飞机 Turn on the light/radio Turn off the faucet/radio 开灯/收音机,关掉水龙头/收音机 Lesson 6 Can you stand on your head? 你能站在你的头上吗? I can stand on my head. 我能站在我的的头上 L

9、ook! 看 I can stand on my head,too. 我也能站在我的的头上 Can you stand on your head,Pete? 你能站在你的头上吗,皮特? Yes,I can. 是的,我能。 Oh,no!My candy! 哦,不!我的糖果! Can Dan ride a horse?No,he cant. 丹能骑马吗?不,他不能。 Can Dan ride a bike?Yes,he can. 丹能骑自行车吗?是的,他能。 cant Can ride a horse;Katie make a paper boat ;the cat see the bird;Ti

10、m and Pete play basketball. 不可以 可以骑马, 凯蒂做个纸船; 猫看到鸟, 提姆和皮特玩篮球。 can Dan ride a bike; Katie make a paper hat; the cat see the birds nest; Tim and Pete play soccer 可以,丹骑自行车; 凯蒂做一个纸帽子; 猫看到鸟巢, 提姆和皮特踢足球 Lesson 7 We cant swim! 我们不会游泳! Les go swimming! 让我们去游泳! We cant swim! 我们不会游泳! Can you? 你能吗? Can you ride

11、 a bike? 你会骑自行车吗? Yes,we can. 是的,我们可以。 Lets go for a ride. 让我们去兜风。 Can you swim?No,we cant. 你会游泳吗?不,我们不能。 Can you ride a bike?Yes,I can. 你会骑自行车吗?是的,我能。 Can you swim?/ride a bike? 你会游泳吗?/骑自行车吗? Can they speak English?/touch their toes? 他们能说英语吗?/触摸他们的脚趾吗? Can he play hopscotch?/stand on his head? 他能玩跳

12、房子游戏吗?/站在他的头上? Lesson 8 What are you doing? 你在做什么? This tires flat,Dan. 这种轮胎是扁平的,丹。 What are you doing ,Dan? 你在做什么,丹? Im pumping up this tire. 我在给轮胎打气。 Its still flat. 它仍然是平面。 Lets take off the fire.让我们关火 Heres some water. 这里有一些水。 Thanks,Katie.谢谢你,凯蒂 Look!Theres a hole. 看!有一个洞。 What are you doing?Im

13、 playing soccer. 你在做什么呢?我踢足球。 playing soccer washing my hands listening to the radio riding a horse 踢足球,洗手,听收音机,骑着一匹马 taking off my shirt putting on my coat turning off the faucet turning on the light 脱下我的衬衫,穿上我的外套,关掉水龙头,打开灯 Lesson 9 Were playing hopscotch. 我们玩跳房子游戏 Hi.Pete.你好,皮特 Hello. 哈罗 What are

14、you doing? 你在做什么? Were playing hopscotch. 我们在玩跳房子。 I can play hopscotch,too. 我也可以玩跳房子游戏。 Go on ,Pete. 继续,皮特。 What are you doing ,Pete? 你在做什么,皮特? Im playing hopscotch. 我在玩跳房子。 What are you doing?Were mailing these letters. 你在做什么呢?我们邮寄这些信件。 mailing these letters pumping up our lires playing hopscotch

15、eating our breakfast 邮寄这些信件,扩大我们的阅读,玩跳房子游戏,吃我们的早餐 opening the windows closing the windows looking at our stamps knocking on the door 打开窗户关闭窗户看着我们的邮票敲门 Lesson 10 Is he turning off the light? 他把灯关了? Lets play a game. 让我们玩一个游戏。 Ok,Katie.Whats Tim doing? 好吧,凯蒂。蒂姆是什么做的? Is he turning off the light? 他把灯关了

16、? Yes,he is. 是的,他是。 Is he closing the window? 他把窗户关上吗了? Is he putting on his coat? 他穿上他的外套了吗? Is he touching his toes? 他摸着自己的脚趾吗? No,he isnt.Hes standing on his head. 不,他不是。他能站在他的头上。 Is he writing?Yes,he is. 他在写作吗?是的,他是。 Is he writing?No,he isnt.Hes reading. 他在写作吗?不,他不是。他的阅读。 Writing? Writing/readin

17、g写作?写作/阅读 taking off her shoes? taking off her shoes/putting on her shirt 脱掉她的鞋子吗?脱掉她的鞋子/穿上她的衬衫 Are they playing soccer? Yes,they are. 他们在踢足球吗?是的,他们是。 Are they playing soccer?No,they arent theyre watching TV. 他们在踢足球吗?不,他们不是,他们是在看电视。 playing soccer?playing soccer watching TV踢足球吗?踢足球看电视 reading? readi

18、ng writing. 阅读吗?阅读写作。 Lesson 11 Now the dogs swimming. 现在狗在游泳。 Look through this telescope,Dan. 通过这架望远镜看,丹。 What can you see? 你能看见什么? I can see a man and a dog. 我可以看到一个男人和一只狗 The mans getting a stick. 男人得到一根棍子。 Hes throwing it into the lake. 他扔到湖里。 Now the dogs swimming across the lake. 现在狗在游泳横渡湖泊。

19、Its bringing the stick back to the man. 它是把棍子拿回给男人。 Whats the dog doing?Its swiming across the lake.狗在做什么?它在游泳横渡湖泊 the dog swimming across the lake 这只狗,横渡湖泊 the dog jumping into the lake那只狗,跳进湖中 Dan running up the hill丹,跑上山 Katie running down the hill凯蒂,跑下山 Tim running across the street蒂姆,跑过街道 Dan l

20、ooking through the telescope丹,透过望远镜看 Lesson 12 Dan isnt listening. 丹没有听讲。 Today,Dans teacher is Miss Grant. 今天,丹的老师是格兰特小姐。 Dan isnt listening to Miss Grant. 丹没有听格兰特小姐讲课。 What can you see out of the window, Dan? 你能看到窗外的什么,丹? I can see a soccer game. 我可以看到一个足球游戏。 Is it interesting, Dan? 它是有趣的,丹? Yes,

21、it is. 是的,它是。 Well,this lesson is interesting,too.Pay attention! 好了,这节课也很有趣。集中注意力! Is Dan looking out of the window?Yes,he is. 是丹看窗外吗?是的,他是。 Is hte plane flying over the lake?No,it isnt. 是飞机飞过湖面吗?不,它不是。 Dan looking out of the window. the plane flying over the lake 丹,看着窗外。飞机,在湖上飞 the dog climbing out

22、 of the lake Katie riding across the field 狗爬出湖,凯蒂骑马穿过田野 the children corning out of school the children going into the classroom 孩子们辍学,儿童进教室 Lesson 13 How old are you? 你多大了? Its Petes birthday. 你多大了? Happy birthday,Pete.How old are you? 生日快乐,皮特。你多大了? Im nine. 我九岁。 Here you are ,Pete. 给你,皮特。 Thank y

23、ou. 谢谢你。 Is it jack-in-the-box? 这是玩偶盒吗? No,it isnt. 不,它不是。 Its chocolate car! 这是巧克力车! 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twety-four 25 twenty-vive 26 twenty-six 27 twenty-seven 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-nine 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 a hundre

24、d How old is he?Hes eight. 他多大了?他八岁。 How old is he? How old is she? How old is he? 他多大了?她多大了?他多大了? How old are they? How old is she? How old are you? 他们都多大?她多大了?你多大了? Lesson 14 Theyre eating and drinking. 他们吃和喝。 Its Petes birthday party. 这是皮特的生日聚会。 The children are playing games. 孩子们正在玩游戏。 Theyre ea

25、ting and driking.他们在吃喝 Look at Petes cake. 看看皮特的蛋糕。 Can you blow out the candles,Pete? 你能吹灭蜡烛,皮特? Happy birthday,Pete! 生日快乐,皮特! What are they doing?Theyre eating. 他们正在做什么?他们吃。 What are they doing? eating/drinking他们正在做什么?吃/喝 What are you doing? wearing funny hats/putting on my coat . 你在做什么呢?戴着滑稽的帽子/穿

26、衣服。 Whats he doing?turning on the faucet/blowing out the candles他在做什么?打开水龙头/吹灭蜡烛 Whats she doing? turning off the light/picking up her pencil她在干什么?关掉灯/捡她的铅笔 Lesson 15 theres a man next to that box. 有一个男人在那个盒子旁边。 Lets hide in the closet,Dan. 让我们躲在衣橱里,丹。 Wheres your flashlight? 你的手电筒吗? Here it is. 在这儿

27、。 Look!Theres a man next to that box. 看! 有一个男人在那个盒子旁边。 Oh,no!噢,不 Sh! Turn on your flashlight,Dan. 打开手电筒,丹。 Look!Its only a hat and a coat. 看!这只是一个帽子和一件外套。 Theres a dog in the lake. 有一只狗在湖里。 dog in the lake; girl in that store; bag on the table狗在湖边,女孩在那个商店;袋子放在桌子上 pencil on that desk; apple in my bag

28、 ; bike near that house铅笔在那桌子;苹果在我包里,自行车在房子附近 Lesson 16 Are there any letters? 有什么信件吗? Mail these letters,please,Katie. 请寄这些信,凯蒂。 Hello,Katie.你好,凯蒂 Are there any letters in the mailbox today? 今天有什么信在邮箱里吗? No,there arent. 不,没有。 Wait a minute. 等会儿。 There are some letters now. 现在有一些信件。 Are there any eg

29、gs in the basket?No,there arent any eggs in the basket.There are some eggs in the fridge. 有没有鸡蛋在篮子里吗?不,没有任何鸡蛋在篮子里。冰箱里有一些鸡蛋。 eggs in the basket/in the fridge鸡蛋在篮子里/在冰箱里 childre in the playground/in the classroom孩子们在操场上/在教室里 chocolates in the bag/in the jar巧克力在袋/在罐子里 pictures on the table/on the wall图

30、片在桌子上/在墙上 Lesson 17 Bring me some jam. 给我一些果酱。 What are you doing,Mom? 妈妈,你在干什么? Im making some sandwiches. 我正在做一些三明治。 Ill help.Ill cut the bread. 我来帮忙。我来切面包。 OK,Katie.好的,凯蒂 Oh, Katie! What a mess! Give me that knife, please. 噢,凯蒂!真是一团糟! 请给我那把刀。 Bring me some jam, please. 请给我一些果酱。 Mom! Dans eating t

31、he jam! 妈妈!丹在吃果酱! The jars almost empty. 罐子几乎是空的。 Theres a bottle on the table. Theres some soda in the bottle. 有一个瓶子放在桌子上。有一些苏打水在瓶子里。 a bottle a pitcher a pot a glass一瓶,一罐,一壶,一杯 some soda some milk some coffee some water一些苏打,一些牛奶,一些咖啡,一些水 Lesson 18 Pass me some white chalk. 递给我一些白粉笔。 Pass me some w

32、hite chalk, Dan. 递给我一些白粉笔,丹。 Pass me some blue chalk. 递给我一些蓝色粉笔。 Pete! What are you doing? 皮特!你在做什么呢? Is that me? 那是我吗? Yes, Miss Parker. Sorry. 是的,帕克小姐。对不起。 My eyes are blue, but my nose isnt red. 我的眼睛是蓝色的,但是我的鼻子不是红色的 There are some cookies in those boxes. Theres some water in those pitchers. 有一些饼干

33、在那些箱子。有一些水在那些罐子。 There are some cookies /in those boxes/chocolates/in those boxes/candles/on those cakes/ 有一些饼干/在这些盒子/巧克力/在那些盒子/蜡烛/那些蛋糕/ Lesson 19 Is these any sugar in this tea? 有任何糖在这种茶吗? Is there any sugar in this tea,Katie? 有任何糖在这种茶吗?,凯蒂? I dont know. 我不知道。 Yuk!It isnt tea.Its coffee. 哈哈!这不是茶。这是

34、咖啡。 What are you drinking,Dan? 你在喝什么,丹? Hes drinking your coffee,Mom. 他喝你的咖啡,妈妈。 Its horrible ,Mom.There isnt any milk or sugar in it! 这是糟糕的,妈妈。它里面没有任何牛奶或糖! Is there any milk in that pitcher?Yes,there is. 有牛奶在那个罐子里吗?是的,有。 Is there any water in that glass?No,there isnt. 有一些水在杯子吗?不,没有。 milk in that pi

35、tcher water in that glass soda in that bottle jam in that jar 牛奶在罐子里,水在杯子里,苏打水在瓶子里,果酱在那个罐子 Are there any books on that shelf?Yes,there are.那个书架上有书吗?是的,有。 Are there any pens on that desk?No,there arent. 有笔在这张桌子吗?不,没有。 books on that shelf pens on that desk sandwiches on that plate bananas on that plat

36、e 书在书架上,笔在书桌上,三明治在碟子上,香蕉在碟子上 Lesson 20 Take a piece of paper. 拿出一张纸 Take a piece of paper,everybody. 大家拿出一张纸 Draw a picture. 画一幅画。 What are you drawing,Tim? 你在画什么,提姆? A soccer game. 一场足球比赛。 What are you drawing,Dan? 你在画什么,丹? Petes birthday party. 皮特的生日聚会。 Whos that? 谁呀? Its Pete. 这是皮特。 Hes holding a

37、 bar of chocolate and a bottle of soda. 他持有一条巧克力和一瓶汽水。 Theres a piece of paper on the desk. 有一张纸在桌子上。 a piece of paper ; a bag of candy; a piece of chalk ; a piece of cake一张纸,一袋糖果; 一支粉笔,一块蛋糕 a glass of water ; a bottle of soda; a pair of pants; a bar of chocolate一杯水,一瓶苏打水,一条裤子,一条巧克力 Lesson 21 There

38、arent many oranges. 这里没有许多橙子。 Im making a shopping list. 我在写购物单。 Are there any tomatoes in the fridge,Katie? 冰箱里有西红柿吗,凯蒂? There arent many. 没有很多。 Are there any oranges or apples in that bowl? 那碗里有橙子和苹果吗? There arent many oranges,but there are a lot of apples. 没有许多桔子,但有很多苹果。 Thank you Katie. 谢谢你凯蒂。 A

39、re there any oranges in that bowl?There arent many. 还有橘子在那碗里吗?没有很多。 Are there any apples in that bowl?There are a lot. 有任何苹果在那碗里吗?有很多。 oranges in that bowl;apples in that bowl橙子在那个碗;苹果在那个碗 chocolates in that jar; candies in that jar巧克力在那个罐子;糖果在那个罐子 shirts in that closet;shoes in that closet衬衫在那个衣柜,鞋

40、在那个小房间里 beans in that basket ;carrots in that basket豆子在那篮子里,;胡萝卜放在那个篮子里了 strawberries in that basket;potatoes in that basket草莓在那个篮子里,土豆在那个篮子里 Lesson 22 There isnt much jam. 这里没有太多酱。 Tomatoes, oranges. 西红柿、橘子 Is there any jam or honey in that cupboard,Katie? 有没有果酱或蜂蜜在柜子里,凯蒂? There isnt much jam,but t

41、heres a lot of honey. 没有太多果酱,但有很多蜂蜜。 Is there any flour in the box? 有没有面粉在盒子里吗? Yes,theres a lot. 是的,有很多。 Oh,no!噢 不 There isnt much flour in the box now,Mom没有太多面粉在盒子里了,妈妈 No,but theres a lot on the floor. 没有,但是有很多在地板上。 Is there any honey in that cupboard?There isnt much. 有蜂蜜在橱柜吗?没有太多。 Is there any j

42、am in that cupboard?Theres a lot. 有没有果酱在橱柜吗?有很多。 honey in that cupboard; jam in that cupboard. 蜂蜜在橱柜;果酱在那个碗橱里。 cake /bread in that box蛋糕/面包在那盒子里 rice /flour on the shelf米饭/面粉在货架上 butter/cheese in the fridge黄油或奶酪在冰箱里 Toothpaste/soap on the shelf牙膏/ 肥皂在货架上 Lesson 23 I dont like chicken. 我不喜欢鸡肉 Im hung

43、ry! 我饿了! Mmm.I like chicken! 嗯我喜欢鸡肉! I like bananas. 我喜欢香蕉 .and I like ice cream. 和我喜欢冰淇淋。 Dinner time,Dan.Are you hungry? 晚餐时间,丹。你饿了吗? No,Im not. 不,我不是。 Here you are.Its chicken. 给你。这是鸡肉。 I dont like chicken. 我不喜欢鸡肉。 Do you like chicken?Yes,I do. 你喜欢鸡肉吗?是的,我喜欢。 Do you like eggs?No,I dont. 你喜欢鸡蛋吗?不,

44、我不。 chicken eggs bananas ice cream chocolates apples鸡肉 鸡蛋 香蕉 冰淇淋 巧克力 苹果 Lesson 24 Do you want any beans? 你要放豆子吗? Here you are,Katie. 给你,凯蒂 Thanks,Mom.谢谢,妈妈 I dont want any beans, Mom. 我不希望任何豆子,妈妈。 Do you want ice cream for dessert,Dan?Yes,Please. 你想要冰淇淋甜点,丹吗?是的,请。 Then eat some beans. 然后吃一些豆子。 Do yo

45、u want any beans now,Dan? 现在你想要任何豆子吗,丹? Yes,please.是的 I want a lot of beans and a lot of ice cream! 我想要很多的豆类和很多的冰淇淋! Do you wnat any jam?Yes,please. 你要任何果酱吗?是的,请。 Do you want any honey?No,thank you. 你想要蜂蜜吗?不,谢谢你。 jam honey fruit meat tomatoes potatoes butter cheese bread eggs. 果酱,蜂蜜,水果,肉,西红柿,土豆,奶油,奶

46、酪,面包,鸡蛋 Lesson 25 My mom wants我的妈妈想要 Katie, go and buy me a big tube of toothpaste,please. 凯蒂,请去给我买一个大的一管牙音。 Heres some money. 这里是一些钱。 Hello. My mom wants a tube of toothpaste, please. 你好。我的妈妈想要一管牙膏。 Does she want a big one or a small one? 她是否想要一个大一点的还是小一点的? A big one ,please. 个大的一个,请。 Here you are. 给你 Thank you. 谢谢你。 Dont forget your change! 别忘了你找回的零钱! Does Katie want a big bar of soap?No,she doesnt .She wants a small


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