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1、最给力人教新目英语七年级下册总复习资料1人教版新目标初一下册英语复习提纲(含单词) Unit 1 Wheres your pen pal from? 一、词组 be from= come form 来自. Where is he/she from? Where does he/she come from? A pen pal=a pen friend 笔友 net friend in the United States of America (USA)/the United Kingdom(UK)在美国/在英国 like and dislike 好恶;爱憎 live in.在.居住 what

2、language 哪一门语言 Japanese for Kids 儿童日语 our world in English 我们的英语世界 her favorite subject 她最喜欢的科目 like sth best. want a pen pal in China want to have a penpal in China=would like to have a pen friend of China 想有一位来自中国的笔友 an interesting country 一个很有趣的国家 speak English 讲英语 say sth.in English play sports

3、做体育运动 play/basketball/football/soccer/volleyball/tableball/tennis a little French 一点法语 a little修饰不可数名词 little=not a few 可数名词复数 few=not an action movie 一部动作片 go to movies=see a film=go to cinema like going to+地点=like to go to+地点 喜欢去某地 go to movies with+人 和一起去看电影 write to+人 给写信 (不加letter) hear from (不

4、加letter) tell me about yourself 告诉我关于你自己的事情tell sb (not) to do sth. tell a story tell a lie/lying tell from区分=be different from=differ from post office 邮局 I want to buy a stamp to post a letter this afternoon. phone=call=ring=make a telephone to=communicate with sb. by phone打电话 across from 在.对面 go a

5、cross river/desert/acroosing/road go through forest/crowd/city in front of (外部的)在.前面in the front of 内部的前部 on weekends 在周末 on weekdays在周日 Excuse me 对不起,打扰(正常生理反应) I am sorry. get to=arrive in大/at小=reach=leave for at beginning of 在.开始的时候 at the end of 在.结束的时候 in the end= finally=at last 二、句型 Where+be+

6、主语from? 主语be+from+地点. Where does+主语come from? 主语be+from+地点. here do/does+主语live? 主语live/lives in =be in He lives in Canada=He is in Canada=He comes from Canada hat language do/does +主语+speak? 主语speak/speaks. 主语like/likes+doing 三、日常交际用语 here is your pen pal from? Hes from China. where does your penpa

7、l come from? here does she live? She lives in Tokyo. Where is she in? Does she speak English? Yes,she does/No.a little. Is that your new pen pal? Yes,he is(不缩写) /No,he isnt. What language does she speak? She speaks English. Unit 2 Wheres the post office 一、词组 betweenand 在.和.之间 near here =around here在

8、附近 be near to =be closed to=nearby=be next to=be a neighborhood on busy Central Street 在繁忙的中央大街上be busy doing sth=be busy with sth next to 紧挨着,隔壁 =be neighborhood on Eighth Avenue 在第八大街上 in the street on the road in the neighborhood 在附近 just go straight 仅径直走 go direct to somewhere turn left/ turn ri

9、ght 向左转/右转 = take a drink cole/water/juice/tea/coffee/cafe buy some food 买一些食物 buy sth for sb.= buy sb. sth. arrive at/in/on到达 tell you the way to告诉你去的路 second turning on the left/right go down Bridge Street 沿着Bridge大街走 take a taxi to+地点 从打车 go to SW by go along walk down=walk along on the right /le

10、ft of 在右边/左边 be off the busy street 离开这个繁华的街路 enjoy the citys quiet streets 置身于城市中寂静的街路 enjoy doing sth=enjoy oneself乐于 take a walk through the park 步行穿越公园 a small house with flowers 一个附带着的小房子 There are flowers around a small house at the beginning of the garden tour游园开始 a good place to 一个的好去处 have

11、fun doing sth玩得高兴 Its interesting for sb to do sth. Its funny to do sth. if youre hungry如果你饿了 be thirsty and 二、句型 (1)、Is there a bank near here?Yes,there is .Its on Centre Street./ No,there isnt. (2)、Wheres the sumpermarket?/Its next to the library. (3)、Bridge Street is a good place to have fun. (4)

12、、I hope you have a good trip. (5)、If you are hungry,you can buy food in the restaurant. (6)、Talk a walk though the park. (7)、enjoy后接名词或动词-ing形式. Do you enoy(=like) your work?/Do you enjoy(=like) living in the city? 三、日常交际用语 (1).Is there a ?句型 Excuse me.Is there a hotel in the neighborhood.-Yes, ther

13、e is. No.there isnt (2).Where is ?句型Eg:-Where is the park,please?-Its behind the bank.(肯定回答)-Im sorry I dont know. (否定回答) (3).Which is the way to +地点? 句型.例如:- Which is the way to the library. (4).How can I get to +地点?句型.例如:taxi Go to school on foot=walk to school go to school by car= drive a car to

14、school=in my fathers car pass a bank on your right你的右边路过一个银行 turn left at New Park 在New Park处向左转 go through 穿过 have a good trip to 一路顺风 旅途愉快have a good time/enjoy oneself on ones right/left 在某人的右边左边 take a walk 散步go out for a walk=go for a walk go down(along)沿着.走 go through.穿过. -How can I get to the

15、 restaurant? (5).Can you tell me the way to +地点?句型.例- Can you tell me the way to the post office? (6).Let me tell you the way to my house. (7).Just go straight and turn left. Unit 3 Why do you like koalas? 词组 kind of 有点儿 at night在晚上 relaxes 20 hours every day 每天轻松20个小eat grass/leaves 吃草/树叶 want to d

16、o sth .想要做某事 want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 want sth 想要某物 Let sb do sth 让某人做某事 like to do sth、like doing sth喜欢做某事 play with 与.一起玩 have a look at. 看. onethe other 一个.另一个. 时 二、句型 (1)、-why do you like pandas? -Because theyre very cure. (2)、-Why dose he like koalas?-Because they are kind of interesting. (3)、

17、-Where are lions from?-Lions are from South Africa. (4)、-What animals do you like?-I like elephants. 三、日常交际用语 (1)、-Lets see the lions. (2)-Why do you want to see the lions?-Becase they are very cute. (3)-Do you like giraffes?-Yes,I do./ No,I dont (4)-What other animal do you like?_I like dogs.too ot

18、her+ 名词的复数.表示没有特定的数量范围 the other+名词的复数表示有特定的数量范围. (5)-Why are you looking at me -Because you are very cute. (6)-Let us play games. Great!Let me see. Unit 4 I want to be an actor. = I would like to be a actor. 一、词组 = I would like to be a actor. Become a actor=get a actor=be a actor turn actor前面不加a a

19、shop assistant 商店服务员 waitor waitress she/he woman actress female heroess a bank clerk 银行职员 A+as well as+B 与同样好 work with/for与一起工作/为而工作 give sb. sth./give sth. to sb. 把给谁 pass sb. sth=pass sth.to sb. teach sb.sth He teaches me English.而不说He teaches my English. get sth. from sb. 从那获取 get back 取回来 give

20、 sth back to=return to归还 wear a white uniform 穿着白色制服 wear/put on /be in /be on/dress in/be dressed on/ dress up Put on表动作。不用进行时态。常常表示命令。Put on your raincoat. Put on your overcoat.Its cold outside. be in +颜色 be on+衣服 dress in 穿套装 be dressed on 成套衣服 dress sb,穿衣服 dress up 打扮 wear传任何身体以外的东西 wearwore-wor

21、n help sb. (to) do 帮助去做 in the day/at night 在白天/在晚上all day and all night 整日整夜all the day 白天 work late/hard 工作很晚/很努力 study hard 学习很努力 study hardly几乎不学习 Rain hard下大雨 rain headly几乎不下雨 be busy doing 忙于做 be busy with go out tohave dinners 出去就餐 like taking to people 喜欢与人交谈 like chating with sb=communicate

22、 with sb. mobile ask questions 问问题 at/in the(a) hospital 在医院里 in hospital生病住院 in the hospital 在医院 at table就做吃饭 at the table在桌子边 in bed卧病在床 in the bed在床上 at school上学 at the school在学校里 an exciting/interesting job 一份令人兴奋/有趣的工作 -ed 修身人 -ing修饰物 I am interested in this interesting film. a newspaper report

23、er 一位新闻记者 a table for (two) (两)人一桌 desk 书桌 police station 派出所 power station 电站 power plant 电站 plant trees TV station 电视台 police officer 警官 army official 军官 Army,Air force , Navy, Armied force #the answer to 的答案 the key to /the solution to/the way to doing be friendly to ,look forward to,devote to do

24、ing The key to the door门上的钥匙 加ly的形容词lonely,friendly,likely,lovely 只做表语不做定语的形容词 alone,asleep,awake,alive,ill这些形容词后一定不加名词 have a job for you as a 这有一个给你准备好的. a job=a piece of work(不可数) call Als Restaurant at 888124 打电话给Al餐馆 write stories/ a story 写文章 wirte down writewrote-written set down写下来 want to a

25、ct in the school play 在校本剧中扮演角色 a busy but exciting job 繁忙而又兴奋的工作 the Evening Newspaper 晚报 help wanted急聘 an international school 一所国际学校 for children of 5-12 为五至十二岁孩子准备的 want a PE teacher to teach 需要一位教体育的教师 a movie actor 一位电影演员 want to be+职业 想要成为。work hard 努力工作 work as 作为。而工作 二、句型 (1)-What do/does+某

26、人+do? -What do you do? Whats his her job? What are you? -Im a student.-What dose he do? Hes a teacher. (2)-What do/does+某人+want to be? 例:What do you want to be? -I want to be a teacher. -What does she want to be ? She want to be a nuser. (3)-Where does your sister work? -She works in a hospital. (4)

27、-Does he work in the hospital? Yes.he does/No,he doesnt (5)-Does she work late? -Yes,she does/No.she doesnt (6)英语中询问职业的几种表达方式: What do/does he /she/Tom/Lucy/your fatherdo? What is? What is your father? Whats ones job?例:Whats your fathers job? Unit 5 Im watching TV. 一、词组 eat/have dinner 吃晚饭 meal/brea

28、kfast/lunch/supper talk on the phone 在电话中交谈 have a chat with sb. on the line go to the movies 去看电影see a film=go to cinema sound good 听起来不错 sound beautiful/ taste delicious wait for 等候 talk about 谈论 have a talk about look at=have a look at try to do =have a try to do sth some of my photos 我的一些照片 pitu

29、re take photos in the first photo在第一幅照片中 at the pool 在水池 a swimming pool a poor pool need a camera 需要一台相机 digital camera数码相机 digital army数字化部队 do homework 做家庭作业 watch TV 看电视 see a film read books/newspaper/map on watch=on duty clean the room 打扫房间 do some cleaning clean up sweep over read newspaper/a

30、 book 看报纸看书 write a letter 写信=write to sb. play basketball/soccer/ 打篮球踢足球 take photos 拍照 TV show 电视节目 talking show Some of。 。中的一些 a photo of my family 我的家庭照 at school 在学校 be with 和。一起 in the tree 在树上(树外之物) on the tree on有接触面 二、句型 (1)-What+be+主语+doing? .正在做什么?-主语be+doing。 正在做某事。 例: what are you doing

31、? Im doing my homework. (2)-Thanks for doing 为。而感谢 例:Thanks for your letter. (3)-Here are/is 主语在后面例:Here are some of my photos.Here is a photo of my family. (4)-That sounds good. (5)-This TV show is boring. Sb. is bored 三、日常交际用语 (1)-Do you want to go to the movies? Sure, but. (2)-When do you want to

32、 go? Lets go at seven. (3)-Where do people play basketball? At school. (4)-Whats he waiting for?-Hes waiting for a bus. (5)-Whats he reading? Hes reading a newspaper. 1)现在在进行时的形式是: 助动词be(am,is,are)+动词-ing形式,表示现在正在进行或发生的动作。 2)现在进行时的肯定句形式 主语+be(am,is,are)+动词现在分词+其他 Im watching TV. 3)现在进行时的否定句形式 主语+be(

33、am,is,are)+not+动词现在分词+其他 They are not playing soccer. 4)现在进行时的一般疑问句形式及回答: Is(am,are)+主语+动词现在分词+其他? Yes,主语+is/am/are. No,主语+isnt/arent/am not. Are you reading? Yes,I am. No,I am not. 5) 现在进行时的特殊疑问句形式: 特殊疑问词+is/am/are+主语+现在分词+其他? 例:What is your brother doing? 6) 动词+ing形式(现在分词)的构成. 1一般情况下在动词词结尾加-ing. 如

34、: eat-eating, dodoing,cleancleaning, playplaying, 2以不发音的元音字母e结尾的动词,先去掉e再加-ing. 如:take-taking,writewriting,have-having comecoming.dance-dancing 3词尾如果是以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词.应该先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ing. 如:runruning,sitsitting ,swimswimming. Shopshopping.putputting,sitsitting Unit 6 Its raning! 词组 pretty good 非常好 rea

35、lly good! Quite good! too terrible 太糟糕了 terrify How is it going? 过得怎么样? Its going better,thank you. join CCTVs Around The World show 参加央视坏球节目 on vacation 度假 for holiday take a photos/photos of 给照相 lie on the beach 躺在沙滩上 this group of people 这群人 look cool/tired 看起来很酷/累look相当于be 动词,接形容词 be surprised a

36、t +名词/ be surprised to + 动词 因而感到惊讶 To ones surprise, .in surprise.很惊奇 an interesting place 一个非常有趣的地方 look for= search for find =figure out look like =take after=look the same寻找/看起来像 look&see listen&hear look for &find 动作&结果 ask for 请求 ask sb. for help = turn to sb.想某人求助 hope to do 希望做某事 in order to

37、+动词 为了.而做 =so as to improve/develop my English 提高我的英语能力 found Unit 9 to be the most interesting 发现9单元最有趣 show around The World 世界各地 all over the world in the world在世界上 in world究竟 on the earth在世界上 on earth究竟 play beach volleyball 打沙滩排球 in this heat 在酷暑中 be relaxed 放松 in different kinds of weather 在不同

38、的天气里 Thank sb for(doing)sth由于某事而感谢某人 Somesome.others一些另一些 二、句型日常交际用语 (1).Hows the weather(+地点)? Its raining? (2).Whats the weather like?Its sunny./Its cold and snowing. (3).Hows it going? Great./Not bad. It gets better and better. It gets worse and worse. (4).Thanks you for joining CCTVs Around The

39、World show? (5).Is Aunt Wang there? Yes,she is/No,she isnt Unit 7 What does he look like? 一、词组 tall/short thin/fat/heavy strong/weak/ill/sick long hair/short hair/curly hair middle heigh quiet/outgoing bald/beard a new friend in Class Five 五班的一位新朋友 the captain of the basketball team 篮球队长 middle heig

40、ht a little/a bit quiet 有点内向 love doing 喜欢做某事(强调发自于内心的) tell jokes 讲笑话 stop doing=give up doing=get rid of doing表示停下来动名词(doing)的动作 He stopped smoking. 他停止(不再)吸烟. stop to do 表停下其他事情,去做不定式(to)的动作 He stopped to smoke. 他停下来(停下手)来吸烟. to do sth要做没做将要做 like to swim doing sth.原来做过 并且一直在做 like swimming stop/

41、remember/forget/forgive/continue/like/love/begin/start/go on play chess 下棋 remember to do 记着即将要做的事 (You must remember to turn off the lights before leaving.) remember doing 记着已经做过的事 forget/leave留 (I remembered finishing my homework.) a pop singer with funny glasses 一位戴着滑稽眼镜的流行歌手 have/has a new look

42、换个新面孔 wear glasses 戴眼镜 go shopping 去商店(=go to the shop/do some shopping) go doing都表示体育运动 go swimming/shopping/boating/skiing/skating/hiking/mounting/ fishing do some doing do some shopping/reading/washing/cleaning 句中的some任何时候都不变 a tall kid with short hair 一个高个子短发男孩 nobody knows me 没有人认识我不定代词用单数 一般的否

43、定句需要变的是:someany and-or already-yet draw pictures on the blackboard 在黑板上画画 panit-paniter draw画画-drawer抽屉 dress穿衣服-dresser梳妆台 cook厨师-cooker厨具 speak little Chinese 说一点汉语 look like 看起来像.=take after look after=take care of babysitting curly /short/straight/long hair 卷短直发 medium height/build 中等高度身体 二、句型 )

44、 -What does he look like?-Hes really short.He has short hair. ) -She has beautiful,long black hair. ) -I dont think hes so great ,_is _ _he_? She doesnt think hes so great, does she? ) -What do you look like? Im tall.Im thin. ) -What do they look like?-They are medium height. 6) -She never stops tal

45、king. -Stop doing(sth)表示停止正在干的事. 如:He stop listening -stop to do (sth)表示停下来去做某事 如:He stops to listen. 7)I can go shopping and nobody knows me. Unit 8 Id like some noodles. 1.词组 would like + n.=want sth I would like some noodles. noodles rice would like to do= want to do sth I would like to have some

46、 noodles. vegetables fruit a medium bowl of (noodles) 一个中碗 mid- middle some +不可数名词mutton羊肉, beef牛肉 一些. some+可数名词strawberries, oranges 一些. what size bowl of 多大碗 what kind of 哪种 at the house of dumplings在饺子馆 some great specials一些特价 just RMB10 for 15 15个仅卖10元 come and get your dumplings today 过来买今天的饺子 give reasons for your menu 解释一下你的菜单 book/order the menu cook Chinese food 做中国菜 bill a large/medium/small bowl 大


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