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1、有关学前儿童的家庭教育现状及策略的中英文对照有关学前儿童的家庭教育现状及策略的中英文对照 Family education present situation and strategy of preschool children in Chinese and English 本文主要从心理健康角度来探讨分析学前儿童家庭教育的几个层面。分别从学前儿童家庭教育的现状、特点、须知、影响以及掌握一定的家庭教育理念来展开。相信掌握一定的家庭教育理念,成长了孩子,也成长了家长。 This paper mainly from the perspective of psychological health t

2、o discuss several aspects of preschool childrens family education. From the present situation, the family education of preschool children, notes, and the influence of the characteristics of master certain family education idea to start. Believe that master the concept of family education, growing ch

3、ildren, parents also grow. 关键词:家庭教育;学前儿童;成长 文:童话中的美好 Keywords: family education; preschool children; Growth: in the fairy tale beautiful 目前,多数家庭教育专家认为,家庭教育有狭义和广义之分。广义的家庭教育是家庭成员之间相互实施的一种教育;狭义的家庭教育,指在家庭生活中,由家长即家庭里的长者对子女及其他年幼者实施的教育和影响。家庭教育作为家庭、学校、社会教育之一,有其他两种教育不可替代的作用和意义。家庭教育在注重孩子身体健康的同时,也要关注他们的心理健康,并促

4、进其社会适应。教育往往是互动的,在教育孩子的同时也成长了家长,即家庭教育是家长和孩子的共同成长。学前儿童是一个特殊的群体,如果说3岁前我们更多关注了孩子的身体健康,那么3岁后依据学前儿童心理发展的特点,他们还需要心理健康和社会适应。让我们关注孩子,了解学前儿童的一些现状和特点,从知道他们的心理发展特点开始,关注影响心理健康的因素,关注家庭教育会有何种影响,掌握一定的家庭教育理念。 At present, most of the family education experts think, family education is a broad and narrow points. Gener

5、alized family education is a kind of education are implemented between members of the family; family education in the narrow sense, refers to the family life, the parents, the family of the elderly (mainly parents ) of children and other young people s education and influence. Family education as on

6、e of the family, school, social education, role and significance can not substitute for other two kinds of education. Family education on child health at the same time, also want to pay attention to their mental health, and to promote their social adaptation. Education is often interactive, in the e

7、ducation of children also grow parents, family education is the common growth of parents and children. Pre-school children are a special group, if 3 years ago we pay more attention to the health of the children, then after the age of 3, according to the characteristics of childrens psychology develo

8、pment, they also need psychological health and social adaptation. Let us pay attention to the child, understand the status quo and some characteristics of preschool children, know from the start of their psychological development characteristics, pay attention to the factors influencing the mental h

9、ealth, focus on the family education will have what kind of influence, must grasp the concept of family education. 一、学前儿童的家庭教育现状 Current situation of family education, preschool children 家庭教育误区 ( a ) mistakes in family education 目前学期儿童家庭教育的现状主要有以下几个方面误区: Current status of term children family educat

10、ion mainly has the following several aspects of misunderstanding: 1、儿童观落后 1, children behind 。如许多父母对孩子的身心发展缺乏了解、教育科学知识不足、孩子是附属品、个人愿望强加于孩子、天才教育大力宣传,而出现拔苗助长现象。 . Like many parents lack of understanding, to the childs physical and mental development of education science knowledge, children are accessor

11、ies, personal aspirations on children, gifted education propaganda, and the emergence of the phenomenon of spoil things by excessive enthusiasm. 2、教育目标失衡。如家长过高的文化期望、职业期望、心理预期;重智力第一,加上早期教育思潮,忽视儿童心理发展过程,入校后厌学、逃学现象时有发生;轻能力,认为孩子太小啥也不懂,生活自理能力差;重身体,一味满足吃穿;轻心理健康,这么小,认为他们不需要或漠视忽略了。 Imbalance of 2, education

12、 goal. If the cultural expectations, long high occupation expectation, psychological expectations; heavy intelligence first, and early education, neglect of childrens psychological development process, after entering the school weariness, truancy phenomenon occur; light ability, thought that the chi

13、ld is too small, what also do not understand, poor self-care ability; heavy body, just meet the food and clothing; light mental health, so small, that they dont want to ignore or disregard. 3、教育方式不科学。不恰当的教养态度,如认为孩子小或是自己忙,造成教养分离;极端的教育方式,如对孩子过分亲昵、照顾、纵容、包办、甚至不适当的满足一切需要,会影响孩子的心理健康,会起适得其反作用。 3, education

14、 is not science. Inappropriate parenting attitudes, such as small children or their own busy, resulting in rearing separation; extreme way of education, such as the child with too much familiarity, care, connivance, arranged, even without proper meets all the needs, will affect the childs mental hea

15、lth, would run counter to ones desire for. 4、与托幼机构教育相脱节。如家长让孩子死记硬背,而老师则支持在游戏中学习;父母从自己愿望出发,让孩子上各种特长班,而老师则孩子自由发展。教育内容偏差,导致教育力衰弱。 From 4, and kindergarten education. Parents to let children learn by rote, and teachers to support learning in games; parents from their own desire, let all the students and

16、 teachers of children, child development. The content of education deviation, leading education asthenia. 家庭教育的发展趋势 ( two ) the development trend of family education 纵观以上,学前儿童的家庭教育现状不容乐观,教育中存在许多需要解决的问题。同时也要看到随着社会政治经济急剧变革,家庭结构、父母价值观等发生了明显变化,也出现了新的发展趋势: From the above, the status quo of family educati

17、on of preschool children is not optimistic, many problems need to be solved in education. Also should see at the same time with the rapid social and political and economic reform, family structure, parents values changed significantly, and the emergence of a new trend: 1、大教育观由狭义的家庭教育向广义的家庭教育发展。以往人们把

18、家庭教育单纯 的理解为关心孩子的学习,现在更多的家庭关注孩子学会学习、学会生活、学会交往等,注重孩子非智力因素的培养;从单向的家长向孩子实施教育走向双向的家长和孩子相互教育;关注家庭结构、父母婚姻关系、家庭人际关系等家庭生态因素对孩子成长带来的潜在影响;从社会学、伦理学、心理学、生态学等多种角度来考察儿童家庭教育等等,学前儿童的家庭教育逐渐丰富起来。 1, the education - from the narrow family education to the development of generalized family education. People in the past

19、to family education simply understood as concerned about their childrens learning, now the family concern children learn to learn more, learn to live, learning exchanges, pay attention to cultivate children s non-intelligence factor; the implementation of education to the two-way mutual education fo

20、r parents and children to the parents to their children; the potential impact on family structure, parents marital relationship, family relationship, family ecological factors on the growth of children; many from the perspective of sociology, ethics, psychology, ecology and so on childrens family ed

21、ucation, family education of preschool children is gradually enriched. 2、重视对家庭教育的主要实施者家长的教育。家长是家庭教育中的关键因素。许多家庭教育工作者呼吁,家庭教育的中心不是研究孩子的教育,而是研究家长的教育,他们发现家庭教育的成败主要取决于家长。近年来,家长学习的主动性和积极性日益提高,家长学校的兴起、家长刊物的创办、家教经验的交流等为家长的学习与成长提高了平台。 2, pay attention to the parents - the main implementation of family educati

22、on in education. Parents are key factors in family education. Many educators are calling for, family education center is not the childs education, but the research on parent education, they found that the success or failure of the family education mainly depends on the parents. In recent years, the

23、initiative and enthusiasm of the parents learn to rise increasingly, schools for parents, parents of the founder of publications, the rise of tutor experience exchange to promote the platform for learning and growth of parents. 3、走向学习型家庭。建设学习化社会,是21世纪人类社会的主旋律,创建学习型家庭是每个家庭开启21世纪大门的钥匙。学习型家庭是一种较理想的家庭教育

24、模式。在学习型家庭中,儿童和家长都可以受到良好的家庭教育。每个学期儿童都是家庭的活跃因素,他们与家长共同学习、共同成长,相互分享,促使家庭持续地、生态地发展。 3, to the learning family. The construction of learning society in twenty-first Century, is the main theme of human society, the creation of learning families each family is the key to the door opened in twenty-first Cen

25、tury. Learning type family is an ideal mode of family education. In the learning type family, children and parents can be a good family education. Each semester, children are active factors of the family, they and their parents learn together, grow together, share with each other, makes the family c

26、ontinuously, ecological development. 二、学前儿童的家庭教育特点 Two, the characteristics of preschool childrens family education 学前儿童家庭教育的特点主要有以下几点: The characteristics of pre-school childrens family education mainly has the following several points: 1、启蒙性。教给孩子的东西,必须是他们周围生活中能接触到的、具体的、形象的、初步的、浅显的。 1, enlightenmen

27、t. Teach children things around them, must be in the life can come into contact with, specific, image, preliminary, plain. 2、复杂性。家长不但要抚养孩子,还要促其德、智体、美、诸方面和谐发展,注意他们的身体健康,并促其社会适应。 2, complexity. Parents not only to children, but also to promote the harmonious development of their virtue, wisdom, body,

28、beautiful aspects, pay attention to their health, and promote the social adaptation. 3、亲情性。家庭的感染作用,受到父母与子女之间感情亲密度的制约,孩子越小感染越大,效果越显著。 3, the family of. Infection by family, between parents and children intimacy constraints, the smaller children infected with bigger, more obvious effects. 4、生活性。由于思维幼儿

29、的直接行动性和具体形象性。决定他们是从生活中的父母和家人身上学习的,必须关注自身的形象。 4, life. Due to the direct action of childrens thinking and specific image. Whether they learned from lifes parents and family, must pay attention to their own image. 5、细致性。大事因小事,家长应给予孩子细致的照顾和教育,切不可粗心大意。 5, detailed. Because of small things, parents shoul

30、d give the child care and education, must not be negligent. 6、权威性。由于处于学前期的儿童,需依附与家长,家长在家庭中这种独特的作用决定崇高威信。 6, authority. Because in the pre-school children, need to adhere and parents, parents in the family role that determines the unique high prestige. 7、个性性。每个人都具有不同的个性特征,需给予幼儿相适应的、有针对性的教育,即因材施教。 7,

31、the personality of. Everyone has a different personality characteristics, adapt to the need to give children, targeted education, namely, teach students in accordance with their aptitude. 三、学前儿童的家庭教育须知 Three, the family education for preschool children 了解学前儿童的心理发展特点 ( a ) to understand the character

32、istics of psychological development of preschool children 学前儿童是指三岁至六七岁这一时期,因为是儿童正式进入学校以前的时期。又因为这是儿童进入幼儿园时期所以又叫幼儿期。主要有以下几个特点: Preschool children refers to the three years to six or seven years in the period, because it is the children before officially entered the school period. And because this is t

33、he children into the kindergarten during the so called early childhood. The following main characteristics: 1、神经系统方面。脑重量的增加,3岁儿童的脑重约1011克,相当于成人的75%,7岁儿童的脑重约1280克,基本已接近于成人的脑重量(成人平均为1400克);大脑皮层结构日趋复杂化;脑电波随着年龄的增长而发展,56岁左右是脑电发展的第一个明显加速时期;约4岁起由于神经系统结构的发展,内抑制开始蓬勃发展起来;清醒时间相对延长,3岁儿童睡眠时间为1213小时,57岁只需1112小时。

34、1, the nervous system. Increase in brain weight, 3 years old childrens brain weighs about 1011 grams, equivalent to 75% of the adult, 7 years old childrens brain weighs about 1280 grams, the basic are close to the adult brain weight ( adult averaged 1400 g ); cerebral cortex become more and more com

35、plex; brain waves and development along with the age growth, 5 6 years old is the brain development of the first significant acceleration period; about at the age of 4 due to the development of the nervous system structure, internal inhibition flourished; relatively prolonged recovery time, 3 years

36、old of childrens sleep time is 1213 hours, 57 only needs 1112 hours. 2、幼儿的游戏方面。游戏是学前期儿童的主导活动,游戏主要有:创造性游戏、教学游戏和活动性游戏。创造性游戏,是由儿童自己想出来的游戏,目的是发展儿童的主动性和创造性;教学游戏是结合一定的教育目的而编制的游戏;活动性游戏是发展儿童体力的一种游戏,如爬、跳等。 2, childrens games. Games are the leading activities for pre-school children, games are: creative games

37、, games and activities of the game teaching. Creative game, came from the childrens own game, the aim is to develop the childrens initiative and creativity; teaching the game is a combination of the education goal and the preparation of the game; the activity of the game is a game development of chi

38、ldrens physical, such as climbing, jumping. 3、言语的发展方面。幼儿期是一种一生中词汇数量增加最快的时期,其34岁词汇数量的年增长率最快,随着年龄的增长不断,词汇内容丰富和深化,词类范围先掌握实词后掌握虚词,积极词汇较婴儿期大大增长;语法的掌握从简单句到复合句、从陈述句到多种形式的句子、从无修饰句到修饰句。 3, the development of speech. Childhood is a lifetime of vocabulary quantity increased the fastest period of 34 years, the

39、word number of annual growth rate of the fastest, along with the age growth continuously, lexical content, enrich and deepen the scope of parts of speech, word after the first master master words, active vocabulary is infancy is greatly increased; language method from simple sentences to master a co

40、mplex sentence, from the statement to various forms of sentence, no modification of the sentence to the modification of the sentence. 4、认知的发展方面。随着言语的发展,记忆在不断的发展,与婴儿期相比,幼儿的信息储存容量相对增长,对信息的接受和编码也在不断的改进,记忆的策略和元记忆初步形成;思维的抽象逻辑性开始萌芽,言语在幼儿思维中的作用日益增强,最初实物、数和类的掌握,抽象逻辑思维的初步发展。 4, cognitive development. With th

41、e development of speech, memory in the unceasing development, compared with infants, childrens information storage capacity relative growth, accept and encoding of information is also in constant improvement, strategies of memory and metamemory is preliminary form; abstract logical thinking began to

42、 sprout, verbal thinking in young children in the role of increasing, the initial real, number and type of the master, the preliminary development of abstract logical thinking. 5、个性的初步形成和社会性发展方面。个性的初步形成是从幼儿期开始,社会性也有了进一步的发展。 Initially formed 5, personality and social development. The initial formatio

43、n of personality is start from early childhood, social also had further development. 此中自尊感稳定与学年初期,应着重培养。自我意识发展总趋势是,随着年龄的增长而增长,思维发展成为儿童社会化的核心内容,倾犯行为和社会行为最早出现在此期,在儿童社会化的过程中,由于社会的要求,儿童逐步学会控制侵犯行为和发展亲社会行为的同伴关系,并促进其社会性发展。 In this sense of self-esteem and academic year initial stability, we should focus on

44、 the training of. The general trend is the development of self-consciousness, and increased with age, the development of thinking as the core content of childrens socialization, tilt criminal behavior and social behavior first appeared in this period, in the socialization of children, as the social

45、requirements, and gradually learn to control aggression and the development of childrens prosocial behavior peer relationship, and to promote the social development. 学前儿童心理发展的特点总概括为:第一,游戏是学前期儿童的主导活动,是促进幼儿心理发展的主要形式;第二,脑重量已接近成人水平;第三,是口头言语熟练掌握的关键时期;第四,认知是儿童发展的中心课题;第五,同伴关系尤在个性和社会性发展过程中起着成人无法取代的独特作用;第六,品

46、德发展成为儿童社会化的核心内容;第七,自尊感稳定于学前期。 Characteristics of the development of pre-school childrens psychological general summarized as follows: first, the game is the dominant activity of pre-school children, is the main form to promote childrens psychological development; second, brain weight has been close

47、to the adult level; third, is a critical period of oral language proficiency; fourth, cognition is a central topic in the development of children; fifth, peer relationship especially plays a unique role in adult can not be replaced in the personality and social development process; sixth, moral development as the core content of childrens socialization; seventh, self-esteem stabili


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