新人教PEP英语四年上册全册课课练作业习题 .docx

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1、新人教PEP英语四年上册全册课课练作业习题 小学英语四年级上册堂堂清训练题 Unit1 My Classroom 第一课时 、慧眼识珠。指出不属于同一类的单词。 1. A. door B. window C. near 2. A. fan B. light C. elephant 3. A. desk B. bed C. picture 4. A. hand B. board C. head 、好朋友,牵牵手。 picture window board door light classroom 第二课时 、精彩回放。 1. A: This is Zhang Peng, our new clas

2、smate. B: 2. A: Mike, We have a new classroom. B: 3. A: Wheres my seat? B: a. Its near the door. b. Hello! Zhang Peng. c. Really? Lets go and have a look. 、选择。 1.Hello, Tom! _, Zhang Peng! A. Nice to meet you. B. Hello ( ) We _a new classroom. A. have B. has C. are ( ) 3. A board , two doors, four w

3、indows and 6 new _. A. lights B. light C. right 第三课时 、巧手连线。考考你的发音。 /bi:/ /ei/ /di:/ /i:/ /si:/ Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee 、 我会取舍。看图圈单词。 q c a k e f h o c c a t l n o a c a r e k b e e f a e r 、 单词充值卡。给下面的单词补充完整。 1、_at 2、 gg 3、 pple 4、 uck 5、 all 6、_nt 第四课时 、慧眼识珠。指出不属于同一类的单词。 ( )1. A. light B. computer C. wall (

4、 )2. A. wall B. fan C. floor ( )3. A. door B. teachers desk C. classroom ( )4. A. floor B. fan C. light 、选择 ( )1. The floor _green. A. is B.are ( )2. This is a_ desk. A. teachers b. teachers C. teachers ( )3. Look _the picture. A. up B. at 第五课时 、 情景会话,快乐选择。( ) 1 Lets clean the desks and chairs. _ A.

5、 Good. B. All right. ( ) 2.Look at the picture. _. A. Let me clean the floor. B Its nice. ( ) 3This is my classroom. _. A. Wow! Its nice and clean. B. Good idea. 、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. It is a _ (white) wall. 2. Lets _ (clean) the classroom. 3. Lets clean the _ (chair) and desks. 4. It _ (be) nice. C. am

6、C. into 第六课时 、我能快速写出算式的结果。 1. hot + dog = _ 2. ice + cream = _ 3 ice + water = _ 、美味连线。 girl hamburger hand hat farmer duck . 比一比,看谁先跑到终点。 _esk _ gg _ish 桌子 鸡蛋 鱼 _ce-cream _at _oose 冰淇淋 帽子 鹅 Unit 2 My Schoolbag 第一课时 、选择 ( )1.How many books do you have? - _. A. I have two. B. He has a bag. C. Yes, I

7、do. 2._many pencils do you have? I have 6. A. How B. What C. Where ( )3. I have an English book, a math book and two _. A. notebook B. story-books C. story-bookes 、 精挑细选,你最棒。 A. ( )1. math book D. ( )2.Chinese book B. ( )3. English book E. ( )4. story-book C . ( )5. note book F. ( )6. schoolbag 第二课时

8、 、对号入座。 ( ) 1. _I have a look? A. Am B. May ( ) 2. Sure. Here _ are. A. your B. you ( ) 3. I have _ new schoolbag. 、我能恰当地运用交际语言。 ( ) 1. A:_. B: Sure. Here you are. ( ) 2. A: Hi, Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag. B:_. ( ) 3. A: Guess! B:_. a. Its black and white. b. May I have a look? c. Really? What

9、 color is it? 第三课时 、变词魔术。 a b g n p e e c i p n l 、用你的“火眼金睛”找出不合群的单词。 ( ) 1. A. jeep B. nurse C. man ( ) 2. A. key B. noodle C. lock ( ) 3. A. desk B. lamp C. nose ( ) 4. A. monkey B. lion C. jacket ( ) 5. A. kite B. mouse C. kangaroo 、单词游戏。从下面单词链中你最多能写出几个单词,快来试一试。 b e e f i s h a m b u r g e r i c

10、e g g _ 第四课时 、词语变色龙。读一读,想一想单词该发生怎样的变化呢? 1. a book twenty _ 2. a pencil thirty _ 3. a ruler forty _ 4. a 30 31 50 21 40 41 bag fifty _ 、请帮小猪回家,赶快行动吧! 、寻找搭档,相信你能行。 ( )1.forty-two crayons A.12本图画书 ( )2. thirty-five erasers B. 42支蜡笔 ( )3. twelve picture-books C. 35块橡皮 ( )4.how many English book D.多少本英语书

11、 第五课时 、与你交流。选出正确答语。 绿 ( ) 1. Whats in it? ( ) 2.Is your schoolbag heavy ? ( ) 3. How many English books can you see? a. Yes, it is. b. Look! 20 story-books, 32 pencils. c. One, two, threeSorry, too many. 、精挑细选,你最棒。 ( ) 1. How _ long rulers do you have? I have ten. A. much B. many C. too ( )2. I have

12、 10 _ and 20 pencils. A. sharpeners B. sharpener C. book ( )3. Look! I have twenty English books and _story-books. A. fourty- eight B. forty- eight C. forteen-eight ( )4.How many picture-books can you see? _.A. Fifty-six B. Fivety-six C. Fourty-eight ( )5. My schoolbag is heavy. Whats _it? A. in B.

13、on C. to 第六课时 、妙笔生花。 I. 小小联络员。 quiet open pencil-box Coke Rabbit Queue Unit 3 My Friends 第一课时 I. 找出每组中不同类的一项,将序号填到题前的括号内。 1. long hair B. short hair C. tall 2. A. short B. friend C. thin 3. A. big B. mouth C. small 4. A. quiet B. eye C. ear II. 辨词小能手, 在正确的单词下面打“”。 1. I have /has a friend. 2. He have

14、 /has short hair. 3. Whats his/he name? 4. Whos you/your best friend? 第二课时 I. 这些单词我都熟,还能给他们选上个同类词呢!不信,你看! 1.spoon ( ) 2. snake ( ) 3. vest ( ) 4.student ( ) A. cup B. teacher C. dress D. tiger II我和妈妈来交流。 1. 3. A. A boy? B. Look, this is his photo. Hes tall. C. Mom, I have a new friend. D. Whats his

15、name ? 第三课时 I. 好朋友对对碰。 /ti:/ /vi:/ /es/ /: / /ju:/ V v R r T t u S s II聪明屋,写出单词所缺的字母并说出它的汉意。 1.st_dent ( ) 2.t_ _cher ( ) 3. b_ y ( ) 4. g_ _l ( ) 5.fr_ end ( ) 6.p_ ncil ( ) 第四课时 I. 清官断案,正确写T,错误写F。 1. Do sports( ) 2.Painting( ) 3.Make friends( ) 4. Listen to music( ) 5. Play computer games( ) II 察言

16、观色,读一读,选一选。 ( )1.Whos _ best friend? A.you B. your C.yours ( )2.He _ short black hair and big eyes. A. has B. have C. is ( )3.My friend is a boy. Whats _name ? A. he B. her C. his ( )4.My friend _ sports. A. like B. likes C. is 第五课时 I. 相信你的交际能力是最棒的! I have a friend . Who is she? A. Boy or girl? A. G

17、uess. B. What is it? B. Sorry, he is tall. . Shes quiet.She likes music,.Whats her name? I have a friend, too. Hes strong. He likes sports. Yes. Youre right. A. He is Amy. A. He is Zhang Peng. B. Her name is Amy. B. She is Zhang Peng. II. 唱反调我最棒! short tall thin old big 1. Zhang Peng is strong. Mike

18、 is _. 2. Mr. Black has _hair . Miss White has long hair . 3. Chen Jie has _ eyes . John has small eyes. 4. Miss White is _. Amy is short . 5.John is my new friend . Mike is my _friend. 第六课时 I. 我是连线小能手。 II. 我能看图写单词。 Unit 4 My Home 第一课时 I. 独具慧眼,我能快速找出不合群的单词。 ( )1. A. study B. hamburger C. bathroom D.

19、 kitchen ( )2. A. in B. under C. room D. on ( )3. A. eraser B. book C. pencil-case D. fish ( )4. A. bag B. big C. nice D. new II. 单词串串烤。 III. 1. is, this, my, home . 2. in, she, the, is, study . 3 .my, wheres, pen ? 4. see,you,a,can,bedroom . IV. 考考你。 1. Look, my _is nice. 1. 2. This is my_. 3. I li

20、ke my _. 4. I have a new _. 第二课时 I. 巧妙交流。 A. Shes in the kitchen. B. Is this your bedroom? C. Is she in the study? D. I have a new eraser. Its a fish. II. 最佳选择。 ( ) 1. Is this your pencil ? _ A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is. C. Its my pen. ( ) 2. Is Amy in the study? No,_ A. she isnt. B. he isnt. C. she

21、 is. ( ) 3. _your bedroom? Yes, it is. A. This is B. There is C. Is this ( ) 4. I have a new bag. _ A. Thanks. B. Really? May I have a look? 第三课时 I. 我是辨词小能手,看图勾出正确的单词。 1. A. bedroom 2. A. bathroom B. living room B. kitchen 3. A. beef 4. A.doctor B. rice B. farmer 5. A. chair 6. A. classroom B. windo

22、w B. room II. 根据所给字母,完成单词。 1. Welcome to my _( o , e , h , m 家)! 2. This is my _( o , o , m , r房间 ). Its nice. 3. I like my _( s , c , l , o , o , h 学校). 4. Look! My _(s , c , l , a , s , o , m , o , r 教室) is big. 第四课时 I. 辨词小能手,选出不同类的单词。 ( ) 1. A. study B. bedroom C. phone ( ) 2. A. shelf B. kitchen

23、 C. sofa ( ) 3. A. table B. living-room C. bathroom ( ) 4. A. bed B. music C. science ( ) 5. A. fridge B. TV C. fish II. 单项选择我最棒。 ( ) 1. I _ in the bedroom. A. am B. are C. is ( ) 2. Is she in the classroom ? _ A. No, she is. B. Yes ,he is. C. No, she isnt. ( ) 3. _ they on the table ? A. Is B. Are

24、C. Am 第五课时 I. 句子训练营。 ( ) Open the door, please . ( ) Are they on the table ? ( ) OK. ( ) Look! They are in the door . ( ) Where are the keys ? ( ) No, they arent. II. 快乐对对碰, 选择相应的答语。 ( ) 1 .Where are my books? A . No, she isnt. ( ) 2. Are they on the table? B. They are on the desk. ( ) 3. Is she in

25、your bedroom? C. Yes ,it is. ( ) 4. Is it in your hand? D. No, they arent. ww绿w色.l圃s中p小j学y教.c育o网m 第六课时 I. 词汇小博士,看谁写的又对又快。 II. 寻词启示。帮助每幅图找到合适的单词。 A. table B. shelf C. bed D. phone E. sofa F. TV G. chair H. fridge Unit 5 What Would You like ? 第一课时 I. 词海拾珍。找出不同的选项。 ( ) 1. A. fish B. vegetable C. beef D

26、. chicken ( ) 2. A. rice B. hot dog C. hamburger D. tea ( ) 3. A. juice B. apple C. banana D. pear ( ) 4.A.noodles B.egg C.breakfast D.French fries II. 读一读,选一选。 ( ) 1.Can I have some rice ,please? _ A. Sure, here you are . B Thank you. ( ) 2._ I have some fish ? A. Do B. Can ( ) 3. Can I have two _

27、? Sure , here you are. A. hamburger B. hamburgers 第二课时 I. 黄金搭档。 ( ) 1. What would you like? ( ) 2. Do you like bread? ( ) 3. Whats for dinner? ( ) 4. How much is the beef? ( ) 5. Can I have some noodles, please? A. We have fish,bread and chicken for dinner. B. Sure. Here you are . C. Ten yuan. D. No

28、, I dont. E. Id like some rice. II. 快乐排排队。 ( ) Id like some fish and vegetables , please. ( ) Wait and see. What would you like, Mike ? ( ) Mom , Im hungry . Whats for dinner ? ( ) Everythings ready . ( ) Thank you , Mom . 第三课时 I.单词大比拼。看图读句填写单词。 What would you like for breakfast? Id like two _ s, so

29、me _. Some _ and a glass of _. Wow, what a big breakfast! II.独具慧眼。单项选择。 ( ) 1. Mike想吃鸡蛋和面条,该怎么说? A. Id like some eggs and noodles. B.What would you like for dinner? ( ) 2.你妈妈问你晚饭想吃什么,她应该怎么说? A.What would you like for dinner? B.Whats for dinner? ( ) 3. What would you like _ breakfast ? Id like bread

30、and milk . A. on B. for 第四课时 . 脸谱代表我的心。属于同类的画个笑脸,不同类的画个哭脸。 1. A. spoon B. fork C. soup 2. A. sofa B. hot dog C. chicken 3. A. juice B. milk C. water 4. A. plate B. fork C. chopsticks 5. A.bread B.soup C.have II. 快乐对对碰。你知道这些句子的意思吗?快与相应的图牵牵手。 1.Give me a spoon. 2.Wash the plates. 3.Pass me a fork. 4.U

31、se the chopsticks. 5.Cut with the knife. 第五课时 I. 我会区别,我会选。 ( ) 1. Help _. A. yourself B. you C. your ( ) 2. Let _ show you. A. I B. me C. my ( ) 3. See _ tomorrow. A. your B. you C. me ( ) 4. _like some vegetables. A.I have B. Id C. He ( ) 5. We had a_time. A. good B. well C. Good II. 温馨交流。 ( ) 1. H

32、elp yourself. ( ) 2. What would you like for lunch? ( ) 3. Can I help you? ( ) 4. Can I have some beef, please? ( ) 5. What s for dinner? A. Yes, pass me a book, please. B. Rice, soup and chicken. C. Id like some beef. D. Sure, here you are. E. Thank you. 第六课时 I.给下列图片排序。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1.I would li

33、ke some fish . 2. The chicken is nice. 3. The rice is white and good . 4. I like beef for dinner . II.判断所给每组单词英汉意思是否相符。 ( ) 1. rice 汤 ( ) 2. fish 面条 ( ) 3. noodles 米饭 ( )4.chopsticks 筷子 ( ) 5.chicken 鸡肉 ( ) 6.soup 鱼 ( ) 7. vegetables 勺子 ( ) 8. beef 牛肉 ( ) 9. milk 水 ( ) 10. plate 盘子 Unit6 Meet My Fam

34、ily! 第一课时 I. 读一读,连一连。 family uncle aunt baby parents II. 找出每组中不同类的一项,将序号填到题前的括号内。( ) 1. A.apples B.aunt C.uncle ( ) 2. A.father B.sister C.farmer ( ) 3.A.mother B.aunt C.he ( ) 4.A.brother B.student C.teacher 第二课时 I. 我会区别,我会选。 ( ) 1.Come _meet my family. A. lets ( ) 2. My family _ seven members. A. have B. for C. and B. has C. is ( ) 3. _ boys are there in your classroom? A. What B. Where C. How many ( ) 4. Is this your aun


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