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1、新视野二册课后答案选择部分 1. This text is mainly about a _B_. A) fathers interests B) fathers love towards his children C) fathers life-style D) fathers achievements in life 2. The author was surprised when having dinner at his friends house because _ D_. A) nobody spoke at the dinner table B) nobody asked him

2、whether he had washed his hands C) nobody washed their hands before dinner D) nobody reminded him of the possibility of food poisoning 3. The authors coat was not right because _A_. A) it was too long and heavy B) it was too old-fashioned C) it was not warm enough D) it was made from material of poo

3、r quality 4. It is mentioned in the text, though not directly, that when you drive in America, its safer to _C_. A) have clear driving directions B) keep the car windows closed C) make right turns D) make left turns 5. After the authors father drops the author off at the train station, _D_. A) he dr

4、ives back home at once B) he drives to Manhattan C) he goes to a parking lot to fix his car D) he waits in his car to see his son off 1. The speaker _B_ for a moment, and then began to answer the question. A. shook B. paused C. pressed D. tripped 2. She is so strange. She always tries to _C_ talking

5、 to me. A. prefer B. protect C. avoid D. assure 3. Does _A_ want to buy this book? Its only $3.50, but it tells an interesting story. A. anyone B. anything C. someone D. something 4. It is unnecessary for those who study hard to consider the _D_ of failing the exam. A. danger B. warning C. surprise

6、D. possibility 5. We often _A_ the happy time we spent at your home last summer. A. recall B. remind C. present D. provide 6. Im _B_ of his purpose in saying those words, but I dont want to argue with him. A. careless B. conscious C. content D. confident 7. While I was walking alone down the street,

7、 three men came up to me and asked me for _D_ to the beach. A. contacts B. contents C. materials D. directions 8. Jack is among the brightest of his _C_: he can speak several foreign languages and has won three national prizes. A. honor B. ability C. generation D. edge 句型转换 There is not enough space

8、or for seating inside. =There is no room for a drive-thru window, or for seating inside. Improvement can still be made in our work. =There is still room for improvement in our work. 1. There is not enough space for four people on the back seat of the car. =There is no room for four people on the bac

9、k seat of the car. 2. This restaurant can hold 50 people. =There is room for 50 people in this restaurant. 3. This is an order: you have no right to argue. =This is an order: there is no room for argument. The building is still there, but boards cover the windows. In spite of this, people drive by t

10、o remember their McDonalds. =The building is still there, but boards cover the windows. Even so, people drive by to remember their McDonalds. In spite of the fact that I didnt have lunch today, Im not hungry. =I didnt have lunch today, but even so Im not hungry. 1. He raised the radio anything at al

11、l. =He raised the radio close to his ear. Even so, he could not hear anything at all. 2. The team was defeated again yesterday. In spite of that, there is still hope to win in the final round. =The team was defeated again yesterday. Even so, there is still hope to win in the final round. 3. The man

12、had not received any formal education. In spite of that, he became a famous writer. =The man had not received any formal education, but even so, he became a famous writer. She made everyone smile and feel good, whether they were customers or fellow-workers. =She made everyone smile and feel good, cu

13、stomers and fellow-workers alike. 1. Both friends and familynews of her failure. =Friends and family alike were shocked by the news of her failure. 2. It may have similar negative influences on both mind and body. =It may have negative influences on mind and body alike. 3. The new measure will be go

14、od and the business=The new measure will be good for the customers and the business alike. Preparing the eggs and serving them just the way the customers wanted made me feel the best. =Nothing made me feel better than preparing the eggs and serving them just the way the customers wanted. 1. He is mo

15、st interested in sports in our class. =No one in our class is more interested in sports than him. 2. This book is the best one written in this field. =No book in this field is better written than this one. 3. Guilin can produce the most memories of Chinas beauty. = No place can produce more memories

16、 of Chinas beauty than Guilin. We are all supposed to keep a diary of how it feels to go without TV for a week. =Were all supposed to keep a diary of what its like to go without TV for a =As well as being a philosopher, poet and politician, Sophocles was also a because _C_. A. Americans are foolish

17、and vain week. 1. Watch this TV program and it will give you some ideas how it feels to live and work in California. =Watch this TV program and it will give you some ideas of what its like to live and work in California. 2. Born into a rich family, he has no idea of how it feels to be a poor man. =B

18、orn into a rich family, he has no idea of what its like to be a poor man. 3. Some teenagers like to wear strange clothes, as they want to know how it feels to be different from others =Some teenagers like to wear strange clothes, as they want to know what its like to be different from others. It is

19、very probable that I am going mad. =I must be going mad. He speaks perfect American English: it is very probable that he has been to the US before =He speaks perfect American English: he must have been to the US before. 1. There was much pain in his legs and he thought it was very probable that some

20、thing was wrong with them. =There was much pain in his legs and he thought something must be wrong with them. 2. It is very probable that he has told his mother of my secret, as she seems to have known everything about it. =He must have told his mother of my secret, as she seems to have known everyt

21、hing about it. 3. Whenever something in our house was broken, my mother would look at me and say, It is most probable that you broke it. =Whenever something in our house was broken, my mother would look at me and say, It must have been you that broke it. Sophocles was not only a philosopher, poet an

22、d politician, but also a champion in sports. champion in sports. If we want to arrive there in time, we have to travel both by day and by night. =If we want to arrive there in time, we have to travel by night as well as by day. 1. The music is so loud that it will hurt not only your ears but also yo

23、ur brain, so turn it off. =The music is so loud that it will hurt your brain as well as your ears, so turn it off 2. Her life is not easy: she is taking care of all three children and she is also taking care of her sick husband. =Her life is not easy: she is taking care of her sick husband as well a

24、s all three children. 3. She bought me flowers, and she also took me to lunch the first day I arrived. =As well as buying me flowers, she also took me to lunch the first day I arrived. Do remember to keep the medicine on the top shelf so that the children will not be able to reach it =Do remember to

25、 keep the medicine on the top shelf so that it will be beyond the childrens reach. 1. Your computer is too old. Im sorry to say it cannot be repaired any more. =Your computer is too old. Im sorry to say it is beyond repair. 2. Paul said he would certainly join us in the picnic (野餐). I dont understan

26、d why he changed his mind. =Paul said he would certainly join us in the picnic. Its beyond my understanding why he changed his mind. 3. You will lose your self-confidence if you attempt tasks that you are not able to do. =You will lose your self-confidence if you attempt tasks beyond your ability. 阅

27、读理解 1. Fads are common in the United States B. there are many teenagers there C. Americans want to see changes in their lives D. Americans are easily influenced by people from other countries 2. The difference between a fad and a trend is that _C_. A. a fad lasts longer B. a fad is more important C.

28、 a trend lasts longer D. a trend will never change 3. The elderly woman in the TV advertisement became popular, and this example shows that _B_. A. Americans like old people as well as young people B. Americans sometimes like to follow the lives of ordinary people C. Americans enjoy following the li

29、ves of famous people D. Americans pay a lot of attention to people with special abilities 4. The desire for money cannot explain fads in _A_. A. language B. fashion C. furniture D. food 5. According to the text, fads are common in any country that _D_. A. has a long history B. is in the West C. is f

30、amous for its fashion design D. is developed 1. What is the Great TV Turn-off? It is a project done by the library to see what families do when theres no TV to watch 2. How did Teddy like the idea at first? He did not like the idea at first Thats why he said, I was not impressed. 3. How did Teddy fe

31、el for the first three days? He felt . rather bored 4. What did Teddy do in the last four days of the project? He finished a painting on Thursday, borrowed two books on Friday, set up a yard sale on Saturday, and helped his mother make a cake on Sunday. 5. What did he come to realize after the Great

32、 TV Turn-off was over? He came to realize that other than to watch TV there was also something better to do 1. Bees (蜜蜂) communicate by dancing: for example, they do a kind of dance to tell other bees about the location of flowers. 2. It was said that Nancy was going to marry a rich Englishman, but

33、she denied it. 3. We need a huge amount of money to build a new high school for the children in this area. 4. Since you broke the window, you should pay for the . damage 5. People who fish and sail sometimes claim to have seen strange animals in the sea. 6. He looks young, but actually he is much th

34、e elder of the two. 7. The guard walked through the train inspecting everyones ticket. 8. The new smart structures could be very expensive to build. However, they would be less likely to be damaged during earthquakes. 1. Life is an endless journeytoward personal ach. achievements 2. We just s serve

35、fast food. If you want something special, please go to another restaurant. 3. If you want him to l lend you the money, you have to prove that you will be able to give it back. 4. How the situation will ev eventually work out, only time can tell. 5. It cost me one pound, p plus 10 pence to have the l

36、etter posted. 6. His an annual income (收入) is $36,000; that is, he earns $3,000 a month. 7. You cant expect your parents to support you for. forever 8. He found he had not brought money with him when he was about to pay the b bill 汉译英 房子着火了,里面的人面临着死亡的危险The house was on fire and the people inside wer

37、e in danger of losing their lives. 他买不起这么好的房子He cannot afford to buy such a fine house. 这个主意听起来也有些怪,不过还真有点道理Although this idea may sound strange, it does make sense. 约翰看起来是个好人,即便如此我还是不信任他。John seems (to be) a nice person. Even so, I dont trust him. 我们应该从中吸取教训,这是很重要的It is important for us to learn a

38、lesson from the failure. 他相信自己相当证券经纪人的梦想总能实现He believes that one day his dream of becoming a stockbroker will come true. 很多学生最后从事的工作不需要用到所学的知识Many students end up doing jobs that do not make use of what they have learnt. 我一提到他的名字,母亲就变得很不开心As soon as I mentioned his name. my mother became very unhapp

39、y. 看见大海孩子们开心的大叫起来The children cried with delight at the sight of the sea. 你刚刚说的话我没太听懂,你能再说一遍吗?I didnt quite catch on to what you said just now. Would you say it again? 他知道那项任务很难,但还是接受了He was conscious of the difficulty of the task, but he still accepted it. 直到现在,当想起那天发生的事情时,我还觉得莫名其妙To this day, when

40、 I recall what happened that day, I still feel confused. 我们明天就该开始那个项目了,可你却还没有准备好We are supposed to start working on that project tomorrow, but you havent got thing,s ready. 我今晚得把工作赶完,所以我不能和你一起去看电影I have to catch up on my work tonight, so I cant go to the movies with you. 约翰不习惯这的新生活,所以打算搬走John wants

41、to move because he is not accustomed to the new life here. 她伸手拿起电话,拨了一个朋友的号码She reached for her telephone and dialed the number of a friend. 我们必须想出解决这个问题的办法We must figure out how to solve the problem. 他看着包,像是在看着件他看不懂的东西He looked at the bag as if he were looking at something beyond his comprehension. 我会使用计算机,但是说到修计算机,我是一无所知I know how to use a computer, but when it comes to repairing it, I know nothing about it. 我们迷了路,更糟糕的是天开始下雨We got lost. Whats worse, it started to rain.


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