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1、新潮英语综合教程复习资料Unit 1 Copiers arent artists,theyre students or forgers,wannabes or crooks。 摹仿者不是艺术家,他们是初学者、造假者、名人崇拜者和骗子。 The translators work appears to define derivativeness。 译者的工作似乎以衍生性/派生性为特色。 The translators problem is that he is a performer without a stage,an artist whose performance looks just li

2、ke the original,just like a play or a composition,nothing but ink on a page。 译者的问题在于他是一个没有舞台的表演者,一个表演要和原作一样的艺术家,正如演员之于剧本,歌手之于歌曲,演奏家之于乐谱,但他的表演只能是页面上的文字。 The biggest difference isnt really that the musician produces air movements while the translator produces yet more words;it is that a musical compos

3、ition is intended to be translated into body and throat movements,while a work of literature is not intended to be translated into another language。 他们之间最大的区别倒不是音乐家制造的是旋律,译者制造的是文字,而是音乐作品的创作就是为了转换成肢体语言和美妙的旋律,而一部文学作品并不是为了翻译成另一种文字而创作的。 The performing artist doesnt create,he interprets.But the translato

4、rs interpretation not only takes the form of the originalinkbut it doesnt even depart from the content,the way a literary critics interpretation does. 表演艺术家的职责不在创造,而在诠释。但是译者的诠释不仅采取了原作的形式墨迹而且也不偏离原作的内容,这和文学批评家的诠释方式相反。 He is expected to submit to his authors and always be faithful to them,never make mi

5、stakes,work on a piecemeal basis,and accept bottom billing at best. 人们总认为他应该服从于作者,忠实于作者,不能犯错;在翻译时,他要一件一件来,论功行赏时,也要甘作末席。 He performs not with hopes of fame,fortune,or applause,but rather out of love,out of a sense of sharing what he loves and loving what he does。 译者翻译并非为追名逐利,或为了别人的赞许,而是出于爱,出于与人分享自己所爱

6、和爱自己所为的意识。 The true reason why we have so few versions which are tolerable(is that)there are so few who have all the talents which are requisite for translation,and that there is so little praise and so small encouragement for so considerable a part of learning。 我们之所以没有什么好作品可读,真正的原因,是因为具备完美译者条件的人太少了

7、,而且对这样重要的学问,也给予太少的赞美与鼓励。 Perhapsthe translators work is more subtle,more civilized than that of the writer:the translator clearly comes after the writer.Translation is a more advanced stage of civilization. 也许译者的工作比作家的工作更精细更文明:译者显然出现在作家之后。翻译是文明的一个更高级的阶段。 On the other hand,translators have been calle

8、d plagiarizers,looters of other cultures,collaborators to colonialism,traitors,betrayers. 另一方面,译者被称为剽窃者、文化的掠夺者、殖民主义的共谋者,卖国者,叛徒。 Unit 2 Free speech not only lives,it rocks! 言论自由还在,但它很脆弱! I come from a people who struggled and died to use their voice in this country,and I refuse to be muzzled. 我来自这样一群

9、人,他们为了让这个国家听到他们的声音而不断奋争,甚至献出生命也在所不惜,没有人能够堵住我的嘴。 When cattle prices plummeted shortly after the program aired,a group of cattlemen blamed Winfrey for their financial。 节目播出后不久,牛肉价格就直线下落, 一群养牛户指控说, 是温弗里使他们蒙受了经济损失, 于是将她告上法庭。 Winfrey told the court her programs are designed toinform,enlighten,up-lift and

10、 entertainthrough a discussion format。 温弗里告诉法庭, 她的节目旨在以讨论的形式传播信息, 启迪智慧, 鼓舞观众和娱乐大众。 The Beef Association representative had been invited to appear on a follow-up program the next week,where he spoke futher about measures the US has taken to ensure beef safety and safeguard public health。But an attorn

11、ey for the plaintiffs called this second program an example ofshutting the barn door after the horse is out。 在接下来的一个星期, 又做了一次后续节目, 那位牛肉协会的代表也应邀参加了, 他进一步介绍了美国*已经采取的步骤, 确保牛肉的安全和人民的健康。然而, 一位原告律师把第二次节目说成是“马后炮”。 No doubt the major factor in the suit against Oprah Winfrey was the existence of a Texas law

12、that holds a person liable for falsely disparaging a“food product of agriculture or aquaculture that is sold or distributed in a form that will perish or delay beyond marketability within a limited period of time.” 毋庸置疑,使欧普拉温弗里受到指控的根本原因是得克萨斯州的一项法律。根据这项法律的描述,某些“农业或渔业产品, 它们的销售是有一定期限的, 超过期限便会死掉或变质。凡错误地

13、损毁这类产品名誉者,均要承担法律责任。” Agricultural organizations then began lobbying for legislation to protect perishable food products from libel and slander,just as individuals and brand name products are protected。 于是, 各农业组织开始游说活动, 以期有个立法, 如同保护个人和众多品牌一样, 来保护普通的易腐食品不至于被毁誉。 Instead, the suit had to proceed under c

14、onventional business defamation law in which plaintiffs must prove malice and the deliberate spreading of falsehoods about a plaintiffs business.The jury could not be convinced that this had occurred。 相反, 本案须依据常规的商务毁誉法进行, 即原告必须提供证据, 证明那些针对自己商务活动的虚假宣传是出于恶意或故意。陪审团认定这种恶意或故意并不成立。 This conviction sustain

15、ed her through what she calls“the most painful experience”of her entire life,and prompted her to celebrate“free speech at rocks”。 这样的信仰支撑着她,使她能够挨过她所谓的一生中“最痛苦的经历”,并激励着她为“身处险境的言论自由”而呐喊。 Unit 4 Disorder,alas,is the natural order of things in the universe。 唉,混乱是宇宙万物的自然规律。 Because of its unnerving irreve

16、rsibility,entropy has been called the arrow of time。 由于熵有令人气馁的不可逆性,因此它被称为时间之箭。 Entropy is no laughing matter,however,because with every increase in entropy energy is wasted and opportunity is lost。 然而,熵并不是开玩笑的事,因为每增加一分熵,就意味着能量的浪费和机会的丧失。 It is easy to see entropy in marriages,when the partners are to

17、o preoccupied to patch small things up,almost guaranteeing that they will fall apart。 婚姻中很容易出现熵,当伴侣们过于忙于自己的事而忽视了弥补小小裂痕时,几乎可以肯定他们的婚姻要破裂。 Crystals and snowflakes and galaxies are islands of incredibly ordered beauty in the midst of randow events。 晶体、雪花和星系是在杂乱无序的海洋中令人难以置信的美丽而井然有序的孤岛。 The catch is that

18、it takes a lot of energy to produce a baby.It also takes energy to make a tree.The road to disorder is all downhill but the road to creation tales work。 引人深思的是需要大量的能量才能形成一个婴儿。种子长成大树也需要能量。通向混乱之路犹如走下坡道那样轻松,而通向创造之路却要付出劳动。 Thats why it seems so hard to get ourselves together,so easy to let ourselves fal

19、l apart。 这就是为什么我们要振作起来似乎非常困难,而放任自流却那么轻而易举。 Worse,creating order in one corner of the universe always creates more disorder somewhere else。而更糟糕的是,们们在宇宙的一个角落里建立秩序的同时,总是在另一地方造成了更多的混乱。 Like anything else,abilities deteriorate when we stop applying our energies to them。 我们的能力如同其他任何事情一样,如不花费精力加以运用,能力就会退化。

20、 There are so many more different ways to do a sloppy job than a good one,so many more ways to make a mess than to clean it up。 把一件事情办糟的方法比把它办好的方法多;把一件事搞得乱七八糟的办法比把它搞井井有条的办法更多。 If we were suddenly to see the paint jump back on an old building,we would know that something was wrong.If we saw an egg un

21、scramble itself and jump back into its shell,we would laugh at a movie run backward。 如果我们突然看到油漆又跃回旧楼房的墙面,我们准会感到有问题。如果我们看到一个鸡蛋自己拼凑在一起又跳回蛋壳,我们准会开怀大笑,就像看一组倒放的电影镜头那样。 Unit 6 Man cannot behold except he be committed.He cannot find himself without finding a center beyond himself。 人只有承担义务才能了解自我,只有找到一个超越自我以

22、外的中心,才能发现自我。 They are struggling to establish themselves,but the young people also admitted to confusion:Where should they put their faith in this uncertain age? 他们在努力证明自己的实力,但同时也承认自己的迷茫:在这个变幻莫测的时代,他们应该置自己的信仰于何处呢? Undergraduates are searching for identity and meaning and,like the rest of us,they are

23、 torn by idealism of service on the one hand,and on the other,the temptation to retreat into a world that never rises above self-interests。 大学生们在寻求价值认同与生活的意义,并且正如我们其他人一样,令他们深感苦恼的是如何面对一方面是服务他人的理想主义,另一方面是遁入一个永远停留在自我利益的小圈子中的诱惑。 And yet, the very complexity of public life reqires more, not less,informat

24、ion;more not less,participation。 因而,正是公民生活的这种复杂性要求提供更多的信息量,要求公民更多地参与,而不是相反。 The trouble with many colleges is that they indulge the nesting instinct by building protected little communities inside their great walls。 许多大学的问题在于,通过在其高高的围墙内营造受保护的小团体,并过于投入对学生筑巢本能的培养。 But technical skill,or whatever kind,

25、leaves open essential questions:Education for what purpose?Competence to what end? 但是任何种类的专门技术,都留有一些悬而未决的基本问题:教育的目的是什么?能力用来做什么? At a time in life when values should be shaped and personal priorities sharply probed,what a tragedy it would be if the most deeply felt issues,the most haunting questions,

26、the most creative moments were pushed to the fringes of our institutional life。 在人生形成价值观,探索个人专长的时期,如果把感受最深的大事、最常萦绕心头的问题、最具创造性的时刻,挤到了我们学习生涯的次要地位,这是何等可悲! But we are convinced that the undergraduate college,perhaps more than any other institution,is obliged to provide the enlightened leadership our nat

27、ion urgently requires if government by the people is to endure。 但是我们确信,如果民治的*要想长期存在的话,大学也许比其它任何机构更应该提供我们国家所急需的、开明的领导人。 There is urgent need in American teaching to help close the dangerous and growing gap between public policy and public understanding。 这就迫切需要美国教育帮助填补公众政策与公众理解之间危险的、并在不断变宽的鸿沟。 The inf

28、ormation required to think constructively about the agenda of government seems increasingly beyond our grasp。 建设性思考*议程所必备的知识似乎正日益超越我们的理解能力。 It is no longer possible,many argue,to resolve complex public issues through citizen participation。许多人认为通过公众参与来解决复杂的公众问题已经不再可能。 But in the end,students must be

29、inspired by a larger vision,using the knowledge they have acquired to discover patterns,form values,and advance the common good.The undergraduate experience is to be assessed by the performance of the graduate in the workplace and futher education。 最终,必须激励学生拓宽视野,用他们所学到的知识去发现规律、形成价值观并推进公益事业,最理想的大学教育应

30、该促使学生从能力转向奉献。 Is it too much to expect that,even in this hard-edged,competitive age,a college graduate will love with integrity,civilityeven compassion?Is it appropriate to hope that the lessons learned in a liberal education will reveal themselves in the humaneness of the graduates relationship wit

31、h others? 即使在这样一个锐不可挡、竞争激烈的时代,期待大学生接受正直、礼貌、甚至同情心是不是要求过高?希望毕业生在文科教育中学到的知识能在处理与他人的人际关系之中发挥作用,这种做法得体吗? The goal is not to indoctrinate students,but to set them free in the world of ideas and provide a climate in which ethical and moral choices can be thoughtfully examined,and convictions formed。 其目的不是要

32、向学生灌输什么,而是要把他们从许许多多杂乱无章的思想中解放出来,为他们提供一种氛围,让他们能够彻底检验自己在伦理及道德上的选择,从而形成自己的信念。 What we need today are groups of well-informed,caring individuals who band together in the spirit of community to learn from one another,to participate,as citizens,in the democratic process。 今天我们所需要的是大批消息灵通、关心他人的人士。作为公民,他们能团结

33、一致、齐心协力、互相学习、积极参与到民主进程之中。 In a world where human survival is at stake,ignorance is not an acceptable alternative。The full control of policy by specialists with limited perspective is not tolerable。 在人类生存吉凶难卜的危急时刻,无知不是可接受的选择,让洞察力有限的专家来完全控制政策的做法同样不能令人容忍。 This imperative does not replace the need for r

34、igorous study in the disciplines,but neither must specialization become an excuse to suspend judgment or diminish the search for purposeful life objectives。 种紧迫感并不取代对各门学科努力学习的需求,同样专业化也不能成为一个借口来终止判断,或减少对有意义的生活目标的探索。 But our abiding hope is that,with determination and effort,the undergraduate college can make a difference in the intellectual and personal lives of its graduates,in the social and civic responsibilities they are willing to assume,and ultimately in their world perspective。 但我们永恒的希望是,借助决心和努力,大学教育能在毕业生的智力开发及个人生活方面,在他们愿意承担的社会及公民义务方面,最终在世界观方面发挥作用。


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