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1、有医学词义的普通英语词汇第1章 有医学词义的普通英语词汇 随着生产、科技、社会的发展,英语词汇也发生着变化。某些词,从其本义或第一义来看,是普通英语词汇,或者说是非医学词汇,但在使用中,其词义经过扩大、缩小或转义,而有了医学词义。也有一些本是医学词汇,但经过词义演变已带有普通词汇的属性。 后一种的例子有: 词 汇 artery ataxia cancer capsule germ nerve symptomatic syndrome ulcer vein virus 本义 动脉 运动失调 癌,肿瘤 囊,被膜,胶囊 微生物,细菌,胚芽 神经 (有)症状的,根据症状的 综合病症,症侯群 溃疡 静脉

2、 病毒 干线 混乱,无秩序 弊端,社会恶习 容器,小皿 萌芽,起源 勇敢;中枢,核心;力量 有代表性的,表明的 同时存在的事物 腐烂的事物,腐败的根源 矿脉;纹理;才干,情绪 (精神、道德方面的)毒素;恶意,恶毒 普通词义 这类词,因是英语医学词汇,我们将重点从构词方面讨论它们,这里就不多论述。 具有医学意义的普通英语词汇对刚接触医学英语的人来说,似曾相识,但用以前掌握的词义来理解他们,却不能正确理解句子和文章。 例如:Of these previously untreated cases, 15 have died of seminoma.(精原细胞瘤),句中cases如理解为箱子,盒子;框

3、架;诉讼;情况,那是不能解释句子的,而应当理解为病例,患者。 这些词并非生词。如果根据其本义利用上下文的线索,结合医学背景知识大 1 多是可推断出他们医学涵义。上例中的case就可从情况引申,求知它的意义。 为了提高读者推断这类词汇医学涵义的技巧,早日扫除类似阅读障碍,本书编选练习若干组,并收集这种词汇约900个,列表于后,以便读者尽早掌握它们。 第1节 词义的选择与引申 含有医学意义的普通英语词汇基本上是多义词。处理它们最好懂得词义应如何选择和引申。 一、词义的选择 词义的选择,一般要考虑词性、搭配、语境等特点。 1.根据词性确定词义。 多义词常属几个词性。词性不同,意义就有差异。 Roun

4、d A tubercleis a small, round bone process.结节是小的骨突起,呈圆形。 Red rash developed round the neck in the wake of two days fever. 发热两天,紧接着在颈项周围出现红疹. The doctors begin their rounds of the wards at half past six in the morning. 六点半钟,医生们开始查病房。(n.医生或送报人来往各处执行任务)。 We round our lips to say oo.我们两唇成圆形,发O的声音 Well S

5、hake the bottle well before taking the medicine.服药前,把药瓶彻底地摇一摇。 The general rule can be laid down that majority of cases of severe abdominal pain which ensue in patients who have been previously fairly well, and which last as long as six hours, are caused by conditions of surgical import. 可以确定这样一条标准;

6、凡是以前一直比较健康的人,发生严重腹痛长达6小时,大都说明是需要手 2 术的疾病。 2根据词的搭配确定词义 同一个词与不同的词搭配可以有不同的意义或译法。其原因可能是:该词本身具有几个意义,与之搭配的词限制它所表达的意义;也可能原文搭配的习惯不同于译文,根据译入语的要求而改变译法。 General general anesthesia全身麻醉 general check-up普查 general health condition一般健康情况 general hospital 总医院 general knowledge 常识,一般知识 general perionitis弥漫性腹膜炎 gener

7、al outline 大纲 general practitioner全科医生,通看各科疾病的开业医生 general programme总纲 make general round总查房 Profuse He was so profuse in his money that he is now poor.过去他挥金如土,现在穷了。 In one case, profuse bleeding occurred during surgery,and the external carotid artery was ligated.一次手术发生了大出血,于是结扎了患者的外颈动脉。 Bowel Evalu

8、ation of the status of the patient must include an appraisal of bowel function.对病人状况的评估必须包括对肠功能的估计。 The medicine is used to move the bowels.此药用于通便。 Although it is attractive to view acute myocardial infarction as the direct result of a sudden obstruction of a major coronary artery,current pathologic

9、 studies indicate that this is not alweys the case.Infarction without occlusion and occlusion without infarction may be observed patholoyically.虽然把心肌梗塞看作是较大冠状动脉急性阻塞的直接结果,不无道理,但现代病理学研究认为,情况并非总是如此。病理研究可见到,有些心肌梗塞并无管腔闭塞,也有某些管腔闭塞并未引起心肌梗塞。 语境即语言环境。广泛地讲,术语语境应包括术语所叙述的学科,所用的文体等。很明显,alveolus在口腔科学里多译牙槽,在呼吸内科学常

10、译为肺泡。又如:combination of elements into a compound 几种元素化合为化合物combination with/without repetition有复/无复配合,这说明combination在化学里的译法不同于数学。Complex在心理学常译情结,在俚语中多译成心结;这 4 就是学科术语与通俗语言的不同。 二、词义的引申 引申是词由原义产生新义。将它移植到翻译中,就是从词的本义或原义之一出发,综合上下文所给的信息,进行逻辑推理,寻觅能忠实传达原语的词来。这主要是处理难译的词语的方法,但翻译含有医学意义的普通词汇,如果藉助词典也不能译好,便可使用引申这一方

11、法。词义引申译法可分为四种。 1.词义具体化 英语中一些代表抽象概念或属性的词汇,常用来指代具体事物,汉译时,可引申译为具体的词,往往收到意义准确、形象鲜明、自然流畅的效果。下列例句译文后括号里的字是词典上的释义。 Finally, there seems to be a tendency to ignore an entity which in my current experience is even more common than what I would call chronic obstrutive lung disease. It is associated with some

12、degree of chronic cough and wheeze but manifests extremely variable lung function. Even after maximum therapy, a mild degree of airways obstruction may persist, but the major problem is episodic bronchoconstriction. The long-range prognosis for this type of patient is totally unknown. It is evident,

13、 however, that prognosis would not be predictable from a single lung function test in such an individul. 最后,现在似乎有忽视一种病的倾向;但是,根据我现在的经验,这种病比我们称之为慢阻肺要常见得多。这种疾病伴有某种程度的慢性咳嗽和喘鸣。但肺功能表现极其多变。即使经过最大努力的治疗,轻度的气道阻塞仍然持续存在,而主要的问题则是发作性支气管收缩。这类病人的远期预后完全不清楚。不过,显然,这样的病人,仅根据一次肺功能试验不能预言他的预后。 词典的译文,代替参考译文中黑线上的词,确实有点费解。现在

14、说明参考译文是如何引申的。 Entity的英语释义是somethiny that has a real existence;thing 真实存在的事物,看来,entity有指代作用。在原文中,entity是lung disease的比较对象。同 5 类事物才能比较,因此可断定an entity就是a disease. Maximum=greatest possible,修饰therapy,直译为最可能的治疗与原文意义有距离。如译为最大量的治疗有晦涩之嫌,译为最大努力的治疗可避免硬译的毛病。 Episodic是形容词,来自episode这是喻意,表示它所指的事物不止一次出现,时间短暂,是整体中的

15、次要部分,用发作性的来修饰原文中所描述的疾病,既忠实于原文,又为汉语创新出奇。 至于individual的引申,与entity类似。 2.词义抽象化 与词义具体化相反,英语用表示具体形象的词来代指一种属性或概念,可用汉语抽象化的词来表示。 The surgical mortality is in the neighbourhood of 3% even in the best hands. 即使是最好的外科医生操刀,该手术的死亡率也在3%左右.。 The course of the disease is extremely stormy with either a rapid progress

16、ion to death or an equally rapid improvement.本病病程极为猛烈,其结果无论是死亡,还是好转,两者同样迅速。 Inherent in discussion of operative risk is the consideration each physician must make regarding the relative rewards and risks of tretment of a given illness. 讨论手术危险时每个医生一向都要考虑治疗某特定疾病的利弊。 3调整词义的表达方法 英语和汉语是两种不同的语言,有许多差异。仅就单词

17、而言,sun与太阳是有区别的。The earths revolution about the sun中的sun可译为太阳,但bathe in the sun就得译为阳光或日光,如果我们认为sun=太阳,一成不变,就会误译或译成洋腔洋调,令人不能卒读。 翻译医学英语文献,须在透彻理解原文内容和逻辑关系的基础上,用概念清楚、文字简练、通顺流畅的汉语忠实表达原文思想。因此,英语中的词,在汉译 6 时,常需调整表达方式。 Transfusions,even though they may intensify the hemoglobinuria,will often help to tide a pa

18、tient over an exacerbation (intensify加强,强化;exacerbation恶化)输血虽然会使血红蛋白尿加重,但能帮助病人渡过恶化期. The historians must not go into detail so far as to lose sight of the dsease itself.(historian历史学家;编史家)写病史不可过于繁琐,以致于忽视了疾病本身.(historians译为写病史在这种情况下强调行为,符合中国人思维方式,这是名词译成了动词,或者说,译成了动宾短语。) Never fail to restrict fluid i

19、ntake in case of acute renal failure.患急性肾衰竭务必限制水分摄入.(never fail否定译成肯定) The colur vision is lacking in the dog.狗是看不出颜色的(is lacking肯定译成否定) Serious side effects such as the aplastic anemia induced by chloramphenicol or sclerosing peritonitis due to practolol treatment,may not be apparent until several

20、years later.像氯霉素诱发的再生障碍性贫血,心得宁引起的硬化性腹膜炎,这些严重的副作用,要等若干年后才会表现出来。 第2节 Exercise After reading the ten words given, translate the sentences into Chinese, paying attention to the underlined words. 词汇 1.acquired 普通词义 取得的,得到的 医学词义 获得的,后天的 7 2.active 3.acute 活跃的,积极的,灵敏的 尖锐的,敏锐的,剧烈的 活性的,速效的,放射性的 急性的 给予,服法,用法

21、让住院 侵袭 剂,因子 精神错乱 肿痛发炎的 侵袭,发作 4.administration 管理,行政,执行 5.admit 6.affect 7.agent 8.alienation 9.angry 10.attack 让进入,接纳,承认 影响,感动 动因 疏远,离间;转让 发怒的,狂暴的 进攻,攻击,抨击 1. Throughout most of the world, measles(麻疹) is a disease of children; most adults possess acquired immunity(免疫力). 2. The disease (pulmonary tub

22、erculosis) is considered to be active as long as, and for a three-month period after, either tubercle bacilli(结核杆菌) have been detected in the sputum (or gastric aspirate 抽出物) or the chest roentgenogram (x线照片) shows serial changes of more than slight clearing or contraction of lesions. 3. Typhoid fev

23、er(伤寒) is an acute, often severe illness caused by S. typhosa(伤寒杆菌). 4. The prompt administration of diphtheria antitoxin(白喉抗毒素) in adequate amounts is the first and most important step. 5. A 62-year old patient was admitted to this hospital because of pain in the chest localized in the left lower p

24、art. 6. The patient was affected with gout(痛风). 7. Small doses (equivalent to 5 to 10 mg. per day) of prednisone(泼尼松) may be used as a supplementary agent during the disease. 8. Many elderly women will suffer from the chronic diseases associated with aging, such as osteoporosis(骨质疏松症), or from the c

25、onsequences of neglect, such as alienation and loneliness. 8 9. An infected cut looks angry. 10. The immunity acquired after many attacks of malaria(疟疾) protects the human subject against reinfection with the same parasites(寄生虫), but he remains susceptible to infections with other species of plasmoi

26、dia. 11.bedside 12.benign 13.bulb 14.canal 15.carrier 16.cavity 17.cell 18.chamber 19.chest 20.clump 床边用的 慈祥的,有益健康的 球茎,球状物 运河,沟渠 搬运人,运送人 洞,中空 小房间,单人牢房 房间,议院 箱子,柜子,金库 丛,簇,群,一团/块 临床的,护理的 良性的 球 管 带菌者 腔,空洞 细胞 腔,室 胸腔 细菌凝块 11. This young doctor needs bedside practice. 12. Measles is principally a benign d

27、isease of children, but may afflict with equal frequency persons of any age not previously attacked by its virus. 13. Carcinoma of the pancreasmay be associated with ulcer-like symptoms and may produce a constant deformity of the duodenal bulb, the other manifestations of pancreatic neoplasm facilit

28、ate the diagnosis. 14. Infiltrative lesionsmay be extensive, involving any segment of the alimentary(关于营养的) canal in chronic lymphocytic leukemia(慢性淋巴细胞性白血病). 15. Carriers are often healthy persons who are immune to a diseaes, but carry its germs. 16. The respiratory system consists of the nasal cav

29、ities, the pharyx, the larynx, 9 the trachea and the lungs themselves, with the bronchi and alveoli. 17. Normally the trachea and bronchi yield no bacteria on culture, but in chronic bronchitis a variety of organisms may be isolated, and pus cells may be seen on microscopy. 18. This cross-section di

30、splays a pulp(牙髓) chamber and a pulp canal which normally accommodate the pulp tissue. 19. Pleuritic(胸膜炎性的) chest pain may occur, but is not common. 20. In such cases, the Gram stain(革兰氏染色) may still show clumps of grampositive cocci (球菌). 21.colony 殖民地,一群 菌落 可传染的 主诉 补体,防御素 合并症 充血 坚实变化,实变 全身性的,体质的 得

31、 对照,对照物 municable 可传达的 plain plement plication 26.congest 27.consolidation 28.constitutional 29.contract 30.control 抱怨,诉苦,申诉 补足物 复杂,混乱 充满,拥挤 巩固,加强 宪法的,组成的 缔结,订 控制,支配,调节 21. A direct smear(涂,抹) of the pus onto a blood agar(琼脂) plate will often yield characteristic colonies within a few hours. 22. Sca

32、rlet fever(猩红热) is communicable. 23. It may be difficult at times to determine whether the patient is complaining of angina(心绞痛), dyspnea(呼吸困难), or both. 24. Examples of widely prevalent autoantibodies that in most situations appear to be without harmful effects are immunoconglutinin(免疫性胶固素) or anti

33、body to 10 complement, 25. The most important complication, however, is that large numbers of worms(蠕虫) present in the intestine may produce intestinal obstruction. 26. If infection is present, the bronchial wall is infiltratedwith inflammatory(发炎的) cells and congested by dilated capillaries(毛细管) an

34、d lymphaticsand if severe, small abscesses may form. 27. The lungs should be carefully examined at frequent intervals for signs of pulmonary(肺的) consolidation. 28. The pre-icteric phase(黄疸前期) of nonspecific constitutional and gastrointestinal(胃肠的) symptoms varies in duration from a few days to sever

35、al weeks, is usually abrupt in onset in patients with IH(甲型肝炎) but vague in those with SH(乙型肝炎), and may mimic other viral infections of the respiratory or gastrointestinal tract. 29. These victims of HIV-1 are heterosexual(异性恋爱的) females whose sexual partners have contracted AIDS. 30. Vague abdomin

36、al pain and changes in bowel habit are sometimes noted in the history, but control populations, similar in age and sex to patients with adenomas(腺瘤), have the same frequency of these complaints. 31.convulsion 32.cortex 33.course 34.delivery 35.depression 36.discharge 37.dislocate 38.disorder 震动,骚动 外

37、皮 过程,道路,课程 交货,交付,投递 降低,沮丧,不景气 卸,射出 使离开原来位置 混乱 11 痉挛,抽搐 皮质 病程,疗程 分娩 抑郁症,机能降低 让出院;排出物 使脱臼 失调,轻病 39.disturbance 40.dominant 骚动,动乱 支配的 障碍,失调 显性的 31.Nevertheless, in infants with a personal or family history of convulsions or other neurologic disorders(神经疾病), pertussis(百日咳) immunization should be deferre

38、d, or very small doses should be cautiously administered. 32. Most forms of glomerular(肾小球的) disease are macroscopically(肉眼可见地)diffuse, affecting equally the cortex of both kidneys. 33. The course of this infection is healing and calcification(钙化), but attention shoule be paid to prevent some diseas

39、es which may occur and complicate its course. 34. Puerperal(产褥期的) infections are much more frequent after abortions(流产) than after delivery at term. 35. Frequently, a great physical and mental depression accompanies influenza, often persisting long after the infection itself is over. 36-1. After the

40、 peritoneal exudateswere resorbed, treatment of ulcer by combined traditional Chinese and Western medicine was started and patients were usually discharged from the hospital for outpatient care. 36-2. The wound discharges pus 37. Physical examination revealed his shoulder was dislocated. 38. These d

41、iseases include the allergic(变应性的) disorders in which the immunologic alterations involved are relatively clear. 39.These persons often have fullness, nausea, anorexia, diffuse epigastric heaviness(上腹弥漫性沉重感), etc., based on motility(蠕动) disturbances of the upper gastrointestinal tract (often, too, t

42、hey have irritable colon 过敏的结肠). 40. Instances of vaccine failure have usually been shown to be due to the use of preparations of low potency. However, it has recently been suggested that a change in the dominant serotype(血清型) causing disease, unrepresented in vaccine preparations, may be of importa

43、nce. 12 41.drainage 42.dress 43.effusion 44.elevation 45.embolism 46.enlarge 47.entity 48.episode 49.erupt 50.essential 排水,下水道 给穿衣 流出,喷出 高度,标高,高地 加闰 扩大,扩展,放大 存在,实体 一段情节,插曲 爆发,迸出 本质的,必要的 导液法,引流 敷裹 渗出 隆肿 栓塞,栓子 肿大,肥大 病;本质 发作 冒出,发出 特发的,原发的 41. In deep-seated abscesses, pus can be obtained by needle aspi

44、ration or at the time of definitive drainage. 42. They hand out medicines for common ailments such as colds, headaches, enteritis or indigestion and dress minor injuries on the spot. 43. About one third of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia(慢性淋巴细胞性白血病) have symptoms from mediastinal lymph no

45、de enlargement, pulmonary infiltration(肺浸润), or pleural effusion; these changes are much less common in the chronic myelocyticform of the disease. 44. The flattened papules(丘疹) can be felt as distinct elevation of the skin, disappearing on pressure. 45. Except for acute pulmonary edema, narcotics(麻醉

46、剂) are rarely needed in heart failure. Excessive sedation(镇静), to the point of immobilizing the patient, enhances the risk of venous thrombosis(血栓形成) and embolism, particularly in the elderly. 46. Enlarged mediastinal nodes may cause pressure symptoms. 47. One might question whether a useful purpose

47、 is served by including under 13 the one label such diverse entities as diseases produced by protozoa (原虫)and those caused by smallest viruses. 48. A history of an episode of stupor (昏迷) or unconsciousness is often obtained. 49. When the baby was seven months old, its teeth started to erupt. 50. Hyp

48、ertension for which no recognizable cause can be found is called essential or idiopathic. 51.excision 52.extract 53.extremities 54.failure 55.fatality 56.filling 57.film 删除 摘录,抽出物 末端,极度 失败,缺乏,衰退 命运决定的事物,灾祸 填补,充满 薄层,薄膜 切除,切除术 提取物,浸膏 手、足 衰竭 死亡,致命性 填补物 胶片;薄翳 病灶 随访 60.foreign 外国的,外地的 外来的, 异质的 58.focus(pl.foci) 焦点,中心 59.follow-up 补充报道 51. Here it is that a frozen-section examination is most helpful so that


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