新视野大学英语读写教程2 unit5 课后习题及答案.docx

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1、新视野大学英语读写教程2 unit5 课后习题及答案新视野大学英语读写教程2 unit5 课后习题及答案 Vocabulary . 1.After a while as an ambulance driven, you get hardened to what you see at accidents. 作为一个救护车司机一段时间后,你得到坚强在你所看到的事故中。 2.My sole object was to get shelter from the snow, to get myself covered and warm. 我的唯一目的就是为了避开雪,让温暖覆盖我。 3.If was ta

2、ke all the facters into account, his chances of winning the election were slim. 如果是把所有的模型考虑,他赢得大选的机会渺茫。 4.It will only weaken his position if he continues to stick to his strange ideas. 它只会削弱他的立场,如果他继续坚持他的奇怪的想法。 5.Literally thousands of people watched the football game. 数千人观看了足球比赛。 6.The most notice

3、able change was in my younger brother, who had grown quite a bit and was now a third-grader. 最明显的变化是在我的弟弟,他已经足够大了,现在是三年级学生。 7.I am supposed to be resting and relaxing, but it is just a whole bunch of different things that have happened. 我应该休息和放松,但这只是一大堆不同的事情。 8.Day and night Martin could not drag hi

4、s mind from the failure he had suffered. 马丁不能日夜从他遭受的失败里解脱出来。 9.I could be grateful if you would mail this package for me. 我可能会很感激如果你能给我寄这个包裹。 10.The young man was hooked on heroin and lost his job and his wife. 这个年轻人沉迷于海洛因,故失去了他的工作和他的妻子。 . 1.The old lady stopped and stood against /leaned on the wall

5、 to rest for a moment. 老太太停下来站在墙上休息一会儿。 2.Since your mother is ofter ill, remember to keep a first-aid medicine box close by/close at hand all the time. 因为你的妈妈是经常生病,记得要保持急救药品箱一直带在身边。 3.In a hard winter, especially in snowy weather, many wild animals can be killed by / die of hunger. 在一个寒冷的冬天,特别是在下雪天

6、,许多野生动物可以被/死于饥饿。 4.In the poor neighborhoods of the city, there are many uncared-for young children who suffer from not having /are starved of parental love. 在贫穷社区的城市,有许多被忽略的孩子没有父母的爱。 5.Very high quality, together with/coupled with the relatively low prices, has made these cars very popular. 非常高的质量,

7、加上/加上相对较低的价格,使得这些汽车非常受欢迎的。 6.This advertisement is intended/is directed at mainly for young people in their early twenties. 这个广告目的是/是针对对象主要为二十来岁的年轻人。 7.They are usually wearing /are dressed in their Sunday best when they go to church. 当他们去教堂时,他们通常穿着他们的最好的衣服。 8.I was thankful to/grateful to john for

8、his kindness. 我很感谢/感激约翰,因为他的仁慈。 9.There are still many families making a great effort to/struggling to survive on low incomes. 仍然有许多家庭在较低的收入尽更大的努力生存。 10.Last weekend, I cooked tow chickens and invited a group of /a bunch of people to taste them. 上周末,我煮两只鸡,并且邀请了一群人去品尝。 . My son has started to hang ou

9、t with the wrong type of boys. he is fifteen years old and until recently I had always been grateful for how easy he has been to raise. Lately, though, he has ceased(1) to listen to what I say. He used to he such a sweet boy, but being in high school seems to have hardened him against authority figu

10、res. The change in his attitude in his attitude has been very noticeable(2) even to his teachers. The other day , asked him to come straight home after school, but instead he rebelled(3) and stayed out until ten oclock. Later I found out that he had shipped (4)school completely that day. I found out

11、 that he was with a(n) bunch(5) of boys who often cause trouble. I decided to forbid(6) him to do anything with those boys, hut he didnt listen to me. In spite of my objections(7) to him being with those boys, he was with them the very next day. A friend of mine has a son who is having identical(8)

12、problems. She decided to give him a change of environment and sent him to a private school. Im not sure this is the best solution(9) , though. You cant just change a boys behavior(10) by changing his school every time he does something wrong. It is better to help a kid establish a good set of core v

13、alues. 我的儿子已经开始约会那些混混型的男孩。他十五岁,直到最近我一直感激他多么容易提高。最近,尽管他已经停止(1)听我说什么。他以前他这样一个可爱的男孩,但是在高中似乎增强他反对权威人物。他的态度的变化在他的态度已经很明显(2)甚至是他的老师。 有一天,让他放学后直接回家,而是他反叛(3)然后呆到十点。后来我发现他有完全翘课(4)那一天。我发现他是一(n)群(5)经常引起麻烦的男孩中的一个。我决定禁止(6)他做任何事跟那些男孩,但他不听我的。尽管我反对(7),他跟那些男孩子,他也和他们的第二天。 我的一个朋友有一个儿子,他是拥有相同的(8)问题。她决定给他一个环境的变化和送他去私立学校

14、。我不确定这是最好的解决方案(9),虽然。你不能改变一个男孩的行为(10)通过改变他的学校每次他做错了什么。最好是帮助孩子建立了一套良好的核心价值观。 Word building . 1.Under the present situation the property prices are just beginning to become hard(er) angin. Under the pleasant situation the property prices are just beginning to harden again . 在目前形势下的房地产价格正开始成为硬圈。 2.In t

15、he past few years there inside conflicts have made the governments position weak(er). In the past few years, these inside conflicts have weakened the governments position. 在过去的几年中,在冲突中*的立场变得软弱。 3.Every Sunday the father takes his child to libraries,museums, exhibitions or natural parks , as he belie

16、ves that this helps to make the childs mind become broad(er). Every Sunday the father takes his child to libraries, museums, exhibitions or natural parks, as he believes that this helps to broaden the childs mind. 每个星期天父亲带他的孩子去图书馆、博物馆、展览或自然公园,因为他相信这有助于让孩子的心灵变得广泛。 4.The days are becoming longer as su

17、mmer approaches. The days are lengthening as summer approaches. 随着夏季的来临,日子变得更长。 5.As she was waiting for the result to come out , her excitement grew in height. As she was waiting for the result to come out, her excitement heightened. 当她正在等待结果出来,她兴奋的高度增长。 6.The taking on of a new Secretary made his

18、workload light(er)considerably. The taking on of a new secretary lightened his workload considerably. 聘用了一个新秘书,承担的使他的工作负载量相当大。 7.As he listened to his assistant reporting on the progress of the project, the manager s face become dark(er) with anger. As he listened to his assistant reporting on the p

19、rogress of the project, the managers face darkened with anger. 当他听他的助理汇报项目进展情况,经理的脸变得黑暗与愤怒。 8.Become night fell,the setting sun made the clouds red(er). Before night fell, the setting sun reddened the clouds. 夜幕降临,落日使云红。 . 1. The arrival of the computer has revolutionized the publishing industry.(ar

20、rive) 计算机的到来彻底改变了出版行业。 2.I usually enjoy his films, but the latest one didn t come up to my expectation.(expect) 我通常喜欢他的电影,但最新的一个没有达到我的期望。 3.It is understandable that he is so sleepy, considering his constant working overtime these days.(understand) 这是可以理解的,他太困了,考虑到他这些天不断加班。 4.Visitor to the hospita

21、l are asked not to smoke .(visit) 游客去医院被要求不要吸烟 5.You may have complete freedom of action in dealing with this matter; do what you think right. (free) 你可能有完全的自主权处理这事,做你认为正确的。 6.We did not make money for quite a few years. It s only in the last year that out business become profitable.(profit) 我们没有赚钱好

22、几年了。这是唯一的一年业务实现盈利,在去年。 7.We got involved in a road accident last weekend, but we were lucky to escape injury.(luck) 上周末我们卷入一场车祸,但我们很幸运,没有受伤。 8.You needn t dress too officially for the party; it s only a small social gathering , attended by a few of my best friends.(gathering) 在这个聚会你可以不穿的太正式,这唯一的一个小型

23、社交聚会,我的一些最好的朋友都参加了。 Sentence structure VIII. 1. John went to the cinema with his brother, This surprised me. John went to the cinema with his brother, which surprised me. 约翰去看电影和他的兄弟,这让我惊讶。 2. The boy broke the window, He was criticized by the teacher for this. The boy broke the window, for which he

24、 was criticized by the teacher. 这个男孩打破了窗户,他受到了老师对于这个。 3. He tore up my photo, I was angered very much by this. He tore up my photo, by which I was angered very much. 他把我的照片撕了,我是非常感到愤怒,这。 4. It was raining hard, the team stayed indoors for the rain. It was raining hard, for which the team stayed indo

25、ors. 雨下得很大,团队都呆在屋里,雨。 5. Connie changed her mind for the second time, This came as no surprise to us. Connie changed her mind for the second time, which came as no surprise to us. 康妮改变了她的想法第二次,这对我们并不令人震惊。 IX. 1. The teacher spoke so quietly. the students could hardly hear her. The teacher spoke so q

26、uietly that the students could hardly hear her. 老师讲得那么安静地。学生几乎不能听到她。 2. The lecture was so boring. Many listeners fell asleep. The lecture was so boring that many listeners fell asleep. 那节课太闷了。许多听众睡着了。 3. The student has so many books. He does not know what to do with them. The student has so many b

27、ooks that he does not know what to do with them. 学生有很多书。他不知道如何处理它们。 4. The old man was so ill. His neighbors had to send for a doctor. The old man was so ill that his neighbors had to send for a doctor. 那位老人病得很厉害。他的邻居不得不派人去请医生。 5. Her remarks are so funny. Everyone laughs to tears. Her remarks are s

28、o funny that everyone laughs to tears. 她的话是如此有趣。每个人都笑得流泪。 Translation X. 1.他说话很自信,给我留下了很深的印象。 He spoke confidently, which impressed me most. 2.我父亲太爱忘事,总是在找钥匙。 My father is so forgetful that he is always looking for his keys. 3. 我十分感激你给我的帮助。 Im very grateful to you for all the help you have given me.

29、 4.光线不足,加上地面潮湿,使得驾驶十分困难。 The bad light, coupled with the wet ground, made driving very difficult. 5.由于缺乏资金,他们不得不取消了创业计划。 Being starved of funds, they had to cancel their plan to start a business. 6.每当有了麻烦,他们总是依靠我们。 They always lean on us whenever they are in trouble. XI. 1.The plane may be several h

30、ours late, in which case there s no point in our waiting. 飞机可能会晚点几个小时,要是那样,我们等着就没有什么意义了. 2. George so often told stories that were untrue that no one believed him when he told about the high grade he got in the exam. 乔治常常说谎,因此当他说他考试得了高分时没人相信他. 3.All was silent except for the small factory fairly clo

31、se at hand, somewhere down by the crossroads. 初了附近位于十字路口的那家小工厂,一切都静悄悄的. 4.People starved of sleep may find it difficult to focus their minds, on what they are doing. 缺少睡眠的人会感到很难集中心思干活. 5.I arranged to pick up Mr. Clarke at the airport and take him to his hotel. 我安排人去机场接克拉克先生,然后带他去宾馆. 6. The tourists

32、 cried out of joy upon reaching the peak of the mountain. 一到达山顶,游客们都高兴地大叫起来. Close “knock it off!” Billy would not cease banging his food on the table. Mrs. Stewart had lost all patience in telling him to stop. Her words were falling on deaf ears. She had asked her son to quit doing something that w

33、as bothering her so many times that she hardly even knew the words were coming from her mouth. Billy had got used to this. He just ignored his mom s expressions likely these. He banged on without a pause. She used to try to phrase her words in positive ways like, “When you bang on the table that way

34、, it upsets me. Would you mind doing something else that is a litter quieter?” There was warmth in her voice and she had all of the best intention. But when she actually managed to get Billys attention in this way, he simply replied, “But Im bored.” She tried to offer him a bunch of alternatives, bu

35、t nothing worked and it all become too tedious. It had become noticeable even to herself that she was increasingly using negative expressions. Mrs. Stewart seems to understand that even if she shouts she can t expect Billy to respond immediately. But she still believes that to keep on applying the p

36、ressures might work someday. Children may learn that arguing no longer works because of her continuous shouting. “住嘴!“比利不会停止敲他的食物放在桌子上。斯图尔特夫人失去了所有的耐心在告诉他停止。她的话落在充耳不闻。她问她的儿子放弃做某事,困扰着她无数次,她几乎不认识的单词都来自她的嘴。比利已经习惯了这个。他只是忽略了他妈妈的表情可能这些。他猛力敲打没有停顿。 她曾试着用积极的方式喜欢她的话,“当你敲打桌子,它令我不安。你的大脑做些其他的,是一个垃圾安静吗?”她的声音中有温暖和她所有的最好的意图。但当她想方设法把比利的注意在这种方式,他简单地回答,“但我无聊。”她试着给他一束替代品,但是毫无效果,这一切都变得太乏味。它已成为明显的连她自己,她是越来越多地使用消极的表情。 斯图尔特夫人似乎明白,即使她喊她不能指望比利,立即响应。但她仍然相信继续应用压力可能工作有一天。孩子们可以学习,争吵不再工作,因为她连续高喊。


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