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1、Attributive Clause in writing,By Ding SongjieNo.3 High School,A beautiful,An apple,One,on the mountain,with a cat sleeping under it,standing beside a river,planted by my mom,which I planted last year,a kind of plant,定语从句在写作中的简单应用,a teacher,a day,No.3 high school,when,that/which,where,that/which,Who/

2、whose,Those people are the happiest.Those people make others happy.,Those people who make others happy are the happiest.Karl Marx,He is the best general.He makes the fewest mistakes.,He who makes the fewest mistakes is the best general.-Hamilton,God help those people.Those people help themselves.,Go

3、d help those who help themselves,John is my best friend.John gave me a gift.He bought this gift from the USA.,John is my best friend who gave me a gift(that)he bought from the USAJohn who is my best friend gave me a gift that he bought from the USA,John,my best friend,gave me a gift that he bought f

4、rom the USA,Kate is a new student.She comes from a small city.She speaks a dialect口音.Her dialect is hard to understand.,Kate is a new student who comes from a small city.She speaks a dialect which is hard to understand.,Kate,a new student from a small city,speaks a dialect which is hard to understan

5、d.,成龙,来自香港的著名影星,生于1954年,为中国电影做出了巨大贡献,Jackie Chan,a famous movie star from HongKong,who was born in 1954,makes great contributions to Chinese movie.,特朗普Trump,美国最有名的地产商(land agent),生于1946年纽约.现在成功当选为美国总统。他的最大特点feature是有钱。,Trump,the most famous land agent,who was born in 1946 in New York,becomes preside

6、nt of the USA successfully,whose biggest feature is rich.,Jobs 生于1955年,发明家,苹果公司Apple 的 CEO他发明了许多风靡全球的电子产品electric products,如:iMax,iPod,iPhone 等。深刻改变了人们交流,娱乐及生活方式。,Jobs,an inventor and CEO of Apple,who was born in 1955,invented many world famous electric products,such as iMax,iPod and iPhone,which ch

7、anged peoples way of communication,entertainment and life,类型:娱乐节目 entertainment program来自:湖南卫视TV station播出(broadcast)内容:在节目中,星爸和萌娃一起旅行影响:深受全国人民欢迎,“Where are we going,Dad?”is an entertainment program.The program is broadcast in Hunan TV station.In the program,star fathers and children travel around t

8、he country.The program is popular with all people.,“Dad,where are we going?”which is an entertainment program is broadcast in Hunan TV station.In the program,which is popular with people,star fathers and their children travel around the country。,“Where are we going,Dad?”is an entertainment program.T

9、he program is broadcast in Hunan TV station.In the program,star fathers and children travel around the country.The program is popular with all people.,“Dad,where are we going”an entertainment program broadcast in Hunan TV station is popular with people,in which star fathers and their children travel

10、 around the world.,Name:ZootopiaCame out:2016Made by:Dream WorksContents:Judy是一只聪明勇敢并从小立志当警察的兔子,她在克服了重重困难之后终于实现了梦想。在影片中Judy和好友Nick fox一起破获了重大案件(crack a criminal case)并且揭露(uncover)了坏人的真面目,最终保卫了动物城的和平安宁。朱迪总是说“Anyone can be anything”,意思就是一切皆有可能。,Animated movie,喜欢的原因,An introduction to a movie,Zootopia

11、is the hottest animated movie in 2016.It is made by Dream Works.Now,I will make a brief introduction to this movie.In this movie you will enjoy a lot of fun.Judy was a clever and brave rabbit and had a dream to be a police officer at a very young age.She overcome many difficulties and finally realiz

12、ed her dream.In the story,Judy and her friend Nick fox cracked a criminal case and uncovered the true color of the bad person.Their action in the end saved the peace of Zootopia.Judy always said“Anyone can be anything.”It means“Everything is possible”.,Zootopia is the hottest animated movie in 2016.

13、It is made by Dream Works.Now,I will make a brief introduction to this movie.In this movie you will enjoy a lot of fun.Judy was a clever and brave rabbit and had a dream to be a police officer at a very young age.She overcome many difficulties and finally realized her dream.In the story,Judy and her

14、 friend Nick fox cracked a criminal case and uncovered the true color of the bad person.Their action in the end saved the peace of Zootopia.Judy always said“Anyone can be anything.”It means“Everything is possible”.I like it,because.,in which,who,which,which,Zootopia is the hottest animated movie in

15、2016 made by Dream Works.Now,I will make a brief introduction to this movie,in which you will enjoy a lot of fun.Judy,a clever and brave rabit,who had a dream to be a police officer at a very young age,suffered many difficulties and finally realized her dream.In the movie,Judy and her friend Nick fo

16、x cracked a criminal case and uncovered the true color of the bad person,which in the end saved the peace of Zootopia.Judy always said“Anyone can be anything”,which means“everything is possible”.I like it,because it inspires me to follow my dream forever,no matter what happens.,An introduction to a

17、famous movie,Name:TitanicCame out:1997Director:JamesContents:这是一个感人的(moving)爱情故事,在故事中,一个名叫Jack的男人爱上了富家女Rose,并且为了救她而死。Classic scene:Jack 从后面(from behind)拥抱(hug)Rose,像鸟儿在海面上飞,简单说明你喜欢这部电影的原因,Homework,模仿 电影介绍 写一篇作文 不少于100字 向大家介绍一本你最喜欢的书,Thanks,I am glad to introduce to you a famous movie.The movies name

18、 is Titanic.It came out in1997.Its director is James.Its a moving love story.In the story a man called Jack fell in love with a rich girl Rose,and in order to save her,he died in the sea.I will never forget the classic scene.In the scene,Jack hugged Rose from behind,like birds flying on the sea.The

19、reason why.is that.,I am _ to _ to you a movie _ name is Titanic.The movie came out in 1997 _was directed by James.Its a moving love story,_ a man called Jack fell in love with a rich girl Rose,and in order to save her,he died in the sea.I will never forget the classic scene _ Jack hugged Rose from

20、behind,like birds flying on the sea.The reason _ I _ this movie is that it _ us of _ _.,glad,introduce,whose,why,like,reminds,true love,which,in which,where,Teaching Plan,Part 1 What is this lesson about?Part 2 Why I design this lesson?Part 3 How to present this lesson?,Aims:Briefly review the basic

21、 skills of attributive clause Guide the students to use attributive clause in writingImportance:students form the sense of using clauses and other complex sentence patternsDifficulty:How to organize the complicated information in an orderly manner and form a higher level composition by using Attribu

22、tive clause.,Part 1 What is this lesson about?,Students always neglect the importance of writingStudents lack of writing skills.They can only use ready-made sentences patterns.They are not creative.Students have a strong wish to reach a higher level,but they dont know how.,Part 2 why I design this l

23、esson?,历史岳麓版第13课交通与通讯的变化资料,精品课件欢迎使用,自读教材填要点,一、铁路,更多的铁路 1地位 铁路是 建设的重点,便于国计民生,成为国民经济发展的动脉。2出现 1881年,中国自建的第一条铁路唐山 至胥各庄铁路建成通车。1888年,宫廷专用铁路落成。,交通运输,开平,3发展(1)原因:甲午战争以后列强激烈争夺在华铁路的。修路成为中国人 的强烈愿望。(2)成果:1909年 建成通车;民国以后,各条商路修筑权收归国有。4制约因素 政潮迭起,军阀混战,社会经济凋敝,铁路建设始终未入正轨。,修筑权,救亡图存,京张铁路,二、水运与航空 1水运(1)1872年,正式成立,标志着中国

24、新式航运业的诞生。(2)1900年前后,民间兴办的各种轮船航运公司近百家,几乎都是在列强排挤中艰难求生。2航空(1)起步:1918年,附设在福建马尾造船厂的海军飞机工程处开始研制。(2)发展:1918年,北洋政府在交通部下设“”;此后十年间,航空事业获得较快发展。,轮船招商局,水上飞机,筹办航空事宜,处,三、从驿传到邮政 1邮政(1)初办邮政:1896年成立“大清邮政局”,此后又设,邮传正式脱离海关。(2)进一步发展:1913年,北洋政府宣布裁撤全部驿站;1920年,中国首次参加。,邮传部,万国邮联大会,2电讯(1)开端:1877年,福建巡抚在 架设第一条电报线,成为中国自办电报的开端。(2)


26、)。原因:近代西方列强的侵略加剧了中国的贫困,阻碍社会发展;西方工业文明的冲击与示范;中国民族工业的兴起与发展;政府及各阶层人士的提倡与推动。,串点成面握全局,一、近代交通业发展的原因、特点及影响 1原因(1)先进的中国人为救国救民,积极兴办近代交通业,促进中国社会发展。(2)列强侵华的需要。为扩大在华利益,加强控制、镇压中国人民的反抗,控制和操纵中国交通建设。(3)工业革命的成果传入中国,为近代交通业的发展提供了物质条件。,2特点(1)近代中国交通业逐渐开始近代化的进程,铁路、水运和航空都获得了一定程度的发展。(2)近代中国交通业受到西方列强的控制和操纵。(3)地域之间的发展不平衡。3影响(


28、济侵略,但是并未能阻止其侵略。故B、C、D三项表述都有错误。答案:A,二、近代以来交通、通讯工具的进步对人们社会生活的影响(1)交通工具和交通事业的发展,不仅推动各地经济文化交流和发展,而且也促进信息的传播,开阔人们的视野,加快生活的节奏,对人们的社会生活产生了深刻影响。(2)通讯工具的变迁和电讯事业的发展,使信息的传递变得快捷简便,深刻地改变着人们的思想观念,影响着人们的社会生活。,2清朝黄遵宪曾作诗曰:“钟声一及时,顷刻不少留。虽有万钧柁,动如绕指柔。”这是在描写()A电话 B汽车C电报 D火车解析:从“万钧柁”“动如绕指柔”可推断为火车。答案:D,典题例析,例1上海世博会曾吸引了大批海内

29、外人士利用各种交通工具前往参观。然而在19世纪七十年代,江苏沿江居民到上海,最有可能乘坐的交通工具是()A江南制造总局的汽车 B洋人发明的火车 C轮船招商局的轮船 D福州船政局的军舰,解析由材料信息“19世纪七十年代,由江苏沿江居民到上海”可判断最有可能是轮船招商局的轮船。答案C,题组冲关,1中国近代史上首次打破列强垄断局面的交通行业是()A公路运输 B铁路运输C轮船运输 D航空运输解析:根据所学1872年李鸿章创办轮船招商局,这是洋务运动中由军工企业转向兼办民用企业、由官办转向官督商办的第一个企业。具有打破外轮垄断中国航运业的积极意义,这在一定程度上保护了中国的权利。据此本题选C项。答案:C

30、,2.右图是1909年民呼日报上登载的一幅漫画,其要表达的主题是()A帝国主义掠夺中国铁路权益B西方国家学习中国文化C西方列强掀起瓜分中国狂潮D西方八国组成联军侵略中国,解析:从图片中可以了解到各国举的灯笼是火车形状,20世纪初的这一幅漫画正反映了帝国主义掠夺中国铁路权益。B项说法错误,C项不能反映漫画的主题,D项时间上不一致。答案:A,典题例析,例2(2010福建高考)上海是近代中国茶叶的一个外销中心。1884年,福建茶叶市场出现了茶叶收购价格与上海出口价格同步变动的现象。与这一现象直接相关的近代事业是()A电报业 B大众报业 C铁路交通业 D轮船航运业 解析材料主要反映了信息交流的快捷,故选A。答案A,题组冲关,3假如某爱国实业家在20世纪初需要了解全国各地商业信息,可采用的最快捷的方式是()A乘坐飞机赴各地了解 B通过无线电报输送讯息C通过互联网 D乘坐火车赴各地了解解析:本题考查中国近代物质生活的变迁。注意题干信息“20世纪初”“最快捷的方式”,因此应选B,火车速度远不及电报快。20世纪30年代民航飞机才在中国出现,互联网出现在20世纪90年代。答案:B,4下列不属于通讯工具变迁和电讯事业发展影响的是()A信息传递快捷简便B改变着人们的思想观念C阻碍了人们的感情交流D影响着人们的社会生活解析:新式通讯工具方便快捷,便于人们感情的沟通和交流。答案:C,


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