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1、新编大学英语口语话题和句子翻Topics Unit 1 1. What do you think makes up a successful story? 2. Do you like watching horror movies or listening to horror stories? Why? Unit 2 3. In a crowded world, are manners of vital importance and why? 4. Talk about the differences between Chinese and Western Etiquette. Unit 3

2、5. What business lessons can be drawn from the rain forest? And what are the implications for Chinese corporations? 6. What effects do national stereotypes have on business strategy? Give examples to further your explanations. Unit 6 7. Why do people show off? Give examples to illustrate the differe

3、nt cases in which people show off and make your comments. 8. Is silence golden? Unit 7 9. What kind of person do you admire most? Why? 10. Do you want to be a hero? Why? Unit 8 11. How do you feel after listening to a ghost story ? 12. Discuss the story of “ The Last leaf”. Unit 9 13. What do you th

4、ink makes a good speech? 14. Talk about your own experience of public speaking. Sentence translation Unit 1 1. Directly opposite him on the other side were two doors, exactly alike and side by side. 在他的正对面有一模一样的两扇门,紧紧地挨着。 2. The element of uncertainty lent an interest to the occasion which it could

5、not otherwise have attained. 其中的不确定因素给这种场合增添了趣味性。 3. She was the apple of his eye and he loved her above all humanity. 她是他的掌上明珠,他爱她胜过任何人。 4. Never before had a subject dare to love the daughter of a king. 以前从未有任何臣民胆敢爱上国王的女儿。 5. Tall and handsome, he was greeted by a hum of admiration. 他高大英俊,人群中发出了一片

6、赞叹声。 6. The more we think about this question, the harder it is to answer. 对这个问题我们考虑得越多,就越难给出答案。 7. Upon the eighth night I was more than usually cautious in opening the door. 第八天的晚上,我开门时比往常更加小心。 8. It increased my fury, as the beating of a drum stimulates the soldier into courage. 这声音增加了我的愤怒,正如鼓声会激

7、励士兵的勇气一样。 Unit 2 1. The warm room buzzes with conversation. 暖暖的屋子里充满了嗡嗡的谈话声。 2. He is aware of the general discomfort his presence has caused. 他意识到自己的出现使大家感到不自在。 3. No doubt he also thanked whoever had given him the money to buy dinner. 毫无疑问,他还感谢过所有给过他钱买饭的人。 4. Manners are a tool to remind us of oth

8、ers around us. 礼貌是一种工具,它提醒我们周围还有别人存在。 5. I never ran in public, much less between and around the legs of people in stores. 我小时候从不在公共场合乱跑,更不会在商店的人群里穿来穿去。 6. Rude language is now so commonplace that it is accepted behavior. 说粗话现在是那么普遍,以至于成为了被认可的行为。 7. The movement has benefited women in many ways, esp

9、ecially in terms of job opportunity and advancement. 这场运动使妇女在很多方面受益匪浅,尤其在就业和晋升方面。 8. As far as manners are concerned, I suppose Ive always been a feminist. 就礼仪而言,我认为自己一直是女权主义者。 Unit 3 1. We must have our eyes wide open and see the environmental costs and benefits of our business. 我们必须睁大眼睛,看到在环境方面造成的

10、损失和我们公司的利益。 2. We can develop the human ecosystem into as intricate and creative a system as we find in the rain forest. 我们可以将人类的生态系统也建设成和雨林一样复杂精细、一样富有创造性。 3. Most companies today are trying to be the one that survivesby cutting costs, radically downsizing, desperately seeking the lowest cost. 今天大多数

11、公司都想通过降低成本、大幅度裁员和不顾一切地寻求最低成本来努力成为幸存者。 4. Today, many people think competiveness is the key to business success, but such thinking is out of date. 许多人认为竞争力是商业成功的关键,但这种想法已经过时了。 5. We used to say only the fittest survives; only one can be the winner. 我们过去常说只有适者生存,胜利者只有一个。 6. Profits are not an end; the

12、y are a means to an end. 利润只不过是金钱是一种交换的媒介。 7. It seems that human mind cannot resist categorizing people and things. 人类思维禁不住要对人、对事进行归类。 8. Everyone was unanimous that the British had an excellent sense of human. 大家一致公认英国人富有幽默感。 Unit 6 1. Indeed everyone, I would like to propose, has some sort of nee

13、d to show off. 我想说的是,实际上每个人都间或需要卖弄一下。 2. Competitive showoffs want to be the best of every bunch. 争强好胜型的卖弄者们想成为所有人群中的佼佼者。 3. Sometimes showoffs ask for cheers to which theyre not entitled. 有的时候,卖弄者们企求他们没资格得到的喝彩。 4. Sometimes folks achieve great things and nonetheless do not show off about it. 有的时候,人

14、们获得了极大的成就却没有去炫耀。 5. Exulting is shamelessly shouting our talents or triumphs to the world. 洋洋得意就是毫不谦虚地向全世界宣布我们的才能和成就。 6. Showoffs always run the risk of being thought immodest. 炫耀总冒着被认为不谦虚的风险。 7. I never did find out what caused his change of heart. 我一直没搞清楚到底是什么使他改变了态度。 8. Waiting is a strategy that

15、 is too often overlooked in all kinds of situations. 等待是一种常常在各种情况下被忽略的策略。 Unit 7 1. Polls have shown that people have a hard time finding anyone they admire, let alone find heroic. 现在人们很难找到一个能让他们敬佩的人,更不用说找到英雄人物了。 2. College football players are notorious for breaking academic rules. 大学里的足球运动员因违反校规而声

16、名狼藉。 3. The heroes of today would lead us to believe that America admires only wealth. 如今的英雄们使我们误以为美国只崇拜财富。 4. With their great achievements, and their tragic deaths, they pulled the nation together for a short while. 他们以自己伟大的成就和悲壮的牺牲使这个国家暂时地团结起来。 5. On the national scale, we need heroes to give the

17、 nation unity. 就整个国家而言,我们需要英雄来使国家团结起来。 6. Even in this age of independence, a good role model may be hard to come by. 即使在这个崇尚独立自主的时代,楷模仍然难得。 7. Suddenly, a speeding truck crashed into the Ford from behind, and it burst into a ball of fire. 突然,一辆飞速行驶的卡车从后面撞上了福特车,车一下子燃成了一个火球。 8. Holding on to the belt

18、s with one hand, she made her way to the car. 她一只手抓住皮带,朝小汽车走去. Unit 8 1. He made the last statement in a tone of distinct regret. 他说最后一句话的时候,语气中带明显的遗憾。 2. Somehow in this restful country spot tragedies seemed out of place 不知怎的,悲剧显得与这幽静的乡村有点格格不入。 3. She broke off with a little shudder. 随着一丝战栗她突然不说话了。

19、 4. She rattled on cheerfully about the shooting and the scarcity of birds. 她兴高采烈,喋喋不休地谈论着打猎,鸟类的稀少。 5. The child was staring out through the open windonw with dazed horror in her eyes . 这孩子透过那扇开着的窗盯着窗外,眼中充满了茫然和惊恐。 6. Romance at short notice was her specialty. 在短时间内编造离奇的故事是她的拿手好戏。 7. Young artists mu

20、st pave their way to Art by drawing pictures for magazine stories that young authors write to pave their way to Literature. 作为走向艺术圣殿的必由之路,年轻的画家必须给杂志上的故事画插画,而年轻的作家则必须给杂志写那些故事以此步入文坛。 8. The doctor told me this morning that your chances for getting well real soon were ten to one! 医生说你十有八九很快就会好的。 Unit 9

21、 1. These speakers will express and elaborate their ideas, champion their causes, and promote their products or services. 这些演说者将表达他们的观点并进行阐述,以维护他们的事业、宣传他们的产品或服务。 2. Which method do you think promotes better understanding and retention of the course material? 你认为哪种方法能使你更好地理解并记住课堂材料呢? 3. The process o

22、f developing and delivering an idea clarifies it and helps make it uniquely your own. 形成和传输思想的过程不仅会使思想变得清晰明了,也会使它成为你自己独有的思想。 4. In fact, numerous studies document a strong relationship between communication competence and career success. 事实上,许多研究证明表达能力和事业成功之间有着密切的关系。 5. Out of twenty-six total chara

23、cteristics, oral communication skills ranked first. 在所有的26个特征中,口头表达能力被排在第一位。 6. Finally, public speaking can help you play your role as a member of society. 最后,演说有助于你扮演好社会成员的角色。 7. It took a foreign exchange student to show me something important about us Americans. 一位国际交流学生向我揭示了我们美国人的一些重要特征。 8. To Americans, food means much more than nutrition, more than the basic three meals a day. 对于美国人来说,食品不仅仅意味着营养,不仅仅意味着必不可少的一日三餐。


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