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1、服装有关的英语词汇与语句体验式英语教育先锋美联英语 服装有关的英语词汇与语句 上装 jacket 西装 suit 中山服 zhongshan jacket 青年服 young mens jacket 衬衫 (男)blouse(女) 猎装 hunting coat 茄克衫 jacket 牛仔服 cowboy wear 棉袄 cotton wadded jacket 羽绒服 down wear 背心 vest 外套 outer wear 内衣 under wear 童装 children wear 女装 lady wear 男装 man wear 冬装 winter clothes 运动服 spo

2、rtwear 休闲服easydress 职业服 business suit 皮衣leather 手饰 handwear 头饰headwear 脚饰 footwear 毛巾 towel 手套 glove 帽子 cap 手镯 bracelet 项链 necklace 介指 ring 原料 material 短裤 above mid-knee shorts 劳动保护服 working wear 毛呢服装 woolen garmewnt 新娘服 wedding gown 西裤 trousers 风衣 trench coat 节裙 tiered skirt 燕尾服swallow-tailed coat

3、筒裙 straight skirt 西裙 skirt 丝绸服装 silk garment 马裤riding breeches 体验式英语教育先锋美联英语 成衣 ready-to-wear 旗袍 qipao 旗袍裤 qipao style skirt 睡衣pajamas 摺裙 pleated skirt 大衣 overcoat 斜裙 a-line skirt 风雨衣 all-weather coat 服饰 apparel and accessories 喇叭裤bell-bottom trousers 中式裤 chinese style slack 披风 cape 裙裤 culotte 定制服装

4、specially made 羽绒服装 down garment 羽绒裤 down wadded trousers 连衣裙 dress, jumpersuit 晚礼服evening dress 时装 fashion 喇叭裙 flare skirt 裘革服 fur or leather garment 婴儿装 infants wear 牛仔裤 jeans 背心裙jumper skirt 服装 garment, clothing, apparel 灯笼裤knickerbockers 斗蓬 mantle 超短裙mini-skirt 睡袍 night-gown 背带裙overalls 服装英语对话 1

5、. A: How do you think a design room? 你是如何看待设计室的? B: The design room is the hub of a clothing company. 设计室是服装公司的心脏 A: Why you said so? 为什么? B: Its function is to produce sample garments that will look good, fit well and be practical to produce in bulk. 它的功能是制造出好看的合适的具批量生产可行性的样本 A: So you think it is

6、very important? 所以你认为很重要? B: Yes, the future commerical existence of the company depends on the skill of the design room 体验式英语教育先锋美联英语 team, It is vrey important department 对, 公司的未来商务操作就看设计团伙的技术了那是一个非常重要的部门 3. A: How many designer do your company have? 你们公司有多少设计师 B: Only two, but experienced 只有两个,但都很有经验 A: What is their work? 他们的任务是什么? B: Select fabric and trimmings, and develop the idea for sample, pass on sketch to pattern cutter 选定辅面料,设计出设计图,把图纸给样本裁剪师.


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