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1、朗阁16个雅思口语part3常见话题雅思培训 托福培训 16个雅思口语part3常见话题 事实证明,Part3是对Part2的一个升华,主要考察学生的论证能力和临场反应能力,同时也测试学生在深入探讨主题时,能否保证英语各方面,特别是发音和语法不出现太大的失误。通过研究Part1的最新问题,我们也不难发现,很多Part1问题的难度已近接近Part3了。因此,研究雅思口语Part3的答题技巧及方法,不仅可以帮助我们练好Part1, 更能帮助我们取得雅思口语高分。 雅思口语Part3的问题主要是根据考生Part2的回答来提出的,具有随意性的特点,因此不容易把Part3可能问到的问题一一列出。但是朗阁

2、海外考试研究中心的专家经过仔细研究后发现,Part3的题目可以用一些关键词来进行分类。以下列举了雅思口语Part3中常见的话题关键词和一些关键句型,希望考生们能够掌握并反复练习。 prefer 关键问题 Which one do you prefer, eating in a restaurant or at home? Do you prefer to travelling alone or with a lot of people? Which do you prefer, western wedding style or Chinese traditional one? 关键句型 To

3、be honest, I prefer A to B for the reason that In my mind, I thinkis better, because To tell you the truth, although B is, A is still better than B, because benefit 关键问题 What are the benefits of swimming? 雅思培训 托福培训 关键句型 The first benefit comes to my mind is People say, but for me, There are several

4、benefits to name. Firstly, Secondly,Thirdly, kind 关键问题 What kind of food do you like best? 关键句型 My favorite is Ill say the one which earns my interest is My answer would be how 关键问题 How do you think we can control the terrible traffic condition? 关键句型 Before I explain, Id like you to imagine that you

5、 are a, and. After this thinking, you might know how, right? There are a couple of ways to. In the first place, In addition,. Last but not least, 雅思培训 托福培训 This is really a big question for me. I think with the development of technology and society, the problem will be solved gradually. advantages a

6、nd disadvantages 关键问题 What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV program? 关键句型 The advantage is, while the disadvantage is On one hand,. On the other hand, There are at least two advantages/disadvantages. For one thing,. The other one is. why 关键问题 Why is it important for us to give gif

7、ts to others? 关键句型 There are three reasons for that. To begin with,. In addition,. Lastly,. A couple of reasons may explain that. In the first place,. Whats more,. Last but not least,. There are several reasons for that. Firstly,. Secondly,.Thirdly. Well, the reasons for that are very simple. At fir

8、st, . Next,. Finally,. 雅思培训 托福培训 what should people do to 关键问题 What should people do to minimize the damage of bad weather? 关键句型 We should The first and foremost thing we should do is The only way is Tell me something about 关键问题 Tell me something about the tourism attraction which leaves you the dee

9、pest impression. 关键句型 If you like, I can show you around, and youll know why I like it so much. If you go there, you will receive a warm welcome. It may sound too general if I dont go into any detail. difference 关键问题 What are the differences between Chinese food and western food? 关键句型 雅思培训 托福培训 A is

10、 On the contrary, B is There is a huge difference between A and B. A is, but B is A is. This is very different from B, which is China 关键问题 What do Chinese people like to read? 关键句型 It depends. You know, China has a large population. For some people, . But others Well, choices are divided. On one han

11、d, A. On the other hand, B. There is a difference in preference between A and B. While A is, B is . choose 关键问题 Which one would you choose, living in a big city or a small countryside? 关键句型 I will give my support for I would vote for will be my first choice. 雅思培训 托福培训 characteristics 关键问题 What are t

12、he characteristics of good classmates? 关键句型 I think and may be the words to describe it. There are many characteristics. But the most distinctive one is effect 关键问题 What are the effects of bad weather? 关键句型 It is helpful for It is beneficial especially when It is harmful to what do you think about 关

13、键问题 What do you think about the life of the famous people? 关键句型 When I first think about, the first thing come to my mind is 雅思培训 托福培训 would you like 关键问题 Would you like to be a singer? Would you like to be a movie star? Would you like to be a famous person? 关键句型 If I have the time, I would like to

14、have a try, because I think it would be interesting and meaningful. I afraid no, because I dont care too much about. Absolutely. It is my childhood dream comes true. do you often 关键问题 Do you often read books? Do you often go to restaurant? Do you often go to cinema? 关键句型 Yes. And I whenever I am fre

15、e. No. I used to do that before, but now I drop it. No, because I dont have enough time to do that. 雅思培训 托福培训 以上,朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家从关键词这一角度入手,大致总结了雅思口语Part3可能考到的一些问题,希望能帮助广大考生发现雅思口语Part3的出题规律,并一一攻克其中的重点和难点。应该注意的是,我们不能把思路局限在这16个关键词及其相应句型中。雅思口语Part3的问题层出不穷,千变万化,要想在Part3中取得较好的表现,自然而流利的英语是首要保证。同学们在了解相应规律的同时,更重要的是练好英语的基本功,这样才能灵活地应用规律,并取得较好的效果。


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