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1、新理念外语网络教学平台第二综合答案B2U6F全新版第二版综合B2U6-F Part I Listening Comprehension ( 10 minutes ) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear ten statements. Numbers 1 to 6 are based on Text A while the rest are based on Text B. Each statement will be read ONLY ONCE. Listen carefully and decide whether ea

2、ch statement is true or false. 1. A) T B) F Script: The author was expected to go to college and was interested in engineering when she was a kid. 正确答案: B 2. A) T B) F Script: In high school, the author was glad to take her car to the mechanic when it needed some work. 正确答案: B 3. A) T B) F Script: T

3、he summer program designed to interest girls in engineering helped her become an engineer. 正确答案: A 4. A) T B) F Script: In the authors eyes, if you find a subject is difficult to learn, it means you are not good at it. 正确答案: B 5. A) T B) F Script: The algebra teacher took the grades as a judgment of

4、 the ability of individual students. 正确答案: B 6. A) T B) F Script: Holding the belief that womens brains are as powerful as mans, the author reminds us that a woman can learn anything a man can. 正确答案: A 7. A) T B) F Script: After quitting her job, immediately, the author was filled with the mixed fee

5、lings with anxiety and a sense of hopefulness. 正确答案: A 8. A) T B) F Script: During the first semester, the author was completely adjusted to college life. 正确答案: B 9. A) T B) F Script: Under the big pressure of work and school, the author was almost broken sometimes but she never cried. 正确答案: B 10. A

6、) T B) F Script: Looking back over her decision to quit her job and go to college, the author felt that she could take control of her life again. 正确答案: A Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen careful

7、ly for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. Laura was married for six months. Her husband was (11)

8、_ drugs. She didnt want her son or her (12)_ baby to live that way, but she was afraid to ask her husband to leave. She left him a note (13)_ . After reading the note, Lauras husband waited for her to come home and then (14)_ her and her son. Laura had little education and she never had (15)_ . She

9、was ashamed to (16)_ from the police, (17)_ or womens shelters. Sometimes her husband was very nice to her. She decided to (18)_ so her children could have a home and a father. Laura joined a (19)_ and told a priest about her (20)_ . Script: Laura was married for six months. Her husband was using dr

10、ugs. She didnt want her son or her unborn baby to live that way, but she was afraid to ask her husband to leave. She left him a note instead. After reading the note, Lauras husband waited for her to come home and then beat her and her son. Laura had little education and she never had a good paying j

11、ob. She was ashamed to ask for help from the police, courts or womens shelters. Sometimes her husband was very nice to her. She decided to try harder so her children could have a home and a father. Laura joined a church and told a priest about her problem. 正确答案:using 正确答案:unborn 正确答案:instead 正确答案:be

12、at 正确答案:a good paying job 正确答案:ask for help 正确答案:courts 正确答案:try harder 正确答案:church 正确答案:problem Part II Reading Comprehension ( 25 minutes ) Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with several blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given

13、 in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. But while I was feeling uneasy about the bridge Id just 21 , I also began to feel a re

14、newed sense of hopefulness about the 22 on the other side. I had had a long love affair with the written word that was 23 and apart from any of my roles. What we shared was 24 : It belonged to me and would always be mine 25 anything going on outside of me. I wasnt quite sure what my journey would in

15、volve, but I was 26 who would be at the other end. I steeled myself to travel the road that would lead me to a better understanding of who I was and of what I wanted out of life. I shared my mixed feelings with my husband. He was as worried as I was, but he was also warmly 27 . And so I stepped off

16、the bridge and onto the path, nervous but 28 . I soon discovered that I loved to learn and that my mind soaked up 29 at every opportunity. My decision at those times felt right. But sometimes, after 30 what was expected of me, I would be weighed down by self-doubt and uncertainty. A) naturally B) ch

17、anging C) positive D) thankfulness E) supportive F) despite G) vigorous H) realizing I) possibilities J) determined K) crossed L) knowledge M) attracted N) personal O) separate 21. _ 正确答案: K 22. _ 正确答案: I 23. _ 正确答案: O 24. _ 正确答案: N 25. _ 正确答案: F 26. _ 正确答案: C 27. _ 正确答案: E 28. _ 正确答案: J 29. _ 正确答案:

18、 L 30. _ 正确答案: H Section B Directions: There are several passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice. Passage One Questions 31 to 35 are based on

19、the following passage. When I was in 7th grade, I had a lot of trouble reading. My mother used to sit by my side, and explain each paragraph of each school reading assignment to me because I didnt understand what I was reading. She would have to read each paragraph to me, and then after each paragra

20、ph, she summarized what we just read. In class, I tried to hide the fact that I couldnt read. My teachers gave us the last 10 minutes of class to start our reading homework, and I would sit there for the last ten minutes of class staring at the page, pretending I was reading it I remember a terrible

21、 feeling of not wanting to get in trouble for not being able to comprehend. I had to wait until I got home so my mother could explain it to me. How did I ever get into Cornell University? By eighth grade I started understanding a little on my own, but I was reading at an incredibly slow rate. In eig

22、hth grade, I got hold of all the speed reading books I could get my hands on. I read them all very slowly at the time. I even went out and took a course on speed reading. Then I developed my own system which was easier and produced quicker results. I started practicing these techniques every day, an

23、d as I started to read faster, my understanding increased. I found that I stopped daydreaming and thinking about other things while I was reading, and started getting the larger meaning. I was reading faster and comprehending better. I found that when you read slowly, word by word, you get lost in t

24、he words, lose the bigger picture, and your comprehension drops. When you read faster, your concentration actually increases and your comprehension goes up because instead of getting lost in the words, you see the overall picture. 31. The main difficulty the writer had in reading in her 7th grade wa

25、s that _. A) she often forgot her school reading assignments B) she had difficulty reading with comprehension C) she had a poor vocabulary and very bad grammar D) she always looked elsewhere when asked to read 正确答案: B 32. The writer would pretend to be reading in the last 10 minutes of class because

26、_. A) she was afraid of being found out B) the reading class was terrible C) she had to do what others were doing D) her mother told her to do so 正确答案: A 33. The writers reading ability improved a great deal mainly because _. A) she entered Cornell University B) she took a course on speed reading C)

27、 her mother managed to help her out D) she developed her own way of reading 正确答案: D 34. From her own experience, the writer found that _. A) ones comprehension drops if one reads too slowly B) in order to understand better, one has to read slowly C) one tends to neglect the detailed information if o

28、ne reads fast D) many people read fast in order to save time 正确答案: A 35. After reading the passage, we can conclude that the writer wrote the passage in order to_. A) convince the readers of the importance of higher education B) tell a story in honor of her mother C) give a detailed description of d

29、ifferent reading skills D) illustrate the necessity of fast reading 正确答案: D Passage Two Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage. Elizabeths father died when she was nine. Her family was large, and very poor. She struggled for self esteem, but it was difficult when her clothes werent as

30、 nice as the other kids and her new school was still unfamiliar. During a math lesson, Elizabeth stared at the chalkboard and was struggling to understand a concept. With every stroke of the chalk, she became more confused. She had suffered from chronic ear infections (感染), and had missed many days

31、of her fifth grade year. When she finally got the courage to raise her little hand and ask Mr. Thompson how the problem was done, he became very angry. He marched her up in front of the class and told this insecure child that she was incapable of learning and extremely stupid. This remark plagued (使

32、困扰) Elizabeth for years. Elizabeth drifted into marriage. After discovering her husbands long time infidelity (不忠), she found herself divorced with three young daughters. She moved back to her home state and tried to pick up the pieces she had left behind. Knowing that she would be the sole support

33、of these children, and having no desire to remarry, Elizabeth started college. Like most good mothers, she wanted the best for her children. She didnt want to deprive them of their mother. She would rise early and stay up late to get every spare minute she could to study. When she received her first

34、 A she was confused. She thought there must be some mistake. This was Elizabeth, Elizabeth the stupid. When her good grades piled up, she realized for the first time that maybe Mr. Thompson was wrong. She graduated from Brigham Young University, and will soon be receiving her masters degree at Calif

35、ornia State University in San Bernardino. 36. The reason why Elizabeth stared at the chalkboard was that _. A) she had ear infections and could not hear very well B) she was still overwhelmed by the death of her father C) too much homework had made her tired and sick D) what the teacher wrote was be

36、yond her understanding 正确答案: D 37. Mr. Thompson can be best described as a teacher who was _. A) dull and stupid B) impatient and cruel C) strict with his students D) incapable of making himself understood 正确答案: B 38. We can learn from the passage that Elizabeth started college because she _. A) was

37、 not a very responsible mother B) needed to be able to support her children C) knew she could achieve great success in college D) wanted her children to have an educated mother 正确答案: D 39. Why was Elizabeth confused when she got her first A? A) Because she believed that it was a mistake. B) Because

38、she had not studied hard enough. C) Because she felt hurt by other peoples comments. D) Because she did not trust her teacher. 正确答案: A 40. Elizabeths case shows that _. A) people can overcome a negative self-image through hard work B) a student can achieve great success even though he or she is stup

39、id C) people who suffer a lot are more likely to work hard and succeed in the end D) poor children can also receive the best education and rise high in life 正确答案: A Part III Vocabulary and Structure ( 10 minutes ) Directions: There are a number of incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence

40、 there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. 41. We are very _ about what we let the children watch on TV. A) elective B) choosy C) selective D) elect 正确答案: C 42. Suffering from the earthquake, the _ farmers gritted their teeth to rebuild their h

41、ometown all by themselves. A) well-off B) hard-pressed C) strong-willing D) high-end 正确答案: B 43. We looked at four cars today. The first two were far too expensive, but _ ones were reasonably priced. A) other B) others C) the other D) another 正确答案: C 44. He looked happy all the time, but when he was

42、 alone a wry smile gradually _ his face. A) went through B) came to C) fell into D) settled on 正确答案: D 45. Language was originally an instinctive _ to such internal needs as hunger and thirst and such outward forces as heat and wind and rain. A) treatment B) performance C) recognition D) reaction 正确

43、答案: D 46. We all know that the normal human daily cycle of activity is of some 7 -8 hours sleep _ with some 16 -17 hours wakefulness. A) altering B) differing C) alternating D) exchanging 正确答案: C 47. As early as 1647, Ohio made a decision that free, tax-supported schools must be established in every town _ 50 households or more. A) having B) to have C) to have had D) having had 正确答案:


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