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1、新世纪视听说教程2答案听力原文uniDirections: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause

2、, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. A: Do you know that my handbag is missing? B: Theres a good chance that you will find it in the bedroom. .The woman should look for her handbag in the dining room. The woman should look for her handbag in

3、 the bedroom. Her handbag is probably lost. Her handbag is probably stolen in the shop. A: I had a strange dream last night. I was a prince. B: Well, its only a dream . The mans dream is very strange. The mans dream is real. The man shouldnt take the dream too seriously. The man should tell more abo

4、ut his dream. A: John, do you have a minute? B: Yeah. What is it, Carol? A: Im writing my term paper on my computer. But these windows keep popping up all the time. You see that one? Do you know whats going on? B: Oh, thats a problem. Have you used any software this morning? A: I just received my em

5、ails and then I used this writing program, as always. B: Then its really weird. When was the first time you saw these nasty windows? A: This morning . Oh, I remember . something was wrong with my computer yesterday. B: What is it? A: Um . when I finished my work yesterday, the computer couldnt be sh

6、ut off like before. So I just cut the power. Do you think it is connected? B: Maybe. Eh . then . what did you do on your computer yesterday? A: Surfing the net, writing the paper . Oh, there was something more. I chatted with a friend online. B: All right. Now I see. Its probably a virus problem and

7、 you probably get it through the chatting program. A: Really? Then what can I do now? B: Dont worry about that. Ill fix it. A: Oh, thank you. Its so kind of you. Questions 3 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard. What problem does Carol have on her computer? She cannot shut off her

8、computer. Windows keep popping up. She cannot write her paper. The computer cannot be turned on. Carol _ this morning. received emails surfed the net downloaded music chatted online John thinks the problem is caused by _. the chatting program the email program Carols carelessness virus Directions: I

9、n this section, you will hear several short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Directions: In this

10、section, you will hear several short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Passage One The Bermuda Tri

11、angle is an area of water in the North Atlantic Ocean where a large number of planes and boats have gone missing mysteriously. Over the years many explanations have been put forward for the disappearances. Although many of the reports have been exaggerated, there is still no explanation for the larg

12、e number of disappearances in the area. Scientists now have two best theories for the mystery. One theory is that a giant sea animal lives in the triangle. It takes ships and pulls them down. A scientist once found a 6-foot eel, which is expected to grow 72 feet long. Someone also saw sea monsters.

13、This theory is hard to be proven, but there may just be something in the Bermuda Triangle. The other better theory is the gas theory. Carbon dioxide is a gas that freezes at much warmer temperatures than water. The triangle is full of carbon dioxide and that means that when boats pass through the tr

14、iangle, the gas can freeze on the base, making the boats sink from the weight. The gas can also explain plane disappearances too. When the engine starts, it can cause the gas in the air to catch fire and make the aircraft explode. The explosion can also explain the strange lights in the triangle. So

15、 this theory can explain a lot. Questions 6 to 10 are based on the passage you have just heard. Where is the Bermuda Triangle? In the North Pacific Ocean. In the South Pacific Ocean. In the North Atlantic Ocean. In the South Atlantic Ocean. A large number of boats and _ have been reported missing in

16、 the area. ships people fish planes A scientist once found an eel which could grow to _ long. 6 feet 12 feet 36 feet 72 feet Carbon dioxide _ at much warmer temperature than water. turned into water expands freezes disappears According to one explanation, aircrafts explode because _. the gas in the

17、air catches fire when the engine starts sinking boats are exploding the temperature is too high in the area strange lights have appeared in the air Passage Two The Stonehenge is located in southern England. It is a large circle of stones that was built around 2500-1600 B.C. Its purpose still remains

18、 a mystery to scientists. Legend says that the heel stone, a famous stone there, was thrown by the devil into a monk. It struck him on the heel and is still there. People used to believe the giants made the Stonehenge. Now many of them believe that the Stonehenge could have been used for religious p

19、urposes. It could be a calendar marking an event in the future, according to its position that matched the stars. The Stonehenge could have been built for a religious God. More recently two major new theories have been proposed. According to one theory, the Stonehenge was used in a ritual and was jo

20、ined to Durrington Walls and the River Avon. The area around Durrington Walls was a land of the living, while the Stonehenge was a land of the dead. A journey along the Avon to reach Stonehenge represents a journey from life to death, to honor the people who died in the past. The other theory sugges

21、ted that Stonehenge was a place of healing. And that is why there are so many graves in the area. However supporters of both theories do agree that the place was probably used for ancestor worship. Questions 11 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard. The Stonehenge in England is _. no lo

22、nger a mystery a large circle of stones a riverside area a circle of old walls According to the legend, the heel stone was thrown by a devil into a _. farmer monk giant woman Why could the Stonehenge be used as a calendar? Because people marked important dates on it. Because the number of stones mat

23、ched the number of days. Because it was located in the middle of England. Because its position matched the stars. One recent theory says that Stonehenge represents a journey _. from poverty to wealth from child to adult from life to death from sunrise to sunset What do the two recent theories have i

24、n common? Both of them agree that Stonehenge is to worship gods. Both of them agree that Stonehenge is to worship ancestors. Both of them agree that Stonehenge was built by British people. Both of them agree that Stonehenge was used by the church. Directions: In this section, you will hear several s

25、entences. Listen carefully and then repeat. Sherlock Homes is probably the greatest detective ever known. He never actually existed. He was an imaginary detective who appears in sixty stories. He was very intelligent and successful and solved many cases. He always arrested the criminal. Directions:

26、There is a short text shown on the computer screen (as is shown below). You are required to read the text aloud. Your voice will be recorded into the system. Youll have 1 minute for preparation and then you are required to begin reading when hearing the beginning signal sound and stop it when hearin

27、g the ending signal sound. Your reading should be limited within 1.5 minutes. Now you have 1 minute to prepare. Dj vu is a fancy term, taken from French, which means already seen. Its a feeling you get that youve been somewhere and seen something or done something before. But you know perfectly well

28、 that you havent been there before and havent seen that or done that before. People get all excited about it, and think maybe they really did that stuff in a previous life or something. Im a nurse and Ive read all about it. Whats really going on is some signal activity in the brain. And every now an

29、d then one of those signals runs the wrong way. So its like a false thought. You feel like you were there before but you really werent. Its just our brains short-circuiting. Directions: Look at the picture below, which is about a well-known unsolved mystery. You are required to tell 1) what you have

30、 read or heard about it; 2) what part of it you believe and why; 3) what part of it you dont believe and why. Youll have 1 minute to prepare and another 2 minutes to complete your presentation. Now you have 1 minute to prepare. Directions: True or False. Watch the video clip and decide whether the f

31、ollowing statements are True (T) or False (F). Looking for Mr. Right Sun-hee: Tara, are you still reading the personal ads? Tara: Yep. Sun-hee: You know those ads will never help you find a relationship. Tara: Yes, they will! Ive already been on three dates. Sun-hee: Yeah. And youre still looking .

32、Tara: Well, its just that I havent found the right person yet. Sun-hee: I dont get it . Youve been on three unsuccessful dates, and you still think its a good idea. Why? Tara: Well, for one thing, I wouldnt say all my dates have been completely unsuccessful. I may not have met Mr. Right yet, but Ive

33、 still had fun. Sun-hee: Yeah, but you can have fun anywhere. You dont need to go searching through a newspaper for Mr. Right. Tara: Sun-hee, it can happen! My friend Karen just got engaged to a man she met through the personals, and she dated lots of men before she met him. Sun-hee: And that means

34、. Sun-hee: Hes probably a total Romeo . Romantic . casual dating . theres no way hes sincere. Sun-hee: Hmm . good personality . looks arent everything . sounds like he might not be too cute. Tara: Why do you say that? Youve never even met him. Tara: You are so fussy! No wonder you havent tried datin

35、g through the personals yet. Sun-hee: If you must know, I did answer a personal ad . once. Tara: Yeah? What happened Sun-hee: We went out for dinner, and all he did was talk about himself and his old girlfriend! Oh, it was awful! Tara: OK, that does sound terrible, but theyre not all bad. Tara: All

36、right. Lets go Tara is reading a magazine. T F Tara already has three unsuccessful dates. T F Taras friend Karen married a man she met through the personal ads. T F Sun-hee has never tried dating through personal ads. T F In the end Tara and Sun-hee will go out to answer a personal ad. T F Direction

37、s: Fill in the blanks. Watch the video clip a and fill in the blanks with the words you hear. Sun-hee: Yeah, but you can have fun anywhere. You dont need to go searching through newspaper for Mr. Right. . Sun-hee: And that means . Tara: Never give up ! Ooh! Heres one: Romantic, handsome , well-built

38、 male looking for attractive female for casual dating . . Tara: Why do you say that? Youve never even met him. Sun-hee: Well, first of all , hes writing about his good personality and intelligence. And second of all, hes saying that looks shouldnt be important for the person he dates. Sun-hee: Yeah,

39、 but you can have anywhere. You dont need to go newspaper for Mr. Right. . Sun-hee: And that means . Tara: Never! Ooh! Heres one: Romantic, well-built maleattractive female for. . Tara: Why do you say that? Youve neverhim. Sun-hee: Well, first, heswriting about his good and intelligence. And second

40、of all, hes saying that shouldnt be important for the person he dates. Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.


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