《新牛津译林苏教五年级英语上册Project An animal school教案.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新牛津译林苏教五年级英语上册Project An animal school教案.docx(11页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。
1、新牛津译林苏教五年级英语上册Project An animal school教案 Project1 An animal school 单元分析 序号 内容 个 人 设 计 备课组集体讨论意见 本单元主要通过运用第一至第四单元所学的语言知识,完成对动物学校的设计;并根据图画内容,仿照E,F部分能够介绍描述教学重点: 自己的动物学校。 学情分析: 单元 一 教材 分析 1. 复习第一至第四单元内容。 2. 运用第一至第四单元所学的学生通过第一至第四单元的学习,能够正确语言知识,制作自己的动物学熟练地描述动物,以及介绍自己的学校,并校。 且能够表正确的描述自己的爱好。这些都为3.根据图画内容,描述自
2、己的动动物学校的介绍奠定了扎实的基础。孩子们物学校。 也会利用一些问题,了解有关朋友及同学的教学难点: 一些个人信息的内容,具有能通过英语获得能够根据所学内容设计自己的信息的能力。可以让学生书写在漂亮的纸动物学校并描述 上,和学生设计的动物学校放在一起进行展示,从而激励学生用英语表达的愿望。 1. 复习第一至第四单元内容。 单元 二 目标 要求 2. 运用第一至第四单元所学的语言知识,制作自己的动物学校。 4. 根据图画内容,描述自己的动物学校。 本单元旨在通过活动培养学生对所学知识的综合运用能力,让学生能够通过自己的所学内容,了解掌握别人的一些信息,从而达描述动物学校是鼓励学生进行书写展示。
3、 单元 三 设计 意图 到学以致用的目的,让学生真正学会用英语通过展示活动激发学生表达的来做事情。同时,在运用英语活动的过程中,愿望。 既激发培养了学生的兴趣,如动物学校大PK,一次来激发学生展示和运用英语的愿望。 小学英语5A Project1教学设计方案 学校: 学科:英语 教学目标: 1. 在情境中帮助学生复习14单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用14单元的单词和句型。 2. 能够综合运用前面单元所学的关于金发姑娘和三只熊,动物朋友,以及兴趣爱好的词汇、句型等语言知识,展开活动。 3培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用14单元词句进行交流。 班级:五 人数:100 日期:
4、月 日 课题:Project1 An 教时:第执教: 一课时 animal school 教 学 过 程 教学 环节 Step 1 Warming-up吸引注意,积累语言 教师活动 1. Sing the song. We all like climbing. 2. Free talk. Talk with the Ss about hobbies. What do you/they like doing? What does he/she like doing? is good at can well. Lets review Sing 学生活动 the 交流方式 song 师生示范,同伴交
5、流,复习旧知。 达成目标3 together. You/ They like He/ She like ? 通过整体回顾来回顾第一单元的内容,为接下来的复习打下基础。 达成目标 1 1. Show the picture of Yang Ling Step2 Pre-task导出目标,生成结构 again. Yang Ling likes reading Yes, I do. stories. Do you like reading stories too? Goldilocks and the three bears? at the pictures one by one. Listen a
6、nd guess 2. Can you remember the story about Yes, I can. 3. Try to retell the story by looking Retell the story. 1. Goldilocks is very afraid when she Step3 Task1 回忆相sees the three bears. She runs and She met some., I runs in the forest. What happens to think. her? What does she see? 2. Lets listen
7、to her. She sees., I think. 师生问答,同桌讨论、交流,在主动探索中获得解决问题方法。 达成目标1、3 关知识,Oh, my god. It is grey. It has a very 初步运用结构 big body. It has two big ears too. It Listen to her. has four short and strong legs, a thin tail and a long nose. 3. Have a guess. 4. Read what Goldilocks says. Have a guess. Read what s
8、he says. 5. Try to describe the elephant. Look and say 1. Show all the animals. forest. What are they saying? Step4 Task2 呈现刺激材料,活用结构 2. Have a guess. Describe Guess and say. 从第一单元的 内容进一步拓展到介绍动物,从而引出动物学校。 达成目标2 Wow, there are so many animals in the Goldilocks and the animals are friends now. How is
9、Goldilocks now? Can you finish the story? Goldilocks is _. There are _. Have a guess. to the 3. Look! What are the animals saying? Listen We have a funny school. Would you like animals. to come to our school tomorrow? 4. What does Goldilocks say? 5. Check the goals. Guess and draw Guess what the Gol
10、dilocks says. Step5 Task3 引发期待行为,强化结构 1. The animals invite Goldilocks to go to their school. go. Look! This is the animal school. Whats in the school? 介绍金发女孩去的动物学校,进一步引出学生自己设计的动物学校。 达成目标1、2 2. Do you want to go with her? Lets Yes, I do. 3. Show a special building (a castle). What do you think about
11、 the school? I think . Draw the rooms and animals in the Draw the rooms and 画一画自己的动Step6 Post task提供反馈评价,巩固结构 school on Page 99. Homework : animals in the school 物学校。 on Page 99. 达成目标 3 1. Draw the rooms and animals in the animal school on Page 99. 2. Try to make a new animal card according to the o
12、ne that your group members made. 板书设计: Project1 An animal school words sentences . . teacher-teachers student-students 课后反思: 小学英语5A Project1教学设计方案 学校: 学科:英语 教学目标: 1. 在情境中帮助学生复习14单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用14单元的单词和句型。 2. 以”An animal school”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高语言运用的准确性和逻辑性。 3培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用14单元词句进行交
13、流。 班级:五 animal school 人数:100 课时 日期: 月 日 执教: 课题:Project1 An 教时:第二教学过程 教学 环节 Step 1 Warming-up 吸引注意,积累语言 Step2 Pre-task导出目标,生成结构 教师活动 1. Greeting Good morning, class. 2. Enjoy a song My Happy School. Talk about the song. Talk about the school. Revision 学生活动 交流方式 通过歌曲和Free talk 环节复习与本课相关的句型。 达成目标3 通过对动
14、物学校的谈论巩固词汇和句型。 达成目标1,3 Good morning, Miss Xu. Enjoy the song Talk about the song. Talk about the school. 1. Talk about the animal school. school. 2. Have a guess! Whats in the animal school? the animal school. animal school. Have a guess! Review: Goldilocks and the animal Review: Goldilocks and the
15、一到四单元的Show the pictures and talk about Talk about the animal school. 3. Show the pictures and talk about the animal school in groups Ss: Theres/ There are of four. Step3 Task1 回忆相关知识,初步运用结构 Consolidation 1. Listen and watch (Group work) 通过听说来复习一到四单元的句型。 达成目标3 Watch a piece of video about the Watch a
16、nd mark animal school and mark the number of the rooms on the correct floor. 2. Check up the answer and stick the pictures on the blackboard. Check the answer 3. Review the culture about Review the culture floors. Step4 Task2 呈现刺激材料,活用结构 1. Talk about the school and stick Talk about the school the p
17、ictures on the blackboard as a model. 2. Design an animal school Do you like the animal school? Can you design a new one? school. Show the title. Step5 Task3 引发期待行为,强化结构 Have a PK. like? Animal School or your school? 3. Which school is better? students. 4. Summary. Step6 Post task提供反馈评价,巩固结构 again a
18、nd enjoy a piece of video about 1. Write a short passage about your animal school. 2. Get ready for the Animal School Show in class. 板书设计: Project1 An animal school vocabulary patterns . . . . How many stars can you get today? I can get stars. Summary 通过视频的观看进一步内化学生所学知识。 达成目标2 通过学生展示来锻炼学生的语言表达能力。 达成目标2、3 1. Which animal school do you I like 2. Which school does you like, I like Yes, I do. Yes I can. 通过动物学校的描述来复习关键句型。 达成目标2 Today lets design an animal Design an animal school. Have an interview with the Group work Play the song My Happy School Enjoy the video 课后反思: