新人教必修三 Unit Festival around the world[教案].docx

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1、新人教必修三 Unit Festival around the world教案第一单元 Reading Festivals and celebrations 教案 1. 教学设计理念 语言的学习离不开文化,英语教学从某种程度上来讲就是文化教学,对英语文化的了解和理解有利于加深本国文化的学习,培养爱国主义精神,也有利于提高人文素养。因此传授文化知识、培养文化意识和世界意识,是英语教学中一个非常重要的任务。 运用任务型语言教学模式,训练培养学生对语言的综合运用能力. 课堂以学生为主体,以任务为主线,重视体验参与,教师起到“设计者、研究者、促进者、协调者”的作用. 在教学中,突出交际性,注重读写的实

2、用性,要进行情感和策略调整,以形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高. 正视个体差异,倡导过程激励,以多层次、多角度、多主体的结果与过程并重的评价方式激励学生进步. 2. 教材分析 本单元以节日为话题,介绍古今中外节日的种类、由来、意义以及人们的活动和习俗,旨在通过对世界各地的节日名称、由来及庆祝方式的讨论和学习,让学生在多样的东西方节日、文化中进行比较,并发现节日文化的共性、多样性和民族独特性,从而增进对多种文化节日的理解,进而拓展社会文化背景、增加跨国文化知识. 3. 教学目标 帮助学生了解世界各地的节日. 了解节日的分类并进而理解节日庆祝的意义. 通过阅读材料继续训练学生略读,细

3、读,猜测词义,归纳等阅读技巧. 4. 重难点 理解节日的起源及意义,增强文化保护意识 通过学生对多样的东西方节日、文化所进行的比较,发现节日文化的共性、多样性和民族独特性,从而增进对多种文化节日的理解。 5. 教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 第 1 页 共 4 页 由春节引出节日话题并提出中外节日问题 提问,通过题目猜测内容和节日分类两个问题 留给学生时间略读填表 观察学生完成情况并加以指导 以填表,连线,选择三种不同的形式逐段分析文章 判断正误题 回答四个问题 小结 尽可能多地说出中外节日名称 观察题目,图片和小标题回答问题 快速阅读文章完成表格 用头脑风暴的形式激发学生学习兴趣和激

4、活已有知识. 引导学生通过题目,图片,小标题来猜测文章内容和文章结构. 培养学生略读文章,获取信息的技巧,提高学生的阅读能力. 细读每段,获取细节信息. 多种形式和角度考察细节,逐步加大难度和深度,引导学生由表及里思考问题,突破难点. 回顾所学节日 由合到分再由分而合,整体把握文章. 讨论各地节日共同点 通过讨论,增强学生合作学习的意识,培养发现问题-分析问题结合文章,积极思考发言,-归纳结论-阐述观点的能自主探究,合作交流 力. 扩展文化背景,引导学生增强跨国文化意识, 体会文化融合现象. 讨论最喜欢的节日 从读到说,布置写的作业 开放性的问题,学生们可以各抒己见,立足对比,求同求异,升华认

5、识. Unit 1 Festivals around the world Learning aims : 1.learn about festivals around the world. 2. learn about the kinds of festivals and the reason for celebrating them. 3. train reading skills such as skimming and summarizing. Difficult points : the reason for peopkes celebrating festivals Step 1 W

6、arming up 第 2 页 共 4 页 1. What other traditional festivals in China do you know ? _ 2. What festivals of foreign countries do you know? _ Step 2 Reading I. Fasting reading fill in the chart Names of festivals II. Careful reading The Day of the Dead Halloween Task 1 main ideas of each paragraph 1). Ob

7、on Cleaning_; lighting_ and lamps; playing _ Countries Kinds of festivals Eating food_ skulls and Children _ and ask cakes with _ on them; offering for sweets. food, flowers and _ to the dead 2). Festivals to Honour People (Match the person with the festival.) 1. Qu Yuan a. the Dragon Boat Festival

8、2. Christopher Columbus b. an Indian national festival on Oct. 2 3. Mohandas Gandhi c. Columbus Day 3). Harvest Festivals (Choose the best answer.) Many activities can be held in harvest festivals EXCEPT that people _. A. get together to have meals B. decorate houses to admire the moon C. win awards

9、 for their farm produce 第 3 页 共 4 页 D. enjoy mooncakes 4.) Spring Festival Carnivals Eating good foods; giving children _ money; _; dancing in the streets; loud music; _. _ _ and carnivals Task 2 True or False 1. The ancient people neednt worry about their food. 2. Halloween used to be a festival to

10、 honor the dead. 3. Qu Yuan was a great poet who people honor a lot in China. 4. Mid-autumn Festival is held to celebrate the end of autumn. 5. Easter celebrates the birth of Jesus. Task 3 Answer the questions 1.What are festivals of the dead usually for? 2. What makes autumn festivals happy events?

11、 3. What do people usually do at spring festivals? 4. What is one important reason to have festivals and celebrations? III. Free talking What do most festivals seem to have in common ? Step 3 Discussing u What is your favourite festival? Why? u When is it? What is the festival about? u How long can we have for holiday? What do we usually do in the festival? Step 4 Homework Write a short passage about your favorite festival 第 4 页 共 4 页


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