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1、新概念英语第一册1320课教案虎门外语学校小学教师备课文本 备课组:_五年级_ 单 元 Lesson 13 、14 总课时 1 课 题 - A new dress 主备老师 备课时间 8.31 教学目标 1、New words: color green come hat same upstairs , smart, 教学重点 教学难点 本单元重点学习描述物品和如何进行称赞, 新词汇的发音与运用。 教 学 过 程 复 备 栏 Warm up: 1. What color is your face/hair/eyes/sweater/shoes? 2、listen to the tape and

2、answer the questions: What does Anna have? In put: 1. look at the screen and learn some new words, listen and read after to the tape , in this section, correct the students pronunciation. 2. let the kids make sentences with the new words. 3. Listen to the tape and answer the question What color is A

3、nnas hat? Details about the text: 1、-What colors.? = What color is.? -Its green. 这里的it代指的是my new dress。 如果是复数则要说-What color are.? -Theyre. 例如:-What color are your shoes? -Theyre brown. 2、Come upstairs and see it. 祈使句。 上楼come upstairsgo downstairs下楼 这里的and不需要翻译成“和”,仅仅是引导出目的。 例句:Come and help me. Come

4、 and listen to the music. 3、Look! 瞧!看! 如果想表达看什么东西,则要说look at sth. 例如:Look at my new dress. 4、Here it is! 就是它了。注意语序,这句话是个倒装句,原本是It is here. 5、Its very smart. 这里的very是个副词,用来修饰形容词smart。 smart还可以作“聪明”讲,例如:Youre very smart. 6、My hats new, too. 这里的s也是is的缩写。 7、What color is it? 这里的it代指your hat。 8、the same

5、相同的,一样的。例如:the same size;We are the same. 9、That is a lovely hat! 这里的is要重读,表示强调。 例如:You are very smart! 你确实很聪明! Practice: 1. listen to the tape, read after the tape sentence by sentence. 2. Read by themselves loudly. 3. Role play in pairs. 4Use Lesson 14进行相关练习。 Recite the text together. Sum up: 形容什么

6、东西很好、很漂亮、很可爱,有许多种说法: good, nice, pretty, beautiful, smart, lovely, cute. 教 第十三课和十四课的知识点比较简单,学生学起来也比较轻松。主要是询问某人的某个物品是什么颜色的:What colour is your ?Its +颜色词。主要学 反 思 是让学生掌握对颜色提问使用what colour , 不能说whats colour .描述两个物品的颜色是一样的句型:They are the same colour.要强调the 的重要性。最后是形容词smart 的新含义:漂亮的,时髦的。让学生感受并了解西方人赞美别人时多使

7、用变幻的形容词。第十四课是专项的对颜色提问及回答的训练,另外学习两个新单词case , carpet。 虎门外语学校小学教师备课文本 备课组:_五年级_ 单 元 Lesson 15、16 总课时 1 课 题 Your passports, please. 主备老师 备课时间 98 教学目标 1. New words and expressions. 教学重点 教学难点 Grammar: plural forms about the nouns.。 理解语境的跳转与承接 教 学 过 程 复 备 栏 Warm up: Have you ever been abroad? 你曾经出过国么? Wher

8、e have you been? 出国的时候一定要记得带什么呢?在机场或者海关要给工作人员看什么呢?对了,护照。Do you know how to say “护照” in English? -Passport. Ok, thats our title - Your passports, please. First, lets look at the pictures. 。Then listen to the audio. In put: 1、listen to the tape and have a general idea. 2、Learn the new words and correc

9、t the pronunciation. 3. Let the kids make sentences with the new words and expressions. 4. Listen to the tape again and answer this question: Is there a problem with the Customs officer? Details about the text: 1、Are your friends Danish, too? 这里的your friends是复数,可用they来替换。 2、Your passports, please. 请

10、你的护照。 祈使句。 My coat and my umbrella, please. Two coffee, please. 3、Here they are. 给你。 Here it is. 给你。 其实无论给的物品是单数还是复数,都可以说Here you are. 4、Are these your cases? Is this your case? 5、Are you tourists?Are you a tourist? 6、Thats fine. 那很好。= Everything is fine. 一切都很好。= No problem. 没问题。 Practice: 1. listen

11、 to the tape, read after the tape sentence by sentence. 2. Read by themselves loudly. 3. Role play in pairs. Grammar: 1. 可数名词变复数的规则变化(I)及其词尾的发音: 一般情况下,+s:books /ks/,bags /gz/,tickets /ts/,friends /dz/,ties /z/,photos /z/; 以sh, ch, x, o, s结尾的,+es:/iz/ dishes,watches,boxes,heroes,buses heroes,tomatoes

12、,potatoes /z/ 2. 仿照Lesson 5的笔记增加“某国”VS“某国的/某国人”: Denmark(Denmark)-Danish, Norway-Norwegian, Russia-Russian, Nederland(Holland)-Dutch 教 学 反 思 从第十五课开始接触并学习复数名词和复数句型。首先,Are you Swedish?这个句子,要让学生清楚you 的单数含义和复数含义,以及不同含义下的回答。单数:Yes , I am./No, Im not.复数:Yes , we are./No , we arent.询问你的朋友们是不是人时:Are your fr

13、iends ?回答要用they 来代替.Yes , they are./No , they arent.同样的回答方式也运用于:Are these your cases?Are your friends tourists too ?复数句子的回答。最后是:Here they are!让学生回顾单数表达:Here it is.第十六课的重点是对询问复数物品的颜色:What colour are your +可数名词复数? They are +颜色名词。在练习中,经常会有学生把these 和they 弄混淆,可先从意义进行区分讲解,再多进行练习。 单 元 课 题 主备老师 教学目标 Lesson

14、17、18 How do you do? 总课时 备课时间 1 10.10 1、New words: 1) employee 2) hard 3)sale 4)assistant 2. Sentence structures: A: How do you do ? B: How do you do ? A: What are their jobs ? B: They are keyboard operators. A: Who is this young man ? B: He is our office assistant. 教学重点 教学难点 本课对职业的问答及有关的职业词汇。 A 与an

15、的正确使用。 教 学 过 程 复 备 栏 Warm up: 1. Greeting: “How are you today?” When you first meet someone, what would you say? A: Nice to meet you. _ 2、listen to the tape and have a general idea. In put: 1. look at the screen and learn some new words, listen and read after to the tape , in this section, correct t

16、he students pronunciation. 2. let the kids make sentences with the new words. 3. More names in this text: Richards ritdz Jackson dksn Nicola nikul Claire kl Taylor teil Michael maikl Baker beik Jeremy derimi 4. Listen to the tape and answer the question What are Michael and jeremy Shorts jobs? Detai

17、ls about the text: 1) employee - employ employer employees worker office worker 2) hard .a. 硬的, 坚固的, eg. The stone is very hard hard disk硬盘 b. (问题, 工作等)困难的, 艰苦的 eg. This is a hard work / question. c. 猛烈的 I like hard drinks. 烈酒 hard goods 耐用品 hard luck 不幸 hard news 重要新闻 3) Listen to the tape, and the

18、n fill in the blank J: This is Nicola Grey, and this is Claire Taylor. R: _ _ _ _? R: Those _ are very _. What are their _? J: _ are keyboard operators. R: They arentt very _. What are their jobs? J: They are _ _ .They are very _. R: _is this young man? J: This is Jim .He is our _ _. Practice: 1. li

19、sten to the tape, read after the tape sentence by sentence. 2. Read by themselves loudly. 3. Role play in pairs. Sum up: 第一次见面的招呼用语:How do you do? How do you do! Nice to see you! Nice to see you, too! 教 学 反 思 第十七课和十八课的重点不多,但实际考试中学生会经常出错。十七课中有很多的人名,这是本文阅读上的一个难点,需要通过反复的听读去解决。本课主要学习复数句型:What are their

20、jobs? They are +职业名词复数。在运用时,有同学会把their , they ,there 弄混淆。本课中,有一些常用的复数代词要多加巩固,these ,those 以及特殊的单数变复数单词:manmen , womanwomen,policemanpolicemen,housewifehousewives , air hostessair hostesses等都是常考,学生不注意的。可以在学完十八课后,给学生总结归纳名词单数变复数的规律,尤其是个别加es的单词。 虎门外语学校小学教师备课文本 备课组:_五年级_ 单 元 Lesson 19、20 总课时 1 课 题 Tired

21、and thirsty 主备老师 备课时间 10.20 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 there be 句型:表示某处有某物 there is + 可数名词的单数/不可数名词 there be 句型:表示某处有某物 there is + 可数名词的单数/不可数名词 教 学 过 程 New words: big / large small / little 区别 shut Shut up! Get out! Get out of here! light / heavy n.光, 日光, 发光体, 灯 adj.轻的, 发光的, 明亮的, 浅的vt.点燃, 照亮 adv.轻地 vi.点着, 变亮 l

22、ight red / dark red light sunlight moonlight light hand 巧手,巧妙手段 light in the head头晕的,愚蠢的 light music 轻音乐 light snow 小雪 matter children tired boy thirsty Mum sit down right ice cream n. 事情 n. 孩子们 adj. 累,疲乏 n. 男孩 adj. 渴 n. 妈妈 坐下 adj. 好,可以 冰淇淋 复 备 栏 Newlesson 引入20节的内容,Look 单独用时为引起别人注意 例:look! Whos that

23、? Look! Whats that? Look! Theres an ice cream man! Look! Theres a snowman. 而look at而必须有其宾词,且人称时须用宾格。 例:Look at that man! He is very handsome. Look at those men! They are very cool. We can say look at him or look at them 1、总结几组常用的成对形容词: tall-short, thin-fat, dirty-clean, hot-cold, old-young, busy-laz

24、y, big-small, open-shut/closed, light-heavy, long-short, good-bad 造句:Those children are tired and thirsty. That postman is tall and thin. These boxes are heavy. My father is very busy. -Are you old? -No, were young. -Are his shoes dirty or clean? -Theyre not dirty. Theyre clean. 2、复习名词变复数的规则变化和不规则变化

25、; 复数代词we, you, they的用法; be动词中能与复数名词或复数代词搭配使用的是:are 分角色朗读并翻译课文,用其他的单词替换。 巩固练习: MOTHER: Whats the , Susan? SUSAN: tired. MIKE: And thirsty, Mum. MOTHER: Look! Theres ice cream . Two ice .Are you all right now? CHILDREN: Yes,thanks, Mum. These ice creams ( ) very ( ) . 教 学 反 思 第十九和二十课的知识点比较简单。首先询问某人怎么了句型:Whats the matter?学生以前学过wrong 这个单词,可以引入同义句型:Whats wrong?.另外,ice-cream这个单词前的冠词用an , 需要强调,并介绍卖冰激凌的人的表达方式:an ice-cream man . 另外,all right 的用法可以再学习和巩固下。二十课主要是形容词的进一步学习,尤其shut与closed可以一起讲解 ,light ,old ,short的多意也可以巩固。通过练习,学生对这两课的知识点掌握的还可以,能够灵活运用。但还得强调these ,there 的区别。


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