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1、新小学英语六年级上册第三单元B部分教案Unit Three My weekend plan 第四课时 B Lets try Lets talk B部分Lets try,Lets talk 本课时要学习B部分Lets try,Lets talk两部分内容。 阅读理解课对于学生来说,略有难度。由于文本内容丰富,其中一些句子较长:Were going to see a film about space travel. We re going to see a film about space travel. 这些较长的句子可能难于理解,说的不够流畅。学生对when, what, where的具体内涵

2、可能不清楚。 一、知识技能目标 1.能理解对话大意;能够按照正确的意群及语音语调朗读对话。 2.能够在情境中运用句型Where are/is going? is going to , When are/isgoing? 谈论计划的时间和地点;还能通过对话学习了解电影院周二通常有半价电影票的生活常识。 3.知识链 go to the cinema going to the cinema I am going to the cinema. Where are you going? Im going to the cinema. When are you going? Next Wednesday.

3、 二、情感态度目标 了解相关的生活常识,合理安排计划。 教学重点:能够在情境中运用句型Where are/isgoing? is/are going to , when are/isgoing? 谈论计划的时间和地点。 教学难点:学习相关词组a film about space travel, lots of comic books about space, half price等。 CAI课件,词卡等。 一、热身 1 Greetings T: Nice to see you again. Ss: Nice to see you again. T: I have a bag. Whats in

4、 the bag? Have a try. A game for revision : 复习句型“What are you going to do? Im going to ” 教师让学生从包中取东西。包内有糖,电影票等。如果学生选中了电影票。老师问:What are you going to do? Im going to see a film. 通过师生对话, 激活课堂气氛。 并在游戏情景中,巧妙复习所学内容。 二、呈现 Lets try 1. 第一遍听:T Now this is Amy, guess what is Amy going to do? Listen and answer.

5、 Ss: She is going to buy some food. 2. 第二遍听:T: This is John. Is John going to buy some food? Listen and answer. Ss: No, he is going to buy some ice cream. Is the ice cream for John? No, its for Jack. 3. 点明Jack身份。T: Who is Jack? He is Johns cousin. And he is going to visit John. 听前对所听内容进行预测,听中带着问题,听后

6、完成练习。Lets try 为Lets talk 的导入进行了铺垫。是对话教学的引子。特别点明杰克的身份,巩固复习单词cousin, 为对话情境做铺垫。 Lets talk 1.第一遍读:练习where, what how T: Now Jack is going to visit John. Now you are John. I am Amy. 师生分角色朗读对话。 Amy: What is your cousin Jack going to do? John: He is going to visit me next week. 接着,教师红颜色用标出单词What, 并让学生观看视频Le

7、ts talk,找出其他含有Wh的单词。即:What When Where。然后让学生把手中所有的粗组按照不同的分类贴在黑板上。 2.第二遍读:练习Where are you going? What are you going to do? 2 T: Where are they going? Read after the video and answer. Where are they going? A. cinema B. hospital C. supermarket D. hospital. 在跟读第二遍视频录音后,学生从给定地点范围中选出约翰和杰克要去的地方。Ss: They are

8、 going to the cinema. 然后学生两人一组加动作表演对话。 S1: Where are you going? S2: I am going to the cinema. 随后教师问第二个问题:What are they going to do? Ss: They are going to see a film. 然后让学生选择。They are going to see a film about _.学生通过对全文的整体把握,找出正确答案。They are going to see a film about A. 教师解释。T: Yes, A is space travel.

9、 并利用不同的情境反复读space travel. 解释space 的意思。 随后学生两人一组加动作表演对话。S1: What are you going to do? S2: Im going to see a film about space travel. . 3. 第三遍读:讲解练习When are they going ? 学生跟读录音, 并回答:Next Wednesday. 用表格呈现电影院一周的的票价。通过比较发现周二的票价是半价的。教学单词half price。 反复阅读文本,在文本中处理Where are you going? What are you going to d

10、o? When are you going? 在文本情境中处理相关知识,注重培养学生根据上下文猜测生词的能力。学生能够理解文本内容,并在情境中理解所学语言知识点,为下一步的练习奠定基础。 三、练习 跟读模仿,语音强化。 1.听录音模仿对话。通过听录音纠正学生的发音,培养学生良好的语音语调,养成按意群朗读课文的习惯。 2. 分角色朗读对话。注意学生的语音语调及表情、动作。 表格概括,巩固复述。 T: Now if you are John. Fill in the blanks and ask and answer in pairs. 在学生填完表格后,教师核对答案,并让学生两人一组问答。 3

11、选择词卡,问答练习 学生选择Where, What, When组内的不同卡片。创编一段对话。 如:Where are you going ? Im going to the library. What are you going to do? Im going to read a book. When are you going? I am going at three oclock. 跟读,创编等活动,对本课的重点知识进行巩固和练习,为进一步复习知识打下基础。 四、拓展 话题拓展,创编对话 创设中秋节的情境, 让学生讨论中秋节的计划。 T: Now Mid-Autumn Day is com

12、ing. Where are your family going ? What are your family going to do? Talk about is in pairs. And here is a model. A: Mid-Autumn Day is coming. Where are your family going? B: We are going to visit our grandparents. A: What are you going to do? B: We are going to eat moon cakes. Then we are you going

13、 to see a film. A: When are you going? B: Next Sunday. 当堂测试题 Listen and choose. what when how 1. _ are you going? We are going to the cinema. 2. _ are you going to do. We are going to see a film. 3. _ are you going? Im going at 3 oclock. 4. _ is my toy car? Its on the desk. 5. _ is his name? His nam

14、e is Zhang Peng. 4 答案: Where What When Where What 总结赏析,情感升华 Everything stands in advance. 作业分层,自主拓展 1. 听录音跟读、模仿。 2. 创编新对话,中秋计划。 Unit 3 My weekend plan B Lets try / Lets talk What Where When. Where are you going ? What are you going to do? When are you going? Cinema See a film Next Wednesday 第五课时 B L

15、ets learn Role-play B部分Lets learn,Role-play 本课时要学习B部分Lets learn,Role-play两部分内容。Lets learn部分有四个单词,dictionary, comic book, word book, postcard,并配有四幅情景图辅助教学;Role-play部分主要是用来巩固练习主句型:“ What are you going to buy? Im going to buy 本课内容与上一节课环环相扣,可以从上一节课复习导入。从而实现课与课的有效衔接。 一、知识技能目标 1. 能熟练听说认读单词dictionary, comi

16、c book, word book, postcard. 2. 能在情境中用Where are you going? To the bookstore. What are you going to buy? Im going to buy a comic book. 3. 知识链 Chinese book, math book, English book, comic book, word book 5 What are you going to do? What are you going to buy? 二、情感态度学习策略目标 听懂购物的基本用于,结合语境音形义结合背单词。 教学重点:主

17、要学习句型What are you going to buy? Im going to buy a 教学难点:dictionary单词较长,可以分音节朗读。 多媒体课件,相关单词卡片 一、热身 我说我秀 学生汇报中秋节的计划。Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival. I am going to visit my family 这是上一节课的口头作业, 中秋佳节即将来临,贴近学生生活实际。同时复习了Im going to的句式。 情境回放 T: Remember that Jack is going to visit John? Please watch the vide

18、o again. 播放约翰和艾米对话的视频。 通过视频的播放,学生能够有效地回忆相关的情境并在情境中复习了知识点。由于本课教材的情境和上一课时环环相扣,本课时的情境是在John 和Jack 看完电影后发生的。第一课时和本课时是一个完整的整体,实现课与课的有效衔接。 二、呈现 话题交流,导入新课 复述Lets talk的情境,并导入本课情境。 T: So Jack and John go to a _. They see a film about _. When do they go to the cinema? They go on _. Its half price. Now where a

19、re they going? Guess. 6 S1: They are going to a shop. S2: They are going to a park. S3: They are going to a zoo. T: Look, they are going to a bookstore. 情景创设,理解词义 1. 呈现comic book 播放约翰和杰克的对话视频。Jack: Where are you going? John: To the bookstore. Im going to buy a new comic book. 如果学生不能准确回答,多播放几遍。T: Wha

20、t is John going to buy? He is going to buy a _. 领读comic book, 学生跟读。 按照自然语音法,教授单词,帮助学生认读。呈现不同的comic book, 如西游记连环画, 小兵张嘎连环画, 漫游太空连环画等,让学生在类似的情境中反复跟读。并板书单词的单复数形式:a comic book comic books。 然后回顾其他类似单词: Now I there are some other books in the bookstore. 提示学生说出单词:This is an English book. This is a math boo

21、k . This is a story book. 2. 呈现Im going to buy a _和单词word book 教师戴上胸牌扮演售货员。T: There are some boks. What are you going to buy? Choose A, B, C or D. A, B,C,D分别链接到不同的图书上。如:教师点击A, 链接到English book. T: What are you going to buy? I am going to buy an English book. 当学生点击到D的时候,出现图片word book, 出现不同类型的word book

22、., 让学生反复跟读。 呈现单词的单数和复数形式:word book, word books 3.呈现Im going to do buy 和单词, postcard. dictionary 创设买礼物的情境,讲解单词postcard, 和dictionary. T: John and Jack are going to buy some other books for the family. Choose the right books. John.: My mothers birthday is coming. Im going go buy a .Ss: D. 7 买buy礼物ABEcD

23、My mothers birthday is coming. DIm going to buy a _.教师领读post card. 指出postcard由post和card两部分组成。呈现不同的贺卡让学生跟读。并呈现单数和复数形式:a postcard postcards. T: My brother is going to learn English now. Im going to buy a .Ss: E. 教师领读dictionary. 该词较长,教师可以分音节朗读。领读Chinese dictionary, English dictionary. 并呈现a dictionary d

24、ictionaries. 买buy礼物ABEcDMy brother is learning English now. EIm going to buy a _.紧接上一环节,约翰和杰克看完电影去干什么的话题,播放视频约翰和杰克去书店的对话。抓住书店购书这一情景,并依附该情境,形成串烧式情境链,清晰,巧妙,多样,有趣地分别呈现并练习了comic book, word book, postcard, dictionary 和Im going to buy 三、练习 跟读模仿,纠正语音 Listen and imitate. 听录音模仿对话。通过听录音纠正学生的发音,培养学生良好的语音语调,整体读

25、和个人读相结合,关注个体学生的发音,及时纠错。 游戏巩固,形义结合 传盒子游戏,盒子里有各种不同的词图卡。如:dictionary, postcard, comic book, word book, Chinese book, English book等。 学生按顺序传递盒子,同时全班齐问“What are you going to buy“三遍。当声音停止时,拿到盒子的学生从盒子里抽出一张卡片。并根据卡片的内容回 8 答:Im going to buy 对话练习,表演生成 学生四人一组,把相关书籍卡片摆放在桌子上,一人佩戴胸牌扮演售货员。其他学生买书。Shop assistant: Can

26、I help you? Customer: Yes! Here you are. Shop assistant: What are you going to buy? Customer: Im going to buy. 课标指出,语言学习具有实践性和应用性。本环节的设计运用形式多样的模仿,游戏,表演,让学生在生动活泼的语境中充分练习语言,充分考虑到了学生的特点。练习分为模仿,游戏巩固和表演运用三个环节,在知识落实上层层递进,环环相扣。 四、拓展 活动运用,任务落实 1. 图书代购员 T: Our school library is going to buy some books. Whats

27、 your opinion? Please choose the books you like. You can say: This is my booklist. We are going to buy _ 2. 练习任务中落实随堂检测 Read and choose. 1. - Can I help you? A. Yes. Do you have comic books? B. Im OK. 2. -I have some comic _ A. book B. books 3. - Where are you going? - A. To the bookstore B. Next We

28、dnesday 4. Its a big book. It helps you read the new words. A. postcard B. dictionary 9 postcard newspaper Chinese dictionary English dictionary storybooks comic book word book picture books 5. Its a book. It tells stories. A. word book B. story book 答案:A B A B B 总结赏析,情感升华 Books are humans best frie

29、nds. 作业分层,自主拓展 1. 听录音跟读、模仿对话。 2. 两人一组,表演购书的情境。 3. 了解其他书籍类单词的英文说法。 Unit 3 My Weekend plan B Lets learn Role-play Im going to buy 第六课时 B Read and write B部分Read and write C Lets check 本课时分为读、写、语音三部分。 第一部分要求学生阅读图片和文段并完成吴一凡和家人的活动安排表;第二部分为有意义书写活动;第三部分为语音活动。 学生对节日常识有所了解,可以适当拓展知识面。本节课内容较多,部分基础知识不够扎实的学生可能存在一

30、定的困难。 10 a comic book comic books a word book word books a dictionary dictionaries a post card postcards 一、知识技能目标 1. 讨论节日激活背景知识和储备词汇。 2. 能够阅读吴一凡的日记,并了解大意。能够抓住主干句型。 3. 能够运用主干句型书写自己的中秋节计划。 4了解多音节单词重音的读法。 5. 知识链 I am going to . She is going to My family are going to I will . She will My family will 二、情

31、感态度目标 了解中国的节日习俗,提高人文素养。 教学重点: 能够熟练掌握be going to 和will这两个表示将来的句式并在情境中应用。如探讨中秋节要做什么等。 教学难点: be going to中be动词要随着人称进行变化。 另外阅读课内容比较充实,拓展了很多词汇和句型。如:holidays, get together, Mid-Autumn Festival , make mooncakes, read a poem, autumn season等,在突出教学重点的同时,让学生了解这些词汇。 CAI课件。 一、热身 师生问候。播放中国不同节日的视频,伴有音乐和英文解说。如:This

32、is Spring Festival. Family get together and eat dumplings. This is Childrens Day. Young Children play together 讨论节日,呈现will 句式及词组get together 然后出示国庆节, 春节,圣诞节等节日图片。T: What are these holidays? 如果学生回答不出,教师逐个解释图片。T: This is Spring Festival. 领读Spring Festival, 并问:What will you do? And this is National Day

33、. 领读National Day. 然后问:What will you do?. This is Christmas. 领读Christmas. 然后问:What do you do? 提炼节日的共同特点,家人聚会在一起。T: In these holidays, family will get together. 领读:get together. 呈现不同家庭聚会的情境,11 让学生在类似情境中反复跟读get together。 通过播放节日视频, 渲染节日气氛,烘托课题背景,感知节日词汇,为讨论节日奠定基础。而对节日的讨论则处理了will的重点句式,讲解重点词汇get together.

34、二、呈现 第一遍读,整体感知,了解主题 Wu Yifan writes a diary. Here is his diary. 播放吴一凡日记的视频内容。 为了让学生更加清晰地感知所学内容,根据文字意思呈现不同的画面,和重点词组。 如: My aunt is going to make moon cakes.T: Now is this diary about Spring Festival? Ss: No, its about Mid-Autumn Festival. 学生跟读单词:Mid-Autumn Festival. 反复阅读,问题追踪,获取细节 1.快速阅读并找出吴一凡的家庭成员。

35、T: On Mid-Autumn Festival Wu Yifans family will get together. Who are they? Read quickly and find the family members in the diary. 教师先给出示范,圈出单词my family。然后让学生快速阅读并找出来。最后核对。They are Wu Yifans family, Wu Yifans aunt , Wu Yifans grandma ,Wu Yifan and Robin 2. 快速阅读并找出吴一凡家庭成员的活动。 T: Now what are the acti

36、vities they will do on Mid-Autumn Day? Read quickly and underline them. 教师给出示范,在词组get together下面划线。 然后让学生快速阅读并找出来,最后对答案。get together, have a big dinner, make mooncakes, tell us a story, read a poem. 由于部分词组较难,领读后,教师让学生看图片说词组,共加深对这些词组的印象。其中,poem为生词,可以出现不同的几首中秋小诗,让学生跟读。 3. Match and say. 完成练习将不同人物和他们的活

37、动连线。 12 Match Wu YifansfamilyWu YifansauntWu Yifansgrandmaread a poemRobin and Itell a storymake mooncakesget togetherhave a big dinner全文跟读,整体回顾 1. 跟读模仿全文录音。 注意让学生养成按意群阅读的习惯,对于个别阅读有困难的学生需要格外关注。 2.利用图片和重点词组帮助学生复述全文。在复述的过程中利用板式强调be going to 和will. 如: Tomorrow is _.(Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival

38、)My family will_and_.My family_ (be ) going to _ and _. 通过反复的阅读,学生能够基本了解课文的整体大意。 阅读采用先整体感知,然后细节追踪,最后整体回顾的方式, 能够逐层深入地学习文本。一些重点词组,重点句式巧妙糅合在情境阅读中,避免了为教知识点忽略阅读的倾向。 三、练习 提炼全文,完成表格。 T: Now we know what Wu Yifans family do on Mid-Autumn Day. Read silently and fill in the form. 13 诗歌吟诵,情感升华 1. 默读吴一凡的藏头诗,并找出

39、字母f, a, m, i, l, y分别代替什么单词。 T: On Festivals family meet together. Do you love your family? Yes, We love our family ! Look, f is for family, a is for autumn and ? Read Wu Yifans poem and find out. autumnfamily2 .跟读小诗,感情升华 有感情跟读吴一凡的诗歌。注意节奏,配上音乐,达到情境交融的目的。 由此及彼,自由讨论,学以致用。 T: What about your Mid-Autumn

40、Festival? What are you going to do? Discuss in pairs and finish writing. For Mid-Autumn Festival, Im going to _. My partner is going to _. 完成表格,提炼全文。突出运用语法点be going to 和will, 在情境中突出语言点。文本内容有一首吴一凡的藏头诗,在这里把它处理成情感升华,体现了课标要求的教师创造性使用教材的建议。最后,学生能够就自己的生活实际探讨节日并用重点句式进行个性化有意义的书写,体现了课标对学生能用语言做事情的要求。 四、拓展 Deve

41、lopment Reading T: This is a festival too. Please read this passage and finish the exercise. Dear diary, Tomorrow is a big day! I will be very happy. In the morning, Im going to go shopping with my parents. We are going to buy some food, fresh oranges and flowers. In the afternoon, my mother is goin

42、g to cook. We are going to have a big dinner together in the evening. After dinner, my grandfather will give me a red envelope. There will be some lucky money in it. We are going to watch TV this evening, too. There will be a wonderful show on TV. Well have so much fun! Tick or cross. 1. Im going to

43、 go shopping with my parents in the morning. ( ) 14 2. We are going to eat a big dinner in the afternoon. ( ) 3. Im going to get a red envelope in the evening. ( ) 4. This is Spring Festival. ( ) 答案: 当堂练习题 测试题 用is, am, are填空 1.We _ going to get together. 2. My aunt _ going to make moon cakes. 3. Rob

44、in and I _ going to read a poem. 4. My grandpa _ going to tell a story about Change. 5. They _ going to visit their grandparents in the autumn season. 答案:are is are is are 语音练习题 作业分层,自主发展 1. 模仿录音,熟读所学内容。 2. 写一篇日记,说说自己的假期计划。 Unit Three My weekend plan B Read and write Mid-Autumn Festival Will = be going to My family will get together. My family are going to get together. autumnfamily 15


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