新目英语七年级上册Unit 基础训练及参考答案(1).docx

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1、新目英语七年级上册Unit 基础训练及参考答案新目标英语,七年级上册 Unit 2 Test基础训练 找出每组词中不同类的一个 1Apen Bpencil 2Akey Bbook 3Athe Bof 4Athis Bthat 5Ayour Bher 词和词组 A)看图写单词 Cruler Cnotebook Ca Cplease Chis Dring Ddictionary Dan Dit DI 6b _ 7r _ 8pe _ 9e _ 10ba _ B)翻译下列词组 11用英语_ 12卷笔刀_ 13电子游戏_ 14一套、一副_ 15失物招领_ 排列下列国家参加运动会入场式的先后顺序 Finl

2、and Angola Italy Canada Holland England France Japan Germany Brazil 16_ 17_ 18_ 19_ 20_ 21_ 22_ 23_ 24_ 25_ 单项选择 26Tom is his _ name. Alast Bfirst Cfamily DChinese 27Is this your backpack? _. AYes, its BYes, it is CNo, it not DNo, its not 28How do you spell pen? _. AThis is a pen BIts a pen CP E N D

3、Yes. P E N 29Is that your watch? _. AYes, I am BNo, Im not CYes, that is DNo, it isnt 30Please call me _ 9543526. Ain Bof Cat Don 31This is _ eraser and thats _ gold ring. Aa, a Ban, an Ca, an Dan, a 32Whats this _ Chinese? It is“Dian shi”. Ain Bof Cat Dfor 33_ Gina, this is _ book. AIm, my BIm, an

4、CShes, his DHes, her 34This is _ apple. Its _ red apple. Aa, a Ba, an Can, a Dan, an 35Sorry, this is not _ ruler. Amy a Ba my Can Dmy 36Kate is _ English. She is _ English student. Aan, an B, Can, D, an 37_ you Miss Read? Yes. My name _ Sue Read. AAre, am BAre, is CIs, are DIs, is 38Tom and I _ goo

5、d friends. He _ twelve. Aare, is Bam, is Cis, are Dare, are 39Your watch is very nice. _. ANo, it isnt BYes CThank you DSorry 40_ , Im late. Thats all right. ASorry BExcuse me CI sorry DIm wrong 选用所给的词填空 how, am, are, his, your, her, my, is, an, what 41She is a student and _ name is Maria. 42Wang Ho

6、ng,this is _ bag. Here you are. 43Where is _ eraser? I cant find it. 44Peter is English. Mr Zhang is _ Chinese teacher. 45Excuse me! _ this your gold ring? 46_ you Lucy? Yes,I am. 47This is _ old watch. 48I _ a Chinese boy. 49_ is that in English? Its a watch. 50_ do you spell computer? COMPUTER. 指出

7、并纠正句中的一处错误 按要求转换句型 56This is an ID card. 57That is a notebook. 58Is this his backpack? 59It is Lucys dictionary. 60Is that her nice watch? 连词成句,注意所给的标点符号 61Think, I, pencil, it, his, is, 62know, you, do, how, him, 63boy, friend, the, your, is, 64not, it, this, gold, ring, my, 65in, the, that, your,

8、and, lost, found, case, key, is, 能力训练 用所给选项完成对话, 将序号填在对话下面的横线上 AHow are you BHello CHow old are you DWhats your name EYes FThanks GIm fine HGoodbye IExcuse me A: 66 ! 67 ? B: My name is Liu Ying. A: 68 ? B: Fine. 69 . And you? A: 70 , too. 71 , whats this in English? B: 72 . A: Can you spell it, ple

9、ase? B: 73 . P E N C I L, pencil. A: Thank you. 74 ? B: Im thirteen. A: Goodbye! B: 75 ! 完形填空 A: Excuse 76 , whats 77 , please? B: My name is Ann Read. And 78 ? A: Wei Hua, 79 you do? B: How do you do? A: 80 in the bag? Is it a pear? B: No, Its 81 orange. A: What 82 that in English? B: Its a bus, a

10、83 bus. A: 84 . Can you 85 “bus”? B: Yes, I can. b-u-s, bus. 76Amy Bme CI 77Athat Bit Cthis 78Aare you Byour Cname 79AHow BHow do CHow are 80AWhat BIs CWhats 81A Ba Can 82Ais Bare Cam Dbe 83Achinese BChinese CChina 84ASorry BExcuse me CGood 85Asay Blook Cmeet 阅读理解 A)阅读下面对话,判断正误 A: Hello! B: Hello! W

11、hats your name? JIts a pencil Dyou Dyour name Dyour name DHow old DHow Dthe DEnglish DNo Dspell A: My name is Wang Lin. What about you? B: My name is Wei Hua. How are you? A: Im fine, thank you. And you? B: Im fine, too. What grade are you in, Wang Lin? A: Im in Grade One. Are you in Grade One,too?

12、B: No, Im in Grade Two. How old are you? A: Im eleven. What about you? B: Im one year older than you. A: Oh! What is in your hand? B: It is an orange. A: Can you spell it? B: Yes, ORANGE, orange. 86Wang Lin is in Grade Two. 87Wei Hua is in Grade one. 88Wang Lin is eleven. 89Wei Hua is twelve. 90Ther

13、e is an orange in Wang Lins hand. B)阅读下列短文,选择正确答案 Peter and I are good friends. Peter is an American boy. I am a Japanese girl. He is thirteen. I am twelve. We are in the same class,Class Two. Peter has a nice clock. He likes it very much. He puts it on his desk. Every morning it wakes him up. I hav

14、e a new watch. It looks beautiful. I wearit everyday. It tells me the time. It helpsme a lot in my daily life. I can not live without it. 91Peter and I are _. Afriends Bteachers Csisters Dbrothers 92Peter is _. Aan English boy Ba Japanese girl Can American boy Dan English girl 93I have _. Aa beautif

15、ul clock Ban old watch Ca new watch Da nice clock 94Peter _. Awears his clock everyday Bputs his clock on his desk Cwears his new watch every day Dlikes his new watch very much 95Peter and I are _. Ain different classes Bin the same row Cin Class Two Din America 书面表达 完成下列招领启事和寻物启事。 招领启事:物品是一串钥匙,找Joh

16、n领取,电话为3539495. 寻物启事:物品是一只新手表,失主是Steve,电话为6034685. Found: Lost: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Unit 2 Test基础训练参考答案 1D 2A 3B 4C 5D 6basketball 7ruler 8pencil 9eraser 10backpack 11in English 12pencil sharpener 13computer game 14a set of 151ost and found 16Angola 17Brazil 18Canada 19England 20Finland 21France 22Germa

17、ny 23Holland 24Italy 25Japan 26B 27B 28C 29D 30C 31D 32A 33A 34C 35D 36D 37B 38A 39C 40A 41her 42your 43my 44his 45Is 46Are 47an 48am 49What 50How 51B 52B 53A 54C 55B 56Whats this? 57Is that a notebook? 58Yes,it is 59It isnt Lucys dictionary. 60This is her nice watch. 61I think it is his pencil. 62H

18、ow do you know him? 63Is the boy your friend? 64This is not my gold ring. 65Is that your key in the lost and found case? 66B 67D 68A 69F 70G 71I 72J 73E 74C 75H 76B 77D 78D 79B 80C 81C 82A 83B 84C 85D 86F 87F 88T 89T 90F 91A 92C 93C Found:A set of keys. Please call John at 3539495. Lost:My new watch. My name is Steve. Please call 6034685. 94B 95C


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